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The source code/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Rafael Steil * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted provided * that the following conditions are met: * * 1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * 2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions and * the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or * other materials provided with the distribution. * 3) Neither the name of "Rafael Steil" nor * the names of its contributors may be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE * * This file creation date: Apr 6, 2003 / 2:38:28 PM * The JForum Project * http://www.jforum.net */ package net.jforum.drivers.generic; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.jforum.JForum; import net.jforum.SessionFacade; import net.jforum.entities.Topic; import net.jforum.entities.User; import net.jforum.model.DataAccessDriver; import net.jforum.util.preferences.ConfigKeys; import net.jforum.util.preferences.SystemGlobals; /** * @author Rafael Steil * @version $Id: TopicModel.java,v 1.14 2005/02/21 20:32:11 rafaelsteil Exp $ */ public class TopicModel extends AutoKeys implements net.jforum.model.TopicModel { private int DUPLICATE_KEY = 1062; /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#selectById(int) */ public Topic selectById(int topicId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.selectById")); p.setInt(1, topicId); Topic t = new Topic(); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); List l = this.fillTopicsData(rs); if (l.size() > 0) { t = (Topic)l.get(0); } rs.close(); p.close(); return t; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#selectRaw(int) */ public Topic selectRaw(int topicId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.selectRaw")); p.setInt(1, topicId); Topic t = new Topic(); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { t = this.getBaseTopicData(rs); } rs.close(); p.close(); return t; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#delete(int) */ public void delete(final Topic topic) throws Exception { this.deleteTopics(new ArrayList() {{ add(topic); }}); } protected void deleteTopics(List topics) throws Exception { // Topic PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.delete")); for (Iterator iter = topics.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Topic topic = (Topic)iter.next(); p.setInt(1, topic.getId()); p.executeUpdate(); // Remove the related posts DataAccessDriver.getInstance().newPostModel().deleteByTopic(topic.getId()); // Update forum stats DataAccessDriver.getInstance().newForumModel().decrementTotalTopics(topic.getForumId(), 1); } p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#deleteByForum(int) */ public void deleteByForum(int forumId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.deleteByForum")); p.setInt(1, forumId); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); List topics = new ArrayList(); while (rs.next()) { Topic t = new Topic(); t.setId(rs.getInt("topic_id")); topics.add(t); } rs.close(); p.close(); this.deleteTopics(topics); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#update(net.jforum.Topic) */ public void update(Topic topic) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.update")); p.setString(1, topic.getTitle()); p.setInt(2, topic.getLastPostId()); p.setInt(3, topic.getFirstPostId()); p.setInt(4, topic.getType()); p.setInt(5, topic.isModerated() ? 1 : 0); p.setInt(6, topic.getId()); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#addNew(net.jforum.Topic) */ public int addNew(Topic topic) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = this.getStatementForAutoKeys("TopicModel.addNew"); p.setInt(1, topic.getForumId()); p.setString(2, topic.getTitle()); p.setInt(3, topic.getPostedBy().getId()); p.setTimestamp(4, new Timestamp(topic.getTime().getTime())); p.setInt(5, topic.getFirstPostId()); p.setInt(6, topic.getLastPostId()); p.setInt(7, topic.getType()); p.setInt(8, topic.isModerated() ? 1 : 0); int topicId = this.executeAutoKeysQuery(p); p.close(); return topicId; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#incrementTotalViews(int) */ public void incrementTotalViews(int topicId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.incrementTotalViews")); p.setInt(1, topicId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#incrementTotalReplies(int) */ public void incrementTotalReplies(int topicId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.incrementTotalReplies")); p.setInt(1, topicId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#decrementTotalReplies(int) */ public void decrementTotalReplies(int topicId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.decrementTotalReplies")); p.setInt(1, topicId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#setLastPostId(int, int) */ public void setLastPostId(int topicId, int postId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.setLastPostId")); p.setInt(1, postId); p.setInt(2, topicId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#selectAllByForum(int) */ public List selectAllByForum(int forumId) throws Exception { return this.selectAllByForumByLimit(forumId, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#selectAllByForumByLimit(int, int, int) */ public List selectAllByForumByLimit( int forumId, int startFrom, int count) throws Exception { List l = new ArrayList(); PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.selectAllByForumByLimit")); p.setInt(1, forumId); p.setInt(2, startFrom); p.setInt(3, count); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); l = this.fillTopicsData(rs); rs.close(); p.close(); return l; } protected Topic getBaseTopicData(ResultSet rs) throws Exception { Topic t = new Topic(); t.setTitle(rs.getString("topic_title")); t.setId(rs.getInt("topic_id")); t.setTime(rs.getTimestamp("topic_time")); t.setStatus(rs.getInt("topic_status")); t.setTotalViews(rs.getInt("topic_views")); t.setTotalReplies(rs.getInt("topic_replies")); t.setFirstPostId(rs.getInt("topic_first_post_id")); t.setLastPostId(rs.getInt("topic_last_post_id")); t.setType(rs.getInt("topic_type")); t.setForumId(rs.getInt("forum_id")); t.setModerated(rs.getInt("moderated") == 1); return t; } public List fillTopicsData(ResultSet rs) throws Exception { SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(SystemGlobals.getValue(ConfigKeys.DATE_TIME_FORMAT)); List l = new ArrayList(); while (rs.next()) { Topic t = this.getBaseTopicData(rs); t.setHasAttach(rs.getInt("attach") > 0); // First Post Time t.setFirstPostTime(df.format(rs.getTimestamp("topic_time"))); // Last Post Time t.setLastPostTime(df.format(rs.getTimestamp("post_time"))); t.setLastPostTimeInMillis(rs.getTimestamp("post_time")); // Created by User u = new User(); u.setId(rs.getInt("posted_by_id")); u.setUsername(rs.getString("posted_by_username")); t.setPostedBy(u); // Last post by u = new User(); u.setId(rs.getInt("last_post_by_id")); u.setUsername(rs.getString("last_post_by_username")); t.setLastPostBy(u); l.add(t); } return l; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#autoSetLastPostId(int) */ public int getMaxPostId(int topicId) throws Exception { int id = -1; PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.getMaxPostId")); p.setInt(1, topicId); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { id = rs.getInt("post_id"); } rs.close(); p.close(); return id; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#getTotalPosts(int) */ public int getTotalPosts(int topicId) throws Exception { int total = 0; PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.getTotalPosts")); p.setInt(1, topicId); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { total = rs.getInt("total"); } rs.close(); p.close(); return total; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#selectLastN(int) */ public List selectLastN(int count) throws Exception { List topics = new ArrayList(); PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.selectLastN")); p.setInt(1, count); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); // If you want more fields here, just put the code. At the time // this code was written, these were the only needed fields ;) while (rs.next()) { Topic t = new Topic(); t.setTitle(rs.getString("topic_title")); t.setId(rs.getInt("topic_id")); t.setTime(rs.getTimestamp("topic_time")); t.setType(rs.getInt("topic_type")); topics.add(t); } rs.close(); p.close(); return topics; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#notifyUsers(int) */ public List notifyUsers(Topic topic) throws Exception { int posterId = SessionFacade.getUserSession().getUserId(); int anonUser = SystemGlobals.getIntValue(ConfigKeys.ANONYMOUS_USER_ID); PreparedStatement stmt = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.notifyUsers")); ResultSet rs = null; stmt.setInt(1, topic.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, posterId); //don't notify the poster stmt.setInt(3, anonUser); //don't notify the anonimous user rs = stmt.executeQuery(); List users = new ArrayList(); while(rs.next()) { User user = new User(); user.setId(rs.getInt("user_id")); user.setEmail(rs.getString("user_email")); user.setUsername(rs.getString("username")); user.setLang(rs.getString("user_lang")); users.add(user); } // Set read status to false stmt = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.markAllAsUnread")); stmt.setInt(1, topic.getId()); stmt.setInt(2, posterId); //don't notify the poster stmt.setInt(3, anonUser); //don't notify the anonimous user stmt.executeUpdate(); rs.close(); stmt.close(); return users; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#subscribeUser(int, int) */ public void subscribeUser(int topicId, int userId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = JForum.getConnection(). prepareStatement( SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.subscribeUser")); try { stmt.setInt(1, topicId); stmt.setInt(2, userId); stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException e) { // Ignore duplicate key warnings if(e.getErrorCode() != DUPLICATE_KEY) { throw e; } } finally { if(stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } } } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#isUserSubscribing(int, int) */ public boolean isUserSubscribed(int topicId, int userId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = JForum.getConnection(). prepareStatement( SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.isUserSubscribed")); ResultSet rs = null; stmt.setInt(1, topicId); stmt.setInt(2, userId); rs = stmt.executeQuery(); boolean status = rs.next(); rs.close(); stmt.close(); return status; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#removeSubscription(int, int) */ public void removeSubscription(int topicId, int userId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.removeSubscription")); p.setInt(1, topicId); p.setInt(2, userId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#removeSubscriptionByTopic(int) */ public void removeSubscriptionByTopic(int topicId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.removeSubscriptionByTopic")); p.setInt(1, topicId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#updateReadStatus(int, int, boolean) */ public void updateReadStatus(int topicId, int userId, boolean read) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.updateReadStatus")); p.setInt(1, read ? 1 : 0); p.setInt(2, topicId); p.setInt(3, userId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#lockUnlock(int, int) */ public void lockUnlock(int[] topicId, int status) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.lockUnlock")); p.setInt(1, status); for (int i = 0; i < topicId.length; i++) { p.setInt(2, topicId[i]); p.executeUpdate(); } p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#selectRecentTopics(int) */ public List selectRecentTopics (int limit) throws Exception { List l = new ArrayList(); PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.selectRecentTopicsByLimit")); p.setInt(1, limit); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); l = this.fillTopicsData(rs); rs.close(); p.close(); return l; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#setFirstPostId(int, int) */ public void setFirstPostId(int topicId, int postId) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.setFirstPostId")); p.setInt(1, postId); p.setInt(2, topicId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#getMinPostId(int) */ public int getMinPostId(int topicId) throws Exception { int id = -1; PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.getMinPostId")); p.setInt(1, topicId); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) { id = rs.getInt("post_id"); } rs.close(); p.close(); return id; } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#setModerationStatus(int, boolean) */ public void setModerationStatus(int forumId, boolean status) throws Exception { PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.setModerationStatus")); p.setInt(1, status ? 1 : 0); p.setInt(2, forumId); p.executeUpdate(); p.close(); } /** * @see net.jforum.model.TopicModel#selectTopicTitlesByIds(java.util.Collection) */ public List selectTopicTitlesByIds(Collection idList) throws Exception { List l = new ArrayList(); String sql = SystemGlobals.getSql("TopicModel.selectTopicTitlesByIds"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(idList.size() * 2); for (Iterator iter = idList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { sb.append(iter.next()).append(","); } int len = sb.length(); sql = sql.replaceAll(":ids:", len > 0 ? sb.toString().substring(0, len - 1) : "0"); PreparedStatement p = JForum.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql); ResultSet rs = p.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { Map m = new HashMap(); m.put("id", new Integer(rs.getInt("topic_id"))); m.put("title", rs.getString("topic_title")); l.add(m); } rs.close(); p.close(); return l; } } |
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