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Commons Beanutils example source code file (

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Java - Commons Beanutils tags/keywords

a, a, b, baselocaleconvertertestcase, bigdecimal, bigdecimal, bigdecimallocaleconverter, bigdecimallocaleconverter, bigdecimallocaleconvertertestcase, c, c, exception, math

The Commons Beanutils source code

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.beanutils.locale.converters;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * Test Case for the BigDecimalLocaleConverter class.
 * @author Niall Pemberton
 * @version $Revision: 469728 $ $Date: 2006-11-01 01:08:34 +0000 (Wed, 01 Nov 2006) $

public class BigDecimalLocaleConverterTestCase extends BaseLocaleConverterTestCase {

    // ---------------------------------------------------------- Constructors

    public BigDecimalLocaleConverterTestCase(String name) {
    // -------------------------------------------------- Overall Test Methods

     * Set up instance variables required by this test case.
    public void setUp() throws Exception {


        defaultValue  = new BigDecimal("9.99");
        expectedValue = new BigDecimal(expectedDecimalValue);


     * Tear down instance variables required by this test case.
    public void tearDown() {

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Test Converter(defaultValue, locale, pattern, localizedPattern) constructor
    public void testConstructorMain() {

        // ------------- Construct with localized pattern ------------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(defaultValue,

        convertValueNoPattern(converter, "(A)", localizedDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, "(A)", localizedDecimalValue, localizedDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, "(A)", defaultValue);
        convertNull(converter, "(A)", defaultValue);

        // **************************************************************************
        // Convert value in the wrong format - maybe you would expect it to throw an
        // exception and return the default - it doesn't, DecimalFormat parses it
        // quite happily turning "1,234.56" into "1.234"
        // I guess this is one of the limitations of DecimalFormat
        // **************************************************************************
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, "(B)", defaultDecimalValue, new BigDecimal("1.234"));

        // **************************************************************************
        // Convert with non-localized pattern - this causes an exception in parse()
        // but it gets swallowed in convert() method and returns default.
        //  **** IS THIS THE EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR? ****
        // Maybe if the pattern is no good, we should use a default pattern rather
        // than just returning the default value.
        // **************************************************************************
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, "(B)", localizedDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, defaultValue);

        // **************************************************************************
        // Convert with specified type
        // BaseLocaleConverter completely ignores the type - so even if we specify
        // Double.class here it still returns a BigDecimal.
        // **************************************************************************
        convertValueToType(converter, "(B)", Double.class, localizedDecimalValue, localizedDecimalPattern, expectedValue);

        // ------------- Construct with non-localized pattern ------------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(defaultValue,

        convertValueNoPattern(converter, "(C)", localizedDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, "(C)", localizedDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, "(C)", defaultValue);
        convertNull(converter, "(C)", defaultValue);


     * Test Converter() constructor
     * Uses the default locale, no default value
    public void testConstructor_2() {

        // ------------- Construct using default locale ------------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter();

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, null);
        convertNull(converter, null);


     * Test Converter(locPattern) constructor
     * Uses the default locale, no default value
    public void testConstructor_3() {

        // ------------- Construct using localized pattern (default locale) --------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(true);

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, null);
        convertNull(converter, null);


     * Test Converter(Locale) constructor
    public void testConstructor_4() {

        // ------------- Construct using specified Locale --------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(localizedLocale);

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, null);
        convertNull(converter, null);


     * Test Converter(Locale, locPattern) constructor
    public void testConstructor_5() {

        // ------------- Construct using specified Locale --------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(localizedLocale, true);

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, localizedDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, null);
        convertNull(converter, null);


     * Test Converter(Locale, pattern) constructor
    public void testConstructor_6() {

        // ------------- Construct using specified Locale --------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(localizedLocale, defaultDecimalPattern);

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, null);
        convertNull(converter, null);


     * Test Converter(Locale, pattern, locPattern) constructor
    public void testConstructor_7() {

        // ------------- Construct using specified Locale --------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(localizedLocale, localizedDecimalPattern, true);

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, localizedDecimalValue, localizedDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, null);
        convertNull(converter, null);


     * Test Converter(defaultValue) constructor
    public void testConstructor_8() {

        // ------------- Construct using specified Locale --------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(defaultValue);

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, defaultValue);
        convertNull(converter, defaultValue);


     * Test Converter(defaultValue, locPattern) constructor
    public void testConstructor_9() {

        // ------------- Construct using specified Locale --------
        converter = new BigDecimalLocaleConverter(defaultValue, true);

        // Perform Tests
        convertValueNoPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, expectedValue);
        convertValueWithPattern(converter, defaultDecimalValue, defaultDecimalPattern, expectedValue);
        convertInvalid(converter, defaultValue);
        convertNull(converter, defaultValue);



Other Commons Beanutils examples (source code examples)

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