Lift Framework example source code file (SimpleList.scala)
The Lift Framework SimpleList.scala source code/* * Copyright 2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package common import java.util.{List => JavaList, Iterator => JavaIterator, ArrayList, ListIterator, Collection => JavaCollection} /** * An immutable singly linked list that uses the Scala List class * as backing store, but is Java-friendly. */ final case class SimpleList[T](underlying: List[T]) extends JavaList[T] { /** * Construct an empty List */ def this() = this(Nil) def this(jl: JavaList[T]) = this(jl.toArray().toList.asInstanceOf[List[T]]) /** * Append an item to this list. An O(n) operation where n is the * number of items in the underlying List. */ def append(item: T): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(underlying :+ item) /** * Prepends an item to this list. O(1) */ def prepend(item: T): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(item :: underlying) def take(n: Int): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(underlying.take(n)) def drop(n: Int): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(underlying.drop(n)) def takeRight(n: Int): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(underlying.takeRight(n)) def dropRight(n: Int): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(underlying.dropRight(n)) def reverse(): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(underlying.reverse) def headOption(): Option[T] = underlying.headOption def head(): T = underlying.head def tail(): SimpleList[T] = SimpleList(underlying.tail) /** * The size of the List */ def size(): Int = underlying.length /** * Is the List Empty */ def isEmpty(): Boolean = underlying.isEmpty /** * Does the List contain the element */ def contains(x: Object): Boolean = underlying.contains(x) def iterator(): JavaIterator[T] = { val it = underlying.iterator new JavaIterator[T] { def hasNext() = it.hasNext def next(): T = it.next() def remove() = throw new Exception("Does not support") } } def subList(from: Int, to: Int): JavaList[T] = SimpleList(underlying.drop(from).take(to - from)) def listIterator(): ListIterator[T] = (new ArrayList(this)).listIterator() def listIterator(pos: Int): ListIterator[T] = (new ArrayList(this)).listIterator(pos) def indexOf(obj: Object): Int = underlying.indexOf(obj) def lastIndexOf(obj: Object): Int = underlying.lastIndexOf(obj) def add(x: T): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def add(after: Int, x: T): Unit = throw new Exception("Does not support") def set(after: Int, x: T): T = throw new Exception("Does not support") def clear(): Unit = throw new Exception("Does not support") def remove(pos: Int): T = throw new Exception("Does not support") def remove(obj: Object): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def get(pos: Int): T = underlying(pos) def toArray(): Array[Object] = { val len = underlying.length val ret = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(classOf[Object], len).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]] var pos = 0 var hd = underlying while (pos < len) { ret(pos) = hd.head.asInstanceOf[Object] hd = hd.tail pos += 1 } ret } def toArray[X](in: Array[X with Object]): Array[X with Object] = { val clz = in.getClass.getComponentType() val len = underlying.length val ret = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clz, len).asInstanceOf[Array[X with Object]] var pos = 0 var hd = underlying while (pos < len) { ret(pos) = clz.cast(hd.head).asInstanceOf[X with Object] hd = hd.tail pos += 1 } ret } def retainAll(jc: JavaCollection[_]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def removeAll(jc: JavaCollection[_]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def addAll(jc: JavaCollection[_ <: T]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def addAll(index: Int, jc: JavaCollection[_ <: T]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def containsAll(jc: JavaCollection[_]): Boolean = { val it = jc.iterator() import scala.annotation._ @tailrec def check(): Boolean = it.hasNext() match { case false => true case _ => contains(it.next().asInstanceOf[Object]) match { case false => false case _ => check() } } check() } } /** * An immutable singly linked list that uses the Scala List class * as backing store, but is Java-friendly. */ final case class SimpleVector[T](underlying: Vector[T]) extends JavaList[T] { /** * Construct an empty List */ def this() = this(Vector()) def this(jl: JavaList[T]) = this(Vector(jl.toArray().toList.asInstanceOf[List[T]] :_*)) /** * Append an item to this list. An O(n) operation where n is the * number of items in the underlying List. */ def append(item: T): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(underlying :+ item) /** * Prepends an item to this list. O(1) */ def prepend(item: T): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(item +: underlying) def take(n: Int): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(underlying.take(n)) def drop(n: Int): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(underlying.drop(n)) def takeRight(n: Int): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(underlying.takeRight(n)) def dropRight(n: Int): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(underlying.dropRight(n)) def reverse(): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(underlying.reverse) def headOption(): Option[T] = underlying.headOption def head(): T = underlying.head def tail(): SimpleVector[T] = SimpleVector(underlying.tail) /** * The size of the List */ def size(): Int = underlying.length /** * Is the List Empty */ def isEmpty(): Boolean = underlying.isEmpty /** * Does the List contain the element */ def contains(x: Object): Boolean = underlying.contains(x) def iterator(): JavaIterator[T] = { val it = underlying.iterator new JavaIterator[T] { def hasNext() = it.hasNext def next(): T = it.next() def remove() = throw new Exception("Does not support") } } def subList(from: Int, to: Int): JavaList[T] = SimpleVector(underlying.drop(from).take(to - from)) def listIterator(): ListIterator[T] = (new ArrayList(this)).listIterator() def listIterator(pos: Int): ListIterator[T] = (new ArrayList(this)).listIterator(pos) def indexOf(obj: Object): Int = underlying.indexOf(obj) def lastIndexOf(obj: Object): Int = underlying.lastIndexOf(obj) def add(x: T): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def add(after: Int, x: T): Unit = throw new Exception("Does not support") def set(after: Int, x: T): T = throw new Exception("Does not support") def clear(): Unit = throw new Exception("Does not support") def remove(pos: Int): T = throw new Exception("Does not support") def remove(obj: Object): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def get(pos: Int): T = underlying(pos) def toArray(): Array[Object] = { val len = underlying.length val ret = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(classOf[Object], len).asInstanceOf[Array[Object]] var pos = 0 underlying.foreach { e => ret(pos) = e.asInstanceOf[Object] pos += 1 } ret } def toArray[X](in: Array[X with Object]): Array[X with Object] = { val clz = in.getClass.getComponentType() val len = underlying.length val ret = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clz, len).asInstanceOf[Array[X with Object]] var pos = 0 underlying.foreach{ e => ret(pos) = clz.cast(e).asInstanceOf[X with Object] pos += 1 } ret } def retainAll(jc: JavaCollection[_]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def removeAll(jc: JavaCollection[_]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def addAll(jc: JavaCollection[_ <: T]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def addAll(index: Int, jc: JavaCollection[_ <: T]): Boolean = throw new Exception("Does not support") def containsAll(jc: JavaCollection[_]): Boolean = { val it = jc.iterator() import scala.annotation._ @tailrec def check(): Boolean = it.hasNext() match { case false => true case _ => contains(it.next().asInstanceOf[Object]) match { case false => false case _ => check() } } check() } } // vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et: Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework SimpleList.scala source code file: |
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