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The source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ /* CVS Header $Id$ $Log$ */ package org.apache.axis2.xmlbeans; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; public class XSDConfig { private static final String XMLBEANS_NS = "http://xml.apache.org/xmlbeans/2004/02/xbean/config"; private static final String XMLBEANS_QNAME_NODE = "qname"; private static final String XMLBEANS_NS_NODE = "namespace"; /** The parsed xsdconfig file */ private Document xsdConfigDoc = null; /** The list of prefixes on the document root */ private HashMap prefixesToURIMappings = null; /** The list of schema tyes to Java class names */ private HashMap qnamesToJavaNamesMappings = null; /** The list of namespaces to Java package names */ private HashMap nsToJavaPackagesMap = null; /** Indicates whether we have any QName to Java class name mappings */ public boolean hasQNameToJavaNameMappings = false; /** Indicates whether we have any namespace to Java package mappings */ public boolean hasNamespaceToJavaPackageMappings = false; public XSDConfig(String xsdConfigFile) { try { DocumentBuilder builder = null; DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); factory.setValidating(false); builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); builder.setErrorHandler(new ParseErrorHandler()); xsdConfigDoc = builder.parse(new File(xsdConfigFile)); // Create a mapping for all the namespaces in the document prefixesToURIMappings = new HashMap(); NamedNodeMap attributes = xsdConfigDoc.getDocumentElement().getAttributes(); for (int c = 0; c < attributes.getLength(); c++) { /* Do we have a namespace declaration? * xmlns:mv="urn:weegietech:minerva" */ if (attributes.item(c).getNodeName().indexOf("xmlns:") != -1) { String[] parts = attributes.item(c).getNodeName().split(":"); // Add the prefix to uri mapping to our list prefixesToURIMappings.put(parts[1], attributes.item(c).getNodeValue()); } } // Load up the list of QName to Java class name mappings qnamesToJavaNamesMappings = getQNamesToJavaNames(); if (qnamesToJavaNamesMappings.size() > 0) hasQNameToJavaNameMappings = true; // Load up the list of namespaces to Java packages mappings nsToJavaPackagesMap = getNamespacesToPackages(); if (nsToJavaPackagesMap.size() > 0) hasNamespaceToJavaPackageMappings = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } catch (SAXException se) { throw new RuntimeException(se); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new RuntimeException(iae); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { throw new RuntimeException(pce); } } /** * Returns the pre loaded schema types to Java class names mappings. * * @return HashMap of schema types to Java class names mappings as as specified in the xsdconfig * file. */ public HashMap getSchemaTypesToJavaNames() { return qnamesToJavaNamesMappings; } /** * Returns the pre loaded namespace to Java package mappings. * * @return HashMap of namespace to Java package mappings as as specified in the xsdconfig file. */ public HashMap getNamespacesToJavaPackages() { return nsToJavaPackagesMap; } /** * Loads the schema types to Java class name mappings * * @return HashMap containing the schema types to Java class name mappings as specified in the * xsdconfig file. If there are no mappings, the returned HashMap will be empty. */ private HashMap getQNamesToJavaNames() { HashMap qnamesToJavaNamesMap = new HashMap(); /* Look for all the <xb:qname ... /> nodes as these specify * xml schema types to Java class mappings. * <xb:qname name="mv:moduleType" javaname="Module"/> */ NodeList qnameNodes = xsdConfigDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLBEANS_NS, XMLBEANS_QNAME_NODE); for (int c = 0; c < qnameNodes.getLength(); c++) { Node qnameNode = qnameNodes.item(c); /* In the xsdconfig file we'll get schema types with a prefix and not a uri. * <xb:qname name="mv:moduleType" javaname="Module"/> * but XMLBeans will call BindingConfig::lookupJavanameForQName with a QName * which has a namespace uri and no prefix. * So we'll store the fully qualifed schema type name in the mapping list. * i.e. we pick it up from the xsdconfig file as: * mv:moduleType * but we'll store it as urn:weegietech:minerva:moduleType */ String schemaType = qnameNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue(); if (schemaType.indexOf(":") != -1) { // mv:moduleType String prefix = schemaType.split(":")[0]; String localName = schemaType.split(":")[1]; if (prefixesToURIMappings.containsKey(prefix)) { // Store as urn:weegietech:minerva:moduleType String key = (String)prefixesToURIMappings.get(prefix) + ":" + localName; // Direct mapping now from schema types to Java class names qnamesToJavaNamesMap.put(key, qnameNode.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("javaname").getNodeValue()); } } } return qnamesToJavaNamesMap; } /** * Loads the namespace to Java package mappings * * @return HashMap containing the namespace to Java package mappings as specified in the * xsdconfig file. If there are no mappings, the returned HashMap will be empty. */ private HashMap getNamespacesToPackages() { HashMap nsToJavaPackagesMap = new HashMap(); /* Look for all the <xb:namespace ... /> nodes as these specify * xml namespace to Java package mappings. * <xb:qname name="mv:moduleType" javaname="Module"/> */ NodeList nsNodes = xsdConfigDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLBEANS_NS, XMLBEANS_NS_NODE); for (int nsNodesCount = 0; nsNodesCount < nsNodes.getLength(); nsNodesCount++) { Node nsNode = nsNodes.item(nsNodesCount); // What's the current namespace? String uri = nsNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("uri").getNodeValue(); // Get the package name for the current namespace uri String packageName = null; NodeList childNodes = nsNode.getChildNodes(); for (int childNodesCount = 0; childNodesCount < childNodes.getLength(); childNodesCount++) { Node childNode = childNodes.item(childNodesCount); if (childNode.getLocalName() != null) { if (childNode.getLocalName().equals("package")) { packageName = childNode.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } } } // Store the namespace uri to Java package mapping if (packageName != null) { nsToJavaPackagesMap.put(uri, packageName); } } return nsToJavaPackagesMap; } class ParseErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler { public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException { throw new SAXException(exception); } public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException { throw new SAXException(exception); } public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException { throw new SAXException(exception); } } } |
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