Lift Framework example source code file (LiftActor.scala)
The Lift Framework LiftActor.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package actor import common._ trait ILAExecute { def execute(f: () => Unit): Unit def shutdown(): Unit } object LAScheduler extends Loggable { @volatile var onSameThread = false /** * Set this variable to the number of threads to allocate in the thread pool */ @volatile var threadPoolSize = 16 // issue 194 @volatile var maxThreadPoolSize = threadPoolSize * 25 /** * If it's Full, then create a ArrayBlockingQueue * otherwith create a LinkedBlockingQueue. Default * to Full(200000) */ @volatile var blockingQueueSize: Box[Int] = Full(200000) @volatile var createExecutor: () => ILAExecute = () => { new ILAExecute { import java.util.concurrent._ private val es = // Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadPoolSize) new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadPoolSize, maxThreadPoolSize, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS, blockingQueueSize match { case Full(x) => new ArrayBlockingQueue(x) case _ => new LinkedBlockingQueue }) def execute(f: () => Unit): Unit = es.execute(new Runnable{def run() { try { f() } catch { case e: Exception => logger.error("Lift Actor Scheduler", e) } }}) def shutdown(): Unit = { es.shutdown() } } } @volatile var exec: ILAExecute = _ def execute(f: () => Unit) { synchronized { if (exec eq null) { exec = createExecutor() } exec.execute(f) } } def shutdown() { synchronized { if (exec ne null) { exec.shutdown() } exec = null } } } trait SpecializedLiftActor[T] extends SimpleActor[T] { @volatile private[this] var processing = false private[this] val baseMailbox: MailboxItem = new SpecialMailbox @volatile private[this] var msgList: List[T] = Nil @volatile private[this] var priorityMsgList: List[T] = Nil @volatile private[this] var startCnt = 0 private class MailboxItem(val item: T) { var next: MailboxItem = _ var prev: MailboxItem = _ /* def find(f: MailboxItem => Boolean): Box[MailboxItem] = if (f(this)) Full(this) else next.find(f) */ def remove() { val newPrev = prev prev.next = next next.prev = prev } def insertAfter(newItem: MailboxItem): MailboxItem = { next.prev = newItem newItem.prev = this newItem.next = this.next next = newItem newItem } def insertBefore(newItem: MailboxItem): MailboxItem = { prev.next = newItem newItem.prev = this.prev newItem.next = this prev = newItem newItem } } private class SpecialMailbox extends MailboxItem(null.asInstanceOf[T]) { // override def find(f: MailboxItem => Boolean): Box[MailboxItem] = Empty next = this prev = this } private def findMailboxItem(start: MailboxItem, f: MailboxItem => Boolean): Box[MailboxItem] = start match { case x: SpecialMailbox => Empty case x if f(x) => Full(x) case x => findMailboxItem(x.next, f) } /** * Send a message to the Actor. This call will always succeed * and return almost immediately. The message will be processed * asynchronously. This is a Java-callable alias for !. */ def send(msg: T): Unit = this ! msg /** * Send a message to the Actor. This call will always succeed * and return almost immediately. The message will be processed * asynchronously. */ def !(msg: T): Unit = { val toDo: () => Unit = baseMailbox.synchronized { msgList ::= msg if (!processing) { if (LAScheduler.onSameThread) { processing = true () => processMailbox(true) } else { if (startCnt == 0) { startCnt += 1 () => LAScheduler.execute(() => processMailbox(false)) } else () => {} } } else () => {} } toDo() } /** * This method inserts the message at the head of the mailbox * It's protected because this functionality may or may not want * to be exposed' */ protected def insertMsgAtHeadOfQueue_!(msg: T): Unit = { val toDo: () => Unit = baseMailbox.synchronized { this.priorityMsgList ::= msg if (!processing) { if (LAScheduler.onSameThread) { processing = true () => processMailbox(true) } else { if (startCnt == 0) { startCnt += 1 () => LAScheduler.execute(() => processMailbox(false)) } else () => {} } } else () => {} } toDo() } private def processMailbox(ignoreProcessing: Boolean) { around { proc2(ignoreProcessing) } } /** * A list of LoanWrappers that will be executed around the evaluation of mailboxes */ protected def aroundLoans: List[CommonLoanWrapper] = Nil /** * You can wrap calls around the evaluation of the mailbox. This allows you to set up * the environment */ protected def around[R](f: => R): R = aroundLoans match { case Nil => f case xs => CommonLoanWrapper(xs)(f) } private def proc2(ignoreProcessing: Boolean) { var clearProcessing = true baseMailbox.synchronized { if (!ignoreProcessing && processing) return processing = true if (startCnt > 0) startCnt = 0 } val eh = exceptionHandler def putListIntoMB(): Unit = { if (!priorityMsgList.isEmpty) { priorityMsgList.foldRight(baseMailbox)((msg, mb) => mb.insertAfter(new MailboxItem(msg))) priorityMsgList = Nil } if (!msgList.isEmpty) { msgList.foldLeft(baseMailbox)((mb, msg) => mb.insertBefore(new MailboxItem(msg))) msgList = Nil } } try { while (true) { baseMailbox.synchronized { putListIntoMB() } var keepOnDoingHighPriory = true while (keepOnDoingHighPriory) { val hiPriPfBox = highPriorityReceive if (hiPriPfBox.isDefined) { val hiPriPf = hiPriPfBox.open_! findMailboxItem(baseMailbox.next, mb => testTranslate(hiPriPf.isDefinedAt)(mb.item)) match { case Full(mb) => mb.remove() try { execTranslate(hiPriPf)(mb.item) } catch { case e: Exception => if (eh.isDefinedAt(e)) eh(e) } case _ => baseMailbox.synchronized { if (msgList.isEmpty) { keepOnDoingHighPriory = false } else { putListIntoMB() } } } } else {keepOnDoingHighPriory = false} } val pf = messageHandler findMailboxItem(baseMailbox.next, mb => testTranslate(pf.isDefinedAt)(mb.item)) match { case Full(mb) => mb.remove() try { execTranslate(pf)(mb.item) } catch { case e: Exception => if (eh.isDefinedAt(e)) eh(e) } case _ => baseMailbox.synchronized { if (msgList.isEmpty) { processing = false clearProcessing = false return } else { putListIntoMB() } } } } } catch { case e => if (eh.isDefinedAt(e)) eh(e) throw e } finally { if (clearProcessing) { baseMailbox.synchronized { processing = false } } } } protected def testTranslate(f: T => Boolean)(v: T): Boolean = f(v) protected def execTranslate(f: T => Unit)(v: T): Unit = f(v) protected def messageHandler: PartialFunction[T, Unit] protected def highPriorityReceive: Box[PartialFunction[T, Unit]] = Empty protected def exceptionHandler: PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit] = { case e => ActorLogger.error("Actor threw an exception", e) } } object ActorLogger extends Logger { } private final case class MsgWithResp(msg: Any, future: LAFuture[Any]) trait LiftActor extends SpecializedLiftActor[Any] with GenericActor[Any] with ForwardableActor[Any, Any] { @volatile private[this] var responseFuture: LAFuture[Any] = null protected final def forwardMessageTo(msg: Any, forwardTo: TypedActor[Any, Any]) { if (null ne responseFuture) { forwardTo match { case la: LiftActor => la ! MsgWithResp(msg, responseFuture) case other => reply(other !? msg) } } else forwardTo ! msg } /** * Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture * that will contain the reply (if any) from the message. * This method calls !< and is here for Java compatibility */ def sendAndGetFuture(msg: Any): LAFuture[Any] = this !< msg /** * Send a message to the Actor and get an LAFuture * that will contain the reply (if any) from the message */ def !<(msg: Any): LAFuture[Any] = { val future = new LAFuture[Any] this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future) future } /** * Send a message to the Actor and wait for * the actor to process the message and reply. * This method is the Java callable version of !?. */ def sendAndGetReply(msg: Any): Any = this !? msg /** * Send a message to the Actor and wait for * the actor to process the message and reply. */ def !?(msg: Any): Any = { val future = new LAFuture[Any] this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future) future.get } /** * Send a message to the Actor and wait for * up to timeout milliseconds for * the actor to process the message and reply. * This method is the Java callable version of !?. */ def sendAndGetReply(timeout: Long, msg: Any): Any = this.!?(timeout, msg) /** * Send a message to the Actor and wait for * up to timeout milliseconds for * the actor to process the message and reply. */ def !?(timeout: Long, message: Any): Box[Any] = this !! (message, timeout) /** * Send a message to the Actor and wait for * up to timeout milliseconds for * the actor to process the message and reply. */ def !!(msg: Any, timeout: Long): Box[Any] = { val future = new LAFuture[Any] this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future) future.get(timeout) } /** * Send a message to the Actor and wait for * the actor to process the message and reply. */ def !!(msg: Any): Box[Any] = { val future = new LAFuture[Any] this ! MsgWithResp(msg, future) Full(future.get) } override protected def testTranslate(f: Any => Boolean)(v: Any) = v match { case MsgWithResp(msg, _) => f(msg) case v => f(v) } override protected def execTranslate(f: Any => Unit)(v: Any) = v match { case MsgWithResp(msg, future) => responseFuture = future try { f(msg) } finally { responseFuture = null } case v => f(v) } /** * The Actor should call this method with a reply * to the message */ protected def reply(v: Any) { if (null ne responseFuture) { responseFuture.satisfy(v) } } } import java.lang.reflect._ object LiftActorJ { private var methods: Map[Class[_], DispatchVendor] = Map() def calculateHandler(what: LiftActorJ): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = synchronized { val clz = what.getClass methods.get(clz) match { case Some(pf) => pf.vend(what) case _ => { val pf = buildPF(clz) methods += clz -> pf pf.vend(what) } } } private def getBaseClasses(clz: Class[_]): List[Class[_]] = clz match { case null => Nil case clz => clz :: getBaseClasses(clz.getSuperclass) } private def receiver(in: Method): Boolean = { in.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && (in.getAnnotation(classOf[JavaActorBase.Receive]) != null) } private def buildPF(clz: Class[_]): DispatchVendor = { val methods = getBaseClasses(clz). flatMap(_.getDeclaredMethods.toList.filter(receiver)) val clzMap: Map[Class[_], Method] = Map(methods.map{m => m.setAccessible(true) // access private and protected methods m.getParameterTypes().apply(0) -> m} :_*) new DispatchVendor(clzMap) } } private final class DispatchVendor(map: Map[Class[_], Method]) { private val baseMap: Map[Class[_], Option[Method]] = Map(map.map{case (k,v) => (k, Some(v))}.toList :_*) def vend(actor: LiftActorJ): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = new PartialFunction[Any, Unit] { var theMap: Map[Class[_], Option[Method]] = baseMap def findClass(clz: Class[_]): Option[Method] = theMap.find(_._1.isAssignableFrom(clz)).flatMap(_._2) def isDefinedAt(v: Any): Boolean = { val clz = v.asInstanceOf[Object].getClass theMap.get(clz) match { case Some(Some(_)) => true case None => { val answer = findClass(clz) theMap += clz -> answer answer.isDefined } case _ => false } } def apply(v: Any): Unit = { val o: Object = v.asInstanceOf[Object] val meth = theMap(o.getClass).get meth.invoke(actor, o) match { case null => case x => actor.internalReply(x) } } } } /** * Java versions of Actors should subclass this method. * Methods decorated with the @Receive annotation * will receive messages of that type. */ class LiftActorJ extends JavaActorBase with LiftActor { protected lazy val _messageHandler: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = calculateJavaMessageHandler protected def calculateJavaMessageHandler = LiftActorJ.calculateHandler(this) protected def messageHandler = _messageHandler private[actor] def internalReply(v: Any) = reply(v) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftActor.scala source code file: |
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