Lift Framework example source code file (JsonParser.scala)
The Lift Framework JsonParser.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package json /** JSON parser. */ object JsonParser { import java.io._ class ParseException(message: String, cause: Exception) extends Exception(message, cause) /** Parsed tokens from low level pull parser. */ sealed abstract class Token case object OpenObj extends Token case object CloseObj extends Token case class FieldStart(name: String) extends Token case object End extends Token case class StringVal(value: String) extends Token case class IntVal(value: BigInt) extends Token case class DoubleVal(value: Double) extends Token case class BoolVal(value: Boolean) extends Token case object NullVal extends Token case object OpenArr extends Token case object CloseArr extends Token /** Return parsed JSON. * @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails */ def parse(s: String): JValue = parse(new Buffer(new StringReader(s), false)) /** Return parsed JSON. * @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF * @throws ParseException is thrown if parsing fails */ def parse(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true): JValue = parse(new Buffer(s, closeAutomatically)) /** Return parsed JSON. */ def parseOpt(s: String): Option[JValue] = try { Some(parse(s)) } catch { case e: Exception => None } /** Return parsed JSON. * @param closeAutomatically true (default) if the Reader is automatically closed on EOF */ def parseOpt(s: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean = true): Option[JValue] = try { Some(parse(s, closeAutomatically)) } catch { case e: Exception => None } /** Parse in pull parsing style. * Use <code>p.nextToken to parse tokens one by one from a string. * @see net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.Token */ def parse[A](s: String, p: Parser => A): A = parse(new StringReader(s), p) /** Parse in pull parsing style. * Use <code>p.nextToken to parse tokens one by one from a stream. * The Reader must be closed when parsing is stopped. * @see net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.Token */ def parse[A](s: Reader, p: Parser => A): A = p(new Parser(new Buffer(s, false))) private def parse(buf: Buffer): JValue = { try { astParser(new Parser(buf)) } catch { case e: ParseException => throw e case e: Exception => throw new ParseException("parsing failed", e) } finally { buf.release } } private[json] def unquote(string: String): String = unquote(new JsonParser.Buffer(new java.io.StringReader(string), false)) private[json] def unquote(buf: JsonParser.Buffer): String = { def unquote0(buf: JsonParser.Buffer, base: String): String = { val s = new java.lang.StringBuilder(base) var c = '\\' while (c != '"') { if (c == '\\') { buf.next match { case '"' => s.append('"') case '\\' => s.append('\\') case '/' => s.append('/') case 'b' => s.append('\b') case 'f' => s.append('\f') case 'n' => s.append('\n') case 'r' => s.append('\r') case 't' => s.append('\t') case 'u' => val chars = Array(buf.next, buf.next, buf.next, buf.next) val codePoint = Integer.parseInt(new String(chars), 16) s.appendCodePoint(codePoint) case _ => s.append('\\') } } else s.append(c) c = buf.next } s.toString } buf.eofIsFailure = true buf.mark var c = buf.next while (c != '"') { if (c == '\\') { val s = unquote0(buf, buf.substring) buf.eofIsFailure = false return s } c = buf.next } buf.eofIsFailure = false buf.substring } // FIXME fail fast to prevent infinite loop, see // http://www.exploringbinary.com/java-hangs-when-converting-2-2250738585072012e-308/ private val BrokenDouble = BigDecimal("2.2250738585072012e-308") private[json] def parseDouble(s: String) = { val d = BigDecimal(s) if (d == BrokenDouble) error("Error parsing 2.2250738585072012e-308") else d.doubleValue } private val astParser = (p: Parser) => { val vals = new ValStack(p) var token: Token = null var root: Option[JValue] = None // This is a slightly faster way to correct order of fields and arrays than using 'map'. def reverse(v: JValue): JValue = v match { case JObject(l) => JObject(l.map(reverse).asInstanceOf[List[JField]].reverse) case JArray(l) => JArray(l.map(reverse).reverse) case JField(name, value) => JField(name, reverse(value)) case x => x } def closeBlock(v: JValue) { vals.peekOption match { case Some(f: JField) => val field = vals.pop(classOf[JField]) val newField = JField(field.name, v) val obj = vals.peek(classOf[JObject]) vals.replace(JObject(newField :: obj.obj)) case Some(o: JObject) => v match { case x: JField => vals.replace(JObject(x :: o.obj)) case _ => p.fail("expected field but got " + v) } case Some(a: JArray) => vals.replace(JArray(v :: a.arr)) case Some(x) => p.fail("expected field, array or object but got " + x) case None => root = Some(reverse(v)) } } def newValue(v: JValue) { vals.peek(classOf[JValue]) match { case f: JField => vals.pop(classOf[JField]) val newField = JField(f.name, v) val obj = vals.peek(classOf[JObject]) vals.replace(JObject(newField :: obj.obj)) case a: JArray => vals.replace(JArray(v :: a.arr)) case _ => p.fail("expected field or array") } } do { token = p.nextToken token match { case OpenObj => vals.push(JObject(Nil)) case FieldStart(name) => vals.push(JField(name, null)) case StringVal(x) => newValue(JString(x)) case IntVal(x) => newValue(JInt(x)) case DoubleVal(x) => newValue(JDouble(x)) case BoolVal(x) => newValue(JBool(x)) case NullVal => newValue(JNull) case CloseObj => closeBlock(vals.pop(classOf[JValue])) case OpenArr => vals.push(JArray(Nil)) case CloseArr => closeBlock(vals.pop(classOf[JArray])) case End => } } while (token != End) root.getOrElse(throw new ParseException("expected object or array", null)) } private val EOF = (-1).asInstanceOf[Char] private class ValStack(parser: Parser) { import java.util.LinkedList private[this] val stack = new LinkedList[JValue]() def pop[A <: JValue](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.poll, expectedType) def push(v: JValue) = stack.addFirst(v) def peek[A <: JValue](expectedType: Class[A]) = convert(stack.peek, expectedType) def replace[A <: JValue](newTop: JValue) = stack.set(0, newTop) private def convert[A <: JValue](x: JValue, expectedType: Class[A]): A = { if (x == null) parser.fail("expected object or array") try { x.asInstanceOf[A] } catch { case _: ClassCastException => parser.fail("unexpected " + x) } } def peekOption = if (stack isEmpty) None else Some(stack.peek) } class Parser(buf: Buffer) { import java.util.LinkedList private[this] val blocks = new LinkedList[BlockMode]() private[this] var fieldNameMode = true def fail(msg: String) = throw new ParseException(msg + "\nNear: " + buf.near, null) /** Parse next Token from stream. */ def nextToken: Token = { def isDelimiter(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == ',' || c == '\r' || c == '\t' || c == '}' || c == ']' def parseFieldName: String = { buf.mark var c = buf.next while (c != EOF) { if (c == '"') return buf.substring c = buf.next } fail("expected string end") } def parseString: String = try { unquote(buf) } catch { case p: ParseException => throw p case _ => fail("unexpected string end") } def parseValue(first: Char) = { var wasInt = true var doubleVal = false val s = new StringBuilder s.append(first) while (wasInt) { val c = buf.next if (c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E') { doubleVal = true s.append(c) } else if (!(Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E' || c == '-')) { wasInt = false buf.back } else s.append(c) } val value = s.toString if (doubleVal) DoubleVal(parseDouble(value)) else IntVal(BigInt(value)) } while (true) { buf.next match { case c if EOF == c => buf.automaticClose return End case '{' => blocks.addFirst(OBJECT) fieldNameMode = true return OpenObj case '}' => blocks.poll return CloseObj case '"' => if (fieldNameMode && blocks.peek == OBJECT) return FieldStart(parseFieldName) else { fieldNameMode = true return StringVal(parseString) } case 't' => fieldNameMode = true if (buf.next == 'r' && buf.next == 'u' && buf.next == 'e') { return BoolVal(true) } fail("expected boolean") case 'f' => fieldNameMode = true if (buf.next == 'a' && buf.next == 'l' && buf.next == 's' && buf.next == 'e') { return BoolVal(false) } fail("expected boolean") case 'n' => fieldNameMode = true if (buf.next == 'u' && buf.next == 'l' && buf.next == 'l') { return NullVal } fail("expected null") case ':' => if (blocks.peek == ARRAY) fail("Colon in an invalid position") fieldNameMode = false case '[' => blocks.addFirst(ARRAY) return OpenArr case ']' => fieldNameMode = true blocks.poll return CloseArr case c if Character.isDigit(c) || c == '-' => fieldNameMode = true return parseValue(c) case c if isDelimiter(c) => case c => fail("unknown token " + c) } } buf.automaticClose End } sealed abstract class BlockMode case object ARRAY extends BlockMode case object OBJECT extends BlockMode } /* Buffer used to parse JSON. * Buffer is divided to one or more segments (preallocated in Segments pool). */ private[json] class Buffer(in: Reader, closeAutomatically: Boolean) { var offset = 0 var curMark = -1 var curMarkSegment = -1 var eofIsFailure = false private[this] var segments: List[Segment] = List(Segments.apply()) private[this] var segment: Array[Char] = segments.head.seg private[this] var cur = 0 // Pointer which points current parsing location private[this] var curSegmentIdx = 0 // Pointer which points current segment def mark = { curMark = cur; curMarkSegment = curSegmentIdx } def back = cur = cur-1 def next: Char = { if (cur == offset && read < 0) { if (eofIsFailure) throw new ParseException("unexpected eof", null) else EOF } else { val c = segment(cur) cur += 1 c } } def substring = { if (curSegmentIdx == curMarkSegment) new String(segment, curMark, cur-curMark-1) else { // slower path for case when string is in two or more segments var parts: List[(Int, Int, Array[Char])] = Nil var i = curSegmentIdx while (i >= curMarkSegment) { val s = segments(i).seg val start = if (i == curMarkSegment) curMark else 0 val end = if (i == curSegmentIdx) cur else s.length+1 parts = (start, end, s) :: parts i = i-1 } val len = parts.map(p => p._2 - p._1 - 1).foldLeft(0)(_ + _) val chars = new Array[Char](len) i = 0 var pos = 0 while (i < parts.size) { val (start, end, b) = parts(i) val partLen = end-start-1 System.arraycopy(b, start, chars, pos, partLen) pos = pos + partLen i = i+1 } new String(chars) } } def near = new String(segment, (cur-20) max 0, 40 min (offset - cur + 20) max 0) def release = segments.foreach(Segments.release) private[JsonParser] def automaticClose = if (closeAutomatically) in.close private[this] def read = { if (offset >= segment.length) { val newSegment = Segments.apply() offset = 0 segment = newSegment.seg segments = segments ::: List(newSegment) curSegmentIdx = segments.length - 1 } val length = in.read(segment, offset, segment.length-offset) cur = offset offset += length length } } /* A pool of preallocated char arrays. */ private[json] object Segments { import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger private[json] var segmentSize = 1000 private[this] val maxNumOfSegments = 10000 private[this] var segmentCount = new AtomicInteger(0) private[this] val segments = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Segment](maxNumOfSegments) private[json] def clear = segments.clear def apply(): Segment = { val s = acquire // Give back a disposable segment if pool is exhausted. if (s != null) s else DisposableSegment(new Array(segmentSize)) } private[this] def acquire: Segment = { val curCount = segmentCount.get val createNew = if (segments.size == 0 && curCount < maxNumOfSegments) segmentCount.compareAndSet(curCount, curCount + 1) else false if (createNew) RecycledSegment(new Array(segmentSize)) else segments.poll } def release(s: Segment) = s match { case _: RecycledSegment => segments.offer(s) case _ => } } sealed trait Segment { val seg: Array[Char] } case class RecycledSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment case class DisposableSegment(seg: Array[Char]) extends Segment } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework JsonParser.scala source code file: |
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