Boulder, Colorado - Local startups mix technology and play

Here's a list of some of the toys recently launched by Boulder-based startups. Included are the product name, developer, cost and website.

ATOMS Express Toys: Seamless Toy Co.'s electronics-equipped blocks that can be used alone or with other toys to result in creations such as robots and "magic wands," $49 to $99 for kits;

Cubelets: Modular Robotics Inc.'s magnetic building blocks that can make a variety of robots, $25 to $49 for individual Cubelets and $160 for a kit;

Sphero: Orbotix Inc.'s robotic ball controlled by a smartphone or tablet, $129.99;

Ubooly: Ubooly Inc.'s plush toy powered by an iPhone or iPod touch, $29.95;