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The source code# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ################################################################ ################## Resources for the interface ############### ##################### Default en_us ########################### # # Main page title main.title=Apache Axis Service Archiver #general texts #Ok button caption general.ok=Ok #Cancle button caption general.cancel=Cancel #Next button caption general.next=Next #Previous button caption general.prev=Prev #Finish button caption general.finish=Finish #browse general.browse=Browse... general.add=Add ############################################################################### #Firstpage title page1.name=page1 page1.title=Service Archiver page1.desc=Welcome to the new AXIS Service packager Wizard Interface.Insert the location for the class files here. # First page page1.fileLocationLabel=Class File Location page1.filedialogTitle=Browse for the class file location page1.filter.caption=Include .class files only page1.filedialogTitle=Browse for a location page1.error.filemissing=The specified file is missing ################################################################################ # second page page2.name=page2 page2.title=Service Archiver page2.desc=Select the Service XML file to be included in the Service archive page2.selectservicexml.caption=Set the service XML file page2.generateauto.caption=Generate the service xml automatically page2.error.servicenameempty=Service XML should not be empty page2.error.servicenamewrong=Please select a file named service.xml ############################################################################### #third page page3.name=page3 page3.title=Service Archiver page3.desc=Generate the Service XML file page3.servicename.lable=Service name page3.servicename.tooltip=Put the name of the service here. page3.classname.lable=Class name page3.classname.tooltip=The class that you need to expose as the service. Note that this needs to be in the previosly selected folder page3.loadbutton.lable=Load page3.declared.lable=Search declared methods only page3.table.col1=Method name page3.table.col2=Return type page3.table.col3=Parameters page3.error.url=Error : invalid location page3.error.class=Error : Class not found page3.error.unknown=Error : Unknown error ################################################################################ #Fourth page page4.name=page4 page4.title=Service Archiver page4.desc=Set the output loacation and the output file name page4.outputlocation.label=Output file location page4.outputname.label=Output File Name page4.dirdialog.caption=Browse for the output location page4.hint.caption=Hint : To Finish the wizard, please enter valid entries to the output location and output file. # errors page4.error.location=Browse and enter the location to save the output file page4.error.filename=Enter a name for Service File (Ideally it sould be the service name ending with the valid extention *.jar) ################################################################################# #Fifth page page5.name=page5 page5.title=Service Archiver page5.desc=Add the WSDL File page5.selectwsdl.caption=Select a WSDL file page5.generateauto.caption=Generate a WSDL file page5.autogen.tooltip=Tick this to generate a WSDL file automatically page5.recommendation=Since you generated the service.XML it is recommended that the WSDL is auto generated page5.error.wsdlnameempty=WSDL file name is empty page5.error.wsdlnamewrong=WSDL file name is invalid page5.skipWSDL.caption=Skip WSDL page5.selectWSDL.caption=Select WSDL ################################################################################## #Sixth page page6.name=page6 page6.title=Service Archiver page6.desc=Add any external libraries page6.add=Add -> page6.remove=Remove <- page6.libnames.caption=Libraries page6.liblist.caption=Added libraries page6.liblist.count.caption= jars in list ################################################################################## # Wizards error messages wizard.codegen.success=Service Archive Generated successfully! wizard.codegen.unknown.error=Unknown Error! wizard.codegen.success.msg.heading=Success wizard.codegen.error.msg.heading=Error wizard.codegen.startmsg=Running the archiving process |
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