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Groovy example source code file (GrapeIvy.groovy)

This example Groovy source code file (GrapeIvy.groovy) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Groovy tags/keywords

file, file, ioexception, ivygrabrecord, list, map, map, regex, resolvereport, runtimeexception, set, set, string, string, uri

The Groovy GrapeIvy.groovy source code

 * Copyright 2003-2011 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package groovy.grape

import java.util.regex.Pattern
import org.apache.ivy.Ivy
import org.apache.ivy.core.cache.ResolutionCacheManager
import org.apache.ivy.core.event.IvyListener
import org.apache.ivy.core.event.resolve.StartResolveEvent
import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.Configuration
import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor
import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultDependencyDescriptor
import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultExcludeRule
import org.apache.ivy.core.module.descriptor.DefaultModuleDescriptor
import org.apache.ivy.core.resolve.ResolveOptions
import org.apache.ivy.core.settings.IvySettings
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.ExactPatternMatcher
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.matcher.PatternMatcher
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.ChainResolver
import org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.IBiblioResolver
import org.apache.ivy.util.DefaultMessageLogger
import org.apache.ivy.util.Message
import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ReflectionUtils

 * @author Danno Ferrin
 * @author Paul King
 * @author Roshan Dawrani (roshandawrani)
class GrapeIvy implements GrapeEngine {

    static final int DEFAULT_DEPTH = 3

    private final exclusiveGrabArgs = [
            ['group', 'groupId', 'organisation', 'organization', 'org'],
            ['module', 'artifactId', 'artifact'],
            ['version', 'revision', 'rev'],
            ['conf', 'scope', 'configuration'],
        ].inject([:], {m, g -> g.each {a -> m[a] = (g - a) as Set};  m})

    boolean enableGrapes
    Ivy ivyInstance
    Set<String> resolvedDependencies
    Set<String> downloadedArtifacts
    // weak hash map so we don't leak loaders directly
    Map<ClassLoader, Set loadedDeps = new WeakHashMap>()
    // set that stores the IvyGrabRecord(s) for all the dependencies in each grab() call
    Set<IvyGrabRecord> grabRecordsForCurrDependencies = new LinkedHashSet()
    // we keep the settings so that addResolver can add to the resolver chain
    IvySettings settings

    public GrapeIvy() {
        // if we are already initialized, quit
        if (enableGrapes) return

        // start ivy
        Message.defaultLogger = new DefaultMessageLogger(System.getProperty("ivy.message.logger.level", "-1") as int)
        settings = new IvySettings()

        // configure settings
        def grapeConfig = getLocalGrapeConfig()
        if (!grapeConfig.exists()) {
            grapeConfig = GrapeIvy.class.getResource("defaultGrapeConfig.xml")
        try {
            settings.load(grapeConfig) // exploit multi-methods for convenience
        } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) {
            System.err.println "Local Ivy config file '$grapeConfig.canonicalPath' appears corrupt - ignoring it and using default config instead\nError was: " + ex.message
            grapeConfig = GrapeIvy.class.getResource("defaultGrapeConfig.xml")

        // set up the cache dirs
        settings.defaultCache = getGrapeCacheDir()

        settings.setVariable("ivy.default.configuration.m2compatible", "true")
        ivyInstance = Ivy.newInstance(settings)
        resolvedDependencies = []
        downloadedArtifacts = []

        //TODO add grab to the DGM??

        enableGrapes = true

    public File getGroovyRoot() {
        String root = System.getProperty("groovy.root")
        def groovyRoot
        if (root == null) {
            groovyRoot = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".groovy")
        } else {
            groovyRoot = new File(root)
        try {
            groovyRoot = groovyRoot.canonicalFile
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // skip canonicalization then, it may not exist yet
        return groovyRoot

    public File getLocalGrapeConfig() {
        String grapeConfig = System.getProperty("grape.config")
        if(grapeConfig) {
            return new File(grapeConfig)
        else {
            return new File(getGrapeDir(), 'grapeConfig.xml')

    public File getGrapeDir() {
        String root = System.getProperty("grape.root")
        if(root == null) {
            return getGroovyRoot()
        else {
            File grapeRoot = new File(root)
            try {
                grapeRoot = grapeRoot.canonicalFile
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // skip canonicalization then, it may not exist yet
            return grapeRoot

    public File getGrapeCacheDir() {
        File cache =  new File(getGrapeDir(), 'grapes')
        if (!cache.exists()) {
        } else if (!cache.isDirectory()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The grape cache dir $cache is not a directory")
        return cache

    public def chooseClassLoader(Map args) {
        def loader = args.classLoader
        if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
            loader = (args.refObject?.class
            while (loader && !isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
                loader = loader.parent
            //if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
            //    loader = Thread.currentThread().contextClassLoader
            //if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
            //    loader = GrapeIvy.class.classLoader
            if (!isValidTargetClassLoader(loader)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("No suitable ClassLoader found for grab")
        return loader

    private boolean isValidTargetClassLoader(loader) {
        return isValidTargetClassLoaderClass(loader?.class)

    private boolean isValidTargetClassLoaderClass(Class loaderClass) {
        return (loaderClass != null) &&
             ( == 'groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader') ||
             ( == '') ||

    public IvyGrabRecord createGrabRecord(Map deps) {
        // parse the actual dependency arguments
        String module =  deps.module ?: deps.artifactId ?: deps.artifact
        if (!module) {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
            throw new RuntimeException('grab requires at least a module: or artifactId: or artifact: argument')

        String groupId = ?: deps.groupId ?: deps.organisation ?: deps.organization ?: ?: ''
        String ext = deps.ext ?: deps.type ?: ''
        String type = deps.type ?: ''

        //TODO accept ranges and decode them?  except '1.0.0'..<'2.0.0' won't work in groovy
        String version = deps.version ?: deps.revision ?: deps.rev ?: '*'
        if ('*' == version) version = 'latest.default'

        ModuleRevisionId mrid = ModuleRevisionId.newInstance(groupId, module, version)

        boolean force      = deps.containsKey('force')      ? deps.force      : true
        boolean changing   = deps.containsKey('changing')   ? deps.changing   : false
        boolean transitive = deps.containsKey('transitive') ? deps.transitive : true
        def conf = deps.conf ?: deps.scope ?: deps.configuration ?: ['default']
        if (conf instanceof String) {
            if (conf.startsWith("[") && conf.endsWith("]")) conf = conf[1..-2]
            conf = conf.split(",").toList()
        def classifier = deps.classifier ?: null

        return new IvyGrabRecord(mrid:mrid, conf:conf, changing:changing, transitive:transitive, force:force, classifier:classifier, ext:ext, type:type)

    public grab(String endorsedModule) {
        return grab(group:'groovy.endorsed', module:endorsedModule, version:GroovySystem.version)

    public grab(Map args) {
        args.calleeDepth = args.calleeDepth?:DEFAULT_DEPTH + 1
        return grab(args, args)

    public grab(Map args, Map... dependencies) {
        def loader
        try {
            // identify the target classloader early, so we fail before checking repositories
            loader = chooseClassLoader(

            // check for non-fail null.
            // If we were in fail mode we would have already thrown an exception
            if (!loader) return

            for (URI uri in resolve(loader, args, dependencies)) {
                //TODO check artifact type, jar vs library, etc
//                processServices(new File(uri));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // clean-up the state first
            Set<IvyGrabRecord> grabRecordsForCurrLoader = getLoadedDepsForLoader(loader)

            if (args.noExceptions) {
                return e
            } else {
                throw e
        return null

//    void processServices(File f) {
//        System.out.println('Processing ' + f.getCanonicalPath())
//        ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(f)
//        ZipEntry dgmMethods = zf.getEntry("META-INF/services/groovy/defaultGroovyMethods")
//        if (dgmMethods == null) return
//        InputStream is = zf.getInputStream(dgmMethods)
//        List<String> classNames = is.text.readLines()
//        classNames.each {
//            println it.trim()
//        }
//    }

    public ResolveReport getDependencies(Map args, IvyGrabRecord... grabRecords) {
        ResolutionCacheManager cacheManager = ivyInstance.resolutionCacheManager

        def md = new DefaultModuleDescriptor(ModuleRevisionId
                .newInstance("caller", "all-caller", "working"), "integration", null, true)
        md.addConfiguration(new Configuration('default'))

        addExcludesIfNeeded(args, md)

        for (IvyGrabRecord grabRecord : grabRecords) {
            DefaultDependencyDescriptor dd = new DefaultDependencyDescriptor(md,
                    grabRecord.mrid, grabRecord.force, grabRecord.changing, grabRecord.transitive)
            def conf = grabRecord.conf ?: ['*']
            conf.each {dd.addDependencyConfiguration('default', it)}
            if (grabRecord.classifier) {
                def dad = new DefaultDependencyArtifactDescriptor(dd,
              , grabRecord.type ?: 'jar', grabRecord.ext ?: 'jar', null, [classifier:grabRecord.classifier])
                conf.each { dad.addConfiguration(it)  }
                dd.addDependencyArtifact('default', dad)

       // resolve grab and dependencies
        ResolveOptions resolveOptions = new ResolveOptions()\
            .setConfs(['default'] as String[])\
            .setValidate(args.containsKey('validate') ? args.validate : false)

        ivyInstance.settings.defaultResolver = args.autoDownload ? 'downloadGrapes' : 'cachedGrapes'
        boolean reportDownloads = System.getProperty('', 'false') == 'true'
        if (reportDownloads) {
            ivyInstance.eventManager.addIvyListener([progress:{ ivyEvent -> switch(ivyEvent) {
                case StartResolveEvent:
                    ivyEvent.moduleDescriptor.dependencies.each { it ->
                        def name = it.toString()
                        if (!resolvedDependencies.contains(name)) {
                            resolvedDependencies << name
                            System.err.println "Resolving " + name
                case PrepareDownloadEvent:
                    ivyEvent.artifacts.each { it ->
                        def name = it.toString()
                        if (!downloadedArtifacts.contains(name)) {
                            downloadedArtifacts << name
                            System.err.println "Preparing to download artifact " + name
            } } ] as IvyListener)
        ResolveReport report = ivyInstance.resolve(md, resolveOptions)
        if (report.hasError()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Error grabbing Grapes -- $report.allProblemMessages")
        if (report.downloadSize && reportDownloads) {
            System.err.println "Downloaded ${report.downloadSize >> 10} Kbytes in ${report.downloadTime}ms:\n  ${report.allArtifactsReports*.toString().join('\n  ')}"
        md = report.moduleDescriptor

        if (!args.preserveFiles) {

        return report

    public void uninstallArtifact(String group, String module, String rev) {
        // TODO consider transitive uninstall as an option
        Pattern ivyFilePattern = ~/ivy-(.*)\.xml/ //TODO get pattern from ivy conf
        grapeCacheDir.eachDir { File groupDir ->
            if ( == group) groupDir.eachDir { File moduleDir ->
                if ( == module) moduleDir.eachFileMatch(ivyFilePattern) { File ivyFile ->
                    def m = ivyFilePattern.matcher(
                    if (m.matches() && == rev) {
                        def root = new XmlParser(false, false).parse(ivyFile)
                        // TODO handle other types? e.g. 'dlls'
                        def jardir = new File(moduleDir, 'jars')
                        if (!jardir.exists()) return
                        root.publications.artifact.each {
                            def name = it.@name + "-$rev"
                            def classifier = it.'@m:classifier'
                            if (classifier) name += "-$classifier"
                            name += ".${it.@ext}"
                            def jarfile = new File(jardir, name)
                            if (jarfile.exists()) {
                                println "Deleting ${}"

    private addExcludesIfNeeded(Map args, DefaultModuleDescriptor md) {
        if (!args.containsKey('excludes')) return
        args.excludes.each{ map ->
            def excludeRule = new DefaultExcludeRule(new ArtifactId(
                    new ModuleId(, map.module), PatternMatcher.ANY_EXPRESSION,
                    ExactPatternMatcher.INSTANCE, null)

    public Map<String, Map> enumerateGrapes() {
        Map<String, Map> bunches = [:]
        Pattern ivyFilePattern = ~/ivy-(.*)\.xml/ //TODO get pattern from ivy conf
        grapeCacheDir.eachDir {File groupDir ->
            Map<String, List grapes = [:]
            bunches[] = grapes
            groupDir.eachDir { File moduleDir ->
                def versions = []
                moduleDir.eachFileMatch(ivyFilePattern) {File ivyFile ->
                    def m = ivyFilePattern.matcher(
                    if (m.matches()) versions +=
                grapes[] = versions
        return bunches

    public URI[] resolve(Map args, Map ... dependencies) {
        resolve(args, null, dependencies)

    public URI[] resolve(Map args, List depsInfo, Map ... dependencies) {
        // identify the target classloader early, so we fail before checking repositories
        def loader = chooseClassLoader(
                classLoader: args.remove('classLoader'),
                refObject: args.remove('refObject'),
                calleeDepth: args.calleeDepth ?: DEFAULT_DEPTH,

        // check for non-fail null.
        // If we were in fail mode we would have already thrown an exception
        if (!loader) return

        resolve(loader, args, depsInfo, dependencies)

    URI [] resolve(ClassLoader loader, Map args, Map... dependencies) {
        return resolve(loader, args, null, dependencies)

    URI [] resolve(ClassLoader loader, Map args, List depsInfo, Map... dependencies) {
        // check for mutually exclusive arguments
        Set keys = args.keySet()
        keys.each {a ->
            Set badArgs = exclusiveGrabArgs[a]
            if (badArgs && !badArgs.disjoint(keys)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Mutually exclusive arguments passed into grab: ${keys.intersect(badArgs) + a}")

        // check the kill switch
        if (!enableGrapes) { return }

        boolean populateDepsInfo = (depsInfo != null)

        Set<IvyGrabRecord> localDeps = getLoadedDepsForLoader(loader)

        dependencies.each {
            IvyGrabRecord igr = createGrabRecord(it)
        // the call to reverse ensures that the newest additions are in
        // front causing existing dependencies to come last and thus
        // claiming higher priority.  Thus when module versions clash we
        // err on the side of using the class already loaded into the
        // classloader rather than adding another jar of the same module
        // with a different version
        ResolveReport report = getDependencies(args, *localDeps.asList().reverse())

        List<URI> results = []
        for (ArtifactDownloadReport adl in report.allArtifactsReports) {
            //TODO check artifact type, jar vs library, etc
            if (adl.localFile) {
                results += adl.localFile.toURI()

        if (populateDepsInfo) {
            def deps = report.dependencies
            deps.each { depNode ->
                def id =
                depsInfo << ['group' : id.organisation, 'module' :, 'revision' : id.revision]

        return results as URI[]

    private Set<IvyGrabRecord> getLoadedDepsForLoader(ClassLoader loader) {
        Set<IvyGrabRecord> localDeps = loadedDeps.get(loader)
        if (localDeps == null) {
            // use a linked set to preserve initial insertion order
            localDeps = new LinkedHashSet<IvyGrabRecord>()
            loadedDeps.put(loader, localDeps)
        return localDeps

    public Map[] listDependencies (ClassLoader classLoader) {
        if (loadedDeps.containsKey(classLoader)) {
            List<Map> results = []
            loadedDeps[classLoader].each { IvyGrabRecord grabbed ->
                def dep =  [
                    group : grabbed.mrid.organisation,
                    module :,
                    version : grabbed.mrid.revision
                if (grabbed.conf != ['default']) {
                    dep.conf = grabbed.conf
                if (grabbed.changing) {
                    dep.changing = grabbed.changing
                if (!grabbed.transitive) {
                    dep.transitive = grabbed.transitive
                if (!grabbed.force) {
                    dep.force = grabbed.force
                if (grabbed.classifier) {
                    dep.classifier = grabbed.classifier
                if (grabbed.ext) {
                    dep.ext = grabbed.ext
                if (grabbed.type) {
                    dep.type = grabbed.type
                results << dep
            return results
        } else {
            return null

    public void addResolver(Map<String, Object> args) {
        ChainResolver chainResolver = settings.getResolver("downloadGrapes")

        IBiblioResolver resolver = new IBiblioResolver(name:, root:args.root,
              m2compatible:(args.m2Compatible ?: true), settings:settings)


        ivyInstance = Ivy.newInstance(settings)
        resolvedDependencies = []
        downloadedArtifacts = []

class IvyGrabRecord {
    ModuleRevisionId mrid
    List<String> conf
    boolean changing
    boolean transitive
    boolean force
    String classifier
    String ext
    String type

    public int hashCode() {
        return (mrid.hashCode() ^ conf.hashCode()
            ^ (changing ? 0xaaaaaaaa : 0x55555555)
            ^ (transitive ? 0xbbbbbbbb : 0x66666666)
            ^ (force ? 0xcccccccc: 0x77777777)
            ^ (classifier ? classifier.hashCode() : 0)
            ^ (ext ? ext.hashCode() : 0)
            ^ (type ? type.hashCode() : 0))

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        return ((o.class == IvyGrabRecord)
            && (changing == o.changing)
            && (transitive == o.transitive)
            && (force== o.force)
            && (mrid == o.mrid)
            && (conf == o.conf)
            && (classifier == o.classifier)
            && (ext == o.ext)
            && (type == o.type))

Other Groovy examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Groovy GrapeIvy.groovy source code file:

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