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Groovy example source code file (StringTest.groovy)

This example Groovy source code file (StringTest.groovy) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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a, a-za-z, a-za-z, c:/windows/system32, ea, gromit, gromit, groovytestcase, ls, ls, string, stringbuffer, stringtest, stringtest

The Groovy StringTest.groovy source code

 * Copyright 2003-2007 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package groovy

 * Various tests for Strings.
 * @author Michael Baehr
class StringTest extends GroovyTestCase {

    void testString() {
        def s = "abcd"
        assert s.length() == 4
        assert 4 == s.length()

        // test polymorphic size() method like collections
        assert s.size() == 4

        s = s + "efg" + "hijk"

        assert s.size() == 11
        assert "abcdef".size() == 6

    void testStringPlusNull() {
        def y = null
        def x = "hello " + y
        assert x == "hello null"

    void testNextPrevious() {
        def x = 'a'
        def y =
        assert y == 'b'

        def z = 'z'.previous()
        assert z == 'y'

        z = 'z'
        def b =
        assert b != 'z'

        assert b > z
        assert z.charAt(0) == 'z'
        assert b.charAt(0) == '{'

    void testApppendToString() {
        def name = "Gromit"
        def result = "hello " << name << "!"

        assert result.toString() == "hello Gromit!"

    void testApppendToStringBuffer() {
        def buffer = new StringBuffer()

        def name = "Gromit"
        buffer << "hello " << name << "!"

        assert buffer.toString() == "hello Gromit!"

    void testApppendAndSubscipt() {
        def result =  'hello' << " Gromit!"
        result[1..4] = 'i'
        assert result.toString() == "hi Gromit!"

    void testSimpleStringLiterals() {
        assertLength("\n", 1)
        assertLength("\"", 1)
        assertLength("\'", 1)
        assertLength("\\", 1)
        assertContains("\${0}", 4, "{0}")
y", 2, "xy")

        assertLength('\n', 1)
        assertLength('\'', 1)
        assertLength('\\', 1)
        assertContains('${0}', 4, '{0}')
y', 2, 'xy')

    void testMinusRemovesFirstOccurenceOfString() {
        assert "abcdeabcd" - 'bc' == 'adeabcd'

    void testMinusEscapesRegexChars() {
        assert "abcdeab.d.f" - '.d.' == 'abcdeabf'

    void testMultilineStringLiterals() {
        assertContains(""""x""", 2, '"x');
        assertContains("""""x""", 3, '""x');
y""", 3, 'x\ny');
\n""", 3, '\n\n\n');

        assertContains(''''x''', 2, "'x");
        assertContains('''''x''', 3, "''x");
y''', 3, 'x\ny');
\n''', 3, '\n\n\n');


    void testRegexpStringLiterals() {
        assert "foo" == /foo/
        assert '\\$$' == /\$$/
        // Backslash before newline or slash disappears (all others are preserved):
        assert "/\\*" == /\/\*/
        def path = /C:\Windows\System32\//.replaceAll(/\\${''}/, '/')
        assert path == 'C:/Windows/System32/'
        assert "" == /\

    void testMultilineRegexpStringContainingNormalRegexp() {
        def script = /
        'foo' ==~ \/f.o\/
        assert new GroovyShell().evaluate(script)

    void testMultilineRegexpXml() {
        def xml = /
        assert "\n<xml>\nfoo\n\n" == xml

    void testMultilineSlashyRegexpEscaping() {
        def str = ' and'
        def re = /(?x)  # to enable whitespace and comments
        (                 # capture the hostname in $1
          (?:             # these parens for grouping only
            (?! [-_])     # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
            [\w-]+        # hostname component
            \.            # and the domain dot
          )+              # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
          [A-Za-z]        # next must be a letter
          [\w-]+          # now trailing domain part
        )                 # end of $1 capture
        def finder = (str =~ re)
        def out = str
            def adr = finder[it][0]
            out = out.replaceAll(adr, "$adr[${adr.size()}]")
        assert out == '[19] and[19]'

    void testMultilineDollarSlashyRegexpEscaping() {
        def str = ' and'
        def re = $/(?x)  # to enable whitespace and comments
        (                 # capture the hostname in $1
          (?:             # these parens for grouping only
            (?! [-_])     # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
            [\w-]+        # hostname component
            \.            # and the domain dot
          )+              # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
          [A-Za-z]        # next must be a letter
          [\w-]+          # now trailing domain part
        )                 # end of $1 capture
        def finder = (str =~ re)
        def out = str
            def adr = finder[it][0]
            out = out.replaceAll(adr, "$adr[${adr.size()}]")
        assert out == '[19] and[19]'

    void testBoolCoerce() {
        // Explicit coercion
        assertFalse((Boolean) "")
        assertTrue((Boolean) "content")

        // Implicit coercion in statements
        String s = null
        if (s) {
            fail("null should have evaluated to false, but didn't")
        s = ''
        if (s) {
            fail("'' should have evaluated to false, but didn't")
        s = 'something'
        if (!s) {
            fail("'something' should have evaluated to false, but didn't")


    void testDollarEscaping() {
        def text = $/a/b\c$$ $//$
        assert text == 'a/b\\c$ /'

    void testSplit() {
        def text = "hello there\nhow are you"
        def splitted = text.split().toList()
        assert splitted == ['hello', 'there', 'how', 'are', 'you']

    void testSplitEmptyText() {
        def text = ""
        def splitted = text.split().toList()
        assert splitted == []

    void testReadLines() {
        assert "a\nb".readLines() == ['a', 'b']
        assert "a\rb".readLines() == ['a', 'b']
        assert "a\r\nb".readLines() == ['a', 'b']
        assert "a\n\nb".readLines() == ['a', '', 'b']

    void testReplace() {
        assert "".replace("", "") == ""
        assert "".replace("", "r") == "r"
        assert "a".replace("", "r") == "rar"
        assert "a".replace("b", "c") == "a"
        assert "a".replace("a", "c") == "c"
        assert "aa".replace("a", "c") == "cc"
        assert "ab".replace("b", "c") == "ac"
        assert "ba".replace("b", "c") == "ca"
        assert "aaa".replace("b", "c") == "aaa"
        assert "aaa".replace("a", "c") == "ccc"
        assert "aba".replace("b", "c") == "aca"
        assert "baa".replace("b", "c") == "caa"
        assert "aab".replace("b", "c") == "aac"
        assert "aa.".replace(".", "c") == "aac"
        assert 'aba'.replace('b', '$') == 'a$a'
        assert 'aba'.replace('b', '\\') == 'a\\a'
        assert 'a\\a'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'axa'
        assert '\\'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'x'
        assert '\\\\'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'xx'
        assert '\\z\\'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'xzx'
        assert 'a\\\\Ea'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'axxEa'
        assert '\\Qa\\\\Ea'.replace('\\', '$') == '$Qa$$Ea'
        assert 'a\\((z))\\Qa'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'ax((z))xQa'
        assert (/\Q\E\\\Q\E/).replace(/\Q\E\\\Q\E/, 'z') == 'z'

    void testNormalize() {
        assert "a".normalize() == "a"
        assert "\n".normalize() == "\n"
        assert "\r".normalize() == "\n"
        assert "\r\n".normalize() == "\n"
        assert "a\n".normalize() == "a\n"
        assert "a\r".normalize() == "a\n"
        assert "a\r\n".normalize() == "a\n"
        assert "a\r\n\r".normalize() == "a\n\n"
        assert "a\r\n\r\n".normalize() == "a\n\n"
        assert "a\nb\rc\r\nd".normalize() == "a\nb\nc\nd"
        assert "a\n\nb".normalize() == "a\n\nb"
        assert "a\n\r\nb".normalize() == "a\n\nb"

    void testDenormalize() {
        def LS = System.getProperty('line.separator')
        assert "\n".denormalize() == LS
        assert "\r".denormalize() == LS
        assert "\r\n".denormalize() == LS
        assert "a\n".denormalize() == "a${LS}"
        assert "a\r".denormalize() == "a${LS}"
        assert "a\r\n".denormalize() == "a${LS}"
        assert "a\r\n\r".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}"
        assert "a\r\n\r\n".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}"
        assert "a\nb\rc\r\nd".denormalize() == "a${LS}b${LS}c${LS}d"
        assert "a\n\nb".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}b"
        assert "a\n\r\nb".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}b"
        assert 'a\nb\r\nc\n\rd'.denormalize() == "a${LS}b${LS}c${LS}${LS}d"

    void innerNormalizationFileRoundTrip(String s) {
        def f = File.createTempFile("groovy.StringTest", ".txt")

        def sd = s.denormalize()
        assert sd == f.text

        assert s == f.text

        def rt = (s.denormalize()).normalize()
        assert s.normalize() == rt

        if (!s.contains('\r')) assert s == rt

    void doNormalizationFileRoundTrip(String s) {
        [s, s.replace('\n', '\r'), s.replace('\n', '\r\n'), s.replace('\n', '\n\n')].each {

    void testNormalizationFileRoundTrip() {
        doNormalizationFileRoundTrip("a line 1\nline 2")
        doNormalizationFileRoundTrip("a line 1\nline 2\n")

    void testSplitEqualsTokenize() {
        def text = """
        A text with different words and
        numbers like 3453 and 3,345,454.97 and
        special characters %&)( and also
        everything mixed together 45!kw?

        def splitted = text.split().toList()
        def tokenized = text.tokenize()
        assert splitted == tokenized

    private assertLength(s, len) {
        if (s.length() != len)  println "*** length != $len: $s"
        assert s.length() == len

    private assertContains(s, len, subs) {
        assertLength(s, len)
        if (s.indexOf(subs) < 0)  println "*** missing $subs: $s"
        assert s.indexOf(subs) >= 0

    void testExpandUnexpand() {
        assert '\t\tabc\tdef\n12345\t67\t '.expand().unexpand() == '\t\tabc\tdef\n12345\t67\t '
        assert '1234567\t8\t '.expand() == '1234567 8        '
        assert '    x    '.unexpand() == '    x\t '
        assert '    x    \n'.unexpand() == '    x\t \n'

Other Groovy examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Groovy StringTest.groovy source code file:

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