Akka/Scala example source code file (FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder.java)
The FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder.java Akka example source code/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com> */ package akka.japi.pf; import scala.PartialFunction; import scala.runtime.BoxedUnit; import scala.Tuple2; /** * Builder used to create a partial function for {@link akka.actor.FSM#onTransition}. * * @param <S> the state type * * This is an EXPERIMENTAL feature and is subject to change until it has received more real world testing. */ public class FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder<S> { private UnitPFBuilder<Tuple2<S, S>> builder = new UnitPFBuilder<Tuple2<S, S>>(); /** * Add a case statement that matches on a from state and a to state. * * @param fromState the from state to match on, or null for any * @param toState the to state to match on, or null for any * @param apply an action to apply when the states match * @return the builder with the case statement added */ public FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder<S> state(final S fromState, final S toState, final FI.UnitApplyVoid apply) { builder.match(Tuple2.class, new FI.TypedPredicate<Tuple2>() { @Override public boolean defined(Tuple2 t) { return (fromState == null || fromState.equals(t._1())) && (toState == null || toState.equals(t._2())); } }, new FI.UnitApply<Tuple2>() { @Override public void apply(Tuple2 t) throws Exception { apply.apply(); } } ); return this; } /** * Add a case statement that matches on a from state and a to state. * * @param fromState the from state to match on, or null for any * @param toState the to state to match on, or null for any * @param apply an action to apply when the states match * @return the builder with the case statement added */ public FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder<S> state(final S fromState, final S toState, final FI.UnitApply2<S, S> apply) { builder.match(Tuple2.class, new FI.TypedPredicate<Tuple2>() { @Override public boolean defined(Tuple2 t) { return (fromState == null || fromState.equals(t._1())) && (toState == null || toState.equals(t._2())); } }, new FI.UnitApply<Tuple2>() { @Override public void apply(Tuple2 t) throws Exception { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") S sf = (S) t._1(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") S st = (S) t._2(); apply.apply(sf, st); } } ); return this; } /** * Build a {@link scala.PartialFunction} from this builder. * After this call the builder will be reset. * * @return a PartialFunction for this builder. */ public PartialFunction<Tuple2<S, S>, BoxedUnit> build() { return builder.build(); } } Other Akka source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Akka FSMTransitionHandlerBuilder.java source code file: |
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