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Lift Framework example source code file (JsonParser.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (JsonParser.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

a, array, array, buffer, jvalue, jvalue, parseexception, parser, segment, some, string, string, token, token

The Lift Framework JsonParser.scala source code

 * Copyright 2009-2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package json

/** JSON parser.
object JsonParser {

  class ParseException(message: String, cause: Exception) extends Exception(message, cause)

  /** Parsed tokens from low level pull parser.
  sealed abstract class Token
  case object OpenObj extends Token
  case object CloseObj extends Token
  case class FieldStart(name: String) extends Token
  case object End extends Token
  case class StringVal(value: String) extends Token
  case class IntVal(value: BigInt) extends Token
  case class DoubleVal(value: Double) extends Token
  case class BoolVal(value: Boolean) extends Token
  case object NullVal extends Token
  case object OpenArr extends Token
  case object CloseArr extends Token

  /** Return parsed JSON.
   * @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
  def parse(s: String): JValue = parse(new Buffer(new StringReader(s), false))

  /** Return parsed JSON.
   * @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF
   * @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails
  def parse(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true): JValue = 
    parse(new Buffer(s, closeAutomatically))

  /** Return parsed JSON.
  def parseOpt(s: String): Option[JValue] = 
    try { Some(parse(s)) } catch { case e: Exception => None }

  /** Return parsed JSON.
   * @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF
  def parseOpt(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true): Option[JValue] = 
    try { Some(parse(s, closeAutomatically)) } catch { case e: Exception => None }

  /** Parse in pull parsing style.
   * Use <code>p.nextToken to parse tokens one by one from a string.
   * @see net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.Token
  def parse[A](s: String, p: Parser => A): A = parse(new StringReader(s), p)

  /** Parse in pull parsing style.
   * Use <code>p.nextToken to parse tokens one by one from a stream.
   * The Reader must be closed when parsing is stopped.
   * @see net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.Token
  def parse[A](s: Reader, p: Parser => A): A = p(new Parser(new Buffer(s, false)))

  private def parse(buf: Buffer): JValue = {
    try {
      astParser(new Parser(buf))
    } catch {
      case e: ParseException => throw e
      case e: Exception => throw new ParseException("parsing failed", e)
    } finally { buf.release }
  private[json] def unquote(string: String): String = 
    unquote(new JsonParser.Buffer(new, false))
  private[json] def unquote(buf: JsonParser.Buffer): String = {
    def unquote0(buf: JsonParser.Buffer, base: String): String = {
      val s = new java.lang.StringBuilder(base)
      var c = '\\'
      while (c != '"') {
        if (c == '\\') {
 match {
            case '"'  => s.append('"')
            case '\\' => s.append('\\')
            case '/'  => s.append('/')
            case 'b'  => s.append('\b')
            case 'f'  => s.append('\f')
            case 'n'  => s.append('\n')
            case 'r'  => s.append('\r')
            case 't'  => s.append('\t')
            case 'u' =>
              val chars = Array(,,,
              val codePoint = Integer.parseInt(new String(chars), 16)
            case _ => s.append('\\')
        } else s.append(c)
        c =

    buf.eofIsFailure = true
    var c =
    while (c != '"') {
      if (c == '\\') {
        val s = unquote0(buf, buf.substring)
        buf.eofIsFailure = false
        return s
      c =
    buf.eofIsFailure = false

  // FIXME fail fast to prevent infinite loop, see 
  private val BrokenDouble = BigDecimal("2.2250738585072012e-308")
  private[json] def parseDouble(s: String) = {
    val d = BigDecimal(s)
    if (d == BrokenDouble) error("Error parsing 2.2250738585072012e-308")
    else d.doubleValue

  private val astParser = (p: Parser) => {
    val vals = new ValStack(p)
    var token: Token = null
    var root: Option[JValue] = None

    // This is a slightly faster way to correct order of fields and arrays than using 'map'.
    def reverse(v: JValue): JValue = v match {
      case JObject(l) => JObject([List[JField]].reverse)
      case JArray(l) => JArray(
      case JField(name, value) => JField(name, reverse(value))
      case x => x

    def closeBlock(v: JValue) {
      vals.peekOption match {
        case Some(f: JField) =>
          val field = vals.pop(classOf[JField])
          val newField = JField(, v)
          val obj = vals.peek(classOf[JObject])
          vals.replace(JObject(newField :: obj.obj))
        case Some(o: JObject) => v match {
          case x: JField => vals.replace(JObject(x :: o.obj))
          case _ =>"expected field but got " + v)
        case Some(a: JArray) => vals.replace(JArray(v :: a.arr))
        case Some(x) =>"expected field, array or object but got " + x)
        case None => root = Some(reverse(v))

    def newValue(v: JValue) {
      vals.peek(classOf[JValue]) match {
        case f: JField =>
          val newField = JField(, v)
          val obj = vals.peek(classOf[JObject])
          vals.replace(JObject(newField :: obj.obj))
        case a: JArray => vals.replace(JArray(v :: a.arr))
        case _ =>"expected field or array")

    do {
      token = p.nextToken
      token match {
        case OpenObj          => vals.push(JObject(Nil))
        case FieldStart(name) => vals.push(JField(name, null))
        case StringVal(x)     => newValue(JString(x))
        case IntVal(x)        => newValue(JInt(x))
        case DoubleVal(x)     => newValue(JDouble(x))
        case BoolVal(x)       => newValue(JBool(x))
        case NullVal          => newValue(JNull)
        case CloseObj         => closeBlock(vals.pop(classOf[JValue]))
        case OpenArr          => vals.push(JArray(Nil))
        case CloseArr         => closeBlock(vals.pop(classOf[JArray]))
        case End              =>
    } while (token != End)

    root.getOrElse(throw new ParseException("expected object or array", null))

  private val EOF = (-1).asInstanceOf[Char]

  private class ValStack(parser: Parser) {
    import java.util.LinkedList
    private[this] val stack = new LinkedList[JValue]()

    def pop[A <: JValue](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.poll, expectedType)
    def push(v: JValue) = stack.addFirst(v)
    def peek[A <: JValue](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.peek, expectedType)
    def replace[A <: JValue](newTop: JValue) = stack.set(0, newTop)

    private def convert[A <: JValue](x: JValue, expectedType: Class[A]): A = {
      if (x == null)"expected object or array")
      try { x.asInstanceOf[A] } catch { case _: ClassCastException =>"unexpected " + x) }

    def peekOption = if (stack isEmpty) None else Some(stack.peek)

  class Parser(buf: Buffer) {
    import java.util.LinkedList

    private[this] val blocks = new LinkedList[BlockMode]()
    private[this] var fieldNameMode = true

    def fail(msg: String) = throw new ParseException(msg + "\nNear: " + buf.near, null)

    /** Parse next Token from stream.
    def nextToken: Token = {
      def isDelimiter(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == ',' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '}' || c == ']'

      def parseFieldName: String = {
        var c =
        while (c != EOF) {
          if (c == '"') return buf.substring
          c =
        fail("expected string end")

      def parseString: String = 
        try {
        } catch {
          case p: ParseException => throw p
          case _ => fail("unexpected string end")

      def parseValue(first: Char) = {
        var wasInt = true
        var doubleVal = false
        val s = new StringBuilder
        while (wasInt) {
          val c =
          if (c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
            doubleVal = true
          } else if (!(Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E' || c == '-')) {
            wasInt = false
          } else s.append(c)
        val value = s.toString
        if (doubleVal) DoubleVal(parseDouble(value)) 
        else IntVal(BigInt(value))

      while (true) { match {
          case c if EOF == c => 
            return End
          case '{' =>
            fieldNameMode = true
            return OpenObj
          case '}' =>
            return CloseObj
          case '"' =>
            if (fieldNameMode && blocks.peek == OBJECT) return FieldStart(parseFieldName)
            else {
              fieldNameMode = true
              return StringVal(parseString)
          case 't' =>
            fieldNameMode = true
            if ( == 'r' && == 'u' && == 'e') {
              return BoolVal(true)
            fail("expected boolean")
          case 'f' =>
            fieldNameMode = true
            if ( == 'a' && == 'l' && == 's' && == 'e') {
              return BoolVal(false)
            fail("expected boolean")
          case 'n' =>
            fieldNameMode = true
            if ( == 'u' && == 'l' && == 'l') {
              return NullVal
            fail("expected null")
          case ':' =>
            if (blocks.peek == ARRAY) fail("Colon in an invalid position")
            fieldNameMode = false
          case '[' =>
            return OpenArr
          case ']' =>
            fieldNameMode = true
            return CloseArr
          case c if Character.isDigit(c) || c == '-' =>
            fieldNameMode = true
            return parseValue(c)
          case c if isDelimiter(c) =>
          case c => fail("unknown token " + c)

    sealed abstract class BlockMode
    case object ARRAY extends BlockMode
    case object OBJECT extends BlockMode

  /* Buffer used to parse JSON.
   * Buffer is divided to one or more segments (preallocated in Segments pool).
  private[json] class Buffer(in: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean) {
    var offset = 0
    var curMark = -1
    var curMarkSegment = -1
    var eofIsFailure = false
    private[this] var segments: List[Segment] = List(Segments.apply())
    private[this] var segment: Array[Char] = segments.head.seg
    private[this] var cur = 0 // Pointer which points current parsing location
    private[this] var curSegmentIdx = 0 // Pointer which points current segment

    def mark = { curMark = cur; curMarkSegment = curSegmentIdx }
    def back = cur = cur-1

    def next: Char = {
      if (cur == offset && read < 0) {
        if (eofIsFailure) throw new ParseException("unexpected eof", null) else EOF
      } else {
        val c = segment(cur)
        cur += 1

    def substring = {
      if (curSegmentIdx == curMarkSegment) new String(segment, curMark, cur-curMark-1)
      else { // slower path for case when string is in two or more segments
        var parts: List[(Int, Int, Array[Char])] = Nil
        var i = curSegmentIdx
        while (i >= curMarkSegment) {
          val s = segments(i).seg
          val start = if (i == curMarkSegment) curMark else 0
          val end = if (i == curSegmentIdx) cur else s.length+1
          parts = (start, end, s) :: parts
          i = i-1
        val len = => p._2 - p._1 - 1).foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
        val chars = new Array[Char](len)
        i = 0
        var pos = 0

        while (i < parts.size) {
          val (start, end, b) = parts(i)
          val partLen = end-start-1
          System.arraycopy(b, start, chars, pos, partLen)
          pos = pos + partLen
          i = i+1
        new String(chars)

    def near = new String(segment, (cur-20) max 0, 40 min (offset - cur + 20) max 0)

    def release = segments.foreach(Segments.release)

    private[JsonParser] def automaticClose = if (closeAutomatically) in.close

    private[this] def read = {
      if (offset >= segment.length) {
        val newSegment = Segments.apply()
        offset = 0
        segment = newSegment.seg
        segments = segments ::: List(newSegment)
        curSegmentIdx = segments.length - 1

      val length =, offset, segment.length-offset)
      cur = offset
      offset += length

  /* A pool of preallocated char arrays.
  private[json] object Segments {
    import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

    private[json] var segmentSize = 1000
    private[this] val maxNumOfSegments = 10000
    private[this] var segmentCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
    private[this] val segments = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Segment](maxNumOfSegments)
    private[json] def clear = segments.clear

    def apply(): Segment = {
      val s = acquire
      // Give back a disposable segment if pool is exhausted.
      if (s != null) s else DisposableSegment(new Array(segmentSize))

    private[this] def acquire: Segment = {
      val curCount = segmentCount.get
      val createNew = 
        if (segments.size == 0 && curCount < maxNumOfSegments)
          segmentCount.compareAndSet(curCount, curCount + 1)
        else false

      if (createNew) RecycledSegment(new Array(segmentSize)) else segments.poll

    def release(s: Segment) = s match {
      case _: RecycledSegment => segments.offer(s)
      case _ =>

  sealed trait Segment {
    val seg: Array[Char]
  case class RecycledSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment
  case class DisposableSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

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