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Java example source code file (

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Java - Java tags/keywords

concurrentexception, concurrenthashmap, concurrentinitializer, concurrentruntimeexception, concurrentutils, easymock, error, executionexception, integer, runtimeexception, string, suppresswarnings, test, threading, threads, wrong

The Java example source code

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.easymock.EasyMock;
import org.junit.Test;

 * Test class for {@link ConcurrentUtils}.
public class ConcurrentUtilsTest {
     * Tests creating a ConcurrentException with a runtime exception as cause.
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testConcurrentExceptionCauseUnchecked() {
        new ConcurrentException(new RuntimeException());

     * Tests creating a ConcurrentException with an error as cause.
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testConcurrentExceptionCauseError() {
        new ConcurrentException("An error", new Error());

     * Tests creating a ConcurrentException with null as cause.
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testConcurrentExceptionCauseNull() {
        new ConcurrentException(null);

     * Tries to create a ConcurrentRuntimeException with a runtime as cause.
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testConcurrentRuntimeExceptionCauseUnchecked() {
        new ConcurrentRuntimeException(new RuntimeException());

     * Tries to create a ConcurrentRuntimeException with an error as cause.
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testConcurrentRuntimeExceptionCauseError() {
        new ConcurrentRuntimeException("An error", new Error());

     * Tries to create a ConcurrentRuntimeException with null as cause.
    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testConcurrentRuntimeExceptionCauseNull() {
        new ConcurrentRuntimeException(null);

     * Tests extractCause() for a null exception.
    public void testExtractCauseNull() {
        assertNull("Non null result", ConcurrentUtils.extractCause(null));

     * Tests extractCause() if the cause of the passed in exception is null.
    public void testExtractCauseNullCause() {
        assertNull("Non null result", ConcurrentUtils
                .extractCause(new ExecutionException("Test", null)));

     * Tests extractCause() if the cause is an error.
    public void testExtractCauseError() {
        final Error err = new AssertionError("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.extractCause(new ExecutionException(err));
            fail("Error not thrown!");
        } catch (final Error e) {
            assertEquals("Wrong error", err, e);

     * Tests extractCause() if the cause is an unchecked exception.
    public void testExtractCauseUncheckedException() {
        final RuntimeException rex = new RuntimeException("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.extractCause(new ExecutionException(rex));
            fail("Runtime exception not thrown!");
        } catch (final RuntimeException r) {
            assertEquals("Wrong exception", rex, r);

     * Tests extractCause() if the cause is a checked exception.
    public void testExtractCauseChecked() {
        final Exception ex = new Exception("Test");
        final ConcurrentException cex = ConcurrentUtils
                .extractCause(new ExecutionException(ex));
        assertSame("Wrong cause", ex, cex.getCause());

     * Tests extractCauseUnchecked() for a null exception.
    public void testExtractCauseUncheckedNull() {
        assertNull("Non null result", ConcurrentUtils.extractCauseUnchecked(null));

     * Tests extractCauseUnchecked() if the cause of the passed in exception is null.
    public void testExtractCauseUncheckedNullCause() {
        assertNull("Non null result", ConcurrentUtils
                .extractCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException("Test", null)));

     * Tests extractCauseUnchecked() if the cause is an error.
    public void testExtractCauseUncheckedError() {
        final Error err = new AssertionError("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.extractCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException(err));
            fail("Error not thrown!");
        } catch (final Error e) {
            assertEquals("Wrong error", err, e);

     * Tests extractCauseUnchecked() if the cause is an unchecked exception.
    public void testExtractCauseUncheckedUncheckedException() {
        final RuntimeException rex = new RuntimeException("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.extractCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException(rex));
            fail("Runtime exception not thrown!");
        } catch (final RuntimeException r) {
            assertEquals("Wrong exception", rex, r);

     * Tests extractCauseUnchecked() if the cause is a checked exception.
    public void testExtractCauseUncheckedChecked() {
        final Exception ex = new Exception("Test");
        final ConcurrentRuntimeException cex = ConcurrentUtils
                .extractCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException(ex));
        assertSame("Wrong cause", ex, cex.getCause());

     * Tests handleCause() if the cause is an error.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testHandleCauseError() throws ConcurrentException {
        final Error err = new AssertionError("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.handleCause(new ExecutionException(err));
            fail("Error not thrown!");
        } catch (final Error e) {
            assertEquals("Wrong error", err, e);

     * Tests handleCause() if the cause is an unchecked exception.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testHandleCauseUncheckedException() throws ConcurrentException {
        final RuntimeException rex = new RuntimeException("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.handleCause(new ExecutionException(rex));
            fail("Runtime exception not thrown!");
        } catch (final RuntimeException r) {
            assertEquals("Wrong exception", rex, r);

     * Tests handleCause() if the cause is a checked exception.
    public void testHandleCauseChecked() {
        final Exception ex = new Exception("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.handleCause(new ExecutionException(ex));
            fail("ConcurrentException not thrown!");
        } catch (final ConcurrentException cex) {
            assertEquals("Wrong cause", ex, cex.getCause());

     * Tests handleCause() for a null parameter or a null cause. In this case
     * the method should do nothing. We can only test that no exception is
     * thrown.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testHandleCauseNull() throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentUtils.handleCause(new ExecutionException("Test", null));

     * Tests handleCauseUnchecked() if the cause is an error.
    public void testHandleCauseUncheckedError() {
        final Error err = new AssertionError("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.handleCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException(err));
            fail("Error not thrown!");
        } catch (final Error e) {
            assertEquals("Wrong error", err, e);

     * Tests handleCauseUnchecked() if the cause is an unchecked exception.
    public void testHandleCauseUncheckedUncheckedException() {
        final RuntimeException rex = new RuntimeException("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.handleCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException(rex));
            fail("Runtime exception not thrown!");
        } catch (final RuntimeException r) {
            assertEquals("Wrong exception", rex, r);

     * Tests handleCauseUnchecked() if the cause is a checked exception.
    public void testHandleCauseUncheckedChecked() {
        final Exception ex = new Exception("Test");
        try {
            ConcurrentUtils.handleCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException(ex));
            fail("ConcurrentRuntimeException not thrown!");
        } catch (final ConcurrentRuntimeException crex) {
            assertEquals("Wrong cause", ex, crex.getCause());

     * Tests handleCauseUnchecked() for a null parameter or a null cause. In
     * this case the method should do nothing. We can only test that no
     * exception is thrown.
    public void testHandleCauseUncheckedNull() {
        ConcurrentUtils.handleCauseUnchecked(new ExecutionException("Test",

     * Tests initialize() for a null argument.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testInitializeNull() throws ConcurrentException {
        assertNull("Got a result", ConcurrentUtils.initialize(null));

     * Tests a successful initialize() operation.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testInitialize() throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentInitializer<Object> init = EasyMock
        final Object result = new Object();
        assertSame("Wrong result object", result, ConcurrentUtils

     * Tests initializeUnchecked() for a null argument.
    public void testInitializeUncheckedNull() {
        assertNull("Got a result", ConcurrentUtils.initializeUnchecked(null));

     * Tests a successful initializeUnchecked() operation.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testInitializeUnchecked() throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentInitializer<Object> init = EasyMock
        final Object result = new Object();
        assertSame("Wrong result object", result, ConcurrentUtils

     * Tests whether exceptions are correctly handled by initializeUnchecked().
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testInitializeUncheckedEx() throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentInitializer<Object> init = EasyMock
        final Exception cause = new Exception();
        EasyMock.expect(init.get()).andThrow(new ConcurrentException(cause));
        try {
            fail("Exception not thrown!");
        } catch (final ConcurrentRuntimeException crex) {
            assertSame("Wrong cause", cause, crex.getCause());

     * Tests constant future.
     * @throws java.lang.Exception so we don't have to catch it
    public void testConstantFuture_Integer() throws Exception {
        final Integer value = Integer.valueOf(5);
        final Future<Integer> test = ConcurrentUtils.constantFuture(value);
        assertSame(value, test.get());
        assertSame(value, test.get(1000, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        assertSame(value, test.get(1000, null));

     * Tests constant future.
     * @throws java.lang.Exception so we don't have to catch it
    public void testConstantFuture_null() throws Exception {
        final Integer value = null;
        final Future<Integer> test = ConcurrentUtils.constantFuture(value);
        assertSame(value, test.get());
        assertSame(value, test.get(1000, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
        assertSame(value, test.get(1000, null));

     * Tests putIfAbsent() if the map contains the key in question.
    public void testPutIfAbsentKeyPresent() {
        final String key = "testKey";
        final Integer value = 42;
        final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap();
        map.put(key, value);
        assertEquals("Wrong result", value,
                ConcurrentUtils.putIfAbsent(map, key, 0));
        assertEquals("Wrong value in map", value, map.get(key));

     * Tests putIfAbsent() if the map does not contain the key in question.
    public void testPutIfAbsentKeyNotPresent() {
        final String key = "testKey";
        final Integer value = 42;
        final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap();
        assertEquals("Wrong result", value,
                ConcurrentUtils.putIfAbsent(map, key, value));
        assertEquals("Wrong value in map", value, map.get(key));

     * Tests putIfAbsent() if a null map is passed in.
    public void testPutIfAbsentNullMap() {
        assertNull("Wrong result",
                ConcurrentUtils.putIfAbsent(null, "test", 100));

     * Tests createIfAbsent() if the key is found in the map.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testCreateIfAbsentKeyPresent() throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentInitializer<Integer> init = EasyMock
        final String key = "testKey";
        final Integer value = 42;
        final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap();
        map.put(key, value);
        assertEquals("Wrong result", value,
                ConcurrentUtils.createIfAbsent(map, key, init));
        assertEquals("Wrong value in map", value, map.get(key));

     * Tests createIfAbsent() if the map does not contain the key in question.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testCreateIfAbsentKeyNotPresent() throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentInitializer<Integer> init = EasyMock
        final String key = "testKey";
        final Integer value = 42;
        final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap();
        assertEquals("Wrong result", value,
                ConcurrentUtils.createIfAbsent(map, key, init));
        assertEquals("Wrong value in map", value, map.get(key));

     * Tests createIfAbsent() if a null map is passed in.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testCreateIfAbsentNullMap() throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentInitializer<Integer> init = EasyMock
        assertNull("Wrong result",
                ConcurrentUtils.createIfAbsent(null, "test", init));

     * Tests createIfAbsent() if a null initializer is passed in.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testCreateIfAbsentNullInit() throws ConcurrentException {
        final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap();
        final String key = "testKey";
        final Integer value = 42;
        map.put(key, value);
        assertNull("Wrong result",
                ConcurrentUtils.createIfAbsent(map, key, null));
        assertEquals("Map was changed", value, map.get(key));

     * Tests createIfAbsentUnchecked() if no exception is thrown.
    public void testCreateIfAbsentUncheckedSuccess() {
        final String key = "testKey";
        final Integer value = 42;
        final ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> map = new ConcurrentHashMap();
        assertEquals("Wrong result", value,
                ConcurrentUtils.createIfAbsentUnchecked(map, key,
                        new ConstantInitializer<Integer>(value)));
        assertEquals("Wrong value in map", value, map.get(key));

     * Tests createIfAbsentUnchecked() if an exception is thrown.
     * @throws org.apache.commons.lang3.concurrent.ConcurrentException so we don't have to catch it
    public void testCreateIfAbsentUncheckedException()
            throws ConcurrentException {
        ConcurrentInitializer<Integer> init = EasyMock
        final Exception ex = new Exception();
        EasyMock.expect(init.get()).andThrow(new ConcurrentException(ex));
        try {
                    new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(), "test", init);
            fail("Exception not thrown!");
        } catch (final ConcurrentRuntimeException crex) {
            assertEquals("Wrong cause", ex, crex.getCause());

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