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// $Id:,v 1.20 2004/10/03 17:59:18 mvw Exp $
// Copyright (c) 1996-2004 The Regents of the University of California. All
// Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
// software and its documentation without fee, and without a written
// agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice
// and this paragraph appear in all copies.  This software program and
// documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of
// California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS
// IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents
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// uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program
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// exclusively on the program for any reason.  IN NO EVENT SHALL THE

package org.argouml.language.cpp.generator;

import java.rmi.server.UID;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.argouml.application.api.Argo;
import org.argouml.application.api.Notation;
import org.argouml.application.api.PluggableNotation;
import org.argouml.model.ModelFacade;
import org.argouml.model.uml.UmlHelper;
import org.argouml.uml.DocumentationManager;
import org.argouml.uml.generator.FileGenerator;
import org.argouml.uml.generator.Generator2;

 * Generator2 subclass to generate text for display in diagrams in in
 * text fields in the Argo/UML user interface.  The generated code
 * looks a lot like (invalid) Java.  The idea is that other generators
 * could be written for outher languages.  This code is just a
 * placeholder for future development, I expect it to be totally
 * replaced.
public class GeneratorCpp extends Generator2
    implements PluggableNotation, FileGenerator {

    /** logger */
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(GeneratorCpp.class);

    private boolean verboseDocs = false;
    private boolean lfBeforeCurly = false;
     * TODO: make it configurable
    private static final boolean VERBOSE_DOCS = false;

    private static final String ANY_RANGE = "0..*";

    private static Section sect;

    /** 2002-12-07 Achim Spangler
     * store actual namespace, to avoid unneeded curley braces
    private Object actualNamespace;

    /** 2002-12-12 Achim Spangler
     * store extra include dependencies which are generated during
     * generation of multiplicity to get needed container type
    private String extraIncludes = "";

     * 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler
     * C++ doesn't place visibility information for each class member
     * --> sort items during generation and store visibility state
     * of lastly generated member in central class variable, so that
     * the appropriate lines: "public:\n", "protected:\n", "private:\n"
     * can be created
    private static final int PUBLIC_PART = 1;
    private static final int PROTECTED_PART = 2;
    private static final int PRIVATE_PART = 3;

    private static final int[] ALL_PARTS = {

     * 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler
     * C++ uses two files for each class: header (.h) with class definition
     * and source (.cpp) with methods implementation
     * --> two generation passes are needed
    private static final int NONE_PASS = 1;
    private static final int HEADER_PASS = 2;
    private static final int SOURCE_PASS = 3;
    private static int generatorPass = NONE_PASS;

     * 2002-12-05 Achim Spangler
     * use Tag generation for generation of: doccomment, simple tags of
     * tags which are not used for doccomment or simple tags for all
    private static final int DOC_COMMENT_TAGS = 1;
    private static final int ALL_BUT_DOC_TAGS = 2;
    private static final int ALL_TAGS = 3;

     * 2002-12-06 Achim Spangler
     * C++ developers need to specify for parameters whether they are
     * pointers or references (especially for class-types)
     * -> a general check function must get the searched tag
    private static final int SEARCH_REFERENCE_TAG = 1;
    private static final int SEARCH_POINTER_TAG = 2;
    private static final int SEARCH_REFERENCE_POINTER_TAG = 3;

    private static final GeneratorCpp SINGLETON = new GeneratorCpp();

     * Get the instance.
     * @return the singleton of the generator.
    public static GeneratorCpp getInstance() { return SINGLETON; }

     * Constructor.
    protected GeneratorCpp() {
	super (Notation.makeNotation ("Cpp",
				      Argo.lookupIconResource ("CppNotation")));

     * @param o the object to be generated
     * @return the generated string 
    public static String cppGenerate(Object o) {
	return SINGLETON.generate(o);

    /** 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler
     * @return file extension for actual generation pass
    private String getFileExtension()
	// for Java simply answer ".java" every time
	if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) return ".h";
	else return ".cpp";

     * create the needed directories for the derived appropriate pathname
     * @return full pathname
    private String generateDirectoriesPathname(Object cls, String path) {
	String name = ModelFacade.getName(cls);
	if (name == null || name.length() == 0) {
	    return null;
	String filename = name + getFileExtension();
	if (!path.endsWith (FILE_SEPARATOR)) {
	    path += FILE_SEPARATOR;

        String packagePath = "";
        // avoid model being used as a package name
        Object parent = ModelFacade.getNamespace(ModelFacade.getNamespace(cls));
        if (parent != null) {
            packagePath = ModelFacade.getName(ModelFacade.getNamespace(cls));
	while (parent != null) {
	    // ommit root package name; it's the model's root
	    if (ModelFacade.getNamespace(parent) != null) {
	        packagePath = ModelFacade.getName(parent) + "." + packagePath;
	    parent = ModelFacade.getNamespace(parent);

	int lastIndex = -1;
	do {
	    File f = new File (path);
	    if (!f.isDirectory()) {
		if (!f.mkdir()) {
		    LOG.error(" could not make directory " + path);
		    return null;

	    if (lastIndex == packagePath.length())

	    int index = packagePath.indexOf (".", lastIndex + 1);
	    if (index == -1)
		index = packagePath.length();

	    path +=
		packagePath.substring (lastIndex + 1, index) + FILE_SEPARATOR;
	    lastIndex = index;
	} while (true);

	String pathname = path + filename;
	//"-----" + pathname + "-----");
	return pathname;

     * Generates a file for the classifier.
     * This method could have been static if it where not for the need to
     * call it through the Generatorinterface.

* * Returns the full path name of the the generated file. * * @see org.argouml.uml.generator.FileGenerator#generateFile2( * java.lang.Object, java.lang.String) */ public String generateFile2(Object o, String path) { String packagePath = ModelFacade.getName(ModelFacade.getNamespace(o)); String pathname = null; // use unique section for both passes -> allow move of // normal function body to inline and vice versa sect = new Section(); /* * 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * first read header and source file into global/unique section */ for (generatorPass = HEADER_PASS; generatorPass <= SOURCE_PASS; generatorPass++) { pathname = generateDirectoriesPathname(o, path); //String pathname = path + filename; // TODO: package, project basepath, tagged values to configure File f = new File(pathname); if (f.exists()) {"Generating (updated) " + f.getPath());; } else {"Generating (new) " + f.getPath()); } } /** * 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * run basic generation function two times for header and implementation */ for (generatorPass = HEADER_PASS; generatorPass <= SOURCE_PASS; generatorPass++) { pathname = generateDirectoriesPathname(o, path); //String pathname = path + filename; // TODO: package, project basepath, tagged values to configure File f = new File(pathname); String headerTop = generateHeaderTop(pathname); String header = generateHeader(o, packagePath); String src = generate(o); BufferedWriter fos = null; try { fos = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (f)); writeTemplate(o, path, fos); fos.write(headerTop); fos.write(extraIncludes); fos.write (header); fos.write (src); } catch (IOException exp) { } finally { try { if (fos != null) fos.close(); } catch (IOException exp) { LOG.error("FAILED: " + f.getPath()); } } // clear extra includes after usage for each pass extraIncludes = ""; // output lost sections only in the second path // -> sections which are moved from header(inline) to source // file are prevented to be outputted in header pass if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { sect.write(pathname, INDENT, false); } else sect.write(pathname, INDENT, true);"written: " + pathname); File f1 = new File(pathname + ".bak"); if (f1.exists()) { f1.delete(); } File f2 = new File(pathname); if (f2.exists()) { f2.renameTo(new File(pathname + ".bak")); } File f3 = new File(pathname + ".out"); if (f3.exists()) { f3.renameTo(new File(pathname)); }"----- end updating -----"); } return pathname; } /** 2002-12-07 Achim Spangler * @return date */ private String getDate() { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); DateFormat df; df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT); return df.format(cal.getTime()); } /** 2002-12-07 Achim Spangler * @return year */ private String getYear() { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); return Integer.toString(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)); } /** 2002-12-07 Achim Spangler * write template content on top of file */ private void writeTemplate(Object cls, String path, BufferedWriter fos) { String templatePathName = path + "/templates/"; String fileName = ModelFacade.getName(cls); String tagTemplatePathName = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(cls, "TemplatePath"); String authorTag = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(cls, "author"); String emailTag = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(cls, "email"); if (tagTemplatePathName != null && tagTemplatePathName.length() > 0) templatePathName = tagTemplatePathName; if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { templatePathName = templatePathName + "header_template"; fileName = fileName + ".h"; } else { templatePathName = templatePathName + "cpp_template"; fileName = fileName + ".cpp"; } //"Try to read Template: " + templatePathName); File templateFile = new File(templatePathName); if (templateFile.exists()) { boolean eof = false; BufferedReader templateFileReader = null; try { templateFileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( templateFile.getAbsolutePath())); while (!eof) { String lineStr = templateFileReader.readLine(); if (lineStr == null) { eof = true; } else { StringBuffer line = new StringBuffer(lineStr); replaceToken(line, "|FILENAME|", fileName); replaceToken(line, "|DATE|", getDate()); replaceToken(line, "|YEAR|", getYear()); replaceToken(line, "|AUTHOR|", authorTag); replaceToken(line, "|EMAIL|", emailTag); fos.write(line + "\n"); } } templateFileReader.close(); } catch (IOException exp) { } finally { try { if (templateFileReader != null) templateFileReader.close(); } catch (IOException exp) { LOG.error("FAILED: " + templateFile.getPath()); } } } } /** * Replace the first occurences of tokenName with tokenValue. * * @param line is the line where we do the replacing. * @param tokenName is the string we search for. * @param tokenValue is the value we replace. */ private void replaceToken(StringBuffer line, String tokenName, String tokenValue) { int tokenStart; tokenStart = line.toString().indexOf(tokenName); if ((tokenStart != -1) && (tokenValue != null && tokenValue.length() > 0)) { line.replace(tokenStart, tokenStart + tokenName.length(), tokenValue); } } /** 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * seperate constant Header Top into function */ private String generateHeaderTop(String pathname) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); //TODO: add user-defined copyright if (VERBOSE_DOCS) { sb.append("// FILE: ").append(pathname.replace('\\', '/')); sb.append("\n\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private String generateHeaderImportLine4ItemList(Collection classifiers) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); Iterator clsEnum = classifiers.iterator(); while (clsEnum.hasNext()) { sb.append(generateHeaderImportLine4Item(; } return sb.toString(); } /** 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * as each language has its own syntax to incorporate other elements * the command for this inclusion is created in a seperate function */ private String generateHeaderImportLine4Item(Object clsDepend) { //"generateHeaderImportLine4Item: fuer Item " + // clsDepend.getName() + " in Namespace: " + // clsDepend.getNamespace().getName()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); String packagePath = ModelFacade.getName(clsDepend); Object parent = ModelFacade.getNamespace(ModelFacade.getNamespace(clsDepend)); if (parent != null) { packagePath = ModelFacade.getName(ModelFacade.getNamespace(clsDepend)) + "/" + packagePath; while (parent != null) { // ommit root package name; it's the model's root if (ModelFacade.getNamespace(parent) != null) { packagePath = ModelFacade.getName(parent) + "/" + packagePath; } //"generateHeaderImportLine4Item: Runde mit // Parent" + parent.getName()); parent = ModelFacade.getNamespace(parent); } } // if class depends on a list of other classes, all inheritance // elements are seperated by Tokens ", " -> use StringTokenizer // to access the single elements StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(packagePath, ", "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { sb.append("#include <").append(st.nextToken()).append(".h>\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private boolean checkInclude4UsageIndirection(boolean isIndirect, String usageTag) { boolean result = false; /* if (usageTag.length() > 0)"usage tag " + usageTag + " gefunden"); if (isIndirect)"indirection tag gefunden"); if (generatorPass == header_pass)"Header pass"); */ if ((generatorPass != HEADER_PASS) && (usageTag.indexOf("source") != -1)) { // generate include line for source .cpp pass only if // element has usage tag which specifies exclusive use in // source file result = true; } else if ((generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) && (usageTag.indexOf("source") == -1)) { // generate include line for header, if not specified as // only accessed from .cpp result = true; } // only predeclare candidates can be ignored in include block of header if ((generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) && (!isIndirect)) result = true; return result; } private boolean checkIncludeNeeded4Element(Object cls) { String usageTag = ""; boolean predeclareCandidate = false; Iterator iter = ModelFacade.getTaggedValues(cls); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object tv =; String tag = ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tv); if (tag.equals("usage")) { usageTag = ModelFacade.getValueOfTag(tv); } //"Tag fuer: " + cls.getName() + " mit Tag: // " + tag + " mit Wert:" + tv.getValue() + ":"); if (tag.indexOf("ref") != -1 || tag.equals("&") || tag.indexOf("pointer") != -1 || tag.equals("*")) { predeclareCandidate = true; } } return checkInclude4UsageIndirection(predeclareCandidate, usageTag); } private boolean checkIncludeNeeded4ElementAttribute(Object cls) { //"checkIncludeNeeded4Element: fuer Item" + cls); if (!(ModelFacade.isAClass(ModelFacade.getType(cls)))) { return false; } return checkIncludeNeeded4Element(cls); } private String generateHeaderDependencies(Object cls) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(160); StringBuffer predeclare = new StringBuffer(60); if (generatorPass != HEADER_PASS) { // include header in .cpp sb.append(generateHeaderImportLine4Item(cls)); Iterator iter = ModelFacade.getTaggedValues(cls); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object tv =; String tag = ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tv); if (tag.equals("source_incl") || tag.equals("source_include")) { sb.append("#include "); sb.append(ModelFacade.getValueOfTag(tv)); sb.append("\n"); } } } else { Collection baseClassList = getGeneralizationClassList(ModelFacade.getGeneralizations(cls)); sb.append(generateHeaderImportLine4ItemList(baseClassList)); Iterator iter = ModelFacade.getTaggedValues(cls); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object tv =; String tag = ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tv); if (tag.equals("header_incl") || tag.equals("header_include")) { sb.append("#include "); sb.append(ModelFacade.getValueOfTag(tv)); sb.append("\n"); } } } // check if the class has dependencies { Collection col = ModelFacade.getAssociationEnds(cls); if (col != null) { Iterator itr = col.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object ae =; if (ModelFacade.isNavigable(ae)) { Object cls2 = ModelFacade.getType(ae); String name = ModelFacade.getName(cls2); String name2 = ModelFacade.getName(cls); if (name != name2) { if (checkIncludeNeeded4Element( ModelFacade.getAssociation(ae))) { sb.append(generateHeaderImportLine4Item(cls2)); } else if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { // predeclare classes which are not // directly used in header usefull for // classes which are only used // indirectly as pointer where no // knowledge about internals of class // are needed predeclare .append(generateHeaderPackageStart(cls2)); predeclare .append("class ").append(name); predeclare.append(";\n"); } } } } } } { Collection col = ModelFacade.getAttributes(cls); if (col != null) { Iterator itr = col.iterator(); //"Attribut gefunden"); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object attr =; //"untersuche name " + attr.getName() + // " mit Typ: " + attr.getType()); if (ModelFacade.isAClass(ModelFacade.getType(attr))) { String name = ModelFacade.getName(attr); if (checkIncludeNeeded4ElementAttribute(attr)) { sb.append(generateHeaderImportLine4Item( ModelFacade.getType(attr))); } else if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { // predeclare classes which are not // directly used in header usefull for // classes which are only used indirectly // as pointer where no knowledge about // internals of class are needed predeclare .append(generateHeaderPackageStart( ModelFacade.getType(attr))) .append("class ").append(name).append(";\n"); } } } } } { Collection col = ModelFacade.getClientDependencies(cls); //"col: " + col); if (col != null) { Iterator itr = col.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Object dependency =; if (dependency == null) { break; } Collection clientsCol = ModelFacade.getSuppliers(dependency); if (clientsCol == null) { break; } Iterator itr2 = clientsCol.iterator(); while (itr2.hasNext()) { Object temp =; if (checkIncludeNeeded4Element(dependency)) { sb.append(generateHeaderImportLine4Item(temp)); } else if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { // predeclare classes which are not // directly used in header usefull for // classes which are only used indirectly // as pointer where no knowledge about // internals of class are needed predeclare .append(generateHeaderPackageStart(temp)); predeclare.append("class "); predeclare.append(ModelFacade.getName(temp)); predeclare.append(";\n"); } } } } } if (predeclare.toString().length() > 0) { sb.append("\n\n").append(predeclare.toString()); } return sb.toString(); } private String generateHeaderPackageStartSingle(Object pkg) { //"generateHeaderPackageStartSingle: " + pkg.getName()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(30); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ModelFacade.getName(pkg), "."); String token = ""; sb.append(generateTaggedValues(pkg, DOC_COMMENT_TAGS)); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); // create line: namespace FOO {" sb.append("namespace ").append(token).append(" {\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private String generateHeaderPackageEndSingle(Object pkg) { //"generateHeaderPackageEndSingle: " + pkg.getName()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(30); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ModelFacade.getName(pkg), "."); String token = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); StringBuffer tempBuf = new StringBuffer(20); String absoluteName = generatePackageAbsoluteName(pkg); if (absoluteName.indexOf(token) != -1) { absoluteName = absoluteName.substring(0, (absoluteName.indexOf(token) + token.length())); } // create line: namespace FOO {" tempBuf.append("} /* End of namespace ").append(absoluteName); tempBuf.append(" */\n"); sb.insert(0, tempBuf.toString()); } return sb.toString(); } private String generatePackageAbsoluteName(Object pkg) { //"generatePackageAbsoluteName: " + pkg.getName()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(30); String token = ""; for (Object actual = pkg; actual != null; actual = ModelFacade.getNamespace(actual)) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ModelFacade.getName(actual), "."); StringBuffer tempBuf = new StringBuffer(20); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { token = st.nextToken(); if (tempBuf.length() > 0) tempBuf.append("::"); tempBuf.append(token); } if ((tempBuf.length() > 0) && (sb.length() > 0)) { tempBuf.append("::"); } sb.insert(0, tempBuf.toString()); } return sb.toString(); } private String generateNameWithPkgSelection(Object item, Object localPkg) { if (item == null) { //"generateNameWithPkgSelection: zu void"); return "void "; } //"generateNameWithPkgSelection: " + item.getName()); Object pkg = null; if (ModelFacade.isADataType(item)) { return generateName(ModelFacade.getName(item)); } else if (ModelFacade.isAParameter(item) || ModelFacade.isAAttribute(item) || ModelFacade.isAAssociationEnd(item) || ModelFacade.isAClassifier(item)) { pkg = ModelFacade.getNamespace(item); } if (pkg == null) { return generateName(ModelFacade.getName(item)); } if (localPkg == null) {"LOCAL NAMESPACE IS NULL"); } String localPkgName = generatePackageAbsoluteName(localPkg); String targetPkgName = generatePackageAbsoluteName(pkg); //"targetNamespace:" + targetPkgName + ":"); //"localNamespace:" + localPkgName + ":"); int localPkgNameLen = localPkgName.length(); int targetPkgNameLen = targetPkgName.length(); if (localPkgName.equals(targetPkgName)) { return generateName(ModelFacade.getName(item)); } else { if (targetPkgName.indexOf(localPkgName) != -1) { /*"target is subpackage of local with |" + targetPkgName.substring(localPkgNameLen, localPkgNameLen+2) + "|"); */ if (targetPkgName.substring(localPkgNameLen, localPkgNameLen + 2) .equals("::")) { // target is in Sub-Package of local class return (targetPkgName.substring(localPkgNameLen + 2, targetPkgNameLen) + "::" + generateName(ModelFacade.getName(item))); } } } return (targetPkgName + "::" + generateName(ModelFacade.getName(item))); } private String generateNameWithPkgSelection(Object item) { return generateNameWithPkgSelection(item, actualNamespace); } private String generateHeaderPackageStart(Object cls) { //"generateHeaderPackageStart: " + cls.getName() + " // aus Namespace: " + cls.getNamespace().getName()); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); if (actualNamespace != null) { for (Object fromSearch = actualNamespace; fromSearch != null; fromSearch = ModelFacade.getNamespace(fromSearch)) { //"fromSearch: " + fromSearch.getName()); StringBuffer contPath = new StringBuffer(80); Object toSearch = ModelFacade.getNamespace(cls); for (; (toSearch != null) && (toSearch != fromSearch); toSearch = ModelFacade.getNamespace(toSearch)) { //"toSearch: " + toSearch.getName()); contPath.insert(0, generateHeaderPackageStartSingle(toSearch)); } if (toSearch == fromSearch) { sb.append(contPath.toString()); break; } else { // close one namespace sb.append(generateHeaderPackageEndSingle(fromSearch)); } } } else { // initial start for (Object toSearch = ModelFacade.getNamespace(cls); toSearch != null; toSearch = ModelFacade.getNamespace(toSearch)) { sb.insert(0, generateHeaderPackageStartSingle(toSearch)); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.insert(0, "\n").append("\n"); } actualNamespace = ModelFacade.getNamespace(cls); return sb.toString(); } private String generateHeaderPackageEnd() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20); for (Object closeIt = actualNamespace; closeIt != null; closeIt = ModelFacade.getNamespace(closeIt)) { sb.append(generateHeaderPackageEndSingle(closeIt)); } actualNamespace = null; if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.insert(0, "\n").append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } private String generateHeader(Object cls, String packagePath) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(240); // check if the class has a base class sb.append(generateHeaderDependencies(cls)); sb.append("\n"); if (packagePath.length() > 0) { sb.append(generateHeaderPackageStart(cls)); } return sb.toString(); } /** *

Generate code for an extension point.

* *

Provided to comply with the interface, but returns null * since no code will be generated. This should prevent a source tab * being shown.

* * @param ep The extension point to generate for * * @return The generated code string. Always empty in this * implementation. */ public String generateExtensionPoint (Object ep) { return null; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAssociationRole(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAssociationRole(Object m) { return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateObjectFlowState(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateObjectFlowState(Object m) { Object c = ModelFacade.getType(m); if (c == null) return ""; return ModelFacade.getName(c); } /** 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * seperate generation of Operation Prefix from generateOperation * so that generateOperation is language independent */ private String generateOperationPrefix(Object op) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); sb.append(generateConcurrency(op)); if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { // make all operations to virtual - as long as they are not "leaf" Object scope = ModelFacade.getOwnerScope(op); // generate a function as virtual, if it can be overriden // or override another function AND if this function is // not marked as static, which disallows "virtual" // alternatively every abstract function is defined as // virtual if ((!ModelFacade.isLeaf(op) && !ModelFacade.isRoot(op) && (!(ModelFacade.CLASSIFIER_SCOPEKIND.equals(scope)))) || (ModelFacade.isAbstract(op))) { sb.append("virtual "); } sb.append(generateOwnerScope(op)); } return sb.toString(); } /** 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * seperate generation of Operation Suffix from generateOperation * so that generateOperation is language independent */ private String generateOperationSuffix(Object op) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); sb.append(generateOperationChangeability(op)); sb.append(generateAbstractness(op)); return sb.toString(); } /** 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * seperate generation of Operation Name from generateOperation * so that generateOperation is language independent * -> for C++: if we create .cpp we must prepend Owner name * * @param sb Where to put the result. */ private boolean generateOperationNameAndTestForConstructor(Object op, StringBuffer sb) { //"generate Operation for File" + generatorPass + " // fuer Op: " + op.getName()); if (generatorPass != HEADER_PASS) { //"generate Operation for CPP File"); sb.append(ModelFacade.getName(ModelFacade.getOwner(op))) .append("::"); } boolean constructor = false; String name; if (ModelFacade.isConstructor(op)) { // constructor name = ModelFacade.getName(ModelFacade.getOwner(op)); constructor = true; } else { //"generate Operation for File" + generatorPass // + " fuer Op: " + op.getName()); name = ModelFacade.getName(op); } sb.append(generateName(name)); return constructor; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateOperation( * java.lang.Object, boolean) * * 2002-11-28 Achim Spangler * modified version from Jaap Branderhorst * -> generateOperation is language independent and seperates * different tasks */ public String generateOperation(Object op, boolean documented) { // generate nothing for abstract functions, if we generate the // source .cpp file at the moment if ((generatorPass != HEADER_PASS) && (ModelFacade.isAbstract(op))) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); StringBuffer nameBuffer = new StringBuffer(20); String operationIndent = (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) ? INDENT : ""; //"generate Operation for File" + generatorPass + " // fuer Op: " + op.getName()); boolean constructor = generateOperationNameAndTestForConstructor(op, nameBuffer); sb.append('\n'); // begin with a blank line // generate DocComment from tagged values String tv = generateTaggedValues (op, DOC_COMMENT_TAGS); if (tv != null && tv.length() > 0) { sb.append ("\n").append(operationIndent).append (tv); } // 2002-07-14 // Jaap Branderhorst // missing concurrency generation sb.append(operationIndent) .append(generateOperationPrefix(op)); // pick out return type Object rp = UmlHelper.getHelper().getCore().getReturnParameter(op); if (rp != null) { Object returnType = ModelFacade.getType(rp); if (returnType == null && !constructor) { sb.append("void "); } else if (returnType != null) { sb.append(generateNameWithPkgSelection(returnType)).append(' '); } } // name and params Vector params = new Vector(ModelFacade.getParameters(op)); params.remove(rp); // If there are several return parameters, just // the one found above will be removed. sb.append(nameBuffer.toString()).append('('); if (params != null) { boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { Object p = params.elementAt (i); if (!first) sb.append(", "); sb.append(generateParameter(p)); first = false; } } sb.append(") ") .append(generateOperationSuffix(op)); return sb.toString(); } /** 2002-12-06 Achim Spangler * check if a parameter is tagged as pointer or reference (not * part of UML - as far as author knows - but important for C++ * developers) * @param elem element to check * @param tagType tag type to check */ private boolean checkAttributeParameter4Tag(Object elem, int tagType) { // first check whether the parameter shall be a pointer of reference Iterator iter = ModelFacade.getTaggedValues(elem); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object tv =; String tag = ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tv); if ((tag.indexOf("ref") != -1 || tag.equals("&")) && (tagType != SEARCH_POINTER_TAG)) { return true; } else if ((tag.indexOf("pointer") != -1 || tag.equals("*")) && (tagType != SEARCH_REFERENCE_TAG)) { return true; } } return false; } private String generateAttributeParameterModifier(Object attr) { boolean isReference = checkAttributeParameter4Tag(attr, SEARCH_REFERENCE_TAG); boolean isPointer = checkAttributeParameter4Tag(attr, SEARCH_POINTER_TAG); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2); if (isReference) { sb.append("&"); } else if (isPointer) { sb.append("*"); } else if (ModelFacade.isAParameter(attr)) { if (ModelFacade.getKind(attr).equals( ModelFacade.OUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND) || ModelFacade.getKind(attr).equals( ModelFacade.INOUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND)) { // out or inout parameters are defaulted to reference if // not specified else sb.append("&"); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAttribute( * java.lang.Object, boolean) */ public String generateAttribute(Object attr, boolean documented) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); sb.append('\n'); // begin with a blank line // list tagged values for documentation String tv = generateTaggedValues (attr, DOC_COMMENT_TAGS); if (tv != null && tv.length() > 0) { sb.append ("\n").append (INDENT).append (tv); } sb.append(INDENT); //"generate Visibility for Attribute"); sb.append(generateVisibility(attr)); sb.append(generateOwnerScope(attr)); sb.append(generateStructuralFeatureChangability(attr)); /* * 2002-07-14 * Jaap Branderhorst * Generating the multiplicity should not lead to putting the * range in the generated code (no 0..1 as modifier) * Therefore removed the multiplicity generation * START OLD CODE if (!MMultiplicity.M1_1.equals(attr.getMultiplicity())) { String m = generateMultiplicity(attr.getMultiplicity()); if (m != null && m.trim().length() > 0) sb.append(m).append(' '); } */ // END OLD CODE /* MClassifier type = attr.getType(); MMultiplicity multi = attr.getMultiplicity(); // handle multiplicity here since we need the type // actually the API of generator is buggy since to generate // multiplicity correctly we need the attribute too if (type != null && multi != null) { if (multi.equals(MMultiplicity.M1_1)) { sb.append(generateClassifierRef(type)).append(' '); } else if (type instanceof MDataType) { sb.append(generateClassifierRef(type)).append("[] "); } else sb.append("java.util.Vector "); } sb.append(generateAttributeParameterModifier(attr)); sb.append(generateName(attr.getName())); */ sb.append( generateMultiplicity( attr, generateName(ModelFacade.getName(attr)), ModelFacade.getMultiplicity(attr), generateAttributeParameterModifier(attr))); Object initExpression = ModelFacade.getInitialValue(attr); if (initExpression != null) { String initStr = generateExpression(initExpression).trim(); if (initStr.length() > 0) sb.append(" = ").append(initStr); } sb.append(";\n"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateParameter(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateParameter(Object param) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20); //TODO: qualifiers (e.g., const) // generate const for references or pointers which are // defined as IN - other qualifiers are not important for // C++ parameters sb.append(generateParameterChangeability(param)); //TODO: stereotypes... sb.append(generateNameWithPkgSelection(ModelFacade.getType(param))); sb.append(' '); sb.append(generateAttributeParameterModifier(param)); sb.append(generateName(ModelFacade.getName(param))); // insert default value, if we are generating the header if ((generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) && (ModelFacade.getDefaultValue(param) != null)) { sb.append(" = "); sb.append(ModelFacade.getBody(ModelFacade.getDefaultValue(param))); } return sb.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generatePackage(java.lang.Object) */ public String generatePackage(Object p) { String s = ""; String packName = generateName(ModelFacade.getLanguage(p)); s += "// package " + packName + " {\n"; Collection ownedElements = ModelFacade.getOwnedElements(p); if (ownedElements != null) { Iterator ownedEnum = ownedElements.iterator(); while (ownedEnum.hasNext()) { Object me =; s += generate(me); s += "\n\n"; } } else { s += "(no elements)"; } s += "\n}\n"; return s; } /** * Generate the start sequence for a classifier. The start sequence is * everything from the preceding javadoc comment to the opening curly brace. * Start sequences are non-empty for classes and interfaces only. * * This method is intented for package internal usage only. * * @param cls the classifier for which to generate the start sequence * * @return the generated start sequence */ StringBuffer generateClassifierStart(Object cls) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (80); // don't create class-Start for implementation in .cpp if (generatorPass != HEADER_PASS) return sb; String sClassifierKeyword; if (ModelFacade.isAClass(cls)) { sClassifierKeyword = "class"; } else if (ModelFacade.isAInterface(cls)) { sClassifierKeyword = "class"; } else { return null; // actors, use cases etc. } boolean hasBaseClass = false; // Add the comments for this classifier first. sb.append ('\n') .append (DocumentationManager.getComments(cls)); // list tagged values for documentation String tv = generateTaggedValues (cls, DOC_COMMENT_TAGS); if (tv != null && tv.length() > 0) { sb.append ("\n").append (INDENT).append (tv); } // add classifier keyword and classifier name sb.append(sClassifierKeyword).append(" "); sb.append(generateName(ModelFacade.getName(cls))); // add base class/interface String baseClass = generateGeneralization(ModelFacade.getGeneralizations(cls)); if (!baseClass.equals ("")) { sb.append (" : ") .append (baseClass); hasBaseClass = true; } // add implemented interfaces, if needed // nsuml: realizations! if (ModelFacade.isAClass(cls)) { String interfaces = generateSpecification(cls); if (!interfaces.equals ("")) { if (!hasBaseClass) sb.append (" : "); else sb.append (", "); sb.append (interfaces); } } // add opening brace sb.append(lfBeforeCurly ? "\n{" : " {"); // list tagged values for documentation tv = generateTaggedValues (cls, ALL_BUT_DOC_TAGS); if (tv != null && tv.length() > 0) { sb.append("\n").append (INDENT).append (tv); } return sb; } private StringBuffer generateClassifierEnd(Object cls) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (ModelFacade.isAClass(cls) || ModelFacade.isAInterface(cls)) { if ((verboseDocs) && (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS)) { String classifierkeyword = null; if (ModelFacade.isAClass(cls)) { classifierkeyword = "class"; } else { classifierkeyword = "class"; } sb.append("\n//end of " + classifierkeyword + " " + ModelFacade.getName(cls) + "\n"); } if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) sb.append("};\n"); sb.append(generateHeaderPackageEnd()); } return sb; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateClassifier(java.lang.Object) * * Generates code for a classifier. In case of Java code is * generated for classes and interfaces only at the moment. */ public String generateClassifier(Object cls) { StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer start = generateClassifierStart(cls); if (((start != null) && (start.length() > 0)) || (generatorPass != HEADER_PASS)) { StringBuffer typedefs = generateGlobalTypedefs(cls); StringBuffer body = generateClassifierBody(cls); StringBuffer end = generateClassifierEnd(cls); returnValue.append((typedefs != null) ? typedefs.toString() : ""); returnValue.append(start); if ((body != null) && (body.length() > 0)) { returnValue.append("\n"); returnValue.append(body); if (lfBeforeCurly) { returnValue.append("\n"); } } returnValue.append((end != null) ? end.toString() : ""); } return returnValue.toString(); } /** 2002-12-12 Achim Spangler * generate global typedefs */ private StringBuffer generateGlobalTypedefs(Object cls) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (ModelFacade.isAClass(cls) || ModelFacade.isAInstance(cls)) { // add typedefs if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { sb.append("// global type definitions for header defined " + "by Tag entries in ArgoUML\n"); sb.append("// Result: typedef " + ";\n"); Collection globalTypedefStatements = findTagValues(cls, "typedef_global_header"); if (!globalTypedefStatements.isEmpty()) { Iterator typedefEnum = globalTypedefStatements.iterator(); while (typedefEnum.hasNext()) { sb.append("typedef ").append(; sb.append(";\n"); } } } else { sb.append("// global type definitions for class implementation " + "in source file defined " + "by Tag entries in ArgoUML\n"); sb.append("// Result: typedef " + ";\n"); Collection globalTypedefStatements = findTagValues(cls, "typedef_global_source"); if (!globalTypedefStatements.isEmpty()) { Iterator typedefEnum = globalTypedefStatements.iterator(); while (typedefEnum.hasNext()) { sb.append("typedef ").append(; sb.append(";\n"); } } } } return sb; } /** * Generates the attributes of the body of a class or interface. * @param cls * @param sb Where to put the result. */ private void generateClassifierBodyAttributes(Object cls, StringBuffer sb) { Collection strs = ModelFacade.getAttributes(cls); if (strs.isEmpty() || (generatorPass != HEADER_PASS)) { return; } String tv = null; // helper for tagged values // // 2002-06-08 // Jaap Branderhorst // Bugfix: strs is never null. Should check for isEmpty instead // old code: // if (strs != null) // new code: // sb.append('\n'); if (verboseDocs && ModelFacade.isAClass(cls)) { sb.append(INDENT).append("// Attributes\n"); } // generate attributes in order public, protected, private for (int i = 0; i < ALL_PARTS.length; i++) { int publicProtectedPrivate = ALL_PARTS[i]; Iterator strEnum = strs.iterator(); boolean isVisibilityLinePrinted = false; while (strEnum.hasNext()) { Object sf =; if (((publicProtectedPrivate == PUBLIC_PART) && ModelFacade.isPublic(sf)) || ((publicProtectedPrivate == PROTECTED_PART) && ModelFacade.isProtected(sf)) || ((publicProtectedPrivate == PRIVATE_PART) && ModelFacade.isPrivate(sf))) { if (!isVisibilityLinePrinted) { isVisibilityLinePrinted = true; if (publicProtectedPrivate == PUBLIC_PART) { sb.append("\n public:"); } else if (publicProtectedPrivate == PROTECTED_PART) { sb.append("\n protected:"); } else if (publicProtectedPrivate == PRIVATE_PART) { sb.append("\n private:"); } } sb.append(generate(sf)); tv = generateTaggedValues(sf, ALL_BUT_DOC_TAGS); if (tv != null && tv.length() > 0) { sb.append(INDENT).append(tv); } } } } } /** * Generates the association ends of the body of a class or interface. * @param cls The classifier to generate. * @param sb Where to put the result. */ private void generateClassifierBodyAssociations(Object cls, StringBuffer sb) { Collection ends = ModelFacade.getAssociationEnds(cls); if (ends.isEmpty() || (generatorPass != HEADER_PASS)) { return; } String tv = null; // helper for tagged values // 2002-06-08 // Jaap Branderhorst // Bugfix: ends is never null. Should check for isEmpty instead // old code: // if (ends != null) // new code: sb.append('\n'); if (verboseDocs && ModelFacade.isAClass(cls)) { sb.append(INDENT).append("// Associations\n"); } // generate attributes in order public, protected, private for (int i = 0; i < ALL_PARTS.length; i++) { int publicProtectedPrivate = ALL_PARTS[i]; Iterator endEnum = ends.iterator(); boolean isVisibilityLinePrinted = false; while (endEnum.hasNext()) { Object ae =; Object a = ModelFacade.getAssociation(ae); if (((publicProtectedPrivate == PUBLIC_PART) && ModelFacade.isPublic(ae)) || ((publicProtectedPrivate == PROTECTED_PART) && ModelFacade.isProtected(ae)) || ((publicProtectedPrivate == PRIVATE_PART) && ModelFacade.isPrivate(ae))) { if (!isVisibilityLinePrinted) { isVisibilityLinePrinted = true; if (publicProtectedPrivate == PUBLIC_PART) { sb.append("\n public:"); } else if (publicProtectedPrivate == PROTECTED_PART) { sb.append("\n protected:"); } else if (publicProtectedPrivate == PRIVATE_PART) { sb.append("\n private:"); } } sb.append(generateAssociationFrom(a, ae)); tv = generateTaggedValues(a, ALL_BUT_DOC_TAGS); if (tv != null && tv.length() > 0) { sb.append(INDENT).append(tv); } } } } } /** * Check whether an operation body shall be generated within the actual * pass. This is normally done during the imeplementation path. * But if the Tag "inline" exists, the method body shall be defined as * as inline in header file * @return true -> generate body in actual path */ private boolean checkGenerateOperationBody(Object cls) { boolean result = !((generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) || (ModelFacade.isAbstract(cls)) || ModelFacade.isAInterface(ModelFacade.getOwner(cls))); // if this operation has Tag "inline" the method shall be // generated in header if (ModelFacade.getTaggedValue(cls, "inline") != null) { result = generatorPass == HEADER_PASS; } return result; } /** 2002-12-13 Achim Spangler * generate a single set function for a given attribute and StringBuffer */ private void generateSingleAttributeSet(Object attr, StringBuffer sb) { if (ModelFacade.getType(attr) == null) { return; } // generate for attributes with class-type: // "INDENT void set_( const &value ) { = value; };" // generate for other (small) data types: // "INDENT void set_( value ) { = value; };" // generate: "INDENT void set_( " sb.append('\n').append(INDENT); sb.append("/** simple access function to set the attribute "); sb.append(ModelFacade.getName(attr)); sb.append(" by function\n").append(INDENT); sb.append(" * @param value value to set for the attribute "); sb.append(ModelFacade.getName(attr)).append("\n"); sb.append(INDENT).append(" */\n"); sb.append(INDENT); sb.append("void set_").append(ModelFacade.getName(attr)).append("( "); String modifier = generateAttributeParameterModifier(attr); if (modifier != null && modifier.length() > 0) { // generate: "const value" if (modifier.equals("&")) sb.append("const "); sb.append(generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(attr))) .append(' ').append(modifier).append("value"); } else if (ModelFacade.isAClass(ModelFacade.getType(attr))) { // generate: "const &value" sb.append("const "); sb.append(generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(attr))); sb.append(" &value"); } else { // generate: " value" sb.append(generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(attr))) .append(" value"); } // generate: " ) { = value; };" sb.append(" ) { ").append(ModelFacade.getName(attr)); sb.append(" = value; };"); } /** 2002-12-13 Achim Spangler * generate a single get function for a given attribute and StringBuffer */ private void generateSingleAttributeGet(Object attr, StringBuffer sb) { if (ModelFacade.getType(attr) == null) return; // generate for attributes with class-type: // "const & get_( void ) { return ; };" // generate for other (small) data types // " get_( void ) { return ; };" // generate: "INDENT" sb.append('\n').append(INDENT); sb.append("/** simple access function to get the attribute "); sb.append(ModelFacade.getName(attr)); sb.append(" by function */\n").append(INDENT); String modifier = generateAttributeParameterModifier(attr); if (modifier != null && modifier.length() > 0) { // generate: "const " sb.append("const "); sb.append(generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(attr))); sb.append(modifier); } else if (ModelFacade.isAClass(ModelFacade.getType(attr))) { // generate: "const &" sb.append("const "); sb.append(generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(attr))); sb.append("&"); } else { // generate: "" sb.append(generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(attr))); } // generate: " get_( void ) const { return ; };" sb.append(" get_").append(ModelFacade.getName(attr)); sb.append("( void ) const { return ").append(ModelFacade.getName(attr)); sb.append("; };"); } /** * Generates the attributes of the body of a class or interface. * @param cls */ private void generateClassifierBodyTaggedAccess4Attributes( Object cls, StringBuffer funcPrivate, StringBuffer funcProtected, StringBuffer funcPublic) { Collection strs = ModelFacade.getAttributes(cls); if (strs.isEmpty() || (generatorPass != HEADER_PASS)) { return; } String accessTag = null; Iterator strEnum = strs.iterator(); while (strEnum.hasNext()) { Object attr =; accessTag = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(attr, "set"); if (accessTag != null && accessTag.length() > 0) { if (accessTag.indexOf("public") != -1) { generateSingleAttributeSet(attr, funcPublic); } if (accessTag.indexOf("protected") != -1) { generateSingleAttributeSet(attr, funcProtected); } if (accessTag.indexOf("private") != -1) { generateSingleAttributeSet(attr, funcPrivate); } } accessTag = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(attr, "get"); if (accessTag != null && accessTag.length() > 0) { if (accessTag.indexOf("public") != -1) { generateSingleAttributeGet(attr, funcPublic); } if (accessTag.indexOf("protected") != -1) { generateSingleAttributeGet(attr, funcProtected); } if (accessTag.indexOf("private") != -1) { generateSingleAttributeGet(attr, funcPrivate); } } } } /** * Generates the association ends of the body of a class or interface. * @param cls * @param sb Where to put the result. */ private void generateClassifierBodyOperations(Object cls, StringBuffer sb) { Collection behs = UmlHelper.getHelper().getCore().getOperations(cls); if (behs.isEmpty()) return; String tv = null; // helper for tagged values // // 2002-06-08 // Jaap Branderhorst // Bugfix: behs is never null. Should check for isEmpty instead // old code: // if (behs != null) // new code: // sb.append('\n'); if (verboseDocs) { sb.append(INDENT).append("// Operations\n"); } // generate tag controlled access functions for attributes StringBuffer funcPrivate = new StringBuffer(80); StringBuffer funcProtected = new StringBuffer(80); StringBuffer funcPublic = new StringBuffer(80); generateClassifierBodyTaggedAccess4Attributes(cls, funcPrivate, funcProtected, funcPublic); // generate attributes in order public, protected, private for (int i = 0; i < ALL_PARTS.length; i++) { int publicProtectedPrivate = ALL_PARTS[i]; Iterator behEnum = behs.iterator(); boolean isVisibilityLinePrinted = false; if ((publicProtectedPrivate == PRIVATE_PART) && (funcPrivate.length() > 0)) { sb.append("\n private:").append(funcPrivate.toString()); isVisibilityLinePrinted = true; } if ((publicProtectedPrivate == PROTECTED_PART) && (funcProtected.length() > 0)) { sb.append("\n protected:").append(funcProtected.toString()); isVisibilityLinePrinted = true; } if ((publicProtectedPrivate == PUBLIC_PART) && (funcPublic.length() > 0)) { sb.append("\n public:").append(funcPublic.toString()); isVisibilityLinePrinted = true; } while (behEnum.hasNext()) { Object bf =; if ((((publicProtectedPrivate == PUBLIC_PART) && ModelFacade.isPublic(bf)) || ((publicProtectedPrivate == PROTECTED_PART) && ModelFacade.isProtected(bf)) || ((publicProtectedPrivate == PRIVATE_PART) && ModelFacade.isPrivate(bf))) && ((generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) || (checkGenerateOperationBody(bf)))) { if ((!isVisibilityLinePrinted) && (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS)) { isVisibilityLinePrinted = true; if (publicProtectedPrivate == PUBLIC_PART) { sb.append("\n public:"); } else if (publicProtectedPrivate == PROTECTED_PART) { sb.append("\n protected:"); } else if (publicProtectedPrivate == PRIVATE_PART) { sb.append("\n private:"); } } sb.append(generate(bf)); tv = generateTaggedValues(bf, ALL_BUT_DOC_TAGS); if ((ModelFacade.isAClass(cls)) && (ModelFacade.isAOperation(bf)) && (!ModelFacade.isAbstract(bf)) && (checkGenerateOperationBody(bf))) { // there is no ReturnType in behavioral feature (nsuml) sb.append("\n") .append(generateMethodBody(bf)); } else { sb.append(";\n"); if (tv.length() > 0) { sb.append(INDENT).append(tv).append('\n'); } } } } } } /** * Generates the association ends of the body of a class or interface. * @param cls * @param sb Where to put the result. */ private void generateClassifierBodyTypedefs(Object cls, StringBuffer sb) { if (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { Collection publicTypedefStatements = findTagValues(cls, "typedef_public"); Collection protectedTypedefStatements = findTagValues(cls, "typedef_protected"); Collection privateTypedefStatements = findTagValues(cls, "typedef_private"); if (!publicTypedefStatements.isEmpty()) { sb.append("\n public:\n").append(INDENT); sb.append("// public type definitions for header defined " + "by Tag entries in ArgoUML\n"); sb.append(INDENT); sb.append("// Result: typedef " + ";\n"); Iterator typedefEnum = publicTypedefStatements.iterator(); while (typedefEnum.hasNext()) { sb.append(INDENT).append("typedef "); sb.append(";\n"); } } if (!protectedTypedefStatements.isEmpty()) { sb.append("\n protected:\n").append(INDENT); sb.append("// protected type definitions for header defined " + "by Tag entries in ArgoUML\n"); sb.append(INDENT); sb.append("// Result: typedef " + ";\n"); Iterator typedefEnum = protectedTypedefStatements.iterator(); while (typedefEnum.hasNext()) { sb.append(INDENT).append("typedef "); sb.append(";\n"); } } if (!privateTypedefStatements.isEmpty()) { sb.append("\n private:\n").append(INDENT); sb.append("// private type definitions for header defined " + "by Tag entries in ArgoUML\n"); sb.append(INDENT); sb.append("// Result: typedef " + ";\n"); Iterator typedefEnum = privateTypedefStatements.iterator(); while (typedefEnum.hasNext()) { sb.append(INDENT).append("typedef "); sb.append(";\n"); } } } } /** * Generates a virtual destructor when the classifier is an interface. * @param cls the classifier object * @param sb the buffer to where the generate code goes */ private void generateClassifierDestructor(Object cls, StringBuffer sb) { if (ModelFacade.isAInterface(cls) && generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) { sb.append("\npublic:\n"); sb.append(INDENT).append("// virtual destructor for interface \n"); sb.append(INDENT).append("virtual ").append('~').append( ModelFacade.getName(cls)).append("() { }\n"); } } /** * Generates the body of a class or interface. * @param cls * @return a StringBuffer with the result. */ private StringBuffer generateClassifierBody(Object cls) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (ModelFacade.isAClass(cls) || ModelFacade.isAInterface(cls)) { // add operations // TODO: constructors generateClassifierBodyOperations(cls, sb); // fixing issue #2587 generateClassifierDestructor(cls, sb); // add attributes generateClassifierBodyAttributes(cls, sb); // add attributes implementing associations generateClassifierBodyAssociations(cls, sb); // add typedefs generateClassifierBodyTypedefs(cls, sb); } return sb; } /** * Generate the body of a method associated with the given * operation. This assumes there's at most one method associated! * * If no method is associated with the operation, a default method * body will be generated. */ private String generateMethodBody(Object op) { if (op != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); Collection methods = ModelFacade.getMethods(op); Iterator i = methods.iterator(); Object method = null; boolean methodFound = false; String tv = generateTaggedValues(op, ALL_BUT_DOC_TAGS); String operationIndent = (generatorPass == HEADER_PASS) ? INDENT : ""; // append tags which are not Doc-Comments if (tv.length() > 0) { sb.append(operationIndent).append(tv).append('\n'); } // place the curley braces within the protected area, to // allow placement of preserved contructor initialisers in // this area otherwise all possible constructor-attribute // initialisers would have to be autogenerated with an // army of special tags sb.append(generateSectionTop(op, operationIndent)) .append(operationIndent).append("{\n"); // System.out.print(", op!=null, size="+methods.size()); // return INDENT + INDENT // + "/* method body for " + op.getName() + " */"; while (i != null && i.hasNext()) { //System.out.print(", i!= null"); method =; if (method != null) { //", BODY of "+m.getName()); //"|"+m.getBody().getBody()+"|"); if ((ModelFacade.getBody(method) != null) && (!methodFound)) { Object body = ModelFacade.getBody(method); sb.append(ModelFacade.getBody(body)); methodFound = true; break; } } } if (!methodFound) { // pick out return type as default method body Object rp = UmlHelper.getHelper().getCore().getReturnParameter(op); if (rp != null) { Object returnType = ModelFacade.getType(rp); sb.append(generateDefaultReturnStatement(returnType)); } } sb.append(operationIndent).append("}\n") .append(generateSectionBottom(op, operationIndent)); return sb.toString(); } return generateDefaultReturnStatement (null); } private String generateSectionTop(Object op, String localIndent) { String id = ModelFacade.getUUID(op); if (id == null) { id = (new UID().toString()); // id = op.getName() + "__" + static_count; ModelFacade.setUUID(op, id); } return Section.generateTop(id, localIndent); } private String generateSectionBottom(Object op, String localIndent) { String id = ModelFacade.getUUID(op); if (id == null) { id = (new UID().toString()); // id = op.getName() + "__" + static_count; ModelFacade.setUUID(op, id); } return Section.generateBottom(id, localIndent); } private String generateDefaultReturnStatement(Object cls) { if (cls == null) return ""; String clsName = ModelFacade.getName(cls); if (clsName.equals("void")) return ""; if (clsName.equals("char")) return INDENT + "return 'x';\n"; if (clsName.equals("int")) return INDENT + "return 0;\n"; if (clsName.equals("boolean")) return INDENT + "return false;\n"; if (clsName.equals("byte")) return INDENT + "return 0;\n"; if (clsName.equals("long")) return INDENT + "return 0;\n"; if (clsName.equals("float")) return INDENT + "return 0.0;\n"; if (clsName.equals("double")) return INDENT + "return 0.0;\n"; return INDENT + "return null;\n"; } private String generateTaggedValues(Object e, int tagSelection) { //"generateTaggedValues for element: " + e.getName() // + " und selection " + tagSelection); Iterator iter = ModelFacade.getTaggedValues(e); if (!iter.hasNext()) { return ""; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; String s = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { s = generateTaggedValue(, tagSelection); if (s != null && s.length() > 0) { if (first) { /* * Corrected 2001-09-26 STEFFEN ZSCHALER * * Was: buf.append("// {"); * * which caused problems with new lines characters * in tagged values (e.g. comments...). The new * version still has some problems with tagged * values containing "*"+"/" as this closes the * comment prematurely, but comments should be * taken out of the tagged values list anyway... */ if (tagSelection == DOC_COMMENT_TAGS) { // insert main documentation for DocComment at first String doc = (DocumentationManager.hasDocs(e)) ? DocumentationManager.getDocs(e, INDENT) : null; if (doc != null && doc.trim().length() > 0) { buf.append(doc.substring(0, doc.indexOf("*/") + 1)); buf.append(" "); } else { buf.append("/** "); } } else { buf.append("/* {"); } first = false; } // end first else { if (tagSelection == DOC_COMMENT_TAGS) { buf.append("\n").append(INDENT).append(" * "); } else { buf.append(", "); } } // end not first tag buf.append(s); } // end tag not empty } // end while /* * Corrected 2001-09-26 STEFFEN ZSCHALER * * Was: if (!first) buf.append("}\n"); * * which caused problems with new-lines in tagged values. */ if (!first) { if (tagSelection == DOC_COMMENT_TAGS) { buf.append("\n").append(INDENT).append(" */\n"); } else { buf.append ("}*/\n"); } } else if (tagSelection == DOC_COMMENT_TAGS) { // create at least main documentation field, if no other tag found String doc = (DocumentationManager.hasDocs(e)) ? DocumentationManager.getDocs(e, INDENT) : null; if (doc != null && doc.trim().length() > 0) { buf.append(doc).append('\n'); } } return buf.toString(); } private String generateTaggedValue(Object tv, int tagSelection) { //"generateTaggedValue: " + // generateName(tv.getTag()) + " mit selection: " + // tagSelection); if (tv == null) return ""; String s = generateUninterpreted(ModelFacade.getValueOfTag(tv)); String tagName = ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tv); if (s == null || s.length() == 0 || s.equals("/** */") || (tagName.indexOf("include") != -1) || (tagName.indexOf("_incl") != -1)) { return ""; } if ((tagSelection == DOC_COMMENT_TAGS) && (isDocCommentTag(tagName))) { return generateDocComment4Tag(generateName(tagName)) + s; } else if (((tagSelection == ALL_BUT_DOC_TAGS) && (!isDocCommentTag(tagName)) && (!tagName.equals("documentation")) && (!tagName.equals("javadocs")) ) || (tagSelection == ALL_TAGS)) { return tagName + "=" + s; } else { return ""; } } private Collection findTagValues(Object item, String searchedName) { Collection result = new Vector(); Iterator iter = ModelFacade.getTaggedValues(item); String s = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { Object tag =; if (ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tag).equals(searchedName)) { s = ModelFacade.getValueOfTag(tag); if (s != null && s.length() != 0) result.add(s); } } return result; } private boolean isDocCommentTag(String tagName) { //"isDocCommentTag:" + tagName + ":"); boolean result = false; if (tagName.equals ("inv")) { //"yes it is doc-comment"); result = true; } else if (tagName.equals ("post")) { //"yes it is doc-comment"); result = true; } else if (tagName.equals ("pre")) { //"yes it is doc-comment"); result = true; } else if (tagName.equals ("author")) { //"yes it is doc-comment"); result = true; } else if (tagName.equals ("version")) { //"yes it is doc-comment"); result = true; } else if (tagName.equals ("see")) { //"yes it is doc-comment"); result = true; } else if (tagName.equals ("param")) { //"yes it is doc-comment"); result = true; } return result; } private String generateDocComment4Tag(String tagName) { if (tagName.equals ("inv")) { return "@invariant "; } else if (tagName.equals ("post")) { return "@postcondition "; } else if (tagName.equals ("pre")) { return "@precondition "; } else if (tagName.equals ("author")) { return "@author "; } else if (tagName.equals ("version")) { return "@version "; } else if (tagName.equals ("see")) { return "@see "; } else if (tagName.equals ("param")) { return "@param "; } else return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateTaggedValue(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateTaggedValue(Object tv) { if (tv == null) return ""; String s = generateUninterpreted(ModelFacade.getValueOfTag(tv)); if (s == null || s.length() == 0 || s.equals("/** */")) return ""; String t = ModelFacade.getTagOfTag(tv); if (t.equals("documentation")) return ""; return generateName(t) + "=" + s; } /** * Enhance/Create the doccomment for the given model element, * including tags for any OCL constraints connected to the model * element. The tags generated are suitable for use with the ocl * injector which is part of the Dresden OCL Toolkit and are in * detail: * *  @invariant for each invariant specified *  @precondition for each precondition specified *  @postcondition for each postcondition specified *  @key-type specifying the class of the keys of a mapped association *   Currently mapped associations are not supported yet... *  @element-type specifying the class referenced in an association * * @since 2001-09-26 ArgoUML 0.9.3 * @author Steffen Zschaler * * @param me the model element for which the documentation comment is needed * @param ae the association end which is represented by the model element * @return the documentation comment for the specified model element, either * enhanced or completely generated */ public String generateConstraintEnrichedDocComment(Object me, Object ae) { // list tagged values for documentation String s = generateTaggedValues (me, DOC_COMMENT_TAGS); Object multiplicity = ModelFacade.getMultiplicity(ae); if (!(ModelFacade.M1_1_MULTIPLICITY.equals(multiplicity) || ModelFacade.M0_1_MULTIPLICITY.equals (multiplicity))) { // Multiplicity greater 1, that means we will generate some sort of // collection, so we need to specify the element type tag StringBuffer sDocComment = new StringBuffer(80); // Prepare doccomment if (!(s == null || "".equals(s))) { // Just remove closing "*/" sDocComment.append(s.substring(0, s.indexOf("*/") + 1)); } else { sDocComment.append(INDENT).append("/**\n"); sDocComment.append(INDENT).append(" * \n"); sDocComment.append(INDENT).append(" *"); } // Build doccomment Object type = ModelFacade.getType(ae); if (type != null) { sDocComment.append(" @element-type "); sDocComment.append(ModelFacade.getName(type)); // } else { // REMOVED: 2002-03-11 STEFFEN ZSCHALER: element type // unknown is not recognized by the OCL injector... //sDocComment += " @element-type unknown"; } sDocComment.append('\n').append(INDENT).append(" */\n"); return sDocComment.toString(); } else { return (s != null) ? s : ""; } } private String generateAssociationFrom(Object a, Object ae) { // TODO: does not handle n-ary associations StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); /* * Moved into while loop 2001-09-26 STEFFEN ZSCHALER * * Was: * s += DocumentationManager.getDocs(a) + "\n" + INDENT; */ Collection connections = ModelFacade.getConnections(a); Iterator connEnum = connections.iterator(); while (connEnum.hasNext()) { Object ae2 =; if (ae2 != ae) { /** * Added generation of doccomment 2001-09-26 STEFFEN ZSCHALER * */ sb.append("\n").append(INDENT); String comment = generateConstraintEnrichedDocComment(a, ae2); // the comment line ends with simple newline -> place INDENT // after comment, if not empty if (comment.length() > 0) sb.append(comment).append(INDENT); sb.append(generateAssociationEnd(ae2)); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAssociation(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAssociation(Object handle) { // String s = ""; // String generatedName = generateName(a.getName()); // s += "MAssociation " + generatedName + " {\n"; // Iterator endEnum = a.getConnection().iterator(); // while (endEnum.hasNext()) { // MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd); // s += generateAssociationEnd(ae); // s += ";\n"; // } // s += "}\n"; // return s; return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAssociationEnd(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAssociationEnd(Object ae) { if (!ModelFacade.isNavigable(ae)) { return ""; } if (ModelFacade.isAbstract(ModelFacade.getAssociation(ae))) { return ""; } //String s = INDENT + "protected "; // must be public or generate public navigation method! //String s = INDENT + "public "; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); //"generate Visibility for Attribute"); // sb.append(INDENT).append(generateVisibility(ae.getVisibility())); sb.append(generateAssociationEndScope(ae)); // String n = ae.getName(); // if (n != null && !String.UNSPEC.equals(n)) // s += generateName(n) + " "; // if (ae.isNavigable()) s += "navigable "; // if (ae.getIsOrdered()) s += "ordered "; String n = ModelFacade.getName(ae); Object asc = ModelFacade.getAssociation(ae); String ascName = ModelFacade.getName(asc); String name = null; if (n != null && n != null && n.length() > 0) { name = generateName(n); } else if (ascName != null && ascName != null && ascName.length() > 0) { name = generateName(ascName); } else { name = "my" + generateClassifierRef(ModelFacade.getType(ae)); } sb.append( generateMultiplicity(ae, name, ModelFacade.getMultiplicity(ae), generateAttributeParameterModifier(asc))); return (sb.append(";\n")).toString(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // internal methods? private String generateGeneralization(Collection generalizations) { if (generalizations == null) { return ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); Iterator genEnum = generalizations.iterator(); while (genEnum.hasNext()) { Object generalization =; Object ge = ModelFacade.getParent(generalization); // assert ge != null if (ge != null) { String visibilityTag = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(generalization, "visibility"); if (visibilityTag != null && visibilityTag != "") sb.append(visibilityTag).append(" "); sb.append(generateNameWithPkgSelection(ge)); if (genEnum.hasNext()) sb.append(", "); } } return sb.toString(); } private Collection getGeneralizationClassList(Collection generalizations) { if (generalizations == null) { return null; } Collection classes = new ArrayList(); Iterator genEnum = generalizations.iterator(); while (genEnum.hasNext()) { Object generalization =; Object ge = ModelFacade.getParent(generalization); // assert ge != null if (ge != null) { classes.add(ge); } } return classes; } // public String generateSpecification(Collection realizations) { private String generateSpecification(Object cls) { Collection deps = ModelFacade.getClientDependencies(cls); Iterator depIterator = deps.iterator(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); while (depIterator.hasNext()) { Object dependency =; if (ModelFacade.isAAbstraction(dependency) && ModelFacade.isRealize(dependency)) { Object iFace = ModelFacade.getSuppliers(dependency).iterator().next(); String visibilityTag = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(dependency, "visibility"); if (visibilityTag != null && visibilityTag != "") sb.append(visibilityTag).append(" "); sb.append(generateNameWithPkgSelection(iFace)); if (depIterator.hasNext()) sb.append(", "); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * Generates the String representation for an Event. * * @param modelElement Model element to generate notation for. * * @return Generated notation for model element. */ public String generateEvent(Object modelElement) { if (!ModelFacade.isAEvent(modelElement)) { throw new ClassCastException(modelElement.getClass() + " has wrong object type, Event required"); } return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateVisibility(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateVisibility(Object handle) { if (ModelFacade.isAAttribute(handle)) { return ""; } if (ModelFacade.isAFeature(handle)) { handle = ModelFacade.getVisibility(handle); } if (ModelFacade.isPublic(handle)) return "public "; if (ModelFacade.isPrivate(handle)) return "private "; if (ModelFacade.isProtected(handle)) return "protected "; return ""; } private String generateAssociationEndScope(Object ae) { return generateScope(ModelFacade.getTargetScope(ae)); } private String generateOwnerScope(Object f) { return generateScope(ModelFacade.getOwnerScope(f)); } /** * @param scope The scope to compare. * @return The generated text representing the scope. */ private String generateScope(Object scope) { if (ModelFacade.CLASSIFIER_SCOPEKIND.equals(scope)) { return "static "; } return ""; } /** * Generate "abstract" keyword for an abstract operation. * In C++, since it does not have an explicit "interface" keyword, we must * check against this and set the operation to abstract if so. */ private String generateAbstractness(Object op) { // use ModelFacade to check if the operation is owned by an interface Object opOwner = ModelFacade.getOwner(op); if (ModelFacade.isAbstract(op) || ModelFacade.isAInterface(opOwner)) { return " = 0"; } else { return ""; } } /** * Generate "final" keyword for final operations. */ private String generateOperationChangeability(Object op) { if (ModelFacade.isLeaf(op) || ModelFacade.isQuery(op)) { return "const "; } else { return ""; } } /** * Generate "const" keyword for const pointer/reference parameters. */ private String generateParameterChangeability(Object par) { if (checkAttributeParameter4Tag(par, SEARCH_REFERENCE_POINTER_TAG) && (ModelFacade.getKind(par)).equals( ModelFacade.IN_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND)) { return "const "; } else { return ""; } } private String generateStructuralFeatureChangability(Object sf) { Object changeableKind = ModelFacade.getChangeability(sf); if (ModelFacade.FROZEN_CHANGEABLEKIND.equals(changeableKind)) { return "final "; } // if (ModelFacade.ADD_ONLY_CHANGEABLEKIND.equals(changeableKind)) { // return "final "; // } return ""; } /** * Generates "synchronized" keyword for guarded operations. * @param op The operation * @return The synchronized keyword if the operation is guarded, else "" */ private String generateConcurrency(Object op) { Object concurrency = ModelFacade.getConcurrency(op); if (concurrency != null && (ModelFacade.getValue(concurrency) == ModelFacade.GUARDED_CONCURRENCYKIND)) { return "synchronized "; } return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateMultiplicity(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateMultiplicity(Object multiplicity) { if (multiplicity == null) { return ""; } if (ModelFacade.M0_N_MULTIPLICITY.equals(multiplicity)) { return ANY_RANGE; } String s = ""; Iterator rangeEnum = ModelFacade.getRanges(multiplicity); while (rangeEnum.hasNext()) { Object multiplicityRange =; s += generateMultiplicityRange(multiplicityRange); if (rangeEnum.hasNext()) s += ","; } return s; } private String generateMultiplicity(Object item, String name, Object m, String modifier) { String type = null; String containerType = null; //"generateMultiplicity mit item" + item.getName() + // ", name: " + name + ", modifier: " + modifier); Object typeCls = null; if (ModelFacade.isAAssociationEnd(item) || ModelFacade.isAAttribute(item)) { typeCls = ModelFacade.getType(item); } else if (ModelFacade.isAClassifier(item)) { type = ModelFacade.getName(item); } else { type = ""; } if (typeCls != null) { type = generateNameWithPkgSelection(typeCls); } //"resolved type_name: " + type); if (m == null) { return (type + " " + modifier + name); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(80); int countUpper = ModelFacade.getUpper(m); int countLower = ModelFacade.getLower(m); Integer upper = new Integer(countUpper); //"resolved Integer upper/lower bounds"); if (countUpper == 1) { // simple generate identifier for default 0:1, 1:1 association sb.append(type).append(' ').append(modifier).append(name); } else if (countUpper == countLower) { // fixed array -> []; sb.append(type).append(' ').append(modifier).append(name) .append("[ ").append(upper.toString()).append(" ]"); } else { // variable association -> if no tag found use [] // else search for tag: // : array|vector|list|slist|map|stack String multType = ModelFacade.getTaggedValueValue(item, "MultiplicityType"); if (multType == null) { // no known container type found sb.append(type).append(' '); sb.append(modifier).append(name).append("[]"); } else if (multType.equals("vector")) { if (extraIncludes.indexOf("#include ") == -1) extraIncludes += "#include \n"; containerType = "vector"; } else if (multType.equals("list")) { if (extraIncludes.indexOf("#include ") == -1) extraIncludes += "#include \n"; containerType = "list"; } else if (multType.equals("slist")) { if (extraIncludes.indexOf("#include ") == -1) extraIncludes += "#include \n"; containerType = "slist"; } else if (multType.equals("map")) { if (extraIncludes.indexOf("#include ") == -1) extraIncludes += "#include \n"; containerType = "map"; } else if (multType.equals("stack")) { if (extraIncludes.indexOf("#include ") == -1) extraIncludes += "#include \n"; containerType = "stack"; } if (containerType != null) { // known container type String includeLine = "#include <" + containerType + ">"; if (extraIncludes.indexOf(includeLine) == -1) extraIncludes += includeLine + "\n"; sb.append(containerType).append("< "); sb.append(type).append(modifier); sb.append(" > ").append(name); } } return sb.toString(); } private String generateMultiplicityRange(Object mr) { Integer lower = new Integer(ModelFacade.getLower(mr)); Integer upper = new Integer(ModelFacade.getUpper(mr)); if (lower == null && upper == null) { return ANY_RANGE; } if (lower == null) { return "*.." + upper.toString(); } if (upper == null) { return lower.toString() + "..*"; } if (lower.intValue() == upper.intValue()) { return lower.toString(); } return lower.toString() + ".." + upper.toString(); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateState(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateState(Object handle) { return ModelFacade.getName(handle); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateStateBody(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateStateBody(Object state) { //"GeneratorCpp: generating state body"); String s = ""; Object entry = ModelFacade.getEntry(state); Object exit = ModelFacade.getExit(state); if (entry != null) { String entryStr = cppGenerate(entry); if (entryStr.length() > 0) s += "entry / " + entryStr; } if (exit != null) { String exitStr = cppGenerate(exit); if (s.length() > 0) s += "\n"; if (exitStr.length() > 0) s += "exit / " + exitStr; } Collection trans = ModelFacade.getInternalTransitions(state); if (trans != null) { Iterator iter = trans.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { if (s.length() > 0) s += "\n"; s += generateTransition(; } } /* if (trans != null) { int size = trans.size(); MTransition[] transarray = (MTransition[])trans.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (s.length() > 0) s += "\n"; s += Generate(transarray[i]); } }*/ return s; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateTransition(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateTransition(Object transition) { String s = generate(ModelFacade.getName(transition)); String t = generate(ModelFacade.getTrigger(transition)); String g = generate(ModelFacade.getGuard(transition)); String e = generate(ModelFacade.getEffect(transition)); if (s.length() > 0) s += ": "; s += t; if (g.length() > 0) s += " [" + g + "]"; if (e.length() > 0) s += " / " + e; return s; /* String s = m.getName(); String t = generate(m.getTrigger()); String g = generate(m.getGuard()); String e = generate(m.getEffect()); if(s == null) s = ""; if(t == null) t = ""; if (s.length() > 0 && (t.length() > 0 || (g != null && g.length() > 0) || (e != null && e.length() > 0))) s += ": "; s += t; if (g != null && g.length() > 0) s += " [" + g + "]"; if (e != null && e.length() > 0) s += " / " + e; return s;*/ } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateAction(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateAction(Object m) { // return m.getName(); Object script = ModelFacade.getScript(m); if ((script != null) && (ModelFacade.getBody(script) != null)) return ModelFacade.getBody(script).toString(); return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateGuard(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateGuard(Object guard) { //return generateExpression(m.getExpression()); if (ModelFacade.getExpression(guard) != null) return generateExpression(ModelFacade.getExpression(guard)); return ""; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateMessage(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateMessage(Object message) { if (message == null) { return ""; } return generateName(ModelFacade.getName(message)) + "::" + generateAction(ModelFacade.getAction(message)); } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleName() */ public String getModuleName() { return "GeneratorCpp"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleDescription() */ public String getModuleDescription() { return "Cpp Notation and Code Generator"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleAuthor() */ public String getModuleAuthor() { return "Achim Spangler"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleVersion() */ public String getModuleVersion() { return "0.9.8"; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.ArgoModule#getModuleKey() */ public String getModuleKey() { return "module.language.cpp.generator"; } /** * Returns the _lfBeforeCurly. * @return boolean */ public boolean isLfBeforeCurly() { return lfBeforeCurly; } /** * Returns the _verboseDocs. * @return boolean */ public boolean isVerboseDocs() { return verboseDocs; } /** * Sets the _lfBeforeCurly. * @param beforeCurly The _lfBeforeCurly to set */ public void setLfBeforeCurly(boolean beforeCurly) { this.lfBeforeCurly = beforeCurly; } /** * Sets the _verboseDocs. * @param verbose The _verboseDocs to set */ public void setVerboseDocs(boolean verbose) { this.verboseDocs = verbose; } /** * @see org.argouml.application.api.NotationProvider2#generateActionState(java.lang.Object) */ public String generateActionState(Object actionState) { return generateState(actionState); } } /* end class GeneratorCpp */
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