Java example source code file (ServletDefinition.java)
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The ServletDefinition.java Java example source code
* Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.inject.servlet;
import static com.google.inject.servlet.ManagedServletPipeline.REQUEST_DISPATCHER_REQUEST;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterators;
import com.google.inject.Injector;
import com.google.inject.Key;
import com.google.inject.Scopes;
import com.google.inject.spi.BindingTargetVisitor;
import com.google.inject.spi.ProviderInstanceBinding;
import com.google.inject.spi.ProviderWithExtensionVisitor;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* An internal representation of a servlet definition mapped to a particular URI pattern. Also
* performs the request dispatch to that servlet. How nice and OO =)
* @author dhanji@gmail.com (Dhanji R. Prasanna)
class ServletDefinition implements ProviderWithExtensionVisitor<ServletDefinition> {
private final Key<? extends HttpServlet> servletKey;
private final UriPatternMatcher patternMatcher;
private final Map<String, String> initParams;
// set only if this was bound using a servlet instance.
private final HttpServlet servletInstance;
//always set in init, our servlet is always presumed to be a singleton
private final AtomicReference<HttpServlet> httpServlet = new AtomicReference();
public ServletDefinition(
Key<? extends HttpServlet> servletKey,
UriPatternMatcher patternMatcher,
Map<String, String> initParams,
HttpServlet servletInstance) {
this.servletKey = servletKey;
this.patternMatcher = patternMatcher;
this.initParams = Collections.unmodifiableMap(new HashMap<String, String>(initParams));
this.servletInstance = servletInstance;
public ServletDefinition get() {
return this;
public <B, V> V acceptExtensionVisitor(BindingTargetVisitor visitor,
ProviderInstanceBinding<? extends B> binding) {
if(visitor instanceof ServletModuleTargetVisitor) {
if(servletInstance != null) {
return ((ServletModuleTargetVisitor<B, V>)visitor).visit(
new InstanceServletBindingImpl(initParams,
} else {
return ((ServletModuleTargetVisitor<B, V>)visitor).visit(
new LinkedServletBindingImpl(initParams,
} else {
return visitor.visit(binding);
boolean shouldServe(String uri) {
return uri != null && patternMatcher.matches(uri);
public void init(final ServletContext servletContext, Injector injector,
Set<HttpServlet> initializedSoFar) throws ServletException {
// This absolutely must be a singleton, and so is only initialized once.
if (!Scopes.isSingleton(injector.getBinding(servletKey))) {
throw new ServletException("Servlets must be bound as singletons. "
+ servletKey + " was not bound in singleton scope.");
HttpServlet httpServlet = injector.getInstance(servletKey);
// Only fire init() if we have not appeared before in the filter chain.
if (initializedSoFar.contains(httpServlet)) {
//initialize our servlet with the configured context params and servlet context
httpServlet.init(new ServletConfig() {
public String getServletName() {
return servletKey.toString();
public ServletContext getServletContext() {
return servletContext;
public String getInitParameter(String s) {
return initParams.get(s);
public Enumeration getInitParameterNames() {
return Iterators.asEnumeration(initParams.keySet().iterator());
// Mark as initialized.
public void destroy(Set<HttpServlet> destroyedSoFar) {
HttpServlet reference = httpServlet.get();
// Do nothing if this Servlet was invalid (usually due to not being scoped
// properly). According to Servlet Spec: it is "out of service", and does not
// need to be destroyed.
// Also prevent duplicate destroys to the same singleton that may appear
// more than once on the filter chain.
if (null == reference || destroyedSoFar.contains(reference)) {
try {
} finally {
* Wrapper around the service chain to ensure a servlet is servicing what it must and provides it
* with a wrapped request.
* @return Returns true if this servlet triggered for the given request. Or false if
* guice-servlet should continue dispatching down the servlet pipeline.
* @throws IOException If thrown by underlying servlet
* @throws ServletException If thrown by underlying servlet
public boolean service(ServletRequest servletRequest,
ServletResponse servletResponse) throws IOException, ServletException {
final HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
final String path = ServletUtils.getContextRelativePath(request);
final boolean serve = shouldServe(path);
//invocations of the chain end at the first matched servlet
if (serve) {
doService(servletRequest, servletResponse);
//return false if no servlet matched (so we can proceed down to the web.xml servlets)
return serve;
* Utility that delegates to the actual service method of the servlet wrapped with a contextual
* request (i.e. with correctly computed path info).
* We need to suppress deprecation coz we use HttpServletRequestWrapper, which implements
* deprecated API for backwards compatibility.
void doService(final ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse)
throws ServletException, IOException {
HttpServletRequest request = new HttpServletRequestWrapper(
(HttpServletRequest) servletRequest) {
private boolean pathComputed;
private String path;
private boolean pathInfoComputed;
private String pathInfo;
public String getPathInfo() {
if (!isPathInfoComputed()) {
String servletPath = getServletPath();
int servletPathLength = servletPath.length();
String requestUri = getRequestURI();
pathInfo = requestUri.substring(getContextPath().length()).replaceAll("[/]{2,}", "/");
// See: https://github.com/google/guice/issues/372
if (pathInfo.startsWith(servletPath)) {
pathInfo = pathInfo.substring(servletPathLength);
// Corner case: when servlet path & request path match exactly (without trailing '/'),
// then pathinfo is null.
if (pathInfo.isEmpty() && servletPathLength > 0) {
pathInfo = null;
} else {
try {
pathInfo = new URI(pathInfo).getPath();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
// ugh, just leave it alone then
} else {
pathInfo = null; // we know nothing additional about the URI.
pathInfoComputed = true;
return pathInfo;
// NOTE(dhanji): These two are a bit of a hack to help ensure that request dispatcher-sent
// requests don't use the same path info that was memoized for the original request.
// NOTE(iqshum): I don't think this is possible, since the dispatcher-sent request would
// perform its own wrapping.
private boolean isPathInfoComputed() {
return pathInfoComputed && servletRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_DISPATCHER_REQUEST) == null;
private boolean isPathComputed() {
return pathComputed && servletRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_DISPATCHER_REQUEST) == null;
public String getServletPath() {
return computePath();
public String getPathTranslated() {
final String info = getPathInfo();
return (null == info) ? null : getRealPath(info);
// Memoizer pattern.
private String computePath() {
if (!isPathComputed()) {
String servletPath = super.getServletPath();
path = patternMatcher.extractPath(servletPath);
pathComputed = true;
if (null == path) {
path = servletPath;
return path;
doServiceImpl(request, (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse);
private void doServiceImpl(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
GuiceFilter.Context previous = GuiceFilter.localContext.get();
HttpServletRequest originalRequest
= (previous != null) ? previous.getOriginalRequest() : request;
GuiceFilter.localContext.set(new GuiceFilter.Context(originalRequest, request, response));
try {
httpServlet.get().service(request, response);
} finally {
String getKey() {
return servletKey.toString();
Other Java examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Java ServletDefinition.java source code file: