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The DDConnectionBroker is an open source project created by DevDaily.2.1 The author of devdaily.com (Al) started with a project that was initiated by another person who wanted a small-but-reliable database connection-pooling algorithm. Unfortunately there were no unit tests for the project, and your author suspected that the software had a few bugs. Upon creation of unit tests it was demonstrated that the connection broker failed very often.

Don't despair, this is a success story.

Through the use of JUnit, the connection broker moved from (a) generating five fatal errors for every 20 database connection requests at a speed of 5 connections per minute, to (b) zero errors while serving over 1,000 database connections per minute. (Using a small MySQL test database running on the same computer as the JUnit test code.) For those interested in a free, heavily-tested database connection broker, DDConnectionBroker is available at http://opensource.devdaily.com.

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