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Java example source code file (io.clj)

This example Java source code file (io.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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Java - Java tags/keywords

bufferedinputstream, bytearrayinputstream, cannot, file, fileinputstream, fileoutputstream, illegalargumentexception, inputstreamreader, outputstreamwriter, socket, uri, url, utf-16, utf-8

The io.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

  (:use clojure.test
        [clojure.test-helper :only [platform-newlines]])
  (:import ( File BufferedInputStream
                    FileInputStream InputStreamReader InputStream
                    FileOutputStream OutputStreamWriter OutputStream
                    ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream)
           ( URL URI Socket ServerSocket)))

(defn temp-file
  [prefix suffix]
  (doto (File/createTempFile prefix suffix)

;; does not work on IBM JDK
#_(deftest test-spit-and-slurp
  (let [f (temp-file "" "test")
        content (apply str (concat "a" (repeat 500 "\u226a\ud83d\ude03")))]
    (spit f content)
    (is (= content (slurp f)))
    ;; UTF-16 must be last for the following test
    (doseq [enc [ "UTF-8" "UTF-16BE" "UTF-16LE" "UTF-16" ]]
      (spit f content :encoding enc)
      (is (= content (slurp f :encoding enc))))
    (testing "deprecated arity"
      (is (=
           (platform-newlines "WARNING: (slurp f enc) is deprecated, use (slurp f :encoding enc).\n")
             (is (= content (slurp f "UTF-16")))))))))

(deftest test-streams-defaults
  (let [f (temp-file "" "test-reader-writer")
        content "testing"]
      (is (thrown? Exception (reader (Object.))))
      (is (thrown? Exception (writer (Object.))))

      (are [write-to read-from] (= content (do
                                             (spit write-to content :encoding "UTF-8")
                                             (slurp read-from :encoding "UTF-8")))
           f f
           (.getAbsolutePath f) (.getAbsolutePath f)
           (.toURL f) (.toURL f)
           (.toURI f) (.toURI f)
           (FileOutputStream. f) (FileInputStream. f)
           (OutputStreamWriter. (FileOutputStream. f) "UTF-8") (reader f :encoding "UTF-8")
           f (FileInputStream. f)
           (writer f :encoding "UTF-8") (InputStreamReader. (FileInputStream. f) "UTF-8"))

      (is (= content (slurp (.getBytes content "UTF-8"))))
      (is (= content (slurp (.toCharArray content))))
       (.delete f)))))

(deftest test-streams-nil
  (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Cannot open.*nil" (reader nil)))
  (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Cannot open.*nil" (writer nil)))
  (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Cannot open.*nil" (input-stream nil)))
  (is (thrown-with-msg? IllegalArgumentException #"Cannot open.*nil" (output-stream nil))))

(defn bytes-should-equal [byte-array-1 byte-array-2 msg]
  (is (= @#' (class byte-array-1) (class byte-array-2)) msg)
  (is (= (into []  byte-array-1) (into []  byte-array-2)) msg))

(defn data-fixture
  "in memory fixture data for tests"
  (let [s (apply str (concat "a" (repeat 500 "\u226a\ud83d\ude03")))
        bs (.getBytes s encoding)
        cs (.toCharArray s)
        i (ByteArrayInputStream. bs)
        ;; Make UTF-8 encoding explicit for the InputStreamReader and
        ;; OutputStreamWriter, since some JVMs use a different default
        ;; encoding.
        r (InputStreamReader. i "UTF-8")
        o (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
        w (OutputStreamWriter. o "UTF-8")]
    {:bs bs
     :i i
     :r r
     :o o
     :s s
     :cs cs
     :w w}))

(deftest test-copy
   (for [{:keys [in out flush] :as test}
         [{:in :i :out :o}
          {:in :i :out :w}
          {:in :r :out :o}
          {:in :r :out :w}
          {:in :cs :out :o}
          {:in :cs :out :w}
          {:in :bs :out :o}
          {:in :bs :out :w}]
         [{} {:buffer-size 16} {:buffer-size 256}]]
     (let [{:keys [s o] :as d} (data-fixture "UTF-8")]
       (apply copy (in d) (out d) (flatten (vec opts)))
       #_(when (= out :w) (.flush (:w d)))
       (.flush (out d))
       (bytes-should-equal (.getBytes s "UTF-8")
                           (.toByteArray o)
                           (str "combination " test opts))))))
;; does not work on IBM JDK
#_(deftest test-copy-encodings
  (doseq [enc [ "UTF-8" "UTF-16" "UTF-16BE" "UTF-16LE" ]]
    (testing (str "from inputstream " enc " to writer UTF-8")
      (let [{:keys [i s o w bs]} (data-fixture enc)]
        (copy i w :encoding enc :buffer-size 16)
        (.flush w)
        (bytes-should-equal (.getBytes s "UTF-8") (.toByteArray o) "")))
    (testing (str "from reader UTF-8 to output-stream " enc)
      (let [{:keys [r o s]} (data-fixture "UTF-8")]
        (copy r o :encoding enc :buffer-size 16)
        (bytes-should-equal (.getBytes s enc) (.toByteArray o) "")))))

(deftest test-as-file
  (are [result input] (= result (as-file input))
       (File. "foo") "foo"
       (File. "bar") (File. "bar")
       (File. "baz") (URL. "file:baz")
       (File. "bar+baz") (URL. "file:bar+baz")
       (File. "bar baz qux") (URL. "file:bar%20baz%20qux")
       (File. "quux") (URI. "file:quux")
       (File. "abcĂ­d/foo.txt") (URL. "file:abc%c3%add/foo.txt")
       nil nil))

(deftest test-resources-with-spaces
  (let [file-with-spaces (temp-file "test resource 2" "txt")
        url (as-url (.getParentFile file-with-spaces))
        loader ( (into-array [url]))
        r (resource (.getName file-with-spaces) loader)]
    (is (= r (as-url file-with-spaces)))
    (spit r "foobar")
    (is (= "foobar" (slurp r)))))

(deftest test-file
  (are [result args] (= (File. result) (apply file args))
       "foo" ["foo"]
       "foo/bar" ["foo" "bar"]
       "foo/bar/baz" ["foo" "bar" "baz"]))
(deftest test-as-url
  (are [file-part input] (= (URL. (str "file:" file-part)) (as-url input))
       "foo" "file:foo"
       "baz" (URL. "file:baz")
       "quux" (URI. "file:quux"))
  (is (nil? (as-url nil))))

(deftest test-delete-file
  (let [file (temp-file "test" "deletion")
        not-file (File. (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))]
    (delete-file (.getAbsolutePath file))
    (is (not (.exists file)))
    (is (thrown? (delete-file not-file)))
    (is (= :silently (delete-file not-file :silently)))))

(deftest test-as-relative-path
  (testing "strings"
    (is (= "foo" (as-relative-path "foo"))))
  (testing "absolute path strings are forbidden"
    (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (as-relative-path (.getAbsolutePath (File. "baz"))))))
  (testing "relative File paths"
    (is (= "bar" (as-relative-path (File. "bar")))))
  (testing "absolute File paths are forbidden"
    (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (as-relative-path (File. (.getAbsolutePath (File. "quux"))))))))

(defn stream-should-have [stream expected-bytes msg]
  (let [actual-bytes (byte-array (alength expected-bytes))]
    (.read stream actual-bytes)
    (is (= -1 (.read stream)) (str msg " : should be end of stream"))
    (is (= (seq expected-bytes) (seq actual-bytes)) (str msg " : byte arrays should match"))))

(deftest test-input-stream
  (let [file (temp-file "test-input-stream" "txt")
        content (apply str (concat "a" (repeat 500 "\u226a\ud83d\ude03")))
        bytes (.getBytes content "UTF-8")]
    (spit file content)
    (doseq [[expr msg]
            [[file File]
             [(FileInputStream. file) FileInputStream]
             [(BufferedInputStream. (FileInputStream. file)) BufferedInputStream]
             [(.. file toURI) URI]
             [(.. file toURI toURL) URL]
             [(.. file toURI toURL toString) "URL as String"]
             [(.. file toString) "File as String"]]]
      (with-open [s (input-stream expr)]
        (stream-should-have s bytes msg)))))

(deftest test-streams-buffering
  (let [data (.getBytes "")]
    (is (instance? (reader data)))
    (is (instance? (writer (
    (is (instance? (input-stream data)))
    (is (instance? (output-stream (

(deftest test-resource
  (is (nil? (resource "non/existent/resource")))
  (is (instance? URL (resource "clojure/core.clj")))
  (let [file (temp-file "test-resource" "txt")
        url (as-url (.getParentFile file))
        loader ( (into-array [url]))]
    (is (nil? (resource "non/existent/resource" loader)))
    (is (instance? URL (resource (.getName file) loader)))))

(deftest test-make-parents
  (let [tmp (System/getProperty "")]
    (delete-file (file tmp "test-make-parents" "child" "grandchild") :silently)
    (delete-file (file tmp "test-make-parents" "child") :silently)
    (delete-file (file tmp "test-make-parents") :silently)
    (make-parents tmp "test-make-parents" "child" "grandchild")
    (is (.isDirectory (file tmp "test-make-parents" "child")))
    (is (not (.isDirectory (file tmp "test-make-parents" "child" "grandchild"))))
    (delete-file (file tmp "test-make-parents" "child"))
    (delete-file (file tmp "test-make-parents"))))

(deftest test-socket-iofactory
  (let [server-socket (ServerSocket. 0)
        client-socket (Socket. "localhost" (.getLocalPort server-socket))]
      (is (instance? InputStream (input-stream client-socket)))
      (is (instance? OutputStream (output-stream client-socket)))
      (finally (.close server-socket)
               (.close client-socket)))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

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