Axis 2 example source code file (ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test.java)
The Axis 2 ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test.java source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /** * ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test.java * * This file was auto-generated from WSDL * by the Apache Axis2 version: SNAPSHOT May 30, 2007 (11:56:02 EDT) */ package org.apache.axis2.rpc.complex; import org.apache.axiom.attachments.ByteArrayDataSource; import org.apache.axiom.attachments.utils.IOUtils; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMAbstractFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMFactory; import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNamespace; import org.apache.axis2.integration.UtilServerBasedTestCase; import org.apache.axis2.integration.UtilServer; import org.apache.axis2.description.AxisService; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference; import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfArrayOfstring; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfNullableOfdateTime; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfNullableOfdecimal; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfPerson; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfanyType; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfint; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfshort; import org.tempuri.complex.data.arrays.xsd.ArrayOfstring; import org.tempuri.complex.data.xsd.*; import javax.activation.DataHandler; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Arrays; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test extends UtilServerBasedTestCase { protected EndpointReference targetEPR; protected QName serviceName = new QName("ComplexDataTypes"); protected AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration; protected boolean finish = false; org.tempuri.complex.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub stub; public ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test() { super(ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test.class.getName()); } public ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test(String testName) { super(testName); } public static Test suite() { return getTestSetup(new TestSuite(ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test.class)); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { String className = "org.tempuri.complex.ComplexDataTypes"; UtilServer.start(); AxisService service = AxisService.createService( className, UtilServer.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration()); service.setElementFormDefault(true); service.setName("ComplexDataTypes"); service.setClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); UtilServer.deployService(service); targetEPR = new EndpointReference("" + (UtilServer.TESTING_PORT) + "/axis2/services/ComplexDataTypes"); stub = new org.tempuri.complex.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub(null,targetEPR.getAddress()); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { UtilServer.unDeployService(serviceName); UtilServer.unDeployClientService(); } public void testretArrayInt1D() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retArrayInt1D(null)); stub._getServiceClient().cleanupTransport(); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayInt1D(new ArrayOfint())); stub._getServiceClient().cleanupTransport(); ArrayOfint input = new ArrayOfint(); input.set_int(new int[]{0, 1, 2}); ArrayOfint ret = stub.retArrayInt1D(input); stub._getServiceClient().cleanupTransport(); assertNotNull(ret); assertNotNull(ret.get_int()); assertEquals(ret.get_int().length, 3); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretStructSNSAS() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retStructSNSAS(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retStructSNSAS(new Group())); Group input = new Group(); input.setName("xyz"); input.setMembers(new ArrayOfPerson()); assertNotNull(stub.retStructSNSAS(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretArrayDateTime1D() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retArrayDateTime1D(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayDateTime1D(new ArrayOfNullableOfdateTime())); ArrayOfNullableOfdateTime input = new ArrayOfNullableOfdateTime(); input.setDateTime(new Calendar[]{Calendar.getInstance(), Calendar.getInstance()}); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayDateTime1D(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretArrayString2D() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retArrayString2D(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayString2D(new ArrayOfArrayOfstring())); ArrayOfArrayOfstring input = new ArrayOfArrayOfstring(); ArrayOfstring a2 = new ArrayOfstring(); ArrayOfstring a1 = new ArrayOfstring(); a1.setString(new String[]{"foo", "bar"}); input.setArrayOfstring(new ArrayOfstring[]{a1, a2}); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayString2D(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretArrayDecimal1D() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retArrayDecimal1D(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayDecimal1D(new ArrayOfNullableOfdecimal())); ArrayOfNullableOfdecimal input = new ArrayOfNullableOfdecimal(); input.setDecimal(new BigDecimal[]{new BigDecimal(1), new BigDecimal(2)}); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayDecimal1D(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretStructSNSA() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retStructSNSA(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retStructSNSA(new Employee())); Employee input = new Employee(); input.setJobID(34); input.setBaseDetails(new Person()); input.setNumbers(new ArrayOfshort()); input.setHireDate(Calendar.getInstance()); assertNotNull(stub.retStructSNSA(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretArrayAnyType1D() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retArrayAnyType1D(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayAnyType1D(new ArrayOfanyType())); ArrayOfanyType input = new ArrayOfanyType(); OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); // lets create the namespace object of the Article element OMNamespace ns = factory.createOMNamespace("http://www.serverside.com/articles/introducingAxiom", "article"); // now create the Article element with the above namespace OMElement articleElement = factory.createOMElement("Article", ns); input.setAnyType(new OMElement[]{articleElement}); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayAnyType1D(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretDerivedClass2() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retDerivedClass2(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retDerivedClass2(new Table())); Table input = new Table(); input.setSeatingCapacity(50); input.setColor("sdfsd"); input.setPrice(45); assertNotNull(stub.retDerivedClass2(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretStructSN() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retStructSN(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retStructSN(new Person())); Person input = new Person(); input.setAge(23); input.setID(345); input.setMale(false); input.setName("Why?"); assertNotNull(stub.retStructSN(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretArray1DSN() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retArray1DSN(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retArray1DSN(new ArrayOfPerson())); ArrayOfPerson input = new ArrayOfPerson(); Person p1 = new Person(); p1.setAge(34); p1.setID(2345); p1.setMale(true); p1.setName("HJHJH"); input.setPerson(new Person[]{p1}); assertNotNull(stub.retArray1DSN(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretDerivedClass() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retDerivedClass(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retDerivedClass(new Furniture())); Furniture input = new Furniture(); input.setColor("white"); input.setPrice(67); assertNotNull(stub.retDerivedClass(input)); assertTrue(input instanceof Furniture); input = new Table(); input.setColor("black"); input.setPrice(89); ((Table) input).setSeatingCapacity(100); assertTrue(input instanceof Table); } // TODO: We need to figure out how to deal with ENUM's. Please don't remove this section. // /** // * Auto generated test method // */ public void testretEnumInt() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retEnumInt(null)); String input = ""; assertNotNull(stub.retEnumInt(new String())); } // TODO: We need to figure out how to deal with ENUM's. Please don't remove this section. // /** // * Auto generated test method // */ // public void testretEnumString() throws java.lang.Exception { // // org.tempuri.complex.xsd.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub stub = // new org.tempuri.complex.xsd.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub(); // // assertNull(stub.retEnumString(null)); // BitMask input = new BitMask(); // assertNull(stub.retEnumString(new BitMask())); // } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretStructS1() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retStructS1(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retStructS1(new Name())); Name input = new Name(); input.setName("ewrterty"); assertNotNull(stub.retStructS1(input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretArrayString1D() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNull(stub.retArrayString1D(null)); assertNotNull(stub.retArrayString1D(new ArrayOfstring())); ArrayOfstring input = new ArrayOfstring(); input.setString(new String[]{"foo", "bar"}); ArrayOfstring ret = stub.retArrayString1D(input); assertNotNull(ret); assertNotNull(ret.getString()); assertEquals(ret.getString().length, 2); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretSingle() throws java.lang.Exception { float ret = stub.retSingle(43.0f); assertTrue(ret==43.0f); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretDateTime() throws java.lang.Exception { Calendar input = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar ret = stub.retDateTime(input); assertNotNull(ret); assertEquals(ret, input); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretGuid() throws java.lang.Exception { String input = "12345"; String ret = stub.retGuid(input); assertEquals(ret, input); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretByteArray() throws java.lang.Exception { byte[] input = new byte[]{(byte) 0xDE, (byte) 0xAD, (byte) 0xBE, (byte) 0xEF}; DataHandler ret = stub.retByteArray(new DataHandler(new ByteArrayDataSource(input))); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.getStreamAsByteArray(ret.getInputStream()); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(bytes, input)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretUri() throws java.lang.Exception { assertNotNull(stub.retUri("124")); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretQName() throws java.lang.Exception { //FIXME: Why is QName being mapped to OMElement? assertNull(stub.retQName(null)); } // TODO: FIXME: Need to figure out how to do enum's. Please don't remove this following section // /** // * Auto generated test method // */ // public void testretEnumInt() throws java.lang.Exception { // // org.tempuri.complex.xsd.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub stub = // new org.tempuri.complex.xsd.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub(); // // org.tempuri.complex.xsd.xsd.RetEnumInt retEnumInt126 = // (org.tempuri.complex.xsd.xsd.RetEnumInt) getTestObject(org.tempuri.complex.xsd.xsd.RetEnumInt.class); // // todo Fill in the retEnumInt126 here // // assertNotNull(stub.retEnumInt( // getParam0(retEnumInt126) // )); // // // } public void testretLong() throws java.lang.Exception { long ret = stub.retLong(34); assertEquals(34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretUShort() throws java.lang.Exception { int ret = stub.retUShort(34); assertEquals(34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretUInt() throws java.lang.Exception { long ret = stub.retUInt(34); assertEquals(34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretByte() throws java.lang.Exception { short ret = stub.retByte((short)34); assertEquals((short)34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretSByte() throws java.lang.Exception { byte ret = stub.retSByte((byte)34); assertEquals((byte)34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretShort() throws java.lang.Exception { short ret = stub.retShort((short)34); assertEquals((short)34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretObject() throws java.lang.Exception { OMFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); // lets create the namespace object of the Article element OMNamespace ns = factory.createOMNamespace("http://www.serverside.com/articles/introducingAxiom", "article"); // now create the Article element with the above namespace OMElement articleElement = factory.createOMElement("Article", ns); OMElement ret = stub.retObject(articleElement); assertNotNull(ret); assertEquals(ret.toString(), articleElement.toString()); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretFloat() throws java.lang.Exception { float ret = stub.retFloat((float)34); assertTrue(ret==34); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretDouble() throws java.lang.Exception { double ret = stub.retDouble((double)34); assertTrue(ret==34); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretBool() throws java.lang.Exception { boolean ret = stub.retBool(true); assertTrue(ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretDecimal() throws java.lang.Exception { BigDecimal input = new BigDecimal(12334); BigDecimal ret = stub.retDecimal(input); assertNotNull(ret); assertEquals(ret, input); } // TODO: FIXME: Need to figure out how to do enum's. Please don't remove this following section // /** // * Auto generated test method // */ // public void testretEnumString() throws java.lang.Exception { // // org.tempuri.complex.xsd.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub stub = // new org.tempuri.complex.xsd.ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Port_httpStub(); // // org.tempuri.complex.xsd.xsd.RetEnumString retEnumString198 = // (org.tempuri.complex.xsd.xsd.RetEnumString) getTestObject(org.tempuri.complex.xsd.xsd.RetEnumString.class); // // todo Fill in the retEnumString198 here // // assertNotNull(stub.retEnumString( // getParam0(retEnumString198) // )); // // // } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretInt() throws java.lang.Exception { int ret = stub.retInt((int)34); assertEquals((int)34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretInts() throws java.lang.Exception { int[] input = new int[]{34, 45}; int ret[] = stub.retInts(input); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(input, ret)); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretChar() throws java.lang.Exception { int ret = stub.retChar(34); assertEquals(34, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretString() throws java.lang.Exception { String input = "Abracadabra"; String ret = stub.retString(input); assertNotNull(ret); assertEquals(input, ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretStrings() throws java.lang.Exception { String[] ret; String[] input = new String[]{"Abracadabra"}; ret = stub.retStrings(null); assertNull(ret); ret = stub.retStrings(input); assertNotNull(ret); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(input, ret)); input = new String[]{"Abracadabra", null, "abc"}; ret = stub.retStrings(input); assertNotNull(ret); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(input, ret)); input = new String[]{}; ret = stub.retStrings(input); assertNull(ret); } /** * Auto generated test method */ public void testretULong() throws java.lang.Exception { BigInteger input = new BigInteger("34"); BigInteger ret = stub.retULong(input); assertEquals(input, ret); } } Other Axis 2 examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Axis 2 ComplexDataTypesComplexDataTypesSOAP11Test.java source code file: |
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