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 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * This is the default implementation of the
 * FTPFileEntryParserFactory interface.  This is the
 * implementation that will be used by
 * if no other implementation has been specified.
 * @see
 * @see
public class DefaultFTPFileEntryParserFactory
    implements FTPFileEntryParserFactory
     * This default implementation of the FTPFileEntryParserFactory
     * interface works according to the following logic:
     * First it attempts to interpret the supplied key as a fully
     * qualified classname of a class implementing the
     * FTPFileEntryParser interface.  If that succeeds, a parser
     * object of this class is instantiated and is returned.

* If key is not recognized as a fully qualified * classname known to the system, this method will then attempt * to see whether it contains a string identifying one of * the known parsers. This comparison is case-insensitive. * The intent here is where possible, to select as keys strings * which are returned by the SYST command on the systems which * the corresponding parser successfully parses. This enables * this factory to be used in the auto-detection system. *

* * @param key should be a fully qualified classname corresponding to * a class implementing the FTPFileEntryParser interface
* OR
* a string containing (case-insensitively) one of the * following keywords: *

  • unix
  • *
  • windows
  • *
  • os/2
  • *
  • vms
  • *
* @return the FTPFileEntryParser corresponding to the supplied key. * @throws ParserInitializationException thrown if for any reason the factory cannot resolve * the supplied key into an FTPFileEntryParser. * @see FTPFileEntryParser */ public FTPFileEntryParser createFileEntryParser(String key) { Class parserClass = null; try { parserClass = Class.forName(key); return (FTPFileEntryParser) parserClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { String ukey = null; if (null != key) { ukey = key.toUpperCase(); } if (ukey.indexOf("UNIX") >= 0) { return createUnixFTPEntryParser(); } else if (ukey.indexOf("VMS") >= 0) { return createVMSVersioningFTPEntryParser(); } else if (ukey.indexOf("WINDOWS") >= 0) { return createNTFTPEntryParser(); } else if (ukey.indexOf("OS/2") >= 0) { return createOS2FTPEntryParser(); } else if (ukey.indexOf("OS/400") >= 0) { return createOS400FTPEntryParser(); } else { throw new ParserInitializationException("Unknown parser type: " + key); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new ParserInitializationException(parserClass.getName() + " does not implement the interface " + "", e); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new ParserInitializationException("Error initializing parser", e); } } public FTPFileEntryParser createUnixFTPEntryParser() { return new UnixFTPEntryParser(); } public FTPFileEntryParser createVMSVersioningFTPEntryParser() { return new VMSVersioningFTPEntryParser(); } public FTPFileEntryParser createNTFTPEntryParser() { return new CompositeFileEntryParser(new FTPFileEntryParser[] { new NTFTPEntryParser(), new UnixFTPEntryParser() }); } public FTPFileEntryParser createOS2FTPEntryParser() { return new OS2FTPEntryParser(); } public FTPFileEntryParser createOS400FTPEntryParser() { return new CompositeFileEntryParser(new FTPFileEntryParser[] { new OS400FTPEntryParser(), new UnixFTPEntryParser() }); } }
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