HSQLDB example source code file (Trace.java)
The HSQLDB Trace.java source code/* * For work developed by the HSQL Development Group: * * Copyright (c) 2001-2010, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * * For work originally developed by the Hypersonic SQL Group: * * Copyright (c) 1995-2000, The Hypersonic SQL Group. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Hypersonic SQL Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE HYPERSONIC SQL GROUP, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * on behalf of the Hypersonic SQL Group. */ package org.hsqldb; import java.io.PrintWriter; import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlByteArrayOutputStream; import org.hsqldb.resources.BundleHandler; /** * handles creation and reporting of error messages and throwing HsqlException * * Rewritten and extended in successive versions of HSQLDB. * * @author Thomas Mueller (Hypersonic SQL Group) * @version 1.8.0 * @since Hypersonic SQL */ // fredt@users 20020221 - patch 513005 by sqlbob@users (RMP) - error reporting // fredt@users 20020221 - patch 513005 by sqlbob@users (RMP) - setting trace // the system property hsqldb.tracesystemout == true is now used for printing // trace message to System.out // fredt@users 20020305 - patch 1.7.0 - various new messages added // tony_lai@users 20020820 - patch 595073 - Duplicated exception msg // fredt@users 20021230 - patch 488118 by xclay@users - allow multithreading // wsonic@users 20031005 - moved string literal messages to Trace with new methods // nitin chauhan 20031005 - moved concatenated string in asserts and checks to Trace with new methods // fredt@users 20040322 - removed unused code - class is a collection of static methods now // fredt@users 20050524 - use resource bundle for messages /** @todo fredt - 20021022 management of nested throws inside the program in * such a way that it is possible to return exactly the text of the error * thrown at a given level without higher level messages being added and to * preserve the original error code */ public class Trace { public static boolean TRACE = false; public static boolean TRACESYSTEMOUT = false; public static final boolean STOP = false; public static final boolean DOASSERT = false; // static String errPropsName = "sql-error-messages"; static int bundleHandle = BundleHandler.getBundleHandle(errPropsName, null); // public static final int // LOCK_FILE_ACQUISITION_FAILURE = 1, CONNECTION_IS_CLOSED = 2, CONNECTION_IS_BROKEN = 3, DATABASE_IS_SHUTDOWN = 4, COLUMN_COUNT_DOES_NOT_MATCH = 5, DIVISION_BY_ZERO = 6, INVALID_ESCAPE = 7, INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = 8, VIOLATION_OF_UNIQUE_INDEX = 9, TRY_TO_INSERT_NULL = 10, UNEXPECTED_TOKEN = 11, UNEXPECTED_END_OF_COMMAND = 12, UNKNOWN_FUNCTION = 13, NEED_AGGREGATE = 14, SUM_OF_NON_NUMERIC = 15, WRONG_DATA_TYPE = 16, CARDINALITY_VIOLATION_NO_SUBCLASS = 17, SERIALIZATION_FAILURE = 18, TRANSFER_CORRUPTED = 19, FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 20, TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 21, TABLE_NOT_FOUND = 22, INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS = 23, SECOND_PRIMARY_KEY = 24, DROP_PRIMARY_KEY = 25, INDEX_NOT_FOUND = 26, COLUMN_ALREADY_EXISTS = 27, COLUMN_NOT_FOUND = 28, FILE_IO_ERROR = 29, WRONG_DATABASE_FILE_VERSION = 30, DATABASE_IS_READONLY = 31, DATA_IS_READONLY = 32, ACCESS_IS_DENIED = 33, INPUTSTREAM_ERROR = 34, NO_DATA_IS_AVAILABLE = 35, USER_ALREADY_EXISTS = 36, USER_NOT_FOUND = 37, ASSERT_FAILED = 38, EXTERNAL_STOP = 39, GENERAL_ERROR = 40, WRONG_OUT_PARAMETER = 41, FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND = 42, TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND = 43, SAVEPOINT_NOT_FOUND = 44, LABEL_REQUIRED = 45, WRONG_DEFAULT_CLAUSE = 46, FOREIGN_KEY_NOT_ALLOWED = 47, UNKNOWN_DATA_SOURCE = 48, BAD_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_NAME = 49, DROP_FK_INDEX = 50, RESULTSET_FORWARD_ONLY = 51, VIEW_ALREADY_EXISTS = 52, VIEW_NOT_FOUND = 53, NOT_USED_54 = 54, NOT_A_TABLE = 55, SYSTEM_INDEX = 56, COLUMN_TYPE_MISMATCH = 57, BAD_ADD_COLUMN_DEFINITION = 58, DROP_SYSTEM_CONSTRAINT = 59, CONSTRAINT_ALREADY_EXISTS = 60, CONSTRAINT_NOT_FOUND = 61, INVALID_JDBC_ARGUMENT = 62, DATABASE_IS_MEMORY_ONLY = 63, OUTER_JOIN_CONDITION = 64, NUMERIC_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = 65, MISSING_SOFTWARE_MODULE = 66, NOT_IN_AGGREGATE_OR_GROUP_BY = 67, INVALID_GROUP_BY = 68, INVALID_HAVING = 69, INVALID_ORDER_BY = 70, INVALID_ORDER_BY_IN_DISTINCT_SELECT = 71, OUT_OF_MEMORY = 72, OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 73, INVALID_IDENTIFIER = 74, TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE = 75, TEXT_FILE = 76, NOT_USED_77 = 77, ERROR_IN_SCRIPT_FILE = 78, NULL_IN_VALUE_LIST = 79, SOCKET_ERROR = 80, INVALID_CHARACTER_ENCODING = 81, NOT_USED_82 = 82, NOT_USED_83 = 83, NOT_USED_84 = 84, UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION = 85, NOT_USED_86 = 86, NOT_USED_87 = 87, NOT_USED_88 = 88, NOT_USED_89 = 89, NOT_USED_90 = 90, NOT_USED_91 = 91, NOT_USED_92 = 92, NOT_USED_93 = 93, DATABASE_NOT_EXISTS = 94, INVALID_CONVERSION = 95, ERROR_IN_BINARY_SCRIPT_1 = 96, ERROR_IN_BINARY_SCRIPT_2 = 97, GENERAL_IO_ERROR = 98, EXPRESSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 99, Constraint_violation = 100, Database_dropTable = 101, ERROR_IN_CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_LIST = 102, TABLE_HAS_NO_PRIMARY_KEY = 103, VIOLATION_OF_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT = 104, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_COLUMN = 105, NOT_A_CONDITION = 106, DatabaseManager_getDatabase = 107, NOT_USED_108 = 108, NOT_USED_109 = 109, NOT_USED_110 = 110, NOT_USED_111 = 111, NOT_USED_112 = 112, DatabaseScriptReader_readDDL = 113, DatabaseScriptReader_readExistingData = 114, Message_Pair = 115, LOAD_SAVE_PROPERTIES = 116, INVALID_TRANSACTION_STATE_NO_SUBCLASS = 117, JDBC_INVALID_BRI_SCOPE = 118, JDBC_NO_RESULT_SET_METADATA = 119, JDBC_NO_RESULT_SET = 120, MISSING_CLOSEBRACKET = 121, ITSNS_OVERWRITE = 122, COLUMN_IS_IN_INDEX = 123, STRING_DATA_TRUNCATION = 124, QUOTED_IDENTIFIER_REQUIRED = 125, STATEMENT_IS_CLOSED = 126, NOT_USED_127 = 127, NOT_USED_128 = 128, DATA_FILE_ERROR = 129, NOT_USED_130 = 130, HsqlDateTime_null_string = 131, NOT_USED_132 = 132, HsqlDateTime_null_date = 133, NOT_USED_134 = 134, HsqlProperties_load = 135, HsqlSocketFactorySecure_verify = 136, HsqlSocketFactorySecure_verify2 = 137, jdbcConnection_nativeSQL = 138, HsqlSocketFactorySecure_verify3 = 139, NOT_USED_140 = 140, NOT_USED_141 = 141, jdbcStatement_executeUpdate = 142, LockFile_checkHeartbeat = 143, LockFile_checkHeartbeat2 = 144, TEXT_STRING_HAS_NEWLINE = 145, Result_Result = 146, SERVER_NO_DATABASE = 147, Server_openServerSocket = 148, Server_openServerSocket2 = 149, TEXT_TABLE_HEADER = 150, NOT_USED_151 = 151, JDBC_PARAMETER_NOT_SET = 152, INVALID_LIMIT = 153, JDBC_STATEMENT_NOT_ROW_COUNT = 154, JDBC_STATEMENT_NOT_RESULTSET = 155, AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_REFERENCE = 156, CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION = 157, JDBC_RESULTSET_IS_CLOSED = 158, SINGLE_COLUMN_EXPECTED = 159, TOKEN_REQUIRED = 160, NOT_USED_161 = 161, NOT_USED_162 = 162, ORDER_LIMIT_REQUIRED = 163, TRIGGER_ALREADY_EXISTS = 164, ASSERT_DIRECT_EXEC_WITH_PARAM = 165, NOT_USED_166 = 166, Expression_compareValues = 167, INVALID_LIMIT_EXPRESSION = 168, INVALID_TOP_EXPRESSION = 169, SQL_CONSTRAINT_REQUIRED = 170, TableWorks_dropConstraint = 171, TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE_FILENAME = 172, TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE_VALUE_MISSING = 173, TEXT_TABLE_SOURCE_SEPARATOR = 174, UNSUPPORTED_PARAM_CLASS = 175, JDBC_NULL_STREAM = 176, INTEGRITY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION_NOPARENT = 177, NOT_USED_178 = 178, NOT_USED_179 = 179, QuotedTextDatabaseRowInput_getField = 180, QuotedTextDatabaseRowInput_getField2 = 181, TextDatabaseRowInput_getField = 182, TextDatabaseRowInput_getField2 = 183, TextDatabaseRowInput_getField3 = 184, Parser_ambiguous_between1 = 185, SEQUENCE_REFERENCED_BY_VIEW = 186, NOT_USED_187 = 187, TextCache_openning_file_error = 188, TextCache_closing_file_error = 189, TextCache_purging_file_error = 190, SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUND = 191, SEQUENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 192, TABLE_REFERENCED_CONSTRAINT = 193, TABLE_REFERENCED_VIEW = 194, NOT_USED_195 = 195, TEXT_SOURCE_EXISTS = 196, COLUMN_IS_REFERENCED = 197, FUNCTION_CALL_ERROR = 198, TRIGGERED_DATA_CHANGE = 199, INVALID_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT = 200, UNSUPPORTED_INTERNAL_OPERATION = 201, NOT_USED_202 = 202, INVALID_PREPARED_STATEMENT = 203, CREATE_TRIGGER_COMMAND_1 = 204, TRIGGER_FUNCTION_CLASS_NOT_FOUND = 205, NOT_USED_206 = 206, NOT_USED_207 = 207, INVALID_COLLATION_NAME_NO_SUBCLASS = 208, DataFileCache_makeRow = 209, DataFileCache_open = 210, DataFileCache_close = 211, Expression_resolveTypes1 = 212, Expression_resolveTypes2 = 213, Expression_resolveTypes3 = 214, Expression_resolveTypes4 = 215, UNRESOLVED_PARAMETER_TYPE = 216, Expression_resolveTypes6 = 217, Expression_resolveTypes7 = 218, Expression_resolveTypeForLike = 219, NOT_USED_220 = 220, Expression_resolveTypeForIn2 = 221, Session_execute = 222, NOT_USED_223 = 223, NOT_USED_224 = 224, DATA_FILE_IS_FULL = 225, THREE_PART_IDENTIFIER = 226, INVALID_SCHEMA_NAME_NO_SUBCLASS = 227, DEPENDENT_DATABASE_OBJECT_EXISTS = 228, NO_SUCH_ROLE_GRANT = 229, NO_SUCH_ROLE_REVOKE = 230, NONMOD_ACCOUNT = 231, NO_SUCH_GRANTEE = 232, MISSING_SYSAUTH = 233, MISSING_GRANTEE = 234, CHANGE_GRANTEE = 235, NULL_NAME = 236, ILLEGAL_ROLE_NAME = 237, ROLE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 238, NO_SUCH_ROLE = 239, MISSING_ROLEMANAGER = 240, GRANTEE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 241, MISSING_PUBLIC_GRANTEE = 242, NONMOD_GRANTEE = 243, CIRCULAR_GRANT = 244, ALREADY_HAVE_ROLE = 245, DONT_HAVE_ROLE = 246, NOT_USED_247 = 247, RETRIEVE_NEST_ROLE_FAIL = 248, NO_SUCH_RIGHT = 249, IN_SCHEMA_DEFINITION = 250, PRIMARY_KEY_NOT_ALLOWED = 251, COLUMN_IS_IN_CONSTRAINT = 252, COLUMN_SIZE_REQUIRED = 253, INVALID_SIZE_PRECISION = 254, CANNOT_CONNECT_TABLE = 255, INVALID_FILE_ACCESS_CLASS = 256, INVALID_STORAGE_CLASS = 257, LAST_ERROR_HANDLE = 258; // static String MESSAGE_TAG = "$$"; // /** Used during tests. */ static { try { TRACE = TRACE || Boolean.getBoolean("hsqldb.trace"); TRACESYSTEMOUT = TRACESYSTEMOUT || Boolean.getBoolean("hsqldb.tracesystemout"); } catch (Exception e) {} if (!"LAST".equals(BundleHandler.getString(bundleHandle, String.valueOf(LAST_ERROR_HANDLE)))) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } /** * Compose error message by inserting the strings in the add parameters * in placeholders within the error message. The message string contains * $$ markers for each context variable. Context variables are supplied in * the add parameters. * * @param code main error code * @param subCode sub error code (if 0 => no subMessage!) * @param add optional parameters * * @return an <code>HsqlException */ public static HsqlException error(int code, int subCode, final Object[] add) { // in case of negative code code = Math.abs(code); String mainErrorMessage = getMessage(code); String state = "S1000"; if (mainErrorMessage.length() >= 5) { state = mainErrorMessage.substring(0, 5); mainErrorMessage = mainErrorMessage.substring(6); } if (subCode != 0) { mainErrorMessage += getMessage(Math.abs(subCode)); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(mainErrorMessage.length() + 32); int lastIndex = 0; int escIndex = mainErrorMessage.length(); if (add != null) { // removed test: i < add.length // because if mainErrorMessage is equal to "blabla $$" // then the statement escIndex = mainErrorMessage.length(); // is never reached! ??? for (int i = 0; i < add.length; i++) { escIndex = mainErrorMessage.indexOf(MESSAGE_TAG, lastIndex); if (escIndex == -1) { break; } sb.append(mainErrorMessage.substring(lastIndex, escIndex)); sb.append(add[i] == null ? "null exception message" : add[i].toString()); lastIndex = escIndex + MESSAGE_TAG.length(); } } escIndex = mainErrorMessage.length(); sb.append(mainErrorMessage.substring(lastIndex, escIndex)); return new HsqlException(sb.toString(), state, -code); } /** * Compose error message by inserting the strings in the add parameters * in placeholders within the error message. The message string contains * $$ markers for each context variable. Context variables are supplied in * the add parameters. * * @param code main error code * @param add optional parameters * * @return an <code>HsqlException */ public static HsqlException error(int code, final Object[] add) { return error(code, 0, add); } public static HsqlException error(int code, int code2, String add) { return error(code, getMessage(code2) + ' ' + add); } public static HsqlException error(int code, int code2) { return error(code, getMessage(code2)); } /** * Method declaration * * * @param code * @param add * * @return */ public static HsqlException error(int code, Object add) { // fredt@users 20020221 - patch 513005 by sqlbob@users (RMP) code = Math.abs(code); String s = getMessage(code); if (add != null) { s += ": " + add.toString(); } // fredt@users 20020221 - patch 513005 by sqlbob@users (RMP) return new HsqlException(s.substring(6), s.substring(0, 5), -code); //return getError(s); } /** * Return a new <code>HsqlException according to the result parameter. * * @param result the <code>Result associated with the exception * @return a new <code>HsqlException according to the result parameter */ public static HsqlException error(final Result result) { return new HsqlException(result); } /** * Return a new <code>Result of type error. * * @param result the <code>Result associated with the exception * @return a new <code>HsqlException according to the result parameter */ // fredt@users 20020221 - patch 513005 by sqlbob@users (RMP) /** * Constructor for errors * * @param e exception */ static Result toResult(HsqlException e) { return new Result(e.getMessage(), e.getSQLState(), e.getErrorCode()); } public static RuntimeException runtimeError(int code, Object add) { HsqlException e = error(code, add); return new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } /** * Returns the error message given the error code.<br/> * Note: this method must be used when throwing exception other * than <code>HsqlException. * * @param errorCode the error code associated to the error message * @return the error message associated with the error code * @see #sDescription */ public static String getMessage(final int errorCode) { return getMessage(errorCode, false, null); } /** * Returns the error message given the error code.<br/> * Note: this method must be used when throwing exception other * than <code>HsqlException. * * @param errorCode the error code associated to the error message * @param substitute substitute the $$ tokens using data in the values * @param values value(s) to use to replace the token(s) * @return the error message associated with the error code * @see #sDescription */ public static String getMessage(final int errorCode, final boolean substitute, final Object[] values) { if (errorCode < 0) { return ""; } else { String key = String.valueOf(errorCode); if (errorCode < 10) { key = "00" + key; } else if (errorCode < 100) { key = "0" + key; } String mainErrorMessage = BundleHandler.getString(bundleHandle, key); if (!substitute) { // return sDescription[errorCode]; return mainErrorMessage; } else { // final String mainErrorMessage = sDescription[errorCode]; final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(mainErrorMessage.length() + 32); int lastIndex = 0; int escIndex = mainErrorMessage.length(); if (values != null) { // removed test: i < add.length // because if mainErrorMessage is equal to "blabla $$" // then the statement escIndex = mainErrorMessage.length(); // is never reached! ??? for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { escIndex = mainErrorMessage.indexOf(MESSAGE_TAG, lastIndex); if (escIndex == -1) { break; } sb.append(mainErrorMessage.substring(lastIndex, escIndex)); sb.append(values[i].toString()); lastIndex = escIndex + MESSAGE_TAG.length(); } } escIndex = mainErrorMessage.length(); sb.append(mainErrorMessage.substring(lastIndex, escIndex)); return sb.toString(); } } } /** * Method declaration * * * @param code * * @return */ public static HsqlException error(int code) { return error(code, null); } /** * Throws exception if condition is false * * @param condition * @param code * * @throws HsqlException */ public static void check(boolean condition, int code) throws HsqlException { check(condition, code, null, null, null, null); } /** * Throws exception if condition is false * * @param condition * @param code * @param add * * @throws HsqlException */ public static void check(boolean condition, int code, Object add) throws HsqlException { if (!condition) { throw error(code, add); } } /** * Method declaration * * * @param code * @param add * * @throws HsqlException */ static void throwerror(int code, Object add) throws HsqlException { throw error(code, add); } /** * Used to print messages to System.out * * * @param message message to print */ public static void printSystemOut(String message) { if (TRACESYSTEMOUT) { System.out.println(message); } } /** * Used to print messages to System.out * * * @param message1 message to print * @param message2 message to print */ public static void printSystemOut(String message1, long message2) { if (TRACESYSTEMOUT) { System.out.print(message1); System.out.println(message2); } } /** * Returns the stack trace for doAssert() */ private static String getStackTrace() { try { Exception e = new Exception(); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { HsqlByteArrayOutputStream os = new HsqlByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(os, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); return os.toString(); } } /** * Throws exception if condition is false * * @param condition * @param code * @param add1 * @param add2 * * @throws HsqlException */ static void check(boolean condition, int code, String add1, String add2) throws HsqlException { check(condition, code, add1, add2, null, null); } /** * Throws exception if condition is false * * @param condition * @param code * @param add1 * @param add2 * @param add3 * * @throws HsqlException */ static void check(boolean condition, int code, String add1, String add2, String add3) throws HsqlException { check(condition, code, add1, add2, add3, null); } /** * Throws exception if condition is false * * @param condition * @param code * @param add1 * @param add2 * @param add3 * @param add4 * * @throws HsqlException */ static void check(boolean condition, int code, String add1, String add2, String add3, String add4) throws HsqlException { if (!condition) { String add = ""; if (add1 != null) { add += add1; } if (add2 != null) { add += add2; } if (add3 != null) { add += add3; } if (add4 != null) { add += add4; } throw error(code, add.length() > 0 ? add : null); } } /** * Throws exception if assertion fails * * @param condition * @throws HsqlException */ static void doAssert(boolean condition) throws HsqlException { doAssert(condition, null); } /** * Throws exception if assertion fails * * @param condition * @param error * @throws HsqlException */ static void doAssert(boolean condition, String error) throws HsqlException { if (!condition) { if (error == null) { error = ""; } error += getStackTrace(); throw error(ASSERT_FAILED, error); } } } Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB Trace.java source code file: |
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