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// $Header: /home/cvs/jakarta-jmeter/src/protocol/http/org/apache/jmeter/protocol/http/sampler/,v 1.15 2004/03/13 19:44:14 sebb Exp $
 * Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler;

import java.util.Random;

import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;

import org.xml.sax.InputSource;


import org.apache.jmeter.gui.JMeterFileFilter;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.util.DOMPool;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.Entry;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.SampleResult;
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
import org.apache.soap.Envelope;
import org.apache.soap.messaging.Message;
import org.apache.soap.transport.SOAPTransport;
import org.apache.soap.transport.http.SOAPHTTPConnection;
import org.apache.soap.util.xml.XMLParserUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

 * Sampler to handle Web Service requests. It uses Apache SOAP drivers to
 * perform the XML generation, connection, SOAP encoding and other SOAP
 * functions.

* Created on: Jun 26, 2003 * * @version $Revision: 1.15 $ */ public class WebServiceSampler extends HTTPSampler { public static final String XML_DATA = "HTTPSamper.xml_data"; public static final String SOAP_ACTION = "Soap.Action"; public static final String XML_DATA_FILE = "WebServiceSampler.xml_data_file"; public static final String XML_PATH_LOC = "WebServiceSampler.xml_path_loc"; public static final String MEMORY_CACHE = "WebServiceSampler.memory_cache"; public static final String READ_RESPONSE = "WebServiceSampler.read_response"; public static final String USE_PROXY = "WebServiceSampler.use_proxy"; public static final String PROXY_HOST = "WebServiceSampler.proxy_host"; public static final String PROXY_PORT = "WebServiceSampler.proxy_port"; /** * The SOAPAction is required by MS * webservices and is defined by the * WSDL. */ protected String SOAPACTION = null; /** * SampleResult which holds the response */ transient SampleResult RESULT = null; /** * The XML document */ protected Document XMLMSG = null; /** * size of File[] array */ private int FILE_COUNT = -1; /** * List of files that have .xml extension */ private File[] FILE_LIST = null; /** * Random class for generating random * numbers. */ private Random RANDOM = new Random(); /** * We make DocumentBuilder static. I'm not sure that this is thread safe. * Should investigate this further to make sure it's ok. Making it * non-static could mean a performance hit to get a new DocumentBuilder for * each request. If it's not safe to use static here, then we should * consider using Apache commons pool to create a pool of document builders * or make sure XMLParserUtils creates builders efficiently. */ protected static DocumentBuilder XDB = null; protected String FILE_CONTENTS = null; /** * Set the path where XML messages are stored for random selection. */ public void setXmlPathLoc(String path) { setProperty(XML_PATH_LOC, path); } /** * Get the path where XML messages are stored. this is the directory where * JMeter will randomly select a file. */ public String getXmlPathLoc() { return getPropertyAsString(XML_PATH_LOC); } /** * it's kinda obvious, but we state it anyways. Set the xml file with a * string path. * @param filename */ public void setXmlFile(String filename) { setProperty(XML_DATA_FILE, filename); } /** * Get the file location of the xml file. * @return String file path. */ public String getXmlFile() { return getPropertyAsString(XML_DATA_FILE); } /** * Method uses jorphan TextFile class to load the contents of the file. I * wonder if we should cache the DOM Document to save on parsing the * message. Parsing XML is CPU intensive, so it could restrict the number * of threads a test plan can run effectively. To cache the documents, it * may be good to have an external class to provide caching that is * efficient. We could just use a HashMap, but for large tests, it will be * slow. Ideally, the cache would be indexed, so that large tests will * run efficiently. * @return String contents of the file */ private File retrieveRuntimeXmlData() { String file = getRandomFileName(); if (file.length() > 0) { if (this.getReadResponse()){ TextFile tfile = new TextFile(file); FILE_CONTENTS = tfile.getText(); } return new File(file); } else { return null; } } /** * Method is used internally to check if a random file should be used for * the message. Messages must be valid. This is one way to load test with * different messages. The limitation of this approach is parsing XML takes * CPU resources, so it could affect JMeter GUI responsiveness. * @return String filename */ protected String getRandomFileName() { if (this.getXmlPathLoc() != null) { File src = new File(this.getXmlPathLoc()); if (src.isDirectory() && src.list() != null) { FILE_LIST = src.listFiles( new JMeterFileFilter(new String[] { ".xml" })); this.FILE_COUNT = FILE_LIST.length; File one = FILE_LIST[RANDOM.nextInt(FILE_COUNT)]; // return the absolutePath of the file return one.getAbsolutePath(); } else { return getXmlFile(); } } else { return getXmlFile(); } } /** * Set the XML data. * @param data */ public void setXmlData(String data) { setProperty(XML_DATA, data); } /** * Get the XML data as a string. * @return String data */ public String getXmlData() { return getPropertyAsString(XML_DATA); } /** * Set the soap action which should be in the form of an URN. * @param data */ public void setSoapAction(String data) { setProperty(SOAP_ACTION, data); } /** * Return the soap action string. * @return String soap action */ public String getSoapAction() { return getPropertyAsString(SOAP_ACTION); } /** * Set the memory cache. * @param cache */ public void setMemoryCache(boolean cache) { setProperty(MEMORY_CACHE, String.valueOf(cache)); } /** * Get the memory cache. * @return boolean cache */ public boolean getMemoryCache() { return getPropertyAsBoolean(MEMORY_CACHE); } /** * Set whether the sampler should read the response or not. * @param read */ public void setReadResponse(boolean read) { setProperty(READ_RESPONSE, String.valueOf(read)); } /** * Return whether or not to read the response. * @return boolean */ public boolean getReadResponse() { return this.getPropertyAsBoolean(READ_RESPONSE); } /** * Set whether or not to use a proxy * @param proxy */ public void setUseProxy(boolean proxy){ setProperty(USE_PROXY, String.valueOf(proxy)); } /** * Return whether or not to use proxy * @return true if should use proxy */ public boolean getUseProxy(){ return this.getPropertyAsBoolean(USE_PROXY); } /** * Set the proxy hostname * @param host */ public void setProxyHost(String host){ setProperty(PROXY_HOST, host); } /** * Return the proxy hostname * @return the proxy hostname */ public String getProxyHost(){ this.checkProxy(); return this.getPropertyAsString(PROXY_HOST); } /** * Set the proxy port * @param port */ public void setProxyPort(String port){ setProperty(PROXY_PORT, port); } /** * Return the proxy port * @return the proxy port */ public int getProxyPort(){ this.checkProxy(); return this.getPropertyAsInt(PROXY_PORT); } /** * The method will check to see if JMeter was started * in NonGui mode. If it was, it will try to pick up * the proxy host and port values if they were passed * to */ public void checkProxy(){ if (System.getProperty("JMeter.NonGui") != null && System.getProperty("JMeter.NonGui").equals("true")){ this.setUseProxy(true); // we check to see if the proxy host and port are set String port = this.getPropertyAsString(PROXY_PORT); String host = this.getPropertyAsString(PROXY_HOST); if (host == null || host.length() == 0){ // it's not set, lets check if the user passed // proxy host and port from command line if (System.getProperty("http.proxyHost") != null){ host = System.getProperty("http.proxyHost"); this.setProxyHost(host); } } if (port == null || port.length() == 0){ // it's not set, lets check if the user passed // proxy host and port from command line if (System.getProperty("http.proxyPort") != null){ port = System.getProperty("http.proxyPort"); this.setProxyPort(port); } } } } /** * This method uses Apache soap util to create the proper DOM elements. * @return Element */ public org.w3c.dom.Element createDocument() { if (getPropertyAsBoolean(MEMORY_CACHE)) { String next = this.getRandomFileName(); if (DOMPool.getDocument(next) != null) { return ((Document) DOMPool.getDocument(next)) .getDocumentElement(); } else { return openDocument(next).getDocumentElement(); } } else { return openDocument(null).getDocumentElement(); } } /** * Open the file and create a Document. * @param key * @return Document */ protected Document openDocument(String key) { if (XDB == null) { XDB = XMLParserUtils.getXMLDocBuilder(); } Document doc = null; // if either a file or path location is given, // get the file object. if (getXmlFile().length() > 0 || getXmlPathLoc().length() > 0){ try { doc = XDB.parse(new FileInputStream(retrieveRuntimeXmlData())); } catch (Exception e){ // there should be a file, if not fail silently } } else { FILE_CONTENTS = getXmlData(); if (FILE_CONTENTS != null && FILE_CONTENTS.length() > 0) { try { doc = XDB.parse( new InputSource(new StringReader(FILE_CONTENTS))); } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); } } } if (this.getPropertyAsBoolean(MEMORY_CACHE)) { DOMPool.putDocument(key, doc); } return doc; } /** * sample(Entry e) simply calls sample(). * @param e - ignored * @return the sample Result */ public SampleResult sample(Entry e) { return sample(); } /** * sample() does the following: create a new SampleResult, call * sampleWithApache, and return the result. * @return SampleResult */ public SampleResult sample() { RESULT = new SampleResult(); sampleWithApache(); return RESULT; } /** * Sample the URL using Apache SOAP driver. Implementation note for myself * and those that are curious. Current logic marks the end after the * response has been read. If read response is set to false, the buffered * reader will read, but do nothing with it. Essentially, the stream from * the server goes into the ether. */ public void sampleWithApache() { try { org.w3c.dom.Element rdoc = createDocument(); Envelope msgEnv = Envelope.unmarshall(rdoc); // create a new message Message msg = new Message(); RESULT.sampleStart(); SOAPHTTPConnection spconn = null; // if a blank HeaderManager exists, try to // get the SOAPHTTPConnection. After the first // request, there should be a connection object // stored with the cookie header info. if (this.getHeaderManager() != null && this.getHeaderManager().getSOAPHeader() != null) { spconn = (SOAPHTTPConnection)this.getHeaderManager(). getSOAPHeader(); } else { spconn = new SOAPHTTPConnection(); } // check the proxy String phost = ""; int pport = 0; // if use proxy is set, we try to pick up the // proxy host and port from either the text // fields or from JMeterUtil if they were passed // from command line if (this.getUseProxy()){ if (this.getProxyHost().length() > 0 && this.getProxyPort() > 0){ phost = this.getProxyHost(); pport = this.getProxyPort(); } else { if (System.getProperty("http.proxyHost") != null || System.getProperty("http.proxyPort") != null){ phost = System.getProperty("http.proxyHost"); pport = Integer.parseInt( System.getProperty("http.proxyPort")); } } // if for some reason the host is blank and the port is // zero, the sampler will fail silently if (phost.length() > 0 && pport > 0){ spconn.setProxyHost(phost); spconn.setProxyPort(pport); } } // by default we maintain the session. spconn.setMaintainSession(true); msg.setSOAPTransport(spconn); msg.send(this.getUrl(), this.getSoapAction(), msgEnv); if (this.getHeaderManager() != null){ this.getHeaderManager().setSOAPHeader(spconn); } SOAPTransport st = msg.getSOAPTransport(); BufferedReader br = st.receive(); RESULT.setDataType(SampleResult.TEXT); if (this.getPropertyAsBoolean(READ_RESPONSE)) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { buf.append(line); } RESULT.sampleEnd(); // set the response RESULT.setResponseData(buf.toString().getBytes()); } else { // by not reading the response // for real, it improves the // performance on slow clients; RESULT.sampleEnd(); RESULT.setResponseData( JMeterUtils .getResString("read_response_message") .getBytes()); } RESULT.setSuccessful(true); // 1-22-04 updated the sampler so that when read // response is set, it also sets SamplerData with // the XML message, so users can see what was // sent. if read response is not checked, it will // not set sampler data with the request message. // peter lin. RESULT.setSamplerData( getUrl().getProtocol() + "://" + getUrl().getHost() + "/" + getUrl().getFile() + "\n" + FILE_CONTENTS); RESULT.setDataEncoding( st.getResponseSOAPContext().getContentType()); // setting this is just a formality, since // soap will return a descriptive error // message, soap errors within the response // are preferred. RESULT.setResponseCode("200"); br.close(); msg = null; st = null; // reponse code doesn't really apply, since // the soap driver doesn't provide a // response code } catch (Exception exception) { // exception.printStackTrace(); RESULT.setSuccessful(false); } } /** * We override this to prevent the wrong encoding and provide no * implementation. We want to reuse the other parts of HTTPSampler, but not * the connection. The connection is handled by the Apache SOAP driver. */ public void addEncodedArgument(String name, String value, String metaData) { } /** * We override this to prevent the wrong encoding and provide no * implementation. We want to reuse the other parts of HTTPSampler, but not * the connection. The connection is handled by the Apache SOAP driver. */ protected HttpURLConnection setupConnection(URL u, String method) throws IOException { return null; } /** * We override this to prevent the wrong encoding and provide no * implementation. We want to reuse the other parts of HTTPSampler, but not * the connection. The connection is handled by the Apache SOAP driver. */ protected long connect() throws IOException { return -1; } }

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