Commons IO example source code file (FileCleaningTrackerTestCase.java)
The Commons IO FileCleaningTrackerTestCase.java source code/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.commons.io; import java.io.File; import java.io.RandomAccessFile; import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.io.testtools.FileBasedTestCase; /** * This is used to test {@link FileCleaningTracker} for correctness. * * @author Noel Bergman * @author Martin Cooper * * @version $Id: FileCleaningTrackerTestCase.java 1006099 2010-10-09 01:55:02Z niallp $ * @see FileCleaningTracker */ public class FileCleaningTrackerTestCase extends FileBasedTestCase { protected FileCleaningTracker newInstance() { return new FileCleaningTracker(); } private File testFile; private FileCleaningTracker theInstance; public FileCleaningTrackerTestCase(String name) { super(name); testFile = new File(getTestDirectory(), "file-test.txt"); } /** @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */ @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { theInstance = newInstance(); getTestDirectory().mkdirs(); } /** @see junit.framework.TestCase#tearDown() */ @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(getTestDirectory()); // reset file cleaner class, so as not to break other tests /** * The following block of code can possibly be removed when the * deprecated {@link FileCleaner} is gone. The question is, whether * we want to support reuse of {@link FileCleaningTracker} instances, * which we should, IMO, not. */ { theInstance.q = new ReferenceQueue<Object>(); theInstance.trackers.clear(); theInstance.deleteFailures.clear(); theInstance.exitWhenFinished = false; theInstance.reaper = null; } theInstance = null; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- public void testFileCleanerFile() throws Exception { String path = testFile.getPath(); assertEquals(false, testFile.exists()); RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(testFile, "rw"); assertEquals(true, testFile.exists()); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); theInstance.track(path, r); assertEquals(1, theInstance.getTrackCount()); r.close(); testFile = null; r = null; waitUntilTrackCount(); pauseForDeleteToComplete(new File(path)); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals(showFailures(), false, new File(path).exists()); } public void testFileCleanerDirectory() throws Exception { createFile(testFile, 100); assertEquals(true, testFile.exists()); assertEquals(true, getTestDirectory().exists()); Object obj = new Object(); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); theInstance.track(getTestDirectory(), obj); assertEquals(1, theInstance.getTrackCount()); obj = null; waitUntilTrackCount(); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals(true, testFile.exists()); // not deleted, as dir not empty assertEquals(true, testFile.getParentFile().exists()); // not deleted, as dir not empty } public void testFileCleanerDirectory_NullStrategy() throws Exception { createFile(testFile, 100); assertEquals(true, testFile.exists()); assertEquals(true, getTestDirectory().exists()); Object obj = new Object(); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); theInstance.track(getTestDirectory(), obj, (FileDeleteStrategy) null); assertEquals(1, theInstance.getTrackCount()); obj = null; waitUntilTrackCount(); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals(true, testFile.exists()); // not deleted, as dir not empty assertEquals(true, testFile.getParentFile().exists()); // not deleted, as dir not empty } public void testFileCleanerDirectory_ForceStrategy() throws Exception { createFile(testFile, 100); assertEquals(true, testFile.exists()); assertEquals(true, getTestDirectory().exists()); Object obj = new Object(); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); theInstance.track(getTestDirectory(), obj, FileDeleteStrategy.FORCE); assertEquals(1, theInstance.getTrackCount()); obj = null; waitUntilTrackCount(); pauseForDeleteToComplete(testFile.getParentFile()); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals(showFailures(), false, new File(testFile.getPath()).exists()); assertEquals(showFailures(), false, testFile.getParentFile().exists()); } public void testFileCleanerNull() throws Exception { try { theInstance.track((File) null, new Object()); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // expected } try { theInstance.track((File) null, new Object(), FileDeleteStrategy.NORMAL); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // expected } try { theInstance.track((String) null, new Object()); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // expected } try { theInstance.track((String) null, new Object(), FileDeleteStrategy.NORMAL); fail(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // expected } } public void testFileCleanerExitWhenFinishedFirst() throws Exception { assertEquals(false, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); theInstance.exitWhenFinished(); assertEquals(true, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals(null, theInstance.reaper); waitUntilTrackCount(); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals(true, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals(null, theInstance.reaper); } public void testFileCleanerExitWhenFinished_NoTrackAfter() throws Exception { assertEquals(false, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); theInstance.exitWhenFinished(); assertEquals(true, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals(null, theInstance.reaper); String path = testFile.getPath(); Object marker = new Object(); try { theInstance.track(path, marker); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException ex) { // expected } assertEquals(true, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals(null, theInstance.reaper); } public void testFileCleanerExitWhenFinished1() throws Exception { String path = testFile.getPath(); assertEquals("1-testFile exists", false, testFile.exists()); RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(testFile, "rw"); assertEquals("2-testFile exists", true, testFile.exists()); assertEquals("3-Track Count", 0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); theInstance.track(path, r); assertEquals("4-Track Count", 1, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals("5-exitWhenFinished", false, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals("6-reaper.isAlive", true, theInstance.reaper.isAlive()); assertEquals("7-exitWhenFinished", false, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); theInstance.exitWhenFinished(); assertEquals("8-exitWhenFinished", true, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals("9-reaper.isAlive", true, theInstance.reaper.isAlive()); r.close(); testFile = null; r = null; waitUntilTrackCount(); pauseForDeleteToComplete(new File(path)); assertEquals("10-Track Count", 0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals("11-testFile exists " + showFailures(), false, new File(path).exists()); assertEquals("12-exitWhenFinished", true, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals("13-reaper.isAlive", false, theInstance.reaper.isAlive()); } public void testFileCleanerExitWhenFinished2() throws Exception { String path = testFile.getPath(); assertEquals(false, testFile.exists()); RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(testFile, "rw"); assertEquals(true, testFile.exists()); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); theInstance.track(path, r); assertEquals(1, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals(false, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals(true, theInstance.reaper.isAlive()); r.close(); testFile = null; r = null; waitUntilTrackCount(); pauseForDeleteToComplete(new File(path)); assertEquals(0, theInstance.getTrackCount()); assertEquals(showFailures(), false, new File(path).exists()); assertEquals(false, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals(true, theInstance.reaper.isAlive()); assertEquals(false, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); theInstance.exitWhenFinished(); for (int i = 0; i < 20 && theInstance.reaper.isAlive(); i++) { Thread.sleep(500L); // allow reaper thread to die } assertEquals(true, theInstance.exitWhenFinished); assertEquals(false, theInstance.reaper.isAlive()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- private void pauseForDeleteToComplete(File file) { int count = 0; while(file.exists() && count++ < 40) { try { Thread.sleep(500L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } file = new File(file.getPath()); } } private String showFailures() throws Exception { if (theInstance.deleteFailures.size() == 1) { return "[Delete Failed: " + theInstance.deleteFailures.get(0) + "]"; } else { return "[Delete Failures: " + theInstance.deleteFailures.size() + "]"; } } private void waitUntilTrackCount() throws Exception { System.gc(); Thread.sleep(500); int count = 0; while(theInstance.getTrackCount() != 0 && count++ < 5) { List<String> list = new ArrayList Other Commons IO examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Commons IO FileCleaningTrackerTestCase.java source code file: |
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