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Java example source code file (compilation.clj)

This example Java source code file (compilation.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

clj1399, closeable, compiler, compilerexception, float/type, integer, long/type, runtimeexception, see, short/type, string, system/setproperty, testdispatch/somemethod, unable

The compilation.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

; Author: Frantisek Sodomka

(ns clojure.test-clojure.compilation
  (:import (clojure.lang Compiler Compiler$CompilerException))
  (:require [clojure.test.generative :refer (defspec)]
            [ :as gen]
            [clojure.test-clojure.compilation.line-number-examples :as line])
  (:use clojure.test
        [clojure.test-helper :only (should-not-reflect should-print-err-message)]))


; compile
; gen-class, gen-interface

(deftest test-compiler-metadata
  (let [m (meta #'when)]
    (are [x y]  (= x y)
        (list? (:arglists m)) true
        (> (count (:arglists m)) 0) true

        (string? (:doc m)) true
        (> (.length (:doc m)) 0) true

        (string? (:file m)) true
        (> (.length (:file m)) 0) true

        (integer? (:line m)) true
        (> (:line m) 0) true

        (integer? (:column m)) true
        (> (:column m) 0) true

        (:macro m) true
        (:name m) 'when )))

(deftest test-embedded-constants
  (testing "Embedded constants"
    (is (eval `(= Boolean/TYPE ~Boolean/TYPE)))
    (is (eval `(= Byte/TYPE ~Byte/TYPE)))
    (is (eval `(= Character/TYPE ~Character/TYPE)))
    (is (eval `(= Double/TYPE ~Double/TYPE)))
    (is (eval `(= Float/TYPE ~Float/TYPE)))
    (is (eval `(= Integer/TYPE ~Integer/TYPE)))
    (is (eval `(= Long/TYPE ~Long/TYPE)))
    (is (eval `(= Short/TYPE ~Short/TYPE)))))

(deftest test-compiler-resolution
  (testing "resolve nonexistent class create should return nil (assembla #262)"
    (is (nil? (resolve 'NonExistentClass.)))))

(deftest test-no-recur-across-try
  (testing "don't recur to function from inside try"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '(fn [x] (try (recur 1)))))))
  (testing "don't recur to loop from inside try"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '(loop [x 5]
                          (try (recur 1)))))))
  (testing "don't recur to loop from inside of catch inside of try"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '(loop [x 5]
                            (catch Exception e
                              (recur 1))))))))
  (testing "don't recur to loop from inside of finally inside of try"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '(loop [x 5]
                              (recur 1))))))))
  (testing "don't get confused about what the recur is targeting"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '(loop [x 5]
                          (try (fn [x]) (recur 1)))))))
  (testing "don't allow recur across binding"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '(fn [x] (binding [+ *] (recur 1)))))))
  (testing "allow loop/recur inside try"
    (is (= 0 (eval '(try (loop [x 3]
                           (if (zero? x) x (recur (dec x)))))))))
  (testing "allow loop/recur fully inside catch"
    (is (= 3 (eval '(try
                      (throw (Exception.))
                      (catch Exception e
                        (loop [x 0]
                          (if (< x 3) (recur (inc x)) x))))))))
  (testing "allow loop/recur fully inside finally"
    (is (= "012" (eval '(with-out-str
                            (finally (loop [x 0]
                                       (when (< x 3)
                                         (print x)
                                         (recur (inc x)))))))))))
  (testing "allow fn/recur inside try"
    (is (= 0 (eval '(try
                      ((fn [x]
                         (if (zero? x)
                           (recur (dec x))))

;; disabled until build box can call java from mvn
#_(deftest test-numeric-dispatch
  (is (= "(int, int)" (TestDispatch/someMethod (int 1) (int 1))))
  (is (= "(int, long)" (TestDispatch/someMethod (int 1) (long 1))))
  (is (= "(long, long)" (TestDispatch/someMethod (long 1) (long 1)))))

(deftest test-CLJ-671-regression
  (testing "that the presence of hints does not cause the compiler to infinitely loop"
    (letfn [(gcd [x y]
              (loop [x (long x) y (long y)]
                (if (== y 0)
                  (recur y ^Long(rem x y)))))]
      (is (= 4 (gcd 8 100))))))

;; ensure proper use of hints / type decls

(defn hinted
  (^String [])
  (^Integer [a])
  (^java.util.List [a & args]))

;; fn names need to be fully-qualified because should-not-reflect evals its arg in a throwaway namespace

(deftest recognize-hinted-arg-vector
  (should-not-reflect #(.substring (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinted) 0))
  (should-not-reflect #(.floatValue (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinted "arg")))
  (should-not-reflect #(.size (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinted :many :rest :args :here))))

(deftest CLJ-1232-qualify-hints
  (let [arglists (-> #'clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinted meta :arglists)]
    (is (= 'java.lang.String (-> arglists first meta :tag)))
    (is (= 'java.lang.Integer (-> arglists second meta :tag)))))

(deftest CLJ-1232-return-type-not-imported
  (is (thrown-with-msg? Compiler$CompilerException #"Unable to resolve classname: Closeable"
                        (eval '(defn a ^Closeable []))))
  (is (thrown-with-msg? Compiler$CompilerException #"Unable to resolve classname: Closeable"
                        (eval '(defn a (^Closeable []))))))

(defn ^String hinting-conflict ^Integer [])

(deftest calls-use-arg-vector-hint
  (should-not-reflect #(.floatValue (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinting-conflict)))
  (should-print-err-message #"(?s)Reflection warning.*"
    #(.substring (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinting-conflict) 0)))

(deftest deref-uses-var-tag
  (should-not-reflect #(.substring clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinting-conflict 0))
  (should-print-err-message #"(?s)Reflection warning.*"
    #(.floatValue clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinting-conflict)))

(defn ^String legacy-hinting [])

(deftest legacy-call-hint
  (should-not-reflect #(.substring (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/legacy-hinting) 0)))

(defprotocol HintedProtocol
  (hintedp ^String [a]
           ^Integer [a b]))

(deftest hinted-protocol-arg-vector
  (should-not-reflect #(.substring (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hintedp "") 0))
  (should-not-reflect #(.floatValue (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hintedp :a :b))))

(defn primfn
  (^long [])
  (^double [a]))

(deftest primitive-return-decl
  (should-not-reflect #(loop [k 5] (recur (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/primfn))))
  (should-not-reflect #(loop [k 5.0] (recur (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/primfn 0))))

  (should-print-err-message #"(?s).*k is not matching primitive.*"
    #(loop [k (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/primfn)] (recur :foo))))

#_(deftest CLJ-1154-use-out-after-compile
  ;; This test creates a dummy file to compile, sets up a dummy
  ;; compiled output directory, and a dummy output stream, and
  ;; verifies the stream is still usable after compiling.
  (spit "test/dummy.clj" "(ns dummy)")
    (let [compile-path (System/getProperty "clojure.compile.path")
          tmp ( "tmp")
          new-out ( (]
      (binding [clojure.core/*out* new-out]
          (.mkdir tmp)
          (System/setProperty "clojure.compile.path" "tmp")
          (clojure.lang.Compile/main (into-array ["dummy"]))
          (println "this should still work without throwing an exception" )
            (if compile-path
              (System/setProperty "clojure.compile.path" compile-path)
              (System/clearProperty "clojure.compile.path"))
            (doseq [f (.listFiles tmp)]
              (.delete f))
            (.delete tmp)))))
      (doseq [f (.listFiles ( "test"))
              :when (re-find #"dummy.clj" (str f))]
        (.delete f)))))

(deftest CLJ-1184-do-in-non-list-test
  (testing "do in a vector throws an exception"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '[do 1 2 3]))))
  (testing "do in a set throws an exception"
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (eval '#{do}))))

  ;; compile uses a separate code path so we have to call it directly
  ;; to test it
  (letfn [(compile [s]
            (spit "test/clojure/bad_def_test.clj" (str "(ns clojure.bad-def-test)\n" s))
             (binding [*compile-path* "test"]
               (clojure.core/compile 'clojure.bad-def-test))
               (doseq [f (.listFiles ( "test/clojure"))
                       :when (re-find #"bad_def_test" (str f))]
                 (.delete f)))))]
    (testing "do in a vector throws an exception in compilation"
      (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (compile "[do 1 2 3]"))))
    (testing "do in a set throws an exception in compilation"
      (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException (compile "#{do}"))))))

(defn gen-name []
  ;; Not all names can be correctly demunged. Skip names that contain
  ;; a munge word as they will not properly demunge.
  (let [munge-words (remove clojure.string/blank?
                            (conj (map #(clojure.string/replace % "_" "")
                                       (vals Compiler/CHAR_MAP)) "_"))]
    (first (filter (fn [n] (not-any? #(>= (.indexOf n %) 0) munge-words))
                   (repeatedly #(name (gen/symbol (constantly 10))))))))

(defn munge-roundtrip [n]
  (Compiler/demunge (Compiler/munge n)))

(defspec test-munge-roundtrip
  [^{:tag clojure.test-clojure.compilation/gen-name} n]
  (assert (= n %)))

(deftest test-fnexpr-type-hint
  (testing "CLJ-1378: FnExpr should be allowed to override its reported class with a type hint."
    (is (thrown? Compiler$CompilerException
                 (load-string "(.submit (java.util.concurrent.Executors/newCachedThreadPool) #())")))
    (is (try (load-string "(.submit (java.util.concurrent.Executors/newCachedThreadPool) ^Runnable #())")
             (catch Compiler$CompilerException e nil)))))

(defn ^{:tag 'long} hinted-primfn [^long x] x)
(defn unhinted-primfn [^long x] x)
(deftest CLJ-1533-primitive-functions-lose-tag
  (should-not-reflect #(Math/abs (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/hinted-primfn 1)))
  (should-not-reflect #(Math/abs ^long (clojure.test-clojure.compilation/unhinted-primfn 1))))

(defrecord Y [a])
(defrecord Y [b])

(binding [*compile-path* "target/test-classes"]
  (compile 'clojure.test-clojure.compilation.examples))

(deftest test-compiler-line-numbers
  (let [fails-on-line-number? (fn [expected function]
                                   (catch Throwable t
                                     (let [frames (filter #(= "line_number_examples.clj" (.getFileName %))
                                                          (.getStackTrace t))
                                           _ (if (zero? (count frames))
                                               (.printStackTrace t)
                                           actual (.getLineNumber ^StackTraceElement (first frames))]
                                       (= expected actual)))))]
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  13 line/instance-field))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  19 line/instance-field-reflected))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  25 line/instance-field-unboxed))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  32 line/instance-field-assign))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  40 line/instance-field-assign-reflected))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  47 line/static-field-assign))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  54 line/instance-method))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  61 line/instance-method-reflected))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  68 line/instance-method-unboxed))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  74 line/static-method))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  80 line/static-method-reflected))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  86 line/static-method-unboxed))
    (is (fails-on-line-number?  92 line/invoke))
    (is (fails-on-line-number? 101 line/threading))
    (is (fails-on-line-number? 112 line/keyword-invoke))
    (is (fails-on-line-number? 119 line/invoke-cast))))

(deftest CLJ-979
  (is (= clojure.test_clojure.compilation.examples.X
         (class (clojure.test-clojure.compilation.examples/->X))))
  (is (.b (clojure.test_clojure.compilation.Y. 1)))
  (is (= clojure.test_clojure.compilation.examples.T
         (class (clojure.test_clojure.compilation.examples.T.))
         (class (clojure.test-clojure.compilation.examples/->T)))))

(deftest clj-1208
  ;; clojure.test-clojure.compilation.load-ns has not been loaded
  ;; so this would fail if the deftype didn't load it in its static
  ;; initializer as the implementation of f requires a var from
  ;; that namespace
  (is (= 1 (.f (clojure.test_clojure.compilation.load_ns.x.)))))

(deftest clj-1568
  (let [compiler-fails-at?
          (fn [row col source]
              (Compiler/load ( source) (name (gensym "clj-1568.example-")) "clj-1568.example")
              (catch Compiler$CompilerException e
                (re-find (re-pattern (str "^.*:" row ":" col "\\)$"))
                         (.getMessage e)))))]
    (testing "with error in the initial form"
      (are [row col source] (compiler-fails-at? row col source)
           ;; note that the spacing of the following string is important
           1  4 "   (.foo nil)"
           2 18 "
                 (/ 1 0)"))
    (testing "with error in an non-initial form"
      (are [row col source] (compiler-fails-at? row col source)
           ;; note that the spacing of the following string is important
           3 18 "(:foo {})

                 (.foo nil)"
           4 20 "(ns clj-1568.example)

                   (/ 1 0)"))))

(deftype CLJ1399 [munged-field-name])

(deftest clj-1399
  ;; throws an exception on failure
  (is (eval `(fn [] ~(CLJ1399. 1)))))

(deftest CLJ-1586-lazyseq-literals-preserve-metadata
  (should-not-reflect (eval (list '.substring (with-meta (concat '(identity) '("foo")) {:tag 'String}) 0))))

(deftest CLJ-1456-compiler-error-on-incorrect-number-of-parameters-to-throw
  (is (thrown? RuntimeException (eval '(defn foo [] (throw)))))
  (is (thrown? RuntimeException (eval '(defn foo [] (throw RuntimeException any-symbol)))))
  (is (thrown? RuntimeException (eval '(defn foo [] (throw (RuntimeException.) any-symbol)))))
  (is (var? (eval '(defn foo [] (throw (IllegalArgumentException.)))))))

(deftest clj-1809
  (is (eval `(fn [y#]
                   (let [z# y#])))))))

;; See CLJ-1846
(deftest incorrect-primitive-type-hint-throws
  ;; invalid primitive type hint
  (is (thrown-with-msg? Compiler$CompilerException #"Cannot coerce long to int"
        (load-string "(defn returns-long ^long [] 1) (Integer/bitCount ^int (returns-long))")))
  ;; correct casting instead
  (is (= 1 (load-string "(defn returns-long ^long [] 1) (Integer/bitCount (int (returns-long)))"))))

;; See CLJ-1825
(def zf (fn rf [x] (lazy-seq (cons x (rf x)))))
(deftest test-anon-recursive-fn
  (is (= [0 0] (take 2 ((fn rf [x] (lazy-seq (cons x (rf x)))) 0))))
  (is (= [0 0] (take 2 (zf 0)))))

;; See CLJ-1845
(deftest direct-linking-for-load
  (let [called? (atom nil)
        logger (fn [& args]
                 (reset! called? true)
    (with-redefs [load logger]
      ;; doesn't actually load clojure.repl, but should
      ;; eventually call `load` and reset called?.
      (require 'clojure.repl :reload))
    (is @called?)))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

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