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HSQLDB example source code file (

This example HSQLDB source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - HSQLDB tags/keywords

date, hsqltimer, illegalargumentexception, illegalargumentexception, illegalstateexception, object, object, objectcomparator, runnable, runnable, task, task, taskqueue, thread, util

The HSQLDB source code

/* Copyright (c) 2001-2008, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
 * list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its
 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
 * software without specific prior written permission.

package org.hsqldb.lib;

import java.util.Date;

 * Facility to schedule tasks for future execution in a background thread.  <p>
 * Tasks may be scheduled for one-time execution or for repeated execution at
 * regular intervals, using either fixed rate or fixed delay policy. <p>
 * This class is a JDK 1.1 compatible implementation required by HSQLDB both
 * because the java.util.Timer class is available only in JDK 1.3+ and because
 * java.util.Timer starves least recently added tasks under high load and
 * fixed rate scheduling, especially when the average actual task duration is
 * greater than the average requested task periodicity. <p>
 * An additional (minor) advantage over java.util.Timer is that this class does
 * not retain a live background thread during periods when the task queue is
 * empty.
 * @author boucherb@users
 * @version
 * @since 1.7.2
public final class HsqlTimer implements ObjectComparator, ThreadFactory {

    /** The priority queue for the scheduled tasks. */
    protected final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue(16,
        (ObjectComparator) this);

    /** The inner runnable that executes tasks in the background thread. */
    protected final TaskRunner taskRunner = new TaskRunner();

    /** The background thread. */
    protected Thread taskRunnerThread;

    /** The factory that procduces the background threads. */
    protected final ThreadFactory threadFactory;

     * Whether this timer should disallow all further processing.
     * Once set true, stays true forever.
    protected volatile boolean isShutdown;

     * Constructs a new HsqlTimer using the default thread factory
     * implementation.
    public HsqlTimer() {

     * Constructs a new HsqlTimer.
     * Uses the specified thread factory implementation.
     * @param threadFactory the ThreadFactory used to produce this timer's
     *      background threads.  If null, the default implementation supplied
     *      by this class will be used.
    public HsqlTimer(final ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
        this.threadFactory = (threadFactory == null) ? this
                                                     : threadFactory;

     * Required to back the priority queue for scheduled tasks.
     * @param a the first Task
     * @param b the second Task
     * @return 0 if equal, < 0 if a < b, > 0 if a > b
    public int compare(final Object a, final Object b) {

        final long awhen = ((Task) (a)).getNextScheduled();
        final long bwhen = ((Task) (b)).getNextScheduled();

        return (awhen < bwhen) ? -1
                               : (awhen == bwhen) ? 0
                                                  : 1;

     * Default ThreadFactory implementation. <p>
     * Contructs a new Thread from the designated runnable, sets its
     * name to "HSQLDB Timer @" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()),
     * and sets it as a daemon thread. <p>
     * @param runnable used to construct the new Thread.
     * @return a new Thread constructed from the designated runnable.
    public Thread newThread(final Runnable runnable) {

        final Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);

        thread.setName("HSQLDB Timer @" + Integer.toHexString(hashCode()));

        return thread;

     * Retrieves the background execution thread. <p>
     * null is returned if there is no such thread. <p>
     * @return the current background thread (may be null)
    public synchronized Thread getThread() {
        return this.taskRunnerThread;

     * (Re)starts background processing of the task queue.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this timer is shut down.
     * @see #shutdown()
     * @see #shutdownImmediately()
    public synchronized void restart() throws IllegalStateException {

        if (this.isShutdown) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("isShutdown==true");
        } else if (this.taskRunnerThread == null) {
            this.taskRunnerThread =

        } else {

     * Causes the specified Runnable to be executed once in the background
     * after the specified delay.
     * @param delay in milliseconds
     * @param runnable the Runnable to execute.
     * @return opaque reference to the internal task
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if runnable is null
    public Object scheduleAfter(final long delay,
                                final Runnable runnable)
                                throws IllegalArgumentException {

        if (runnable == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("runnable == null");

        return this.addTask(now() + delay, runnable, 0, false);

     * Causes the specified Runnable to be executed once in the background
     * at the specified time.
     * @param date time at which to execute the specified Runnable
     * @param runnable the Runnable to execute.
     * @return opaque reference to the internal task
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if date or runnable is null
    public Object scheduleAt(final Date date,
                             final Runnable runnable)
                             throws IllegalArgumentException {

        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("date == null");
        } else if (runnable == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("runnable == null");

        return this.addTask(date.getTime(), runnable, 0, false);

     * Causes the specified Runnable to be executed periodically in the
     * background, starting at the specified time.
     * @return opaque reference to the internal task
     * @param period the cycle period
     * @param relative if true, fixed rate sheduling else fixed delay scheduling
     * @param date time at which to execute the specified Runnable
     * @param runnable the Runnable to execute
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if date or runnable is null, or
     *      period is <= 0
    public Object schedulePeriodicallyAt(final Date date, final long period,
                                         final Runnable runnable,
                                         final boolean relative)
                                         throws IllegalArgumentException {

        if (date == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("date == null");
        } else if (period <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("period <= 0");
        } else if (runnable == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("runnable == null");

        return addTask(date.getTime(), runnable, period, relative);

     * Causes the specified Runnable to be executed periodically in the
     * background, starting after the specified delay.
     * @return opaque reference to the internal task
     * @param period the cycle period
     * @param relative if true, fixed rate sheduling else fixed delay scheduling
     * @param delay in milliseconds
     * @param runnable the Runnable to execute.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if runnable is null or period is <= 0
    public Object schedulePeriodicallyAfter(final long delay,
            final long period, final Runnable runnable,
            final boolean relative) throws IllegalArgumentException {

        if (period <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("period <= 0");
        } else if (runnable == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("runnable == null");

        return addTask(now() + delay, runnable, period, relative);

     * Shuts down this timer after the current task (if any) completes. <p>
     * After this call, the timer has permanently entered the shutdown state;
     * attempting to schedule any new task or directly restart this timer will
     * result in an  IllegalStateException. <p>
    public synchronized void shutdown() {

        if (!this.isShutdown) {
            this.isShutdown = true;


    /** for compatiblity with previous version */
    public synchronized void shutDown() {

     * Shuts down this timer immediately, interrupting the wait state associated
     * with the current head of the task queue or the wait state internal to
     * the currently executing task, if any such state is currently in effect.
     * After this call, the timer has permanently entered the shutdown state;
     * attempting to schedule any new task or directly restart this timer will
     * result in an IllegalStateException. <p>
     * <b>Note: If the integrity of work performed by a scheduled task
     * may be adversely affected by an unplanned interruption, it is the
     * responsibility of the task's implementation to deal correctly with the
     * possibility that this method is called while such work is in progress,
     * for instance by catching the InterruptedException, completing the work,
     * and then rethrowing the exception.
    public synchronized void shutdownImmediately() {

        if (!this.isShutdown) {
            final Thread runner = this.taskRunnerThread;

            this.isShutdown = true;

            if (runner != null && runner.isAlive()) {


     * Causes the task referenced by the supplied argument to be cancelled.
     * If the referenced task is currently executing, it will continue until
     * finished but will not be rescheduled.
     * @param task a task reference
    public static void cancel(final Object task) {

        if (task instanceof Task) {
            ((Task) task).cancel();

     * Retrieves whether the specified argument references a cancelled task.
     * @param task a task reference
     * @return true if referenced task is cancelled
    public static boolean isCancelled(final Object task) {
        return (task instanceof Task) ? ((Task) task).isCancelled()
                                      : true;

     * Retrieves whether the specified argument references a task scheduled
     * periodically using fixed rate scheduling.
     * @param task a task reference
     * @return true if the task is scheduled at a fixed rate
    public static boolean isFixedRate(final Object task) {

        if (task instanceof Task) {
            final Task ltask = (Task) task;

            return (ltask.relative && ltask.period > 0);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Retrieves whether the specified argument references a task scheduled
     * periodically using fixed delay scheduling.
     * @param task a task reference
     * @return true if the reference is scheduled using a fixed delay
    public static boolean isFixedDelay(final Object task) {

        if (task instanceof Task) {
            final Task ltask = (Task) task;

            return (!ltask.relative && ltask.period > 0);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Retrieves whether the specified argument references a task scheduled
     * for periodic execution.
     * @param task a task reference
     * @return true if the task is scheduled for periodic execution
    public static boolean isPeriodic(final Object task) {
        return (task instanceof Task) ? (((Task) task).period > 0)
                                      : false;

     * Retrieves the last time the referenced task was executed, as a
     * Date object. If the task has never been executed, null is returned.
     * @param task a task reference
     * @return the last time the referenced task was executed; null if never
    public static Date getLastScheduled(Object task) {

        if (task instanceof Task) {
            final Task ltask = (Task) task;
            final long last  = ltask.getLastScheduled();

            return (last == 0) ? null
                               : new Date(last);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Sets the periodicity of the designated task to a new value. <p>
     * If the designated task is cancelled or the new period is identical to the
     * task's current period, then this invocation has essentially no effect
     * and the submitted object is returned. <p>
     * Otherwise, if the new period is greater than the designated task's
     * current period, then a simple assignment occurs and the submittted
     * object is returned. <p>
     * If neither case holds, then the designated task is cancelled and a new,
     * equivalent task with the new period is scheduled for immediate first
     * execution and returned to the caller. <p>
     * @return a task reference, as per the rules stated above.
     * @param task the task whose periodicity is to be set
     * @param period the new period
    public static Object setPeriod(final Object task, final long period) {
        return (task instanceof Task) ? ((Task) task).setPeriod(period)
                                      : task;

     * Retrieves the next time the referenced task is due to be executed, as a
     * Date object. If the referenced task is cancelled, null is returned.
     * @param task a task reference
     * @return the next time the referenced task is due to be executed
    public static Date getNextScheduled(Object task) {

        if (task instanceof Task) {
            final Task ltask = (Task) task;
            final long next  = ltask.isCancelled() ? 0
                                                   : ltask.getNextScheduled();

            return next == 0 ? null
                             : new Date(next);
        } else {
            return null;

     * Adds to the task queue a new Task object encapsulating the supplied
     * Runnable and scheduling arguments.
     * @param first the time of the task's first execution
     * @param runnable the Runnable to execute
     * @param period the task's periodicity
     * @param relative if true, use fixed rate else use fixed delay scheduling
     * @return an opaque reference to the internal task
    protected Task addTask(final long first, final Runnable runnable,
                           final long period, boolean relative) {

        if (this.isShutdown) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("shutdown");

        final Task task = new Task(first, runnable, period, relative);

        // sychronized

        // sychronized

        return task;

    /** Sets the background thread to null. */
    protected synchronized void clearThread() {

//#ifdef JAVA2FULL
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {}

//#endif JAVA2FULL
        taskRunnerThread = null;

     * Retrieves the next task to execute, or null if this timer is shutdown,
     * the current thread is interrupted, or there are no queued tasks.
     * @return the next task to execute, or null
    protected Task nextTask() {

        try {
            while (!this.isShutdown || Thread.interrupted()) {
                long now;
                long next;
                long wait;
                Task task;

                // synchronized to ensure removeTask
                // applies only to the peeked task,
                // when the computed wait <= 0
                synchronized (this.taskQueue) {
                    task = this.taskQueue.peekTask();

                    if (task == null) {

                        // queue is empty

                    now  = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    next =;
                    wait = (next - now);

                    if (wait > 0) {

                        // release ownership of taskQueue monitor and await
                        // notification of task addition or cancellation,
                        // at most until the time when the peeked task is
                        // next supposed to execute

                        continue;           // to top of loop
                    } else {

                long period = task.period;

                if (period > 0) {           // repeated task
                    if (task.relative) {    // using fixed rate shceduling
                        final long late = (now - next);

                        if (late > period) {

                            // ensure that really late tasks don't
                            // completely saturate the head of the
                            // task queue
                            period = 0;     /** @todo : is -1, -2 ... fairer? */
                        } else if (late > 0) {

                            // compensate for scheduling overruns
                            period -= late;

                    task.updateSchedule(now, now + period);

                return task;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


        return null;

     * stats var
    static int nowCount = 0;

     * Convenience method replacing the longer incantation:
     * System.currentTimeMillis()
     * @return System.currentTimeMillis()
    private static long now() {


        return System.currentTimeMillis();

     * The Runnable that the background thread uses to execute
     * scheduled tasks. <p>
     * <b>Note: Outer class could simply implement Runnable,
     * but using an inner class protects the public run method
     * from potential abuse.
    protected class TaskRunner implements Runnable {

         * Runs the next available task in the background thread. <p>
         * When there are no available tasks, the background
         * thread dies and its instance field is cleared until
         * tasks once again become available.
        public void run() {

            try {
                do {
                    final Task task = HsqlTimer.this.nextTask();

                    if (task == null) {

                    // PROBLEM: If the runnable throws an exception other
                    //          than InterruptedException (which likely stems
                    //          naturally from calling shutdownImmediately()
                    //          or getThread().interrupt()), this will still
                    //          cause the loop to exit, which is to say that
                    //          task scheduling will stop until a new task is
                    //          added or the timer is restarted directly, even
                    //          though there may still be uncancelled tasks
                    //          left on the queue.
                    // TODO:    Clarify and establish a contract regarding
                    //          the difference between InterruptedException,
                    //          RuntimeException and other things, like
                    //          UndeclaredThrowableException.
                    // SOL'N:   At present, we simply require each runnable to
                    //          understand its part of the implicit contract,
                    //          which is to deal with exceptions internally
                    //          (not throw them up to the timer), with the
                    //          possible exception of InterruptedException.
                    //          If the integrity of work performed by the
                    //          runnable may be adversely affected by an
                    //          unplanned interruption, the runnable should
                    //          deal with this directly, for instance by
                    //          catching the InterruptedException, ensuring
                    //          that some integrity preserving state is
                    //          attained, and then rethrowing the exception.
                } while (true);
            } finally {

     * Encapsulates a Runnable and its scheduling attributes.
     * Essentially, a wrapper class used to schedule a Runnable object
     * for execution by the enclosing HsqlTimer's TaskRunner in a
     * background thread.
    protected class Task {

        /** What to run. */
        Runnable runnable;

        /** The periodic interval, or 0 if one-shot. */
        long period;

        /** The time this task was last executed, or 0 if never. */
        long last;

        /** The next time this task is scheduled to execute. */
        long next;

         * Whether to silently remove this task instead of running it,
         * the next time (if ever) it makes its way to the head of the
         * timer queue.
        boolean cancelled = false;

        /** Serializes concurrent access to the cancelled field. */
        private Object cancel_mutex = new Object();

         * Scheduling policy flag. <p>
         * When true, scheduling is fixed rate (as opposed to fixed delay),
         * and schedule updates are calculated relative to when the task was
         * was last run rather than a fixed delay starting from the current
         * wall-clock time provided by System.currentTimeMillis().  <p>
         * This helps normalize scheduling for tasks that must attempt to
         * maintain a fixed rate of execution.
        final boolean relative;

         * Constructs a new Task object encapulating the specified Runnable
         * and scheduling arguments.
         * @param first the first time to execute
         * @param runnable the Runnable to execute
         * @param period the periodicity of execution
         * @param relative if true, use fixed rate scheduling else fixed delay
        Task(final long first, final Runnable runnable, final long period,
                final boolean relative) {

       = first;
            this.runnable = runnable;
            this.period   = period;
            this.relative = relative;

        // fixed reported race condition

        /** Sets this task's cancelled flag true and signals its taskQueue. */
        void cancel() {

            boolean signalCancelled = false;

            synchronized (cancel_mutex) {
                if (!cancelled) {
                    cancelled = signalCancelled = true;

            if (signalCancelled) {

         * Retrieves whether this task is cancelled.
         * @return true if cancelled, else false
        boolean isCancelled() {

            synchronized (cancel_mutex) {
                return cancelled;

         * Retrieves the instant in time just before this task was
         * last executed by the background thread. A value of zero
         * indicates that this task has never been executed.
         * @return the last time this task was executed or zero if never
        synchronized long getLastScheduled() {
            return last;

         * Retrieves the time at which this task is next scheduled for
         * execution.
         * @return the time at which this task is next scheduled for
         *      execution
        synchronized long getNextScheduled() {
            return next;

         * Updates the last and next scheduled execution times.
         * @param last when this task was last executed
         * @param next when this task is to be next executed
        synchronized void updateSchedule(final long last, final long next) {
            this.last = last;
   = next;

         * Sets the new periodicity of this task in milliseconds. <p>
         * If this task is cancelled or the new period is identical to the
         * current period, then this invocation has essentailly no effect
         * and this object is returned. <p>
         * Otherwise, if the new period is greater than the current period, then
         * a simple field assignment occurs and this object is returned. <p>
         * If none of the previous cases hold, then this task is cancelled and
         * a new, equivalent task with the new period is scheduled for
         * immediate first execution and returned to the caller. <p>
         * @param newPeriod the new period
         * @return a task reference, as per the rules stated above.
        synchronized Object setPeriod(final long newPeriod) {

            if (this.period == newPeriod || this.isCancelled()) {
                return this;
            } else if (newPeriod > this.period) {
                this.period = newPeriod;

                return this;
            } else {

                return HsqlTimer.this.addTask(now(), this.runnable, newPeriod,

     * Heap-based priority queue.
     * Provides extensions to facilitate and simplify implementing
     * timer functionality.
    protected static class TaskQueue extends HsqlArrayHeap {

         * Constructs a new TaskQueue with the specified initial capacity and
         * ObjectComparator.
         * @param capacity the initial capacity of the queue
         * @param oc The ObjectComparator this queue uses to maintain its
         *      Heap invariant.
        TaskQueue(final int capacity, final ObjectComparator oc) {
            super(capacity, oc);

         * Type-safe add method. <p>
         * Can be used to inject debugging or accounting behaviour. <p>
         * @param task the task to add
        void addTask(final Task task) {

            // System.out.println("task added: " + task);

         * Atomically removes all tasks in this queue and then and cancels
         * them.
        void cancelAllTasks() {

            Object[] oldHeap;
            int      oldCount;

            synchronized (this) {
                oldHeap  = this.heap;
                oldCount = this.count;

                // 1 instead of 0 to avoid unintended aoob exceptions
                this.heap  = new Object[1];
                this.count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < oldCount; i++) {
                ((Task) oldHeap[i]).cancelled = true;

         * Causes the calling thread to wait until another thread invokes
         * {@link #unpark() unpark} or the specified amount of time has
         * elapsed.
         * Implements the sync & wait(n) half of this queue's availability
         * condition. <p>
         * @param timeout the maximum time to wait in milliseconds.
         * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException if another thread has
         *    interrupted the current thread.  The <i>interrupted status of
         *    the current thread is cleared when this exception is thrown.
        synchronized void park(final long timeout)
        throws InterruptedException {

         * Retrieves the head of this queue, without removing it. <p>
         * This method has the side-effect of removing tasks from the
         * head of this queue until a non-cancelled task is encountered
         * or this queue is empty. <p>
         * If this queue is initially empty or is emptied in the process
         * of finding the earliest scheduled non-cancelled task,
         * then null is returned. <p>
         * @return the earliest scheduled non-cancelled task, or null if no such
         *      task exists
        synchronized Task peekTask() {

            while (super.heap[0] != null
                    && ((Task) super.heap[0]).isCancelled()) {

            return (Task) super.heap[0];

         * Informs this queue that the given task is supposedly cancelled. <p>
         * If the indicated task is identical to the current head of
         * this queue, then it is removed and this queue is
         * {@link #unpark() unparked}. <p>
         * The cancelled status of the given task is not verified; it is
         * assumed that the caller is well-behaved (always passes a
         * non-null reference to a cancelled task).
         * @param task a supposedly cancelled task
        synchronized void signalTaskCancelled(Task task) {

            // We only care about the case where HsqlTimer.nextTask
            // might be parked momentarily on this task.
            if (task == super.heap[0]) {

         * Type-safe remove method. <p>
         * Removes the head task from this queue. <p>
         * Can be used to inject debugging or accounting behaviour. <p>
         * @return this queue's head task or null if no such task exists
        Task removeTask() {

            // System.out.println("removing task...");
            return (Task) super.remove();

         * Wakes up a single thread (if any) that is waiting on this queue's
         * {@link #park(long) park} method.
         * Implements the sync & notify half of this queue's availability
         * condition.
        synchronized void unpark() {

// ---------------------------------- tests ------------------------------------
//    /**
//     * Computes the system-specific average {@link
//     * sync} time. <p>
//     *
//     * @param runs iterations to perform when computing the average
//     * @param buff the data to write before each sync call
//     * @return the total time to write buff and call sync runs times,
//     *    divided by runs
//     */
//    static double avgSyncTime(int runs, byte[] buff) {
//             file = null;
// fos;
//   fd;
//        long                     start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//        try {
//            file ="SyncTest", ".tmp");
//            fos  = new;
//            fd   = fos.getFD();
//            for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) {
//                fos.write(buff);
//                fos.flush();
//                fd.sync();
//            }
//            long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
//            return (elapsed/(double)runs);
//        } catch (Exception e) {
//            throw new RuntimeException(e);
//        } finally {
//            if (file != null) {
//                file.delete();
//            }
//        }
//    }
//    /**
//     * WRITE_DELAY simulation task.
//     *
//     * Writes a given buffer to disk, sync's the associated file
//     * descriptor and maintains an account of the average period
//     * between executions.
//     */
//    static class WriteAndSyncTask extends java.util.TimerTask {
//        // static
//        /** Used to make the name of each task unique. */
//        static int          serial;
//        /** The data to write. */
//        static final byte[] buf = new byte[256];
//        // instance
//        /** Identifes this task. */
//        String                   name;
//        /** The time at which this task was last executed. */
//        long                     last;
//        /** A running sum of the periods between executions. */
//        long                     total;
//        /** The number of times this task has been executed. */
//        int                      runs;
//        /** True until this task is the first time. */
//        boolean                  firstTime = true;
//        /** The file to write. */
//             file;
//        /** The FileOutputStream to write. */
// fos;
//        /** The FileDescriptor to sync. */
//   fd;
//        /** Constructs a new WriteAndSyncTask */
//        WriteAndSyncTask() {
//   = "Task." + serial++;
//            try {
//                this.file =, ".tmp");
//                this.fos  = new;
//                this.fd   = fos.getFD();
//            } catch( ioe) {
//                throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
//            }
//        }
//        /**
//         * Runnable implementation. <p>
//         *
//         * Does the average period accounting and
//         * invokes the writeAndSync method.
//         */
//        public void run() {
//            final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
//            if (this.firstTime) {
//                this.firstTime = false;
//            } else {
//       += (now - this.last);
//            }
//            this.last = now;
//            writeAndSync();
//            this.runs++;
//        }
//        /**
//         * Writes a given buffer to disk and syncs the associated file
//         * descriptor.
//         */
//        void writeAndSync() {
//            try {
//                this.fos.write(buf);
//                this.fos.flush();
//                this.fd.sync();
//                Thread.sleep(1);
//            } catch(Exception e) {
//                e.printStackTrace();
//            }
//        }
//        /**
//         * Closes the FileOutputStream, deletes the file
//         * and nullifies Object fields.
//         */
//        public void release() {
//            try {
//                this.fos.close();
//            } catch(Exception e) {
//                e.printStackTrace();
//            }
//            try {
//                this.file.delete();
//            } catch (Exception e) {
//                e.printStackTrace();
//            }
//            this.fos  = null;
//            this.file = null;
//            this.fd   = null;
//        }
//        /**
//         * Retrieves the computed moment of actual average periodicity
//         * experienced by this task.
//         */
//        public float getAveragePeriod() {
//            return (this.runs < 2) ? Float.NaN
//                                   : ( - 1));
//        }
//        /**
//         * @return the String representation of this task, indicating
//         *      its name, the number of runs so far and the
//         *      computed moment of actual average periodicity
//         *      experienced so far.
//         */
//        public String toString()  {
//            return
//                    + "["
//                    + "runs: " + runs + ", "
//                    + "actual avg. period: " + getAveragePeriod()
//                    +  "]";
//        }
//    }
//    static class Stats {
//        double  min;
//        double  max;
//        double  pk;
//        double  sk;
//        double  vk;
//        long    n;
//        boolean initialized;
//        boolean sample;
//        void addDataPoint(double x) {
//            double xi;
//            double xsi;
//            long   nm1;
//            xi = x;
//            if (!initialized) {
//                n           = 1;
//                pk          = xi;
//                sk          = xi;
//                min         = xi;
//                max         = xi;
//                vk          = 0.0;
//                initialized = true;
//                return;
//            }
//            n++;
//            nm1 = (n - 1);
//            xsi = (sk - (xi * nm1));
//            vk  += ((xsi * xsi) / n) / nm1;
//            sk  += xi;
//            if (xi != 0) {
//                pk  *= xi;
//            }
//            max = Math.max(max, xi);
//            min = Math.min(min, xi);
//        }
//        double getMin() {
//            return initialized ? min : Double.NaN;
//        }
//        double getMax() {
//            return initialized ? max : Double.NaN;
//        }
//        double getGeometricMean() {
//            return initialized ? Math.pow(pk, 1/(double)n) : Double.NaN;
//        }
//        double getVariance() {
//            if (!initialized) {
//                return Double.NaN;
//            }
//            return sample ? (n == 1) ? Double.NaN
//                    : (vk / (double) (n - 1))
//                    : (vk / (double) (n));
//        }
//        double getStdDev() {
//            if (!initialized) {
//                return Double.NaN;
//            }
//            return sample ? (n == 1) ? Double.NaN
//                    : (Math.sqrt(vk
//                    / (double) (n - 1)))
//                    : (Math.sqrt(vk / (double) (n)));
//        }
//    }
//    /**
//     * Runs the HsqlTimer tests.
//     * @param args Currently unused
//     */
//    public static void main(String[] args) {
//        // number of tasks to queue
//        int    taskCount         = 10;
//        // period, as a multiple of computed system-specific avg. sync time
//        double periodMultiplier  = 1.4D;
//        // how long to run the timer, in milliseconds
//        long   duration          = 2800;
//        test(taskCount, periodMultiplier, duration);
//    }
//    /**
//     * Runs the HsqlTimer and java.util.Timer tests using the given
//     * arguments. <p>
//     *
//     * @param taskCount the number of WriteAndSync tasks to add
//     * @param periodMultiplier the period with with to schedule
//     *      the tasks, as a multiple of the computed, system-specific
//     *      average sync time.
//     * @param duration The number of milliseconds that the foreground
//     *      Thread should sleep while the specified number of WriteAndSync
//     *      tasks are running in the background thread
//     */
//    public static void test(final int taskCount,
//                            final double periodMultiplier,
//                            final long duration) {
//        System.out.println();
//        System.out.println("****************************************");
//        System.out.println("*    org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlTimer tests    *");
//        System.out.println("****************************************");
//        System.out.println();
//        System.out.println("Computing system-specific avg. sync time.");
//        System.out.println("Please wait...");
//        double avgSyncTime   = avgSyncTime(500, new byte[256]);
//        double minAvgPeriod = (taskCount * avgSyncTime);
//        long   period        = Math.round(avgSyncTime * periodMultiplier);
//        System.out.println();
//        System.out.println("System-specific avg. sync time : " + avgSyncTime + " ms.");
//        System.out.println("Requested task count           : " + taskCount);
//        System.out.println("Requested task period          : " + period + " ms." );
//        System.out.println("Min. avg. period (0 starved)   : " + minAvgPeriod + " ms." );
//        System.out.println("Requested test duration        : " + duration + " ms.");
//        if (period <= minAvgPeriod || minAvgPeriod >= duration) {
//            double idealAvgRuns = (duration / minAvgPeriod);
//            System.out.println("Idealized avg. runs / task     : " + (float)idealAvgRuns);
//        } else {
//            double remainingDuration = (duration - minAvgPeriod);
//            double remainingRuns     = (remainingDuration / period);
//            double idealAvgRuns      = (1D + remainingRuns);
//            System.out.println("Theoretical first cycle time    : " + minAvgPeriod);
//            System.out.println("Remaining duration              : " + remainingDuration);
//            System.out.println("Remaining runs                  : " + remainingRuns);
//            System.out.println("Idealized avg. runs per task    : " + idealAvgRuns);
//            System.out.println("(1 + (requested duration");
//            System.out.println("      - theor. first cycle time");
//            System.out.println("      ) / requested period)");
//        }
//        testJavaUtilTimer(taskCount, period, duration);
//        testHsqlTimer(taskCount, period, duration);
//    }
//    /**
//     * Runs the java.util.Timer test using the given arguments. <p>
//     *
//     * @param taskCount the number of WriteAndSync tasks to add
//     * @param periodMultiplier the period with with to schedule
//     *      the tasks, as a multiple of the computed, system-specific
//     *      average sync time.
//     * @param duration The number of milliseconds that the foreground
//     *      Thread should sleep while the specified number of WriteAndSync
//     *      tasks are running in the background thread
//     */
//    public static void testJavaUtilTimer(final int taskCount,
//                                         final long period,
//                                         final long duration) {
//        System.out.println();
//        System.out.println("****************************************");
//        System.out.println("*            java.util.Timer           *");
//        System.out.println("****************************************");
//        System.out.println();
//        WriteAndSyncTask.serial = 0;
//        final java.util.Timer    timer  = new java.util.Timer();
//        final WriteAndSyncTask[] tasks  = new WriteAndSyncTask[taskCount];
//        for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) {
//            tasks[i]  = new WriteAndSyncTask();
//            timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(tasks[i], 0, period);
//        }
//        final long start = now();
//        try {
//            Thread.sleep(duration);
//        } catch (Exception e) {
//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }
//        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
//            tasks[i].cancel();
//        }
//        timer.cancel();
//        final long elapsed = now() - start;
//        System.out.println("Actual test duration: " + elapsed + " ms.");
//        System.out.println();
//        printTaskStats(tasks);
//    }
//    /**
//     * Runs the HsqlTimer test using the given arguments. <p>
//     *
//     * @param taskCount the number of WriteAndSync tasks to add
//     * @param periodMultiplier the period with with to schedule
//     *      the tasks, as a multiple of the computed, system-specific
//     *      average sync time.
//     * @param duration The number of milliseconds that the foreground
//     *      Thread should sleep while the specified number of WriteAndSync
//     *      tasks are running in the background thread
//     */
//    public static void testHsqlTimer(final int taskCount,
//                                     final long period,
//                                     final long duration) {
//        System.out.println();
//        System.out.println("****************************************");
//        System.out.println("*       org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlTimer       *");
//        System.out.println("****************************************");
//        System.out.println();
//        WriteAndSyncTask.serial = 0;
//        final HsqlTimer          timer  = new HsqlTimer();
//        final WriteAndSyncTask[] tasks  = new WriteAndSyncTask[taskCount];
//        final Object[]           ttasks = new Object[taskCount];
//        for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) {
//            tasks[i]  = new WriteAndSyncTask();
//            ttasks[i] = timer.schedulePeriodicallyAfter(0, period, tasks[i], true);
//        }
//        final long start = now();
//        try {
//            Thread.sleep(duration);
//        } catch (Exception e) {
//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }
//        final Thread timerThread = timer.getThread();
//        for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) {
//            timer.cancel(ttasks[i]);
//        }
//        try {
//            timerThread.join();
//        } catch (Exception e) {
//            e.printStackTrace();
//        }
//        final long elapsed = now() - start;
//        System.out.println("Actual test duration: " + elapsed + " ms.");
//        System.out.println();
//        printTaskStats(tasks);
//    }
//    static void printTaskStats(WriteAndSyncTask[] tasks) {
//        float avgTotal    = 0;
//        int   avgCount    = 0;
//        int   starved     = 0;
//        int   runs        = 0;
//        Stats periodStats = new Stats();
//        Stats runStats    = new Stats();
//        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
//            if (tasks[i].runs > 1) {
//                double avgPeriod = tasks[i].getAveragePeriod();
//                periodStats.addDataPoint(avgPeriod);
//                avgTotal += avgPeriod;
//                avgCount++;
//            }
//            runs  += tasks[i].runs;
//            if (tasks[i].runs == 0) {
//                starved++;
//            }
//            runStats.addDataPoint(tasks[i].runs);
//            tasks[i].release();
//        }
//        float periodAvg      = (avgTotal / avgCount);
//        float periodMax      = (float) periodStats.getMax();
//        int   periodMaxCnt   = 0;
//        float periodMin      = (float) periodStats.getMin();
//        int   periodMinCnt   = 0;
//        float periodRange    = (periodMax - periodMin);
//        float periodStddev   = (float)periodStats.getStdDev();
//        float periodGMean    = (float)periodStats.getGeometricMean();
//        float periodStddevR  = (periodRange / periodStddev);
//        float runsAvg      = (runs / (float)tasks.length);
//        int   runsMin      = Math.round((float)runStats.getMin());
//        int   runsMinCnt   = 0;
//        int   runsMax      = Math.round((float)runStats.getMax());
//        int   runsMaxCnt   = 0;
//        int   runsRange    = (runsMax - runsMin);
//        float runsStddev   = (float) runStats.getStdDev();
//        float runsGMean    = (float) runStats.getGeometricMean();
//        float runsStddevR  = (runsRange / runsStddev);
//        for (int i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
//            double avgPeriod = tasks[i].getAveragePeriod();
//            if (avgPeriod == periodMin) {
//                periodMinCnt++;
//            }
//            if (avgPeriod == periodMax) {
//                periodMaxCnt++;
//            }
//            if (tasks[i].runs == runsMin) {
//                runsMinCnt++;
//            }
//            if (tasks[i].runs == runsMax) {
//                runsMaxCnt++;
//            }
//        }
//        System.out.println("------------------------");
//        System.out.println("Starved tasks (runs = 0): " + starved + " (" + ((100*starved)/tasks.length) + "%)");
//        System.out.println("------------------------");
//        System.out.println("Period                  :");
//        System.out.println("------------------------");
//        System.out.println("Average                 : " + periodAvg);
//        System.out.println("~Minimum (count/runs)   : " + periodMin + " (" + periodMinCnt + "/" + tasks.length + ")");
//        System.out.println("~Maximum (count/runs)   : " + periodMax + " (" + periodMaxCnt + "/" + tasks.length + ")");
//        System.out.println("~Range                  : " + periodRange);
//        System.out.println("Geometric mean          : " + periodGMean);
//        System.out.println("Stddev                  : " + periodStddev);
//        System.out.println("~Range/Stddev           : " + periodStddevR);
//        System.out.println("------------------------");
//        System.out.println("Runs                    :");
//        System.out.println("------------------------");
//        System.out.println("Average                 : " + runsAvg);
//        System.out.println("Minimum (count/runs)    : " + runsMin + " (" + runsMinCnt + "/" + tasks.length + ")");
//        System.out.println("Maximum (count/runs)    : " + runsMax + " (" + runsMaxCnt + "/" + tasks.length + ")");
//        System.out.println("Range                   : " + runsRange);
//        System.out.println("Geometric mean          : " + runsGMean);
//        System.out.println("Stddev                  : " + runsStddev);
//        System.out.println("Range/Stddev            : " + runsStddevR);
//    }

Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)

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