Practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga to calm the mind

When I meet people who seem stressed out (stress/anxiety/worrying), I try to encourage them to practice mindfulness meditation or yoga. I find both of those practices to be a wonderful way to quiet the thoughts in the mind. It may help to know that the basic practices are 100% non-religious, and both help to teach you how to breathe properly. (I recently learned that people who are anxious typically breathe in their chest, which is the wrong way to breathe. You want to learn to breathe in your lower abdomen.)

Personally, I enjoy living in the present moment, without thoughts about the past or future. I used to be an angry young man, and using these practices to calm my mind has made my life happier and more productive. A couple of times a year I still lose it, but these practices always help to re-quiet my mind.

(I think the image shown was created by Gemma Correll.)

Photo D8
Practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga to calm the mind