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 *  Copyright 1999-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.apache.jk.server;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;


import org.apache.commons.modeler.Registry;
import org.apache.jk.core.JkHandler;
import org.apache.jk.core.WorkerEnv;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils;

/** Main class used to startup and configure jk. It manages the conf/ file
 *  and is the target of JMX proxy.
 *  It implements a policy of save-on-change - whenever a property is changed at
 *  runtime the file will be overriden. 
 *  You can edit the config file when tomcat is stoped ( or if you don't use JMX or
 *  other admin tools ).
 *  The format of
Set a property on the associated component. TYPE will be used to * find the class name and instantiate the component. LOCALNAME allows * multiple instances. In JMX mode, TYPE and LOCALNAME will form the * JMX name ( eventually combined with a 'jk2' component ) * *
Define global properties to be used in ${} substitutions * *
Adds a new 'type' of component. We predefine all known types. *
* * Instances are created the first time a component name is found. In addition, * 'handler.list' property will override the list of 'default' components that are * loaded automatically. * * Note that the properties file is just one (simplistic) way to configure jk. We hope * to see configs based on registry, LDAP, db, etc. ( XML is not necesarily better ) * * @author Costin Manolache * @deprecated Will be replaced with JMX operations */ public class JkMain implements MBeanRegistration { WorkerEnv wEnv; String propFile; Properties props=new Properties(); Properties modules=new Properties(); boolean modified=false; boolean started=false; boolean saveProperties=false; public JkMain() { JkMain.jkMain=this; modules.put("channelSocket", "org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket"); modules.put("channelUnix", "org.apache.jk.common.ChannelUn"); modules.put("channelJni", "org.apache.jk.common.ChannelJni"); modules.put("apr", "org.apache.jk.apr.AprImpl"); modules.put("mx", "org.apache.jk.common.JkMX"); modules.put("modeler", "org.apache.jk.common.JkModeler"); modules.put("shm", "org.apache.jk.common.Shm"); modules.put("request","org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest"); modules.put("container","org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest"); modules.put("modjk","org.apache.jk.common.ModJkMX"); } public static JkMain getJkMain() { return jkMain; } private static String DEFAULT_HTTPS=""; private void initHTTPSUrls() { try { // 11657: if only ajp is used, https: redirects need to work ( at least for 1.3+) String value = System.getProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs"); if (value == null) { value = DEFAULT_HTTPS; } else if (value.indexOf(DEFAULT_HTTPS) >= 0 ) { return; // already set } else { value += "|" + DEFAULT_HTTPS; } System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", value); } catch(Exception ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } // -------------------- Setting -------------------- /** Load a .properties file into and set the values * into jk2 configuration. */ public void setPropertiesFile( String p ) { propFile=p; try { props.load( new FileInputStream(propFile) ); } catch(IOException ex ){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } public String getPropertiesFile() { return propFile; } public void setSaveProperties( boolean b ) { saveProperties=b; } /** Set a name/value as a jk2 property */ public void setProperty( String n, String v ) { if( "jkHome".equals( n ) ) { setJkHome( v ); } props.put( n, v ); if( started ) { processProperty( n, v ); saveProperties(); } } /** * Retrieve a property. */ public Object getProperty(String name) { String alias = (String)replacements.get(name); Object result = null; if(alias != null) { result = props.get(alias); } if(result == null) { result = props.get(name); } return result; } /** * Set the channelClassName that will used to connect to * httpd. */ public void setChannelClassName(String name) { props.put( "",name); } public String getChannelClassName() { return (String)props.get( ""); } /** * Set the workerClassName that will handle the request. * ( sort of 'pivot' in axis :-) */ public void setWorkerClassName(String name) { props.put( "handler.container.className",name); } public String getWorkerClassName() { return (String)props.get( "handler.container.className"); } /** Set the base dir of jk2. ( including WEB-INF if in a webapp ). * We'll try to guess it from classpath if none is set ( for * example on command line ), but if in a servlet environment * you need to use Context.getRealPath or a system property or * set it expliciltey. */ public void setJkHome( String s ) { getWorkerEnv().setJkHome(s); } public String getJkHome() { return getWorkerEnv().getJkHome(); } String out; String err; File propsF; public void setOut( String s ) { this.out=s; } public String getOut() { return this.out; } public void setErr( String s ) { this.err=s; } public String getErr() { return this.err; } // -------------------- Initialization -------------------- public void init() throws IOException { long t1=System.currentTimeMillis(); if(null != out) { PrintStream outS=new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(out)); System.setOut(outS); } if(null != err) { PrintStream errS=new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(err)); System.setErr(errS); } String home=getWorkerEnv().getJkHome(); if( home==null ) { // XXX use IntrospectionUtil to find myself this.guessHome(); } home=getWorkerEnv().getJkHome(); if( home==null ) { "Can't find home, not loaded"); } if( home != null ) { File hF=new File(home); File conf=new File( home, "conf" ); if( ! conf.exists() ) conf=new File( home, "etc" ); propsF=new File( conf, "" ); if( propsF.exists() ) { log.debug("Starting Jk2, base dir= " + home + " conf=" + propsF ); setPropertiesFile( propsF.getAbsolutePath()); } else { log.debug("Starting Jk2, base dir= " + home ); if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug( "No properties file found " + propsF ); } } String initHTTPS = (String)props.get("class.initHTTPS"); if("true".equalsIgnoreCase(initHTTPS)) { initHTTPSUrls(); } long t2=System.currentTimeMillis(); initTime=t2-t1; } static String defaultHandlers[]= { "request", "container", "channelSocket"}; /* static String defaultHandlers[]= { "apr", "shm", "request", "container", "channelSocket", "channelJni", "channelUnix"}; */ public void stop() { for( int i=0; i 0 ) { type=name.substring(0, dot ); if( dot != lastDot ) { localName=name.substring( dot + 1, lastDot ); fullName=type + "." + localName; } else { fullName=type; } propName=name.substring( lastDot+1); } else { return; } if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug( "Processing " + type + ":" + localName + ":" + fullName + " " + propName ); if( "class".equals( type ) || "handler".equals( type ) ) { return; } JkHandler comp=getWorkerEnv().getHandler( fullName ); if( comp==null ) { comp=newHandler( type, localName, fullName ); } if( comp==null ) return; if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug("Setting " + propName + " on " + fullName + " " + comp); this.setBeanProperty( comp, propName, propValue ); } private JkHandler newHandler( String type, String localName, String fullName ) { JkHandler handler; String classN=modules.getProperty(type); if( classN == null ) { log.error("No class name for " + fullName + " " + type ); return null; } try { Class channelclass = Class.forName(classN); handler=(JkHandler)channelclass.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable ex) { handler=null; log.error( "Can't create " + fullName, ex ); return null; } if( this.domain != null ) { try { Registry.getRegistry().registerComponent(handler, this.domain, classN, "type=JkHandler,name=" + fullName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "Error registering " + fullName, e ); } } wEnv.addHandler( fullName, handler ); return handler; } private void processModules() { Enumeration keys=props.keys(); int plen=6; while( keys.hasMoreElements() ) { String k=(String)keys.nextElement(); if( ! k.startsWith( "class." ) ) continue; String name= k.substring( plen ); String propValue=props.getProperty( k ); if( log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Register " + name + " " + propValue ); modules.put( name, propValue ); } } private String[] split(String s, String delim ) { Vector v=new Vector(); StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s, delim ); while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) { v.addElement( st.nextToken()); } String res[]=new String[ v.size() ]; for( int i=0; i
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