HSQLDB example source code file (SqlTool.java)
The HSQLDB SqlTool.java source code/* Copyright (c) 2001-2008, The HSQL Development Group * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the HSQL Development Group nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HSQL DEVELOPMENT GROUP, HSQLDB.ORG, * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.hsqldb.util; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /* $Id: SqlTool.java,v 1.72 2007/06/29 12:23:47 unsaved Exp $ */ /** * Sql Tool. A command-line and/or interactive SQL tool. * (Note: For every Javadoc block comment, I'm using a single blank line * immediately after the description, just like's Sun's examples in * their Coding Conventions document). * * See JavaDocs for the main method for syntax of how to run. * This class is mostly used in a static (a.o.t. object) way, because most * of the work is done in the static main class. * This class should be refactored so that the main work is done in an * object method, and the static main invokes the object method. * Then programmatic users could use instances of this class in the normal * Java way. * * @see #main() * @version $Revision: 1.72 $ * @author Blaine Simpson unsaved@users */ public class SqlTool { private static final String DEFAULT_RCFILE = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/sqltool.rc"; // N.b. the following is static! private static String revnum = null; public static final int SQLTOOLERR_EXITVAL = 1; public static final int SYNTAXERR_EXITVAL = 11; public static final int RCERR_EXITVAL = 2; public static final int SQLERR_EXITVAL = 3; public static final int IOERR_EXITVAL = 4; public static final int FILEERR_EXITVAL = 5; public static final int INPUTERR_EXITVAL = 6; public static final int CONNECTERR_EXITVAL = 7; /** * The configuration identifier to use when connection parameters are * specified on the command line */ private static String CMDLINE_ID = "cmdline"; static private SqltoolRB rb = null; // Must use a shared static RB object, since we need to get messages // inside of static methods. // This means that the locale will be set the first time this class // is accessed. Subsequent calls will not update the RB if the locale // changes (could have it check and reload the RB if this becomes an // issue). static { revnum = "333"; try { rb = new SqltoolRB(); rb.validate(); rb.setMissingPosValueBehavior( ValidatingResourceBundle.NOOP_BEHAVIOR); rb.setMissingPropertyBehavior( ValidatingResourceBundle.NOOP_BEHAVIOR); } catch (RuntimeException re) { System.err.println("Failed to initialize resource bundle"); throw re; } } public static String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** Utility nested class for internal use. */ private static class BadCmdline extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = -2134764796788108325L; BadCmdline() {} } /** Utility object for internal use. */ private static BadCmdline bcl = new BadCmdline(); /** For trapping of exceptions inside this class. * These are always handled inside this class. */ private static class PrivateException extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = -7765061479594523462L; PrivateException() { super(); } PrivateException(String s) { super(s); } } public static class SqlToolException extends Exception { static final long serialVersionUID = 1424909871915188519L; int exitValue = 1; SqlToolException(String message, int exitValue) { super(message); this.exitValue = exitValue; } SqlToolException(int exitValue, String message) { this(message, exitValue); } SqlToolException(int exitValue) { super(); this.exitValue = exitValue; } } /** * Prompt the user for a password. * * @param username The user the password is for * @return The password the user entered */ private static String promptForPassword(String username) throws PrivateException { BufferedReader console; String password; password = null; try { console = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); // Prompt for password System.out.print(rb.getString(SqltoolRB.PASSWORDFOR_PROMPT, RCData.expandSysPropVars(username))); // Read the password from the command line password = console.readLine(); if (password == null) { password = ""; } else { password = password.trim(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new PrivateException(e.getMessage()); } return password; } /** * Parses a comma delimited string of name value pairs into a * <code>Map object. * * @param varString The string to parse * @param varMap The map to save the paired values into * @param lowerCaseKeys Set to <code>true if the map keys should be * converted to lower case */ private static void varParser(String varString, Map varMap, boolean lowerCaseKeys) throws PrivateException { int equals; String var; String val; String[] allvars; if ((varMap == null) || (varString == null)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "varMap or varString are null in SqlTool.varParser call"); } allvars = varString.split("\\s*,\\s*"); for (int i = 0; i < allvars.length; i++) { equals = allvars[i].indexOf('='); if (equals < 1) { throw new PrivateException( rb.getString(SqltoolRB.SQLTOOL_VARSET_BADFORMAT)); } var = allvars[i].substring(0, equals).trim(); val = allvars[i].substring(equals + 1).trim(); if (var.length() < 1) { throw new PrivateException( rb.getString(SqltoolRB.SQLTOOL_VARSET_BADFORMAT)); } if (lowerCaseKeys) { var = var.toLowerCase(); } varMap.put(var, val); } } /** * A static wrapper for objectMain, so that that method may be executed * as a Java "program". * * Throws only RuntimExceptions or Errors, because this method is intended * to System.exit() for all but disasterous system problems, for which * the inconvenience of a a stack trace would be the least of your worries. * * If you don't want SqlTool to System.exit(), then use the method * objectMain() instead of this method. * * @see objectMain(String[]) */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { SqlTool.objectMain(args); } catch (SqlToolException fr) { if (fr.getMessage() != null) { System.err.println(fr.getMessage()); } System.exit(fr.exitValue); } System.exit(0); } /** * Connect to a JDBC Database and execute the commands given on * stdin or in SQL file(s). * * This method is changed for HSQLDB and 1.9.0.x to never * System.exit(). * * @param arg Run "java... org.hsqldb.util.SqlTool --help" for syntax. * @throws SqlToolException Upon any fatal error, with useful * reason as the exception's message. */ static public void objectMain(String[] arg) throws SqlToolException { /* * The big picture is, we parse input args; load a RCData; * get a JDBC Connection with the RCData; instantiate and * execute as many SqlFiles as we need to. */ String rcFile = null; File tmpFile = null; String sqlText = null; String driver = null; String targetDb = null; String varSettings = null; boolean debug = false; File[] scriptFiles = null; int i = -1; boolean listMode = false; boolean interactive = false; boolean noinput = false; boolean noautoFile = false; boolean autoCommit = false; Boolean coeOverride = null; Boolean stdinputOverride = null; String rcParams = null; String rcUrl = null; String rcUsername = null; String rcPassword = null; String rcCharset = null; String rcTruststore = null; Map rcFields = null; String parameter; try { while ((i + 1 < arg.length) && arg[i + 1].startsWith("--")) { i++; if (arg[i].length() == 2) { break; // "--" } parameter = arg[i].substring(2).toLowerCase(); if (parameter.equals("help")) { System.out.println(rb.getString(SqltoolRB.SQLTOOL_SYNTAX, revnum, RCData.DEFAULT_JDBC_DRIVER)); return; } if (parameter.equals("abortonerr")) { if (coeOverride != null) { throw new SqlToolException(SYNTAXERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString( SqltoolRB.SQLTOOL_ABORTCONTINUE_MUTUALLYEXCLUSIVE)); } coeOverride = Boolean.FALSE; } else if (parameter.equals("continueonerr")) { if (coeOverride != null) { throw new SqlToolException(SYNTAXERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString( SqltoolRB.SQLTOOL_ABORTCONTINUE_MUTUALLYEXCLUSIVE)); } coeOverride = Boolean.TRUE; } else if (parameter.equals("list")) { listMode = true; } else if (parameter.equals("rcfile")) { if (++i == arg.length) { throw bcl; } rcFile = arg[i]; } else if (parameter.equals("setvar")) { if (++i == arg.length) { throw bcl; } varSettings = arg[i]; } else if (parameter.equals("sql")) { noinput = true; // but turn back on if file "-" specd. if (++i == arg.length) { throw bcl; } sqlText = arg[i]; } else if (parameter.equals("debug")) { debug = true; } else if (parameter.equals("noautofile")) { noautoFile = true; } else if (parameter.equals("autocommit")) { autoCommit = true; } else if (parameter.equals("stdinput")) { noinput = false; stdinputOverride = Boolean.TRUE; } else if (parameter.equals("noinput")) { noinput = true; stdinputOverride = Boolean.FALSE; } else if (parameter.equals("driver")) { if (++i == arg.length) { throw bcl; } driver = arg[i]; } else if (parameter.equals("inlinerc")) { if (++i == arg.length) { throw bcl; } rcParams = arg[i]; } else { throw bcl; } } if (!listMode) { // If an inline RC file was specified, don't worry about the targetDb if (rcParams == null) { if (++i == arg.length) { throw bcl; } targetDb = arg[i]; } } int scriptIndex = 0; if (sqlText != null) { try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile("sqltool-", ".sql"); //(new java.io.FileWriter(tmpFile)).write(sqlText); java.io.FileWriter fw = new java.io.FileWriter(tmpFile); try { fw.write("/* " + (new java.util.Date()) + ". " + SqlTool.class.getName() + " command-line SQL. */" + LS + LS); fw.write(sqlText + LS); fw.flush(); } finally { fw.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new SqlToolException(IOERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString(SqltoolRB.SQLTEMPFILE_FAIL, ioe.toString())); } } if (stdinputOverride != null) { noinput = !stdinputOverride.booleanValue(); } interactive = (!noinput) && (arg.length <= i + 1); if (arg.length == i + 2 && arg[i + 1].equals("-")) { if (stdinputOverride == null) { noinput = false; } } else if (arg.length > i + 1) { // I.e., if there are any SQL files specified. scriptFiles = new File[arg.length - i - 1 + ((stdinputOverride == null ||!stdinputOverride.booleanValue()) ? 0 : 1)]; if (debug) { System.err.println("scriptFiles has " + scriptFiles.length + " elements"); } while (i + 1 < arg.length) { scriptFiles[scriptIndex++] = new File(arg[++i]); } if (stdinputOverride != null && stdinputOverride.booleanValue()) { scriptFiles[scriptIndex++] = null; noinput = true; } } } catch (BadCmdline bcl) { throw new SqlToolException(SYNTAXERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString(SqltoolRB.SQLTOOL_SYNTAX, revnum, RCData.DEFAULT_JDBC_DRIVER)); } RCData conData = null; // Use the inline RC file if it was specified if (rcParams != null) { rcFields = new HashMap(); try { varParser(rcParams, rcFields, true); } catch (PrivateException e) { throw new SqlToolException(SYNTAXERR_EXITVAL, e.getMessage()); } rcUrl = (String) rcFields.remove("url"); rcUsername = (String) rcFields.remove("user"); rcCharset = (String) rcFields.remove("charset"); rcTruststore = (String) rcFields.remove("truststore"); rcPassword = (String) rcFields.remove("password"); // Don't ask for password if what we have already is invalid! if (rcUrl == null || rcUrl.length() < 1) throw new SqlToolException(RCERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString( SqltoolRB.RCDATA_INLINEURL_MISSING)); if (rcUsername == null || rcUsername.length() < 1) throw new SqlToolException(RCERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString( SqltoolRB.RCDATA_INLINEUSERNAME_MISSING)); if (rcPassword != null && rcPassword.length() > 0) throw new SqlToolException(RCERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString( SqltoolRB.RCDATA_PASSWORD_VISIBLE)); if (rcFields.size() > 0) { throw new SqlToolException(INPUTERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString(SqltoolRB.RCDATA_INLINE_EXTRAVARS, rcFields.keySet().toString())); } if (rcPassword == null) try { rcPassword = promptForPassword(rcUsername); } catch (PrivateException e) { throw new SqlToolException(INPUTERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString(SqltoolRB.PASSWORD_READFAIL, e.getMessage())); } try { conData = new RCData(CMDLINE_ID, rcUrl, rcUsername, rcPassword, driver, rcCharset, rcTruststore); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SqlToolException(RCERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString( SqltoolRB.RCDATA_GENFROMVALUES_FAIL, e.getMessage())); } } else { try { conData = new RCData(new File((rcFile == null) ? DEFAULT_RCFILE : rcFile), targetDb); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SqlToolException(RCERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString( SqltoolRB.CONNDATA_RETRIEVAL_FAIL, targetDb, e.getMessage())); } } if (listMode) { return; } if (debug) { conData.report(); } Connection conn = null; try { conn = conData.getConnection( driver, System.getProperty("sqlfile.charset"), System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore")); conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); DatabaseMetaData md = null; if (interactive && (md = conn.getMetaData()) != null) { System.out.println( rb.getString(SqltoolRB.JDBC_ESTABLISHED, md.getDatabaseProductName(), md.getDatabaseProductVersion(), md.getUserName())); } } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); // Let's not continue as if nothing is wrong. throw new SqlToolException(CONNECTERR_EXITVAL, rb.getString(SqltoolRB.CONNECTION_FAIL, conData.url, conData.username, e.getMessage())); } File[] emptyFileArray = {}; File[] singleNullFileArray = { null }; File autoFile = null; if (interactive &&!noautoFile) { autoFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/auto.sql"); if ((!autoFile.isFile()) ||!autoFile.canRead()) { autoFile = null; } } if (scriptFiles == null) { // I.e., if no SQL files given on command-line. // Input file list is either nothing or {null} to read stdin. scriptFiles = (noinput ? emptyFileArray : singleNullFileArray); } int numFiles = scriptFiles.length; if (tmpFile != null) { numFiles += 1; } if (autoFile != null) { numFiles += 1; } SqlFile[] sqlFiles = new SqlFile[numFiles]; Map userVars = new HashMap(); if (varSettings != null) try { varParser(varSettings, userVars, false); } catch (PrivateException pe) { throw new SqlToolException(RCERR_EXITVAL, pe.getMessage()); } // We print version before execing this one. int interactiveFileIndex = -1; try { int fileIndex = 0; if (autoFile != null) { sqlFiles[fileIndex++] = new SqlFile(autoFile, false, userVars); } if (tmpFile != null) { sqlFiles[fileIndex++] = new SqlFile(tmpFile, false, userVars); } for (int j = 0; j < scriptFiles.length; j++) { if (interactiveFileIndex < 0 && interactive) { interactiveFileIndex = fileIndex; } sqlFiles[fileIndex++] = new SqlFile(scriptFiles[j], interactive, userVars); } } catch (IOException ioe) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} throw new SqlToolException(FILEERR_EXITVAL, ioe.getMessage()); } try { for (int j = 0; j < sqlFiles.length; j++) { if (j == interactiveFileIndex) { System.out.print("SqlTool v. " + revnum + ". "); } sqlFiles[j].execute(conn, coeOverride); } // Following two Exception types are handled properly inside of // SqlFile. We just need to return an appropriate error status. } catch (SqlToolError ste) { throw new SqlToolException(SQLTOOLERR_EXITVAL); } catch (SQLException se) { // SqlTool will only throw an SQLException if it is in // "\c false" mode. throw new SqlToolException(SQLERR_EXITVAL); } finally { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } // Taking file removal out of final block because this is good debug // info to keep around if the program aborts. if (tmpFile != null && !tmpFile.delete()) { System.err.println(conData.url + rb.getString( SqltoolRB.TEMPFILE_REMOVAL_FAIL, tmpFile.toString())); } } } Other HSQLDB examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this HSQLDB SqlTool.java source code file: |
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