Scala: A good sbt/build.sbt example file

This is part one of the most clever Scala/sbt build.sbt files I have ever seen:

val V = new {
  val Scala       = "2.13.4"
  val ScalaGroup  = "2.13"

  val cats        = "2.4.1"
  val laminar     = "0.13.0-M1"
  val http4s      = "0.21.19"
  val sttp        = "2.2.9"
  val circe       = "0.13.0"

scalaVersion := V.Scala

val Dependencies = new {
  private val http4sModules =
    Seq("dsl", "blaze-client", "blaze-server", "circe").map("http4s-" + _)

  private val sttpModules = Seq("core", "circe")

  lazy val frontend = Seq(
    libraryDependencies ++="com.softwaremill.sttp.client" %%% _         % V.sttp) ++
        Seq("com.raquo"                              %%% "laminar" % V.laminar)

  lazy val backend = Seq(
    libraryDependencies ++="org.http4s" %% _         % V.http4s) ++
        Seq("com.monovore"           %% "decline" % V.decline)

  lazy val shared = Def.settings(
    libraryDependencies += "io.circe" %%% "circe-generic" % V.circe


    scalafixDependencies += "com.github.liancheng" %% "organize-imports" % V.organiseImports,
    semanticdbEnabled := true,
    semanticdbVersion := scalafixSemanticdb.revision,
    scalafixScalaBinaryVersion := V.ScalaGroup

lazy val root =
  (project in file(".")).aggregate(frontend, backend, shared.js, shared.jvm)

lazy val backend = (project in file("modules/backend"))
    Test / fork := true,
    Universal / mappings += {
      val appJs = (frontend / Compile / fullOptJS)
      appJs -> ("lib/prod.js")
    Universal  / javaOptions ++= Seq(
      "--port 8080",
      "--mode prod"
     Docker / packageName := "laminar-http4s-example"

lazy val shared = crossProject(JSPlatform, JVMPlatform)

lazy val fastOptCompileCopy = taskKey[Unit]("")

val jsPath = "modules/backend/src/main/resources"

fastOptCompileCopy := {
  val source = (frontend / Compile / fastOptJS)
    baseDirectory.value / jsPath / "dev.js"

lazy val fullOptCompileCopy = taskKey[Unit]("")

fullOptCompileCopy := {
  val source = (frontend / Compile / fullOptJS)
    baseDirectory.value / jsPath / "prod.js"


addCommandAlias("runDev", ";fastOptCompileCopy; backend/reStart --mode dev")
addCommandAlias("runProd", ";fullOptCompileCopy; backend/reStart --mode prod")

val scalafixRules = Seq(
).mkString(" ")

val CICommands = Seq(
  s"scalafix --check $scalafixRules"

addCommandAlias("ci", CICommands)

I didn’t include the entire build.sbt file here because the project doesn’t have a license file, so I don’t know what their license is, but you can see the complete file here at I really like this because it has some really clever ideas for a large build.sbt file.