Commons Digester example source code file (PluginManager.java)
This example Commons Digester source code file (PluginManager.java) is included in the DevDaily.com
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The Commons Digester PluginManager.java source code
/* $Id: PluginManager.java 992060 2010-09-02 19:09:47Z simonetripodi $
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.digester.plugins;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
* Coordinates between PluginDeclarationRule and PluginCreateRule objects,
* providing a place to share data between instances of these rules.
* <p>
* One instance of this class exists per PluginRules instance.
* @since 1.6
public class PluginManager {
/** Map of classname->Declaration */
private HashMap<String, Declaration> declarationsByClass = new HashMap();
/** Map of id->Declaration */
private HashMap<String, Declaration> declarationsById = new HashMap();
/** the parent manager to which this one may delegate lookups. */
private PluginManager parent;
* The object containing data that should only exist once for each
* Digester instance.
private PluginContext pluginContext;
//------------------- constructors ---------------------------------------
/** Construct a "root" PluginManager, ie one with no parent. */
public PluginManager(PluginContext r) {
pluginContext = r;
* Construct a "child" PluginManager. When declarations are added to
* a "child", they are stored within the child and do not modify the
* parent, so when the child goes out of scope, those declarations
* disappear. When asking a "child" to retrieve a declaration, it
* delegates the search to its parent if it does not hold a matching
* entry itself.
* <p>
* @param parent must be non-null.
public PluginManager(PluginManager parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.pluginContext = parent.pluginContext;
//------------------- methods --------------------------------------------
* Add the declaration to the set of known declarations.
* <p>
* TODO: somehow get a reference to a Digester object
* so that we can really log here. Currently, all
* logging is disabled from this method.
*@param decl an object representing a plugin class.
public void addDeclaration(Declaration decl) {
Log log = LogUtils.getLogger(null);
boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled();
Class<?> pluginClass = decl.getPluginClass();
String id = decl.getId();
declarationsByClass.put(pluginClass.getName(), decl);
if (id != null) {
declarationsById.put(id, decl);
if (debug) {
"Indexing plugin-id [" + id + "]" +
" -> class [" + pluginClass.getName() + "]");
* Return the declaration object with the specified class.
* If no such plugin is known, null is returned.
public Declaration getDeclarationByClass(String className) {
Declaration decl =
if ((decl == null) && (parent != null)) {
decl = parent.getDeclarationByClass(className);
return decl;
* Return the declaration object with the specified id.
* If no such plugin is known, null is returned.
*@param id Description of the Parameter
*@return The declaration value
public Declaration getDeclarationById(String id) {
Declaration decl = declarationsById.get(id);
if ((decl == null) && (parent != null)) {
decl = parent.getDeclarationById(id);
return decl;
* Given a plugin class and some associated properties, scan the
* list of known RuleFinder instances until one detects a source of
* custom rules for this plugin (aka a RuleLoader).
* <p>
* If no source of custom rules can be found, null is returned.
public RuleLoader findLoader(Digester digester, String id,
Class<?> pluginClass, Properties props)
throws PluginException {
// iterate over the list of RuleFinders, trying each one
// until one of them locates a source of dynamic rules given
// this specific plugin class and the associated declaration
// properties.
Log log = LogUtils.getLogger(digester);
boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled();
log.debug("scanning ruleFinders to locate loader..");
List<RuleFinder> ruleFinders = pluginContext.getRuleFinders();
RuleLoader ruleLoader = null;
try {
for(Iterator<RuleFinder> i = ruleFinders.iterator();
i.hasNext() && ruleLoader == null; ) {
RuleFinder finder = i.next();
if (debug) {
log.debug("checking finder of type " + finder.getClass().getName());
ruleLoader = finder.findLoader(digester, pluginClass, props);
catch(PluginException e) {
throw new PluginException(
"Unable to locate plugin rules for plugin"
+ " with id [" + id + "]"
+ ", and class [" + pluginClass.getName() + "]"
+ ":" + e.getMessage(), e.getCause());
log.debug("scanned ruleFinders.");
return ruleLoader;
Other Commons Digester examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Commons Digester PluginManager.java source code file: