The Lift Framework Box.scala source code
* Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.liftweb
package common
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import java.util.{Iterator => JavaIterator, ArrayList => JavaArrayList}
* The bridge from Java to Scala Box
class BoxJBridge {
* Get the Box companion object
def box: BoxTrait = Box
* Get the None singleton
def empty: EmptyBox = Empty
* The Box companion object provides methods to create a Box from:
* <ul>
* <li>an Option
* <li>a List
* <li>any AnyRef object
* </ul>
* It also provides implicit methods to transform Option to Box, Box to Iterable, and Box to Option
object Box extends BoxTrait
* The Box companion object provides methods to create a Box from:
* <ul>
* <li>an Option
* <li>a List
* <li>any AnyRef object
* </ul>
* It also provides implicit methods to transform Option to Box, Box to Iterable, and Box to Option
sealed trait BoxTrait {
val primativeMap: Map[Class[_], Class[_]] = Map(
java.lang.Boolean.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Boolean],
java.lang.Character.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Character],
java.lang.Byte.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Byte],
java.lang.Double.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Double],
java.lang.Float.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Float],
java.lang.Integer.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Integer],
java.lang.Long.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Long],
java.lang.Short.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Short])
* Create a Box from the specified Option.
* @return a Box created from an Option. Full(x) if the Option is Some(x) and Empty otherwise
def apply[T](in: Option[T]) = in match {
case Some(x) => Full(x)
case _ => Empty
* Create a Box from the specified Option.
* @return a Box created from a Box. Full(x) if the Box is Full(x) and
* not null
* Empty otherwise
def apply[T](in: Box[T]) = in match {
case Full(x) => legacyNullTest(x)
case x: EmptyBox => x
case _ => Empty
* Transform a List with zero or one elements to a Box.
* @return a Box object containing the head of a List. Full(x) if the List contains at least one element and Empty otherwise.
def apply[T](in: List[T]) = in match {
case x :: _ => Full(x)
case _ => Empty
* This method allows one to encapsulate any object in a Box in a null-safe manner,
* treating null values to Empty. This is a parallel method to
* the Scala Option's apply method. Note that the apply method is overloaded
* and it's much, much better to use legacyNullTest in this case.
* @return <code>Full(in) if in is not null; Empty otherwise
@deprecated("Use legacyNullTest")
def apply[T](in: T): Box[T] = legacyNullTest(in)
* Apply the specified PartialFunction to the specified value and return the result
* in a Full Box; if the pf is undefined at that point return Empty.
* @param pf the partial function to use to transform the value
* @param value the value to transform
* @return a Full box containing the transformed value if pf.isDefinedAt(value); Empty otherwise
def apply[InType, OutType](pf: PartialFunction[InType, OutType])(value: InType): Box[OutType] =
if (pf.isDefinedAt(value)) Full(pf(value)) else Empty
* Apply the specified PartialFunction to the specified value and return the result
* in a Full Box; if the pf is undefined at that point return Empty.
* @param pf the partial function to use to transform the value
* @param value the value to transform
* @return a Full box containing the transformed value if pf.isDefinedAt(value); Empty otherwise
def apply[InType, OutType](value: InType)(pf: PartialFunction[InType, OutType]): Box[OutType] =
if (pf.isDefinedAt(value)) Full(pf(value)) else Empty
* This implicit transformation allows one to use a Box as an Iterable
* @return List(in) if this Box is Full(in); Nil otherwise
implicit def box2Iterable[T](in: Box[T]): Iterable[T] = in.toList
* This implicit transformation allows one to use an Option as a Box.
* @return a Box object from an Option. Full(in) if the Option is Some(in); Empty otherwise
implicit def option2Box[T](in: Option[T]): Box[T] = Box(in)
* This implicit transformation allows one to use a Box as an Option.
* @return <code>Some(in) if this Box is Full(in) ; None otherwise
implicit def box2Option[T](in: Box[T]): Option[T] = in.toOption
* This method allows one to encapsulate any object in a Box in a null-safe manner,
* treating null values to Empty
* @return <code>Full(in) if in is not null; Empty otherwise
def legacyNullTest[T](in: T): Box[T] = in match {
case null => Empty
case _ => Full(in)
* Alias for legacyNullTest.
* This method allows one to encapsulate any object in a Box in a null-safe manner,
* returning Empty if the specified value is null.
* @return Full(in) if <code>in is not null Empty otherwise
def !![T](in: T): Box[T] = legacyNullTest(in)
* Create a Full box containing the specified value if "in" is an instance
* of the specified class, or Empty otherwise.
def isA[A, B](in: A, clz: Class[B]): Box[B] =
(Box !! in).isA(clz)
* Create a Full box containing the specified value if <code>in is of
* type <code>B; Empty otherwise.
def asA[B](in: T forSome {type T})(implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] =
(Box !! in).asA[B]
* The Box class is a container which is able to declare if it is Full (containing a single non-null value) or EmptyBox. An EmptyBox, or empty, can be the Empty singleton, Failure or ParamFailure.
* Failure and ParamFailure contain information about why the Box is empty including
* exception information, chained Failures and a String.
* It serves a similar purpose to the Option class from Scala standard library but adds several features:
* <ul>
* <li> you can transform it to a Failure object if it is Empty (with the ?~ method)
* <li> you can chain failure messages on Failure Boxes
* <li> you "run" a function on your Box, with a default value: Full(1).run("zero") { (x: String, y: Int) => y.toString }
* <li> you can "pass" a Box to a function for side effects: Full(1) $ { x: Box[Int] => println(x openOr 0) }
* </ul>
sealed abstract class Box[+A] extends Product {
self =>
* Returns true if this Box contains no value (is Empty or Failure or ParamFailure)
* @return true if this Box contains no value
def isEmpty: Boolean
* Returns true if the box contains a value.
* @return true if this Box contains a value
def isDefined: Boolean = !isEmpty
* Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
* throw an exception otherwise.
* The method has a '!' in its name. This means "don't use it unless
* you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
* comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
* The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
* be found at http://lift.la/scala-option-lift-box-and-how-to-make-your-co
* @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
def open_! : A
* Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
* throw an exception otherwise.
* This means "don't use it unless
* you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
* comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
* The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
* be found at http://lift.la/scala-option-lift-box-and-how-to-make-your-co
* @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
def openTheBox: A = this.open_!
* Return the value contained in this Box if it is full; otherwise return the specified default
* @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; otherwise return the specified default
def openOr[B >: A](default: => B): B = default
* Apply a function to the value contained in this Box if it exists and return
* a new Box containing the result, or empty otherwise.
* @return the modified Box or empty
def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = Empty
* Apply a function returning a Box to the value contained in this Box if it exists
* and return the result, or empty otherwise.
* @return the modified Box or empty
def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = Empty
* Return this Box if it contains a value satisfying the specified predicate; Empty otherwise
* @return this Box if it contains a value satisfying the specified predicate; Empty otherwise
def filter(p: A => Boolean): Box[A] = this
* Makes Box play better with Scala 2.8 for comprehensions
def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): WithFilter = new WithFilter(p)
* Play NiceLike with the Scala 2.8 for comprehension
class WithFilter(p: A => Boolean) {
def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = self.filter(p).map(f)
def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = self.filter(p).flatMap(f)
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = self.filter(p).foreach(f)
def withFilter(q: A => Boolean): WithFilter =
new WithFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))
* Determine whether this Box contains a value which satisfies the specified predicate
* @return true if this Box's value satisfies the specified predicate
def exists(func: A => Boolean): Boolean = false
* Creates a Box if the current Box is Full and the value does not satisfy the predicate, f.
* @param f the predicate used to test value.
* @returns a Box
def filterNot(f: A => Boolean): Box[A] = filter(a => !f(a))
* Perform a side effect by calling the specified function
* with the value contained in this box.
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = {}
* Return a Full[B] if the contents of this Box is an instance of the specified class,
* otherwise return Empty
def isA[B](cls: Class[B]): Box[B] = Empty
* If the partial function is defined at the current Box's value
* apply the partial function.
def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Box[B]
* Return a Full[B] if the contents of this Box is of type <code>B, otherwise return Empty
def asA[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] = Empty
* Return this Box if Full, or the specified alternative if this is empty
def or[B >: A](alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = alternative
* Returns an Iterator over the value contained in this Box
def elements: Iterator[A] = Iterator.empty
* Get a Java Iterator from the Box
def javaIterator[B >: A]: JavaIterator[B] = {
val ar = new JavaArrayList[B]()
foreach(v => ar.add(v))
* Returns an Iterator over the value contained in this Box
def iterator: Iterator[A] = this.elements
* Returns a List of one element if this is Full, or an empty list if empty.
def toList: List[A] = Nil
* Returns the contents of this box in an Option if this is Full, or
* None if this is a empty (Empty, Failure or ParamFailure)
def toOption: Option[A] = None
* Transform an Empty to a Failure with the specified message.
* @param msg the failure message
* @return a Failure with the message if this Box is Empty
def ?~(msg: String): Box[A] = this
* Transform an Empty to a ParamFailure with the specified typesafe
* parameter.
* @param errorCode a value indicating the error
* @return a ParamFailure with the specified value
def ~>[T](errorCode: T): Box[A] = this
* Alias for ?~
def failMsg(msg: String): Box[A] = ?~(msg)
* Transform an EmptyBox to a Failure with the specified message and chain
* the new Failure to any previous Failure represented by this Box.
* @param msg the failure message
* @return a Failure with the message if this Box is an Empty Box. Chain the messages if it is already a Failure
def ?~!(msg: String): Box[A] = ?~(msg)
* Alias for ?~!
def compoundFailMsg(msg: String): Box[A] = ?~!(msg)
* Filter this box on the specified predicate, returning a Failure with the specified
* message if the predicate is not satisfied.
* @param msg the failure message
* @param p a predicate
* @return a Failure with the message if the predicate is not satisfied by the value contained in this Box
def filterMsg(msg: String)(p: A => Boolean): Box[A] = filter(p) ?~ msg
* This method calls the specified function with the value contained in this Box
* @return the result of the function or a default value
def run[T](in: T)(f: (T, A) => T) = in
* Perform a side effect by passing this Box to the specified function
* and return this Box unmodified.
* @return this Box
def pass(f: Box[A] => Unit): Box[A] = {f(this) ; this}
* Alias for pass
def $(f: Box[A] => Unit): Box[A] = pass(f)
* Determines equality based upon the contents of this Box instead of the box itself.
* For Full and Empty, this has the expected behavior. Equality in terms of Failure
* checks for equivalence of failure causes.
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = (this, other) match {
case (Full(x), Full(y)) => x == y
case (Full(x), y) => x == y
case (x, y: AnyRef) => x eq y
case _ => false
* Apply the function f1 to the contents of this Box if available; if this
* is empty return the specified alternative.
def choice[B](f1: A => Box[B])(alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = this match {
case Full(x) => f1(x)
case _ => alternative
* Returns true if the value contained in this box is equal to the specified value.
def ===[B >: A](to: B): Boolean = false
* Equivalent to map(f).openOr(Full(dflt))
def dmap[B](dflt: => B)(f: A => B): B = dflt
* An <code>Either that is a Left with the given argument
* <code>left if this is empty, or a Right if this
* Full with the Box's value.
def toRight[B](left: => B): Either[B, A] = Left(left)
* An <code>Either that is a Right with the given
* argument
* <code>right if this is empty, or a Left if this is
* Fill with the Box's value
def toLeft[B](right: => B): Either[A, B] = Right(right)
* Full is a Box containing a value.
final case class Full[+A](value: A) extends Box[A] {
def isEmpty: Boolean = false
* Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
* throw an exception otherwise.
* The method has a '!' in its name. This means "don't use it unless
* you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
* comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
* The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
* be found at http://lift.la/scala-option-lift-box-and-how-to-make-your-co
* @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
def open_! : A = value
override def openOr[B >: A](default: => B): B = value
override def or[B >: A](alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = this
override def exists(func: A => Boolean): Boolean = func(value)
override def filter(p: A => Boolean): Box[A] = if (p(value)) this else Empty
override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = f(value)
override def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = Full(f(value))
override def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = f(value)
override def elements: Iterator[A] = Iterator(value)
override def toList: List[A] = List(value)
override def toOption: Option[A] = Some(value)
override def run[T](in: T)(f: (T, A) => T) = f(in, value)
* An <code>Either that is a Left with the given argument
* <code>left if this is empty, or a Right if this
* Full with the Box's value.
override def toRight[B](left: => B): Either[B, A] = Right(value)
* An <code>Either that is a Right with the given
* argument
* <code>right if this is empty, or a Left if this is
* Fill with the Box's value
override def toLeft[B](right: => B): Either[A, B] = Left(value)
override def isA[B](clsOrg: Class[B]): Box[B] = value match {
case value: AnyRef =>
val cls = Box.primativeMap.get(clsOrg) match {
case Some(c) => c
case _ => clsOrg
if (cls.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass)) Full(value.asInstanceOf[B])
else Empty
case _ => Empty
override def asA[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] = this.isA(m.erasure).asInstanceOf[Box[B]]
override def ===[B >: A](to: B): Boolean = value == to
override def dmap[B](dflt: => B)(f: A => B): B = f(value)
* If the partial function is defined at the current Box's value
* apply the partial function.
final def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Box[B] = {
if (pf.isDefinedAt(value)) Full(pf(value))
else Empty
* Singleton object representing an Empty Box
case object Empty extends EmptyBox
* The EmptyBox is a Box containing no value.
sealed abstract class EmptyBox extends Box[Nothing] {
def isEmpty: Boolean = true
* Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
* throw an exception otherwise.
* The method has a '!' in its name. This means "don't use it unless
* you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
* comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
* The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
* be found at http://lift.la/scala-option-lift-box-and-how-to-make-your-co
* @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
def open_! = throw new NullPointerException("Trying to open an empty Box")
override def openOr[B >: Nothing](default: => B): B = default
override def or[B >: Nothing](alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = alternative
override def filter(p: Nothing => Boolean): Box[Nothing] = this
override def ?~(msg: String): Failure = Failure(msg, Empty, Empty)
override def ?~!(msg: String): Failure = Failure(msg, Empty, Empty)
override def ~>[T](errorCode: T): ParamFailure[T] =
ParamFailure("", Empty, Empty, errorCode)
* If the partial function is defined at the current Box's value
* apply the partial function.
final override def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[Nothing, B]): Box[B] = this
* Companion object used to simplify the creation of a simple Failure.
object Failure {
def apply(msg: String) = new Failure(msg, Empty, Empty)
* A Failure is an EmptyBox with an additional failure message explaining the reason for its being empty.
* It can also optionally provide an exception or a chain of causes represented as a list of other Failure objects
sealed case class Failure(msg: String, exception: Box[Throwable], chain: Box[Failure]) extends EmptyBox {
type A = Nothing
* Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
* throw an exception otherwise.
* The method has a '!' in its name. This means "don't use it unless
* you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
* comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
* The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
* be found at http://lift.la/scala-option-lift-box-and-how-to-make-your-co
* @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
override def open_! = throw new NullPointerException("Trying to open a Failure Box: " + msg) {
override def getCause() = exception openOr null
override def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = this
override def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = this
override def isA[B](cls: Class[B]): Box[B] = this
override def asA[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] = this
private def chainList: List[Failure] = chain match {
case Full(f) => f :: f.chainList
case _ => Nil
* Get the exception chain along with the exception chain of any
* chained failures
def exceptionChain: List[Throwable] = {
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
val ret = new ListBuffer[Throwable]()
var e: Throwable = exception openOr null
while (e ne null) {
ret += e
e = e.getCause
ret ++= chain.toList.flatMap(_.exceptionChain)
* Gets the deepest exception cause
def rootExceptionCause: Box[Throwable] = {
* Flatten the Failure chain to a List where this
* Failure is at the head
def failureChain: List[Failure] =
this :: chain.toList.flatMap(_.failureChain)
def messageChain: String = (this :: chainList).map(_.msg).mkString(" <- ")
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = (this, other) match {
case (Failure(x, y, z), Failure(x1, y1, z1)) => (x, y, z) == (x1, y1, z1)
case (x, y: AnyRef) => x eq y
case _ => false
override def ?~(msg: String): Failure = this
override def ?~!(msg: String): Failure = Failure(msg, Empty, Full(this))
override def ~>[T](errorCode: T): ParamFailure[T] = ParamFailure(msg, exception, chain, errorCode)
* A ParamFailure is a Failure with an additional typesafe parameter that can
* allow an application to store other information related to the failure.
final class ParamFailure[T](override val msg: String,
override val exception: Box[Throwable],
override val chain: Box[Failure], val param: T) extends
Failure(msg, exception, chain) {
override def toString(): String = "ParamFailure("+msg+", "+exception+
", "+chain+", "+param+")"
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case ParamFailure(m, e, c, p) =>
m == msg && e == exception && c == chain && p == param
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = super.hashCode() + (param match {
case null => 0
case x => x.hashCode()
* A trait that a class can mix into itself to convert itself into a Box
trait Boxable[T] {
def asBox: Box[T]
object ParamFailure {
def apply[T](msg: String, exception: Box[Throwable], chain: Box[Failure], param: T) =
new ParamFailure(msg, exception, chain, param)
def apply[T](msg: String, param: T) = new ParamFailure(msg, Empty, Empty, param)
def unapply(in: Box[_]): Option[(String, Box[Throwable], Box[Failure], Any)] = in match {
case pf: ParamFailure[_] => Some((pf.msg, pf.exception, pf.chain, pf.param))
case _ => None
* Sometimes it's convenient to access either a Box[T]
* or a T. If you specify BoxOrRaw[T], the
* either a T or a Box[T] can be passed and the "right thing"
* will happen
sealed trait BoxOrRaw[T] {
def box: Box[T]
* The companion object that has helpful conversions
object BoxOrRaw {
* Convert a T to a BoxOrRaw[T]
implicit def rawToBoxOrRaw[T, Q <: T](r: Q): BoxOrRaw[T] =
RawBoxOrRaw(r: T)
* Convert a Box[T] to a BoxOrRaw[T]
implicit def boxToBoxOrRaw[T, Q <% T](r: Box[Q]): BoxOrRaw[T] = {
BoxedBoxOrRaw(r.map(v => v: T))
* Convert an Option[T] to a BoxOrRaw[T]
implicit def optionToBoxOrRaw[T, Q <% T](r: Option[Q]): BoxOrRaw[T] = {
BoxedBoxOrRaw(r.map(v => v: T))
* Convert a BoxOrRaw[T] to a Box[T]
implicit def borToBox[T](in: BoxOrRaw[T]): Box[T] = in.box
* The Boxed up BoxOrRaw
final case class BoxedBoxOrRaw[T](box: Box[T]) extends BoxOrRaw[T]
* The raw version of BoxOrRaw
final case class RawBoxOrRaw[T](raw: T) extends BoxOrRaw[T] {
def box: Box[T] =
if (raw.asInstanceOf[Object] ne null) Full(raw) else Empty
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Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)
Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Box.scala source code file: