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Lift Framework example source code file (LiftActor.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (LiftActor.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

any, any, boolean, box, lafuture, mailboxitem, mailboxitem, map, msgwithresp, nil, reflection, t, t, unit, unit

The Lift Framework LiftActor.scala source code

 * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package actor

import common._

trait ILAExecute {
  def execute(f: () => Unit): Unit
  def shutdown(): Unit

object LAScheduler extends Loggable {
  var onSameThread = false

   * Set this variable to the number of threads to allocate in the thread pool
  @volatile var threadPoolSize = 16 // issue 194

  @volatile var maxThreadPoolSize = threadPoolSize * 25

   * If it's Full, then create a ArrayBlockingQueue
   * otherwith create a LinkedBlockingQueue.  Default
   * to Full(200000)
  @volatile var blockingQueueSize: Box[Int] = Full(200000)

  var createExecutor: () => ILAExecute = () => {
    new ILAExecute {
      import java.util.concurrent._

      private val es = // Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadPoolSize)
        new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadPoolSize, 
                               blockingQueueSize match {
                                 case Full(x) => 
                                   new ArrayBlockingQueue(x)
                                 case _ => new LinkedBlockingQueue

      def execute(f: () => Unit): Unit =
      es.execute(new Runnable{def run() {
        try {
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => logger.error("Lift Actor Scheduler", e)

      def shutdown(): Unit = {

  var exec: ILAExecute = _

  def execute(f: () => Unit) {
    synchronized {
      if (exec eq null) {
        exec = createExecutor()

  def shutdown() {
    synchronized {
      if (exec ne null) {
      exec = null

trait SpecializedLiftActor[T] extends SimpleActor[T]  {
  @volatile private[this] var processing = false
  private[this] val baseMailbox: MailboxItem = new SpecialMailbox
  @volatile private[this] var msgList: List[T] = Nil
  @volatile private[this] var priorityMsgList: List[T] = Nil
  @volatile private[this] var startCnt = 0

  private class MailboxItem(val item: T) {
    var next: MailboxItem = _
    var prev: MailboxItem = _

    def find(f: MailboxItem => Boolean): Box[MailboxItem] =
    if (f(this)) Full(this) else next.find(f)

    def remove() {
      val newPrev = prev = next
      next.prev = prev

    def insertAfter(newItem: MailboxItem): MailboxItem = {
      next.prev = newItem
      newItem.prev = this =
      next = newItem

    def insertBefore(newItem: MailboxItem): MailboxItem = { = newItem
      newItem.prev = this.prev = this
      prev = newItem

  private class SpecialMailbox extends MailboxItem(null.asInstanceOf[T]) {
    // override def find(f: MailboxItem => Boolean): Box[MailboxItem] = Empty
    next = this
    prev = this

  private def findMailboxItem(start: MailboxItem, f: MailboxItem => Boolean): Box[MailboxItem] =
    start match {
      case x: SpecialMailbox => Empty
      case x if f(x) => Full(x)
      case x => findMailboxItem(, f)
   * Send a message to the Actor.  This call will always succeed
   * and return almost immediately.  The message will be processed
   * asynchronously.  This is a Java-callable alias for !.
  def send(msg: T): Unit = this ! msg

   * Send a message to the Actor.  This call will always succeed
   * and return almost immediately.  The message will be processed
   * asynchronously.
  def !(msg: T): Unit = {
    val toDo: () => Unit = baseMailbox.synchronized {
      msgList ::= msg
      if (!processing) {
        if (LAScheduler.onSameThread) {
          processing = true
          () => processMailbox(true)
        } else {
          if (startCnt == 0) {
            startCnt += 1
            () => LAScheduler.execute(() => processMailbox(false))
          } else
          () => {}
      else () => {}

   * This method inserts the message at the head of the mailbox
   * It's protected because this functionality may or may not want
   * to be exposed'
  protected def insertMsgAtHeadOfQueue_!(msg: T): Unit = {
     val toDo: () => Unit = baseMailbox.synchronized {
      this.priorityMsgList ::= msg
      if (!processing) {
        if (LAScheduler.onSameThread) {
          processing = true
          () => processMailbox(true)
        } else {
          if (startCnt == 0) {
            startCnt += 1
            () => LAScheduler.execute(() => processMailbox(false))
          } else
          () => {}
      else () => {}

  private def processMailbox(ignoreProcessing: Boolean) {
    around {

 * A list of LoanWrappers that will be executed around the evaluation of mailboxes
protected def aroundLoans: List[CommonLoanWrapper] = Nil

 * You can wrap calls around the evaluation of the mailbox.  This allows you to set up
 * the environment
protected def around[R](f: => R): R = aroundLoans match {
  case Nil => f
  case xs => CommonLoanWrapper(xs)(f)

  private def proc2(ignoreProcessing: Boolean) {
    var clearProcessing = true
    baseMailbox.synchronized {
      if (!ignoreProcessing && processing) return
      processing = true
      if (startCnt > 0) startCnt = 0

    val eh = exceptionHandler

    def putListIntoMB(): Unit = {
      if (!priorityMsgList.isEmpty) {
      priorityMsgList.foldRight(baseMailbox)((msg, mb) => mb.insertAfter(new MailboxItem(msg)))
      priorityMsgList = Nil

      if (!msgList.isEmpty) {
      msgList.foldLeft(baseMailbox)((mb, msg) => mb.insertBefore(new MailboxItem(msg)))
      msgList = Nil

    try {
      while (true) {
        baseMailbox.synchronized {

            var keepOnDoingHighPriory = true

            while (keepOnDoingHighPriory) {
              val hiPriPfBox = highPriorityReceive
              if (hiPriPfBox.isDefined) {
                val hiPriPf = hiPriPfBox.open_!
                findMailboxItem(, mb => testTranslate(hiPriPf.isDefinedAt)(mb.item)) match {
                  case Full(mb) =>
                    try {
                    } catch {
                      case e: Exception => if (eh.isDefinedAt(e)) eh(e)
                  case _ =>
                    baseMailbox.synchronized {
                      if (msgList.isEmpty) {
                        keepOnDoingHighPriory = false
                      else {
                } }
              else {keepOnDoingHighPriory = false}

            val pf = messageHandler

        findMailboxItem(, mb => testTranslate(pf.isDefinedAt)(mb.item)) match {
          case Full(mb) =>
            try {
            } catch {
              case e: Exception => if (eh.isDefinedAt(e)) eh(e)
          case _ =>
            baseMailbox.synchronized {
              if (msgList.isEmpty) {
                processing = false
                clearProcessing = false
              else {
    } catch {
      case e =>
        if (eh.isDefinedAt(e)) eh(e)
        throw e
    } finally {
      if (clearProcessing) {
        baseMailbox.synchronized {
          processing = false

  protected def testTranslate(f: T => Boolean)(v: T): Boolean = f(v)

  protected def execTranslate(f: T => Unit)(v: T): Unit = f(v)

  protected def messageHandler: PartialFunction[T, Unit]

  protected def highPriorityReceive: Box[PartialFunction[T, Unit]] = Empty

  protected def exceptionHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = {
    case e => ActorLogger.error("Actor threw an exception", e)

object ActorLogger extends Logger {

private final case class MsgWithResp(msg: Any, future: LAFuture[Any])

trait LiftActor extends SpecializedLiftActor[Any]
with GenericActor[Any]
with ForwardableActor[Any, Any] {
  private[this] var responseFuture: LAFuture[Any] = null

  protected final def forwardMessageTo(msg: Any, forwardTo: TypedActor[Any, Any]) {
    if (null ne responseFuture) {
      forwardTo match {
        case la: LiftActor => la ! MsgWithResp(msg, responseFuture)
        case other =>
          reply(other !? msg)
    } else forwardTo ! msg

  * Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture
  * that will contain the reply (if any) from the message.
  * This method calls !< and is here for Java compatibility
  def sendAndGetFuture(msg: Any): LAFuture[Any] = this !< msg

  * Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture
  * that will contain the reply (if any) from the message
  def !<(msg: Any): LAFuture[Any] = {
    val future = new LAFuture[Any]
    this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future)

  * Send a message to the Actor and wait for
  * the actor to process the message and reply.
  * This method is the Java callable version of !?.
  def sendAndGetReply(msg: Any): Any = this !? msg
  * Send a message to the Actor and wait for
  * the actor to process the message and reply.
  def !?(msg: Any): Any = {
    val future = new LAFuture[Any]
    this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future)

  * Send a message to the Actor and wait for
  * up to timeout milliseconds for
  * the actor to process the message and reply.
  * This method is the Java callable version of !?.
  def sendAndGetReply(timeout: Long, msg: Any): Any = this.!?(timeout, msg)

  * Send a message to the Actor and wait for
  * up to timeout milliseconds for
  * the actor to process the message and reply.
  def !?(timeout: Long, message: Any): Box[Any] =
    this !! (message, timeout)

    * Send a message to the Actor and wait for
    * up to timeout milliseconds for
    * the actor to process the message and reply.
  def !!(msg: Any, timeout: Long): Box[Any] = {
    val future = new LAFuture[Any]
    this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future)

  * Send a message to the Actor and wait for
  * the actor to process the message and reply.
  def !!(msg: Any): Box[Any] = {
    val future = new LAFuture[Any]
    this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future)

  override protected def testTranslate(f: Any => Boolean)(v: Any) = v match {
    case MsgWithResp(msg, _) => f(msg)
    case v => f(v)

  override protected def execTranslate(f: Any => Unit)(v: Any) = v match {
    case MsgWithResp(msg, future) =>
      responseFuture = future
      try {
      } finally {
        responseFuture = null
    case v => f(v)

  * The Actor should call this method with a reply
  * to the message
  protected def reply(v: Any) {
    if (null ne responseFuture) {

import java.lang.reflect._

object LiftActorJ {
  private var methods: Map[Class[_], DispatchVendor] = Map()

  def calculateHandler(what: LiftActorJ): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = 
    synchronized {
      val clz = what.getClass
      methods.get(clz) match {
        case Some(pf) => pf.vend(what)
        case _ => {
          val pf = buildPF(clz)
          methods += clz -> pf

  private def getBaseClasses(clz: Class[_]): List[Class[_]] = clz match {
    case null => Nil
    case clz => clz :: getBaseClasses(clz.getSuperclass)

  private def receiver(in: Method): Boolean = {
    in.getParameterTypes().length == 1 &&
    (in.getAnnotation(classOf[JavaActorBase.Receive]) != null)

  private def buildPF(clz: Class[_]): DispatchVendor = {
    val methods = getBaseClasses(clz).

    val clzMap: Map[Class[_], Method] = 
      Map({m => 
        m.setAccessible(true) // access private and protected methods
        m.getParameterTypes().apply(0) -> m} :_*)

    new DispatchVendor(clzMap)

private final class DispatchVendor(map: Map[Class[_], Method]) {
  private val baseMap: Map[Class[_], Option[Method]] = 
    Map({case (k,v) => (k, Some(v))}.toList :_*)

  def vend(actor: LiftActorJ): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] =
    new PartialFunction[Any, Unit] {
      var theMap: Map[Class[_], Option[Method]] = baseMap

      def findClass(clz: Class[_]): Option[Method] = 

      def isDefinedAt(v: Any): Boolean = {
        val clz = v.asInstanceOf[Object].getClass
        theMap.get(clz) match {
          case Some(Some(_)) => true
          case None => {
            val answer = findClass(clz)
            theMap += clz -> answer
          case _ => false

      def apply(v: Any): Unit = {
        val o: Object = v.asInstanceOf[Object]
        val meth = theMap(o.getClass).get
        meth.invoke(actor, o) match {
          case null => 
          case x => actor.internalReply(x)

 * Java versions of Actors should subclass this method.
 * Methods decorated with the @Receive annotation
 * will receive messages of that type.
class LiftActorJ extends JavaActorBase with LiftActor {
  protected lazy val _messageHandler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] =

  protected def calculateJavaMessageHandler = LiftActorJ.calculateHandler(this)

  protected def messageHandler = _messageHandler

  private[actor] def internalReply(v: Any) = reply(v)  

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftActor.scala source code file:

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