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The source code/* * Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.jasper.compiler; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagAttributeInfo; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagInfo; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagLibraryInfo; import org.apache.jasper.Constants; import org.apache.jasper.JasperException; import org.apache.jasper.JspCompilationContext; import org.apache.tomcat.util.log.Log; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.Text; /** * Implementation of the TagLibraryInfo class from the JSP spec. * * @author Anil K. Vijendran * @author Mandar Raje */ public class TagLibraryInfoImpl extends TagLibraryInfo { static private final String TLD = "META-INF/taglib.tld"; static private final String WEBAPP_INF = "/WEB-INF/web.xml"; Document tld; Hashtable jarEntries; JspCompilationContext ctxt; private final void print(String name, String value, PrintWriter w) { if (value != null) { w.print(name+" = {\n\t"); w.print(value); w.print("\n}\n"); } } public String toString() { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sw); print("tlibversion", tlibversion, out); print("jspversion", jspversion, out); print("shortname", shortname, out); print("urn", urn, out); print("info", info, out); print("uri", uri, out); for(int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) out.println(tags[i].toString()); return sw.toString(); } // XXX FIXME // resolveRelativeUri and/or getResourceAsStream don't seem to properly // handle relative paths when dealing when home and getDocBase are set // the following is a workaround until these problems are resolved. private InputStream getResourceAsStream(String uri) throws FileNotFoundException { if (uri.indexOf(":") > 0) { // may be fully qualified (Windows) or may be a URL. Let // getResourceAsStream deal with it. return ctxt.getResourceAsStream(uri); } else { // assume it translates to a real file, and use getRealPath String real = ctxt.getRealPath(uri); return (real == null) ? null : new FileInputStream(real); } } public TagLibraryInfoImpl(JspCompilationContext ctxt, String prefix, String uriIn) throws IOException, JasperException { super(prefix, uriIn); this.ctxt = ctxt; ZipInputStream zin; InputStream in = null; URL url = null; boolean relativeURL = false; this.uri = uriIn; // Parse web.xml. InputStream is = getResourceAsStream(WEBAPP_INF); if (is != null) { Document webtld = JspUtil.parseXMLDoc(is, Constants.WEBAPP_DTD_RESOURCE, Constants.WEBAPP_DTD_PUBLIC_ID); NodeList nList = webtld.getElementsByTagName("taglib"); if (nList.getLength() != 0) { for(int i = 0; i < nList.getLength(); i++) { String tagLoc = null; boolean match = false; Element e = (Element) nList.item(i); // Assume only one entry for location and uri. NodeList uriList = e.getElementsByTagName("taglib-uri"); Element uriElem = (Element) uriList.item(0); Text t = (Text) uriElem.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) { String tmpUri = t.getData(); if (tmpUri != null) { tmpUri = tmpUri.trim(); if (tmpUri.equals(uriIn)) { match = true; NodeList locList = e.getElementsByTagName ("taglib-location"); Element locElem = (Element) locList.item(0); Text tl = (Text) locElem.getFirstChild(); if (tl != null) { tagLoc = tl.getData(); if (tagLoc != null) tagLoc = tagLoc.trim(); } } } } if (match == true && tagLoc != null) { this.uri = tagLoc; // If this is a relative path, then it has to be // relative to where web.xml is. // I'm taking the simple way out. Since web.xml // has to be directly under WEB-INF, I'm making // an absolute URI out of it by prepending WEB-INF if (!uri.startsWith("/") && isRelativeURI(uri)) uri = "/WEB-INF/"+uri; } } } } // Try to resolve URI relative to the current JSP page if (!uri.startsWith("/") && isRelativeURI(uri)) uri = ctxt.resolveRelativeUri(uri); if (!uri.endsWith("jar")) { in = getResourceAsStream(uri); if (in == null) throw new JasperException(Constants.getString("jsp.error.tld_not_found", new Object[] {uri})); // Now parse the tld. parseTLD(in); } // FIXME Take this stuff out when taglib changes are thoroughly tested. // 2000.11.15 commented out the 'copy to work dir' section, // which I believe is what this FIXME comment referred to. (pierred) if (uri.endsWith("jar")) { if (!isRelativeURI(uri)) { url = new URL(uri); in = url.openStream(); } else { relativeURL = true; in = getResourceAsStream(uri); } zin = new ZipInputStream(in); this.jarEntries = new Hashtable(); this.ctxt = ctxt; /* NOT COMPILED // First copy this file into our work directory! { File jspFile = new File(ctxt.getJspFile()); String parent = jspFile.getParent(); String jarFileName = ctxt.getOutputDir(); if (parent != null) { jarFileName = jarFileName + File.separatorChar + parent; } File jspDir = new File(jarFileName); jspDir.mkdirs(); if (relativeURL) jarFileName = jarFileName+File.separatorChar+new File(uri).getName(); else jarFileName = jarFileName+File.separatorChar+ new File(url.getFile()).getName(); Constants.message("jsp.message.copyinguri", new Object[] { uri, jarFileName }, Log.DEBUG); if (relativeURL) copy(getResourceAsStream(uri), jarFileName); else copy(url.openStream(), jarFileName); ctxt.addJar(jarFileName); } */ // END NOT COMPILED boolean tldFound = false; ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (entry.getName().equals(TLD)) { /******* * This hack is necessary because XML reads until the end * of an inputstream -- does not use available() * -- and closes the inputstream when it can't * read no more. */ // BEGIN HACK ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int b; while (zin.available() != 0) { b = zin.read(); if (b == -1) break; baos.write(b); } baos.close(); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); // END HACK tldFound = true; parseTLD(bais); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int b; while (zin.available() != 0) { b = zin.read(); if (b == -1) break; baos.write(b); } baos.close(); jarEntries.put(entry.getName(), baos.toByteArray()); } zin.closeEntry(); } if (!tldFound) throw new JasperException(Constants.getString("jsp.error.tld_not_found", new Object[] { TLD } )); } // Take this out (END of if(endsWith("jar"))) } /** Returns true if the given URI is relative in this web application, false if it is an internet URI. */ private boolean isRelativeURI(String uri) { return (uri.indexOf(':') == -1); } private void parseTLD(InputStream in) throws JasperException { tld = JspUtil.parseXMLDoc(in, Constants.TAGLIB_DTD_RESOURCE, Constants.TAGLIB_DTD_PUBLIC_ID); Vector tagVector = new Vector(); NodeList list = tld.getElementsByTagName("taglib"); if (list.getLength() != 1) throw new JasperException(Constants.getString("jsp.error.more.than.one.taglib")); Element elem = (Element) list.item(0); list = elem.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Node tmp = list.item(i); if (! (tmp instanceof Element)) continue; Element e = (Element) tmp; String tname = e.getTagName(); if (tname.equals("tlibversion")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) this.tlibversion = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("jspversion")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) this.jspversion = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("shortname")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) this.shortname = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("uri")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) this.urn = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("info")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) this.info = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("tag")) tagVector.addElement(createTagInfo(e)); else Constants.message("jsp.warning.unknown.element.in.TLD", new Object[] { e.getTagName() }, Log.WARNING ); } this.tags = new TagInfo[tagVector.size()]; tagVector.copyInto (this.tags); } private TagInfo createTagInfo(Element elem) throws JasperException { String name = null, tagclass = null, teiclass = null; String bodycontent = "JSP"; // Default body content is JSP String info = null; Vector attributeVector = new Vector(); NodeList list = elem.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Node tmp = list.item(i); if (! (tmp instanceof Element)) continue; Element e = (Element) tmp; String tname = e.getTagName(); if (tname.equals("name")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) name = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("tagclass")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) tagclass = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("teiclass")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) teiclass = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("bodycontent")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) bodycontent = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("info")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) info = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("attribute")) attributeVector.addElement(createAttribute(e)); else Constants.message("jsp.warning.unknown.element.in.tag", new Object[] { e.getTagName() }, Log.WARNING ); } TagAttributeInfo[] tagAttributeInfo = new TagAttributeInfo[attributeVector.size()]; attributeVector.copyInto (tagAttributeInfo); TagExtraInfo tei = null; if (teiclass != null && !teiclass.equals("")) try { Class teiClass = ctxt.getClassLoader().loadClass(teiclass); tei = (TagExtraInfo) teiClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cex) { Constants.message("jsp.warning.teiclass.is.null", new Object[] { teiclass, cex.getMessage() }, Log.WARNING ); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) { Constants.message("jsp.warning.teiclass.is.null", new Object[] { teiclass, iae.getMessage() }, Log.WARNING ); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { Constants.message("jsp.warning.teiclass.is.null", new Object[] { teiclass, ie.getMessage() }, Log.WARNING ); } TagInfo taginfo = new TagInfo(name, tagclass, bodycontent, info, this, tei, tagAttributeInfo); return taginfo; } TagAttributeInfo createAttribute(Element elem) { String name = null; boolean required = false, rtexprvalue = false, reqTime = false; String type = null; NodeList list = elem.getChildNodes(); for(int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { Node tmp = list.item(i); if (! (tmp instanceof Element)) continue; Element e = (Element) tmp; String tname = e.getTagName(); if (tname.equals("name")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) name = t.getData().trim(); } else if (tname.equals("required")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) { required = Boolean.valueOf(t.getData().trim()).booleanValue(); if( t.getData().equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ) required = true; } } else if (tname.equals("rtexprvalue")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) { rtexprvalue = Boolean.valueOf(t.getData().trim()).booleanValue(); if( t.getData().equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ) rtexprvalue = true; } } else if (tname.equals("type")) { Text t = (Text) e.getFirstChild(); if (t != null) type = t.getData().trim(); } else Constants.message("jsp.warning.unknown.element.in.attribute", new Object[] { e.getTagName() }, Log.WARNING ); } // return new TagAttributeInfo(name, required, rtexprvalue, type); return new TagAttributeInfo(name, required, type, rtexprvalue); } static void copy(InputStream in, String fileName) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(fileName); int nRead; while ((nRead = in.read(buf, 0, buf.length)) != -1) out.write(buf, 0, nRead); } } |
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