Lift Framework example source code file (LoggingSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework LoggingSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package common import org.specs.Specification /** * System under specification for Logging. * * Tests rely on logback being in the classpath, so no configuration should be necessary. */ object LoggingSpec extends Specification("Logging Specification") { "Logging" can { "be mixed directly into object" in { object MyObj extends Logger { info("direct Hello") val x = 2 } MyObj.x must_== 2 (new MyTopClass).x must_== 1 MyTopObj.x must_==1 } "be nested in object" in { object MyObj extends Loggable { logger.info("nested Hello") val x = 2 } MyObj.x must_== 2 } "create named loggers" in { val logger = Logger("MyLogger") logger.info("Logged with my named logger") 1 must_== 1 } "log static MDC values" in { val logger = Logger("StaticMDC") logger.info("Logged with no MDC") MDC.put("mdc1" -> (1,2)) logger.info("Logged with mdc1=(1,2)") MDC.put("mdc2" -> "yy") logger.info("Logged with mdc1=(1,2), mdc2=yy") MDC.put("mdc1" -> 99) logger.info("Logged with mdc1=99, mdc2=yy") MDC.remove("mdc1") logger.info("Logged with mdc2=yy") MDC.clear() logger.info("Logged with no MDC") 1 must_== 1 } "save MDC context with logWith" in { val logger = Logger("logWith") logger.info("Logged with no MDC") MDC.put("mdc1" -> (1,2), "mdc2" -> "yy") logger.info("Logged with mdc1=(1,2), mdc2=yy") Logger.logWith("mdc2" -> "xx") { logger.info("Logged with mdc1=(1,2), mdc2=xx") Logger.logWith("mdc1" -> 99) { logger.info("Logged with mdc1=99, mdc2=xx") } logger.info("Logged with mdc1=(1,2), mdc2=xx") } logger.info("Logged with mdc1=(1,2), mdc2=yy") MDC.clear logger.info("No MDC values") 1 must_== 1 } "trace function results" in { object MyObj extends Logger { val l = 1 to 10 info("Starting test") trace("result",l.foldLeft(0)(trace("lhs",_) + trace("rhs",_))) must_== l.foldLeft(0)(_+_) val x = 1 } MyObj.x } "be used in different levels and yield different loggers" in { class First { First.info("In first") } object First extends Logger trait Second { private val logger = Logger(classOf[Second]) logger.info("In second") } class C extends First with Second with Logger { info("In C") val x = 2 } (new C).x must_== 2 } } } class MyTopClass extends Logger { val x=1 debug("Top level class logging") } object MyTopObj extends Logger { val x=1 debug("Top level object logging") } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LoggingSpec.scala source code file: |
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