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Lift Framework example source code file (Box.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Box.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

a, a, b, b, boolean, box, box, empty, failure, full, paramfailure, string, t, t, util

The Lift Framework Box.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package common

import scala.reflect.Manifest

import java.util.{Iterator => JavaIterator, ArrayList => JavaArrayList}

 * The bridge from Java to Scala Box
class BoxJBridge {
   * Get the Box companion object
  def box: BoxTrait = Box

   * Get the None singleton
  def empty: EmptyBox = Empty

 * The Box companion object provides methods to create a Box from:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>an Option
 *   <li>a List
 *   <li>any AnyRef object
 * </ul>
 * It also provides implicit methods to transform Option to Box, Box to Iterable, and Box to Option
object Box extends BoxTrait

 * The Box companion object provides methods to create a Box from:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>an Option
 *   <li>a List
 *   <li>any AnyRef object
 * </ul>
 * It also provides implicit methods to transform Option to Box, Box to Iterable, and Box to Option
sealed trait BoxTrait {
  val primativeMap: Map[Class[_], Class[_]] = Map(
    java.lang.Boolean.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Boolean],
    java.lang.Character.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Character],
    java.lang.Byte.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Byte],
    java.lang.Double.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Double],
    java.lang.Float.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Float],
    java.lang.Integer.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Integer],
    java.lang.Long.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Long],
    java.lang.Short.TYPE -> classOf[java.lang.Short])

   * Create a Box from the specified Option.
   * @return a Box created from an Option. Full(x) if the Option is Some(x) and Empty otherwise
  def apply[T](in: Option[T]) = in match {
    case Some(x) => Full(x)
    case _ => Empty

   * Create a Box from the specified Option.
   * @return a Box created from a Box. Full(x) if the Box is Full(x) and
   * not null
   * Empty otherwise
  def apply[T](in: Box[T]) = in match {
    case Full(x) => legacyNullTest(x)
    case x: EmptyBox => x
    case _ => Empty

   * Transform a List with zero or one elements to a Box.
   * @return a Box object containing the head of a List. Full(x) if the List contains at least one element and Empty otherwise.
  def apply[T](in: List[T]) = in match {
    case x :: _ => Full(x)
    case _ => Empty

   * This method allows one to encapsulate any object in a Box in a null-safe manner,
   * treating null values to Empty.  This is a parallel method to
   * the Scala Option's apply method.  Note that the apply method is overloaded
   * and it's much, much better to use legacyNullTest in this case.
   * @return <code>Full(in) if in is not null; Empty otherwise
  @deprecated("Use legacyNullTest")
  def apply[T](in: T): Box[T] = legacyNullTest(in)

   * Apply the specified PartialFunction to the specified value and return the result
   * in a Full Box; if the pf is undefined at that point return Empty.
   * @param pf the partial function to use to transform the value
   * @param value the value to transform
   * @return a Full box containing the transformed value if pf.isDefinedAt(value); Empty otherwise
  def apply[InType, OutType](pf: PartialFunction[InType, OutType])(value: InType): Box[OutType] =
  if (pf.isDefinedAt(value)) Full(pf(value)) else Empty

   * Apply the specified PartialFunction to the specified value and return the result
   * in a Full Box; if the pf is undefined at that point return Empty.
   * @param pf the partial function to use to transform the value
   * @param value the value to transform
   * @return a Full box containing the transformed value if pf.isDefinedAt(value); Empty otherwise
  def apply[InType, OutType](value: InType)(pf: PartialFunction[InType, OutType]): Box[OutType] =
  if (pf.isDefinedAt(value)) Full(pf(value)) else Empty

   * This implicit transformation allows one to use a Box as an Iterable
   * @return List(in) if this Box is Full(in); Nil otherwise
  implicit def box2Iterable[T](in: Box[T]): Iterable[T] = in.toList

   * This implicit transformation allows one to use an Option as a Box.
   * @return a Box object from an Option. Full(in) if the Option is Some(in); Empty otherwise
  implicit def option2Box[T](in: Option[T]): Box[T] = Box(in)

   * This implicit transformation allows one to use a Box as an Option.
   * @return <code>Some(in) if this Box is Full(in); None otherwise
  implicit def box2Option[T](in: Box[T]): Option[T] = in.toOption

   * This method allows one to encapsulate any object in a Box in a null-safe manner,
   * treating null values to Empty
   * @return <code>Full(in) if in is not null; Empty otherwise
  def legacyNullTest[T](in: T): Box[T] = in match {
    case null => Empty
    case _ => Full(in)

   * Alias for legacyNullTest.
   * This method allows one to encapsulate any object in a Box in a null-safe manner,
   * returning Empty if the specified value is null.
   * @return Full(in) if <code>in is not null Empty otherwise
  def !![T](in: T): Box[T] = legacyNullTest(in)

   * Create a Full box containing the specified value if "in" is an instance
   * of the specified class, or Empty otherwise.
  def isA[A, B](in: A, clz: Class[B]): Box[B] =
  (Box !! in).isA(clz)

   * Create a Full box containing the specified value if <code>in is of
   * type <code>B; Empty otherwise.
  def asA[B](in: T forSome {type T})(implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] =
  (Box !! in).asA[B]

 * The Box class is a container which is able to declare if it is Full (containing a single non-null value) or EmptyBox. An EmptyBox, or empty, can be the Empty singleton, Failure or ParamFailure.
 * Failure and ParamFailure contain information about why the Box is empty including
 * exception information, chained Failures and a String.
 * It serves a similar purpose to the Option class from Scala standard library but adds several features:
 * <ul>
 *   <li> you can transform it to a Failure object if it is Empty (with the ?~ method)
 *   <li> you can chain failure messages on Failure Boxes
 *   <li> you "run" a function on your Box, with a default value: Full(1).run("zero") { (x: String, y: Int) => y.toString }
 *   <li> you can "pass" a Box to a function for side effects: Full(1) $ { x: Box[Int] => println(x openOr 0) }
 * </ul>
sealed abstract class Box[+A] extends Product {
  self =>
   * Returns true if this Box contains no value (is Empty or Failure or ParamFailure)
   * @return true if this Box contains no value
  def isEmpty: Boolean

   * Returns true if the box contains a value.
   * @return true if this Box contains a value
  def isDefined: Boolean = !isEmpty

   * Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
   * throw an exception otherwise.
   * The method has a '!' in its name.  This means "don't use it unless
   * you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
   * comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
   * The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
   * be found at
   * @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
  def open_! : A

   * Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
   * throw an exception otherwise.
   * This means "don't use it unless
   * you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
   * comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
   * The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
   * be found at
   * @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
  def openTheBox: A = this.open_!

   * Return the value contained in this Box if it is full; otherwise return the specified default
   * @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; otherwise return the specified default
  def openOr[B >: A](default: => B): B = default

   * Apply a function to the value contained in this Box if it exists and return
   * a new Box containing the result, or empty otherwise.
   * @return the modified Box or empty
  def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = Empty

   * Apply a function returning a Box to the value contained in this Box if it exists
   * and return the result, or empty otherwise.
   * @return the modified Box or empty
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = Empty

   * Return this Box if it contains a value satisfying the specified predicate; Empty otherwise
   * @return this Box if it contains a value satisfying the specified predicate; Empty otherwise
  def filter(p: A => Boolean): Box[A] = this

   * Makes Box play better with Scala 2.8 for comprehensions
  def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): WithFilter = new WithFilter(p)

   * Play NiceLike with the Scala 2.8 for comprehension
  class WithFilter(p: A => Boolean) {
    def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = self.filter(p).map(f)
    def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = self.filter(p).flatMap(f)
    def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = self.filter(p).foreach(f)
    def withFilter(q: A => Boolean): WithFilter =
      new WithFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))

   * Determine whether this Box contains a value which satisfies the specified predicate
   * @return true if this Box's value satisfies the specified predicate
  def exists(func: A => Boolean): Boolean = false

   * Creates a Box if the current Box is Full and the value does not satisfy the predicate, f.
   * @param f the predicate used to test value.
   * @returns a Box
  def filterNot(f: A => Boolean): Box[A] = filter(a => !f(a))

   * Perform a side effect by calling the specified function
   * with the value contained in this box.
  def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = {}

   * Return a Full[B] if the contents of this Box is an instance of the specified class,
  * otherwise return Empty
  def isA[B](cls: Class[B]): Box[B] = Empty

   * If the partial function is defined at the current Box's value
   * apply the partial function.
  def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Box[B] 

   * Return a Full[B] if the contents of this Box is of type <code>B, otherwise return Empty
  def asA[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] = Empty

   * Return this Box if Full, or the specified alternative if this is empty
  def or[B >: A](alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = alternative

   * Returns an Iterator over the value contained in this Box
  def elements: Iterator[A] = Iterator.empty

   * Get a Java Iterator from the Box
  def javaIterator[B >: A]: JavaIterator[B] = {
    val ar = new JavaArrayList[B]()
    foreach(v => ar.add(v))

   * Returns an Iterator over the value contained in this Box
  def iterator: Iterator[A] = this.elements

   * Returns a List of one element if this is Full, or an empty list if empty.
  def toList: List[A] = Nil

   * Returns the contents of this box in an Option if this is Full, or
   * None if this is a empty (Empty, Failure or ParamFailure)
  def toOption: Option[A] = None

   * Transform an Empty to a Failure with the specified message.
   * @param msg the failure message
   * @return a Failure with the message if this Box is Empty
  def ?~(msg: String): Box[A] = this

   * Transform an Empty to a ParamFailure with the specified typesafe
   * parameter.
   * @param errorCode a value indicating the error
   * @return a ParamFailure with the specified value
  def ~>[T](errorCode: T): Box[A] = this

   * Alias for ?~
  def failMsg(msg: String): Box[A] = ?~(msg)

   * Transform an EmptyBox to a Failure with the specified message and chain
   * the new Failure to any previous Failure represented by this Box.
   * @param msg the failure message
   * @return a Failure with the message if this Box is an Empty Box. Chain the messages if it is already a Failure
  def ?~!(msg: String): Box[A] = ?~(msg)

   * Alias for ?~!
  def compoundFailMsg(msg: String): Box[A] = ?~!(msg)

   * Filter this box on the specified predicate, returning a Failure with the specified
   * message if the predicate is not satisfied.
   * @param msg the failure message
   * @param p a predicate
   * @return a Failure with the message if the predicate is not satisfied by the value contained in this Box
  def filterMsg(msg: String)(p: A => Boolean): Box[A] = filter(p) ?~ msg

   * This method calls the specified function with the value contained in this Box
   * @return the result of the function or a default value
  def run[T](in: T)(f: (T, A) => T) = in

   * Perform a side effect by passing this Box to the specified function
   * and return this Box unmodified.
   * @return this Box
  def pass(f: Box[A] => Unit): Box[A] = {f(this) ; this}

   * Alias for pass
  def $(f: Box[A] => Unit): Box[A] = pass(f)

   * Determines equality based upon the contents of this Box instead of the box itself.
   * For Full and Empty, this has the expected behavior. Equality in terms of Failure
   * checks for equivalence of failure causes.
  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = (this, other) match {
    case (Full(x), Full(y)) => x == y
    case (Full(x), y) => x == y
    case (x, y: AnyRef) => x eq y
    case _ => false

   * Apply the function f1 to the contents of this Box if available; if this
   * is empty return the specified alternative.
  def choice[B](f1: A => Box[B])(alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = this match {
    case Full(x) => f1(x)
    case _ => alternative

   * Returns true if the value contained in this box is equal to the specified value.
  def ===[B >: A](to: B): Boolean = false

   * Equivalent to map(f).openOr(Full(dflt))
  def dmap[B](dflt: => B)(f: A => B): B = dflt

   * An <code>Either that is a Left with the given argument
   * <code>left if this is empty, or a Right if this
   * Full with the Box's value.
  def toRight[B](left: => B): Either[B, A] = Left(left)

   * An <code>Either that is a Right with the given
   * argument
   * <code>right if this is empty, or a Left if this is
   * Fill with the Box's value
  def toLeft[B](right: => B): Either[A, B] = Right(right)

 * Full is a Box containing a value.
final case class Full[+A](value: A) extends Box[A] {

  def isEmpty: Boolean = false

   * Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
   * throw an exception otherwise.
   * The method has a '!' in its name.  This means "don't use it unless
   * you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
   * comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
   * The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
   * be found at
   * @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
  def open_! : A = value

  override def openOr[B >: A](default: => B): B = value

  override def or[B >: A](alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = this

  override def exists(func: A => Boolean): Boolean = func(value)

  override def filter(p: A => Boolean): Box[A] = if (p(value)) this else Empty

  override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = f(value)

  override def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = Full(f(value))

  override def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = f(value)

  override def elements: Iterator[A] = Iterator(value)

  override def toList: List[A] = List(value)

  override def toOption: Option[A] = Some(value)

  override def run[T](in: T)(f: (T, A) => T) = f(in, value)

   * An <code>Either that is a Left with the given argument
   * <code>left if this is empty, or a Right if this
   * Full with the Box's value.
  override def toRight[B](left: => B): Either[B, A] = Right(value)

   * An <code>Either that is a Right with the given
   * argument
   * <code>right if this is empty, or a Left if this is
   * Fill with the Box's value
  override def toLeft[B](right: => B): Either[A, B] = Left(value)

  override def isA[B](clsOrg: Class[B]): Box[B] = value match {
    case value: AnyRef =>
      val cls = Box.primativeMap.get(clsOrg) match {
        case Some(c) => c
        case _ => clsOrg

      if (cls.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass)) Full(value.asInstanceOf[B])
      else Empty
    case _ => Empty

  override def asA[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] = this.isA(m.erasure).asInstanceOf[Box[B]]

  override def ===[B >: A](to: B): Boolean = value == to

  override def dmap[B](dflt: => B)(f: A => B): B = f(value)

   * If the partial function is defined at the current Box's value
   * apply the partial function.
  final def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Box[B] = {
    if (pf.isDefinedAt(value)) Full(pf(value))
    else Empty

 * Singleton object representing an Empty Box
case object Empty extends EmptyBox

 * The EmptyBox is a Box containing no value.
sealed abstract class EmptyBox extends Box[Nothing] {

  def isEmpty: Boolean = true

   * Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
   * throw an exception otherwise.
   * The method has a '!' in its name.  This means "don't use it unless
   * you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
   * comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
   * The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
   * be found at
   * @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
  def open_!  = throw new NullPointerException("Trying to open an empty Box")

  override def openOr[B >: Nothing](default: => B): B = default

  override def or[B >: Nothing](alternative: => Box[B]): Box[B] = alternative

  override def filter(p: Nothing => Boolean): Box[Nothing] = this

  override def ?~(msg: String): Failure = Failure(msg, Empty, Empty)

  override def ?~!(msg: String): Failure = Failure(msg, Empty, Empty)

  override def ~>[T](errorCode: T): ParamFailure[T] = 
    ParamFailure("", Empty, Empty, errorCode)

   * If the partial function is defined at the current Box's value
   * apply the partial function.
  final override def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[Nothing, B]): Box[B] = this

 * Companion object used to simplify the creation of a simple Failure.
object Failure {
  def apply(msg: String) = new Failure(msg, Empty, Empty)

 * A Failure is an EmptyBox with an additional failure message explaining the reason for its being empty.
 * It can also optionally provide an exception or a chain of causes represented as a list of other Failure objects
sealed case class Failure(msg: String, exception: Box[Throwable], chain: Box[Failure]) extends EmptyBox {
  type A = Nothing

   * Return the value contained in this Box if it is Full;
   * throw an exception otherwise.
   * The method has a '!' in its name.  This means "don't use it unless
   * you are 100% sure that the Box is Full and you should probably
   * comment your code with the explanation of the guaranty.
   * The better case for extracting the value out of a Box can
   * be found at
   * @return the value contained in this Box if it is full; throw an exception otherwise
  override def open_! = throw new NullPointerException("Trying to open a Failure Box: " + msg) {
    override def getCause() = exception openOr null

  override def map[B](f: A => B): Box[B] = this

  override def flatMap[B](f: A => Box[B]): Box[B] = this

  override def isA[B](cls: Class[B]): Box[B] = this

  override def asA[B](implicit m: Manifest[B]): Box[B] = this

  private def chainList: List[Failure] = chain match {
    case Full(f) => f :: f.chainList
    case _ => Nil

   * Get the exception chain along with the exception chain of any
   * chained failures
  def exceptionChain: List[Throwable] = {
    import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
    val ret = new ListBuffer[Throwable]()
    var e: Throwable = exception openOr null
    while (e ne null) {
      ret += e
      e = e.getCause

    ret ++= chain.toList.flatMap(_.exceptionChain)

   * Gets the deepest exception cause
  def rootExceptionCause: Box[Throwable] = {

   * Flatten the Failure chain to a List where this
   * Failure is at the head
  def failureChain: List[Failure] = 
    this :: chain.toList.flatMap(_.failureChain)

  def messageChain: String = (this :: chainList).map(_.msg).mkString(" <- ")

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = (this, other) match {
    case (Failure(x, y, z), Failure(x1, y1, z1)) => (x, y, z) == (x1, y1, z1)
    case (x, y: AnyRef) => x eq y
    case _ => false

  override def ?~(msg: String): Failure = this

  override def ?~!(msg: String): Failure = Failure(msg, Empty, Full(this))

  override def ~>[T](errorCode: T): ParamFailure[T] = ParamFailure(msg, exception, chain, errorCode)

 * A ParamFailure is a Failure with an additional typesafe parameter that can
 * allow an application to store other information related to the failure.
final class ParamFailure[T](override val msg: String,
		            override val exception: Box[Throwable],
		            override val chain: Box[Failure], val param: T) extends
  Failure(msg, exception, chain) {
    override def toString(): String = "ParamFailure("+msg+", "+exception+
    ", "+chain+", "+param+")"

    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
      case ParamFailure(m, e, c, p) =>
        m == msg && e == exception && c == chain && p == param
      case _ => false

    override def hashCode(): Int = super.hashCode() + (param match {
      case null => 0
      case x => x.hashCode()

 * A trait that a class can mix into itself to convert itself into a Box
trait Boxable[T] {
  def asBox: Box[T]

object ParamFailure {
  def apply[T](msg: String, exception: Box[Throwable], chain: Box[Failure], param: T) =
    new ParamFailure(msg, exception, chain, param)

  def apply[T](msg: String, param: T) = new ParamFailure(msg, Empty, Empty, param)

  def unapply(in: Box[_]): Option[(String, Box[Throwable], Box[Failure], Any)] = in match {
    case pf: ParamFailure[_] => Some((pf.msg, pf.exception, pf.chain, pf.param))
    case _ => None

 * Sometimes it's convenient to access either a Box[T]
 * or a T.  If you specify BoxOrRaw[T], the
 * either a T or a Box[T] can be passed and the "right thing"
 * will happen
sealed trait BoxOrRaw[T] {
  def box: Box[T]

 * The companion object that has helpful conversions
object BoxOrRaw {
   * Convert a T to a BoxOrRaw[T]
  implicit def rawToBoxOrRaw[T, Q <: T](r: Q): BoxOrRaw[T] =
    RawBoxOrRaw(r: T)

   * Convert a Box[T] to a BoxOrRaw[T]
  implicit def boxToBoxOrRaw[T, Q <% T](r: Box[Q]): BoxOrRaw[T] = {
    BoxedBoxOrRaw( => v: T))

   * Convert an Option[T] to a BoxOrRaw[T]
  implicit def optionToBoxOrRaw[T, Q <% T](r: Option[Q]): BoxOrRaw[T] = {
    BoxedBoxOrRaw( => v: T))

   * Convert a BoxOrRaw[T] to a Box[T]
  implicit def borToBox[T](in: BoxOrRaw[T]): Box[T] =

 * The Boxed up BoxOrRaw
final case class BoxedBoxOrRaw[T](box: Box[T]) extends BoxOrRaw[T]

 * The raw version of BoxOrRaw
final case class RawBoxOrRaw[T](raw: T) extends BoxOrRaw[T] {
  def box: Box[T] = 
    if (raw.asInstanceOf[Object] ne null) Full(raw) else Empty

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Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Box.scala source code file:

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