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JMeter example source code file (

This example JMeter source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - JMeter tags/keywords

bound, increment, increment, io, longproperty, longproperty, object\n, parammask, parammask, prefix, string, string, stringbuilder, suffix, upper_bound

The JMeter source code

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.modifier;


import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.AbstractTestElement;

 * This object defines with what a parameter has its value replaced, and the
 * policies for how that value changes. Used in {@link ParamModifier}.
 * @version $Revision: 905028 $
public class ParamMask extends AbstractTestElement implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 240L;

    private String PREFIX = "ParamModifier.prefix";

    private String FIELD_NAME = "ParamModifier.field_name";

    private String UPPER_BOUND = "ParamModifier.upper_bound";

    private String LOWER_BOUND = "ParamModifier.lower_bound";

    private String INCREMENT = "ParamModifier.increment";

    private String SUFFIX = "ParamModifier.suffix";

    private long _value = 0;

     * Default constructor.
    public ParamMask() {

     * Sets the prefix for the <code>long value. The prefix, the value
     * and the suffix are concatenated to give the parameter value. This allows
     * a wider range of posibilities for the parameter values.
     * @param prefix
     *            a string to prefix to the parameter value
    public void setPrefix(String prefix) {
        setProperty(PREFIX, prefix);

     * Set the current value of the <code>long portion of the parameter
     * value to replace. This is usually not used, as the method
     * {@link #resetValue} is used to define a policy for the starting value.
     * @param  val  the new parameter value
    public void setValue(long val) {
        _value = val;

    public void setFieldName(String fieldName) {
        setProperty(FIELD_NAME, fieldName);

     * Sets the lowest possible value that the <code>long portion of
     * the parameter value may be.
     * @param val
     *            the new lowest possible parameter value
    public void setLowerBound(long val) {
        setProperty(new LongProperty(LOWER_BOUND, val));

     * Sets the highest possible value that the <code>long portion of
     * the parameter value may be.
     * @param val
     *            the new highest possible parameter value
    public void setUpperBound(long val) {
        setProperty(new LongProperty(UPPER_BOUND, val));

     * Sets the number by which the parameter value is incremented between
     * loops.
     * @param incr
     *            the new increment for the parameter value
    public void setIncrement(long incr) {
        setProperty(new LongProperty(INCREMENT, incr));

     * Sets the suffix for the <code>long value. The prefix, the value
     * and the suffix are concatenated to give the parameter value. This allows
     * a wider range of posibilities for the parameter values.
     * @param suffix
     *            a string to suffix to the parameter value
    public void setSuffix(String suffix) {
        setProperty(SUFFIX, suffix);

     * Accessor method to return the <code>String that will be prefixed
     * to the <code>long value.
     * @return the parameter value prefix
    public String getPrefix() {
        return getPropertyAsString(PREFIX);

     * Accessor method, returns the lowest possible value that the
     * <code>long portion of the parameter value may be.
     * @return the lower bound of the possible values
    public long getLowerBound() {
        return getPropertyAsLong(LOWER_BOUND);

     * Accessor method, returns the highest possible value that the
     * <code>long portion of the parameter value may be.
     * @return the higher bound of the possible values
    public long getUpperBound() {
        return getPropertyAsLong(UPPER_BOUND);

     * Accessor method, returns the number by which the parameter value is
     * incremented between loops.
     * @return the increment
    public long getIncrement() {
        return getPropertyAsLong(INCREMENT);

     * Accessor method to return the <code>String that will be suffixed
     * to the <code>long value.
     * @return the parameter value suffix
    public String getSuffix() {
        return getPropertyAsString(SUFFIX);

     * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Methods
     * -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Returns the current value, prefixed and suffixed, as a string, then
     * increments it. If the incremented value is above the upper bound, the
     * value is reset to the lower bound. <BR>
     * <P>
     * This method determines the policy of what happens when an upper bound is
     * reached/surpassed.
     * @return a <code>String representing the current
     *         <code>long value
    public String getNextValue() {
        // return the current value (don't forget the prefix!)
        String retval = getPrefix() + Long.toString(_value) + getSuffix();

        // increment the value
        _value += getIncrement();
        if (_value > getUpperBound()) {
            _value = getLowerBound();

        return retval;

     * This method determines the policy of what value to start (and re-start)
     * at.
    public void resetValue() {
        _value = getLowerBound();

    public String getFieldName() {
        return getPropertyAsString(FIELD_NAME);

     * For debugging purposes.
     * @return a <code>String representing the object
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Dumping ParamMask Object\n");
        sb.append("Name          = " + getFieldName() + "\n");
        sb.append("Prefix        = " + getPrefix() + "\n");
        sb.append("Current Value = " + _value + "\n");
        sb.append("Lower Bound   = " + getLowerBound() + "\n");
        sb.append("Upper Bound   = " + getUpperBound() + "\n");
        sb.append("Increment     = " + getIncrement() + "\n");
        sb.append("Suffix        = " + getSuffix() + "\n");

        return sb.toString();

Other JMeter examples (source code examples)

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