Android 6 is faster than Android 5.1

Back in January, 2015, I gave myself a Google Nexus 9 as a belated Christmas gift. At that time I liked Android 5.0, but it was a little slow and still a little klunky compared to iOS. Then Google came out with Android 5.1, and it was significantly faster and a little smoother, and I thought, “Hey, this is cool, Google is going in the right direction with this.”

Last week I read that Android 6 was even faster, so I took the jump, and after the upgrade I can confirm that Android 6 is faster than Android 5.1. Not just faster, but even smoother, with better animations/transitions. In a world where most software updates suck the life out of old hardware, this was an awesome upgrade.

(Sorry, I can’t give any stats on how much faster Android 6 is compared to 5.1. I only have one device, and I didn’t think to try to measure the speed before and after the upgrade. All I can say is that I’m much happier with the performance. The only lag times I’ve felt at all in the last week have been with the Chrome browser on certain websites.)

At this point the only major thing I don’t like about Android 6 is selecting text and copying and pasting it. This is still not very smooth, and I hope someone at Google will improve this. To be clear it does work, but I think it can be a lot smoother.