Axis 2 example source code file (SOAPConnectionImpl.java)
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The Axis 2 SOAPConnectionImpl.java source code
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.axis2.saaj;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMAttribute;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMNode;
import org.apache.axiom.om.OMText;
import org.apache.axiom.om.impl.llom.OMTextImpl;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis2.Constants;
import org.apache.axis2.addressing.EndpointReference;
import org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient;
import org.apache.axis2.client.Options;
import org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient;
import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisConfiguration;
import org.apache.axis2.engine.DispatchPhase;
import org.apache.axis2.saaj.util.IDGenerator;
import org.apache.axis2.saaj.util.SAAJUtil;
import org.apache.axis2.saaj.util.UnderstandAllHeadersHandler;
import org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDLConstants;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.soap.AttachmentPart;
import javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory;
import javax.xml.soap.MimeHeaders;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPBody;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeaderElement;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPPart;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class SOAPConnectionImpl extends SOAPConnection {
/** Attribute which keeps track of whether this connection has been closed */
private boolean closed = false;
private ServiceClient serviceClient;
private HashMap unaccessedAttachments = new HashMap();
* Sends the given message to the specified endpoint and blocks until it has returned the
* response.
* @param request the <CODE>SOAPMessage object to be sent
* @param endpoint an <code>Object that identifies where the message should be sent. It
* is required to support Objects of type <code>java.lang.String,
* <code>java.net.URL, and when JAXM is present javax.xml.messaging.URLEndpoint
* @return the <CODE>SOAPMessage object that is the response to the message that was
* sent
* @throws javax.xml.soap.SOAPException if there is a SOAP error, or this SOAPConnection is
* already closed
public SOAPMessage call(SOAPMessage request, Object endpoint) throws SOAPException {
if (closed) {
throw new SOAPException("SOAPConnection closed");
// initialize URL
URL url;
try {
url = (endpoint instanceof URL) ? (URL)endpoint : new URL(endpoint.toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new SOAPException(e.getMessage());
// initialize and set Options
Options options = new Options();
options.setTo(new EndpointReference(url.toString()));
// initialize the Sender
OperationClient opClient;
try {
serviceClient = new ServiceClient();
opClient = serviceClient.createClient(ServiceClient.ANON_OUT_IN_OP);
} catch (AxisFault e) {
throw new SOAPException(e);
if (request.countAttachments() != 0) { // SOAPMessage with attachments
return handleSOAPMessage(request, opClient);
} else { // simple SOAPMessage
return handleSOAPMessage(request, opClient);
* Installs UnderstandAllHeadersHandler that marks all headers as processed
* because MU validation should not be done for SAAJ clients.
private void disableMustUnderstandProcessing(AxisConfiguration config) {
DispatchPhase phase;
phase = getDispatchPhase(serviceClient.getAxisConfiguration().getInFlowPhases());
if (phase != null) {
phase.addHandler(new UnderstandAllHeadersHandler());
phase = getDispatchPhase(serviceClient.getAxisConfiguration().getInFaultFlowPhases());
if (phase != null) {
phase.addHandler(new UnderstandAllHeadersHandler());
private static DispatchPhase getDispatchPhase(List phases) {
Iterator iter = phases.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
Object phase = iter.next();
if (phase instanceof DispatchPhase) {
return (DispatchPhase)phase;
return null;
* Closes this <CODE>SOAPConnection object.
* @throws javax.xml.soap.SOAPException if there is a SOAP error, or this SOAPConnection is
* already closed
public void close() throws SOAPException {
if (serviceClient != null) {
try {
} catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
throw new SOAPException(axisFault.getMessage());
if (closed) {
throw new SOAPException("SOAPConnection Closed");
closed = true;
private SOAPMessage handleSOAPMessage(SOAPMessage request,
OperationClient opClient) throws SOAPException {
MessageContext requestMsgCtx = new MessageContext();
try {
MessageContext msgCtx =
return getSOAPMessage(msgCtx.getEnvelope());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SOAPException(e.getMessage(), e);
* This method handles the conversion of an OM SOAP Envelope to a SAAJ SOAPMessage
* @param respOMSoapEnv
* @return the SAAJ SOAPMessage
* @throws SOAPException If an exception occurs during this conversion
private SOAPMessage getSOAPMessage(org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope respOMSoapEnv)
throws SOAPException {
// Create the basic SOAP Message
MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
SOAPMessage response = mf.createMessage();
SOAPPart sPart = response.getSOAPPart();
javax.xml.soap.SOAPEnvelope env = sPart.getEnvelope();
SOAPBody body = env.getBody();
SOAPHeader header = env.getHeader();
// Convert all header blocks
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeader header2 = respOMSoapEnv.getHeader();
if (header2 != null) {
for (Iterator hbIter = header2.examineAllHeaderBlocks(); hbIter.hasNext();) {
// Converting a single OM SOAP HeaderBlock to a SAAJ SOAP
// HeaderBlock
org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeaderBlock hb = (org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPHeaderBlock)
final QName hbQName = hb.getQName();
final SOAPHeaderElement headerEle = header.addHeaderElement(env.createName(hbQName
.getLocalPart(), hbQName.getPrefix(), hbQName.getNamespaceURI()));
for (Iterator attribIter = hb.getAllAttributes(); attribIter.hasNext();) {
OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute)attribIter.next();
final QName attrQName = attr.getQName();
headerEle.addAttribute(env.createName(attrQName.getLocalPart(), attrQName
.getPrefix(), attrQName.getNamespaceURI()), attr.getAttributeValue());
final String role = hb.getRole();
if (role != null) {
toSAAJElement(headerEle, hb, response);
// Convert the body
toSAAJElement(body, respOMSoapEnv.getBody(), response);
// if there are unrefferenced attachments, add that to response
if (!unaccessedAttachments.isEmpty()) {
Collection attachments = unaccessedAttachments.values();
Iterator attachementsIterator = attachments.iterator();
while (attachementsIterator.hasNext()) {
AttachmentPart attachment = (AttachmentPart)attachementsIterator.next();
return response;
* Converts an OMNode into a SAAJ SOAPElement
* @param saajEle
* @param omNode
* @param saajSOAPMsg
* @throws SOAPException If conversion fails
private void toSAAJElement(SOAPElement saajEle,
OMNode omNode,
javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage saajSOAPMsg) throws SOAPException {
if (omNode instanceof OMText) {
return; // simply return since the text has already been added to saajEle
if (omNode instanceof OMElement) {
OMElement omEle = (OMElement)omNode;
for (Iterator childIter = omEle.getChildren(); childIter.hasNext();) {
OMNode omChildNode = (OMNode)childIter.next();
SOAPElement saajChildEle = null;
if (omChildNode instanceof OMText) {
// check whether the omtext refers to an attachment
final OMText omText = (OMText)omChildNode;
if (omText.isOptimized()) { // is this an attachment?
final DataHandler datahandler = (DataHandler)omText.getDataHandler();
AttachmentPart attachment = saajSOAPMsg.createAttachmentPart(datahandler);
final String id = IDGenerator.generateID();
"cid:" + id);
} else {
saajChildEle = saajEle.addTextNode(omText.getText());
} else if (omChildNode instanceof OMElement) {
OMElement omChildEle = (OMElement)omChildNode;
final QName omChildQName = omChildEle.getQName();
saajChildEle =
for (Iterator attribIter = omChildEle.getAllAttributes();
attribIter.hasNext();) {
OMAttribute attr = (OMAttribute)attribIter.next();
final QName attrQName = attr.getQName();
// go down the tree adding child elements, till u reach a leaf(i.e. text element)
toSAAJElement(saajChildEle, omChildNode, saajSOAPMsg);
* Converts a SAAJ SOAPMessage to an OM SOAPEnvelope
* @param saajSOAPMsg
* @return
* @throws SOAPException
protected org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope toOMSOAPEnvelope(SOAPMessage saajSOAPMsg)
throws SOAPException {
final org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope omSOAPEnv =
Map attachmentMap = new HashMap();
final Iterator attachments = saajSOAPMsg.getAttachments();
while (attachments.hasNext()) {
final AttachmentPart attachment = (AttachmentPart)attachments.next();
if (attachment.getContentId() == null ||
attachment.getContentId().trim().length() == 0) {
if (attachment.getDataHandler() == null) {
throw new SOAPException("Attachment with NULL DataHandler");
attachmentMap.put(attachment.getContentId(), attachment);
//Get keys of attachments to a hashmap
//This hashmap will be updated when attachment is accessed atleast once.
//Doing this here instead of inside insertAttachmentNodes()is much simpler
//as insertAttachmentNodes() has recursive calls
Set keySet = attachmentMap.keySet();
Iterator keySetItr = keySet.iterator();
HashMap keyAccessStatus = new HashMap();
while (keySetItr.hasNext()) {
String key = (String)keySetItr.next();
keyAccessStatus.put(key, "not-accessed");
insertAttachmentNodes(attachmentMap, omSOAPEnv, keyAccessStatus);
unaccessedAttachments =
getUnReferencedAttachmentNodes(attachmentMap, omSOAPEnv, keyAccessStatus);
return omSOAPEnv;
* Inserts the attachments in the proper places
* @param attachments
* @param omEnvelope
* @throws SOAPException
private void insertAttachmentNodes(Map attachments,
OMElement omEnvelope, HashMap keyAccessStatus)
throws SOAPException {
Iterator childIter = omEnvelope.getChildElements();
while (childIter.hasNext()) {
OMElement child = (OMElement)childIter.next();
final OMAttribute hrefAttr = child.getAttribute(new QName("href"));
String contentID = getContentID(hrefAttr);
if (contentID != null) {//This is an omEnvelope referencing an attachment
AttachmentPart ap = ((AttachmentPart)attachments.get(contentID.trim()));
//update the key status as accessed
keyAccessStatus.put(contentID.trim(), "accessed");
OMText text = new OMTextImpl(ap.getDataHandler(), true,
} else {
//possibly there can be references in the children of this omEnvelope
//so recurse through.
insertAttachmentNodes(attachments, child, keyAccessStatus);
private HashMap getUnReferencedAttachmentNodes(Map attachments,
OMElement omEnvelope, HashMap keyAccessStatus)
throws SOAPException {
HashMap unaccessedAttachments = new HashMap();
//now check for unaccessed keys
Set keySet = keyAccessStatus.keySet();
Iterator keySetItr = keySet.iterator();
while (keySetItr.hasNext()) {
String key = (String)keySetItr.next();
String keyStatus = (String)keyAccessStatus.get(key);
if ("not-accessed".equals(keyStatus)) {
//The value for this key has not been accessed in the
//referencing attachment scenario.Hence it must be an
//unreferenced one.
AttachmentPart ap = ((AttachmentPart)attachments.get(key));
unaccessedAttachments.put(key, ap);
keyAccessStatus.put(key, "accessed");
return unaccessedAttachments;
* This method checks the value of attribute and if it is a valid CID then returns the contentID
* (with cid: prefix stripped off) or else returns null. A null return value can be assumed that
* this attribute is not an attachment referencing attribute
* @return the ContentID
private String getContentID(OMAttribute attr) {
String contentId;
if (attr != null) {
contentId = attr.getAttributeValue();
} else {
return null;
if (contentId.startsWith("cid:")) {
contentId = contentId.substring(4);
return contentId;
return null;
/** overrided SOAPConnection's get() method */
public SOAPMessage get(Object to) throws SOAPException {
URL url = null;
try {
url = (to instanceof URL) ? (URL)to : new URL(to.toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new SOAPException(e);
int responseCode;
boolean isFailure = false;
HttpURLConnection httpCon = null;
try {
httpCon = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
responseCode = httpCon.getResponseCode();
// 500 is allowed for SOAP faults
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR) {
isFailure = true;
} else if ((responseCode / 100) != 2) {
throw new SOAPException("Error response: (" + responseCode
+ httpCon.getResponseMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SOAPException(e);
//Construct the soapmessage from http response
SOAPMessage soapMessage = null;
if (responseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
try {
//read http headers & load mimeheaders
MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = new MimeHeaders();
String key, value;
// skip status line
int i = 1;
while (true) {
key = httpCon.getHeaderFieldKey(i);
value = httpCon.getHeaderField(i);
if (key == null && value == null) {
if (key != null) {
StringTokenizer values = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (values.hasMoreTokens()) {
mimeHeaders.addHeader(key, values.nextToken().trim());
InputStream httpInputStream;
if (isFailure) {
httpInputStream = httpCon.getErrorStream();
} else {
httpInputStream = httpCon.getInputStream();
soapMessage = new SOAPMessageImpl(httpInputStream, mimeHeaders);
} catch (SOAPException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new SOAPException(e.getMessage());
return soapMessage;
Other Axis 2 examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Axis 2 SOAPConnectionImpl.java source code file: