Using JSHint with Sublime Text 2 (not found error message)

I know remarkably little about using JSHint with Sublime Text 2 at the moment, but I finally found that if I installed JSHint like this from the command line:

$ npm install -g jshint

after earlier installing JSHint from within Sublime Text 2, JSHint magically started working in Sublime Text.

I guessed this in part by finding a README file with the Sublime Text JSHint install:

**Mac OS X:** Installing node with homebrew or macports is assumed. 
The path to jshint is hardcoded in this plugin as 
There is no reliable way to get the path from your environment.

That same README file also contained this text, which led me to run the npm command:

##1. Terminal

npm install -g jshint

I found the README file by selecting Sublime Text in the menu bar, then Preferences, then Browse Packages...