Lift Framework example source code file (Meta.scala)
The Lift Framework Meta.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2010 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package json import java.lang.reflect.{Constructor => JConstructor, Field, Type, ParameterizedType, GenericArrayType} import java.util.Date case class TypeInfo(clazz: Class[_], parameterizedType: Option[ParameterizedType]) trait ParameterNameReader { def lookupParameterNames(constructor: JConstructor[_]): Traversable[String] } private[json] object Meta { import com.thoughtworks.paranamer._ /** Intermediate metadata format for case classes. * This ADT is constructed (and then memoized) from given case class using reflection. * * Example mapping. * * package xx * case class Person(name: String, address: Address, children: List[Child]) * case class Address(street: String, city: String) * case class Child(name: String, age: BigInt) * * will produce following Mapping: * * Constructor("xx.Person", List( * Arg("name", Value(classOf[String])), * Arg("address", Constructor("xx.Address", List(Value("street"), Value("city")))), * Arg("children", Col(classOf[List[_]], Constructor("xx.Child", List(Value("name"), Value("age"))))))) */ sealed abstract class Mapping case class Arg(path: String, mapping: Mapping, optional: Boolean) extends Mapping case class Value(targetType: Class[_]) extends Mapping case class Cycle(targetType: Type) extends Mapping case class Dict(mapping: Mapping) extends Mapping case class Col(targetType: TypeInfo, mapping: Mapping) extends Mapping case class Constructor(targetType: TypeInfo, choices: List[DeclaredConstructor]) extends Mapping { def bestMatching(argNames: List[String]): Option[DeclaredConstructor] = { val names = Set(argNames: _*) def countOptionals(args: List[Arg]) = args.foldLeft(0)((n, x) => if (x.optional) n+1 else n) def score(args: List[Arg]) = args.foldLeft(0)((s, arg) => if (names.contains(arg.path)) s+1 else -100) if (choices.isEmpty) None else { val best = choices.tail.foldLeft((choices.head, score(choices.head.args))) { (best, c) => val newScore = score(c.args) if (newScore == best._2) { if (countOptionals(c.args) < countOptionals(best._1.args)) (c, newScore) else best } else if (newScore > best._2) (c, newScore) else best } Some(best._1) } } } case class DeclaredConstructor(constructor: JConstructor[_], args: List[Arg]) // Current constructor parsing context. (containingClass + allArgs could be replaced with Constructor) case class Context(argName: String, containingClass: Class[_], allArgs: List[(String, Type)]) private val mappings = new Memo[Type, Mapping] private val unmangledNames = new Memo[String, String] private val paranamer = new CachingParanamer(new BytecodeReadingParanamer) object ParanamerReader extends ParameterNameReader { def lookupParameterNames(constructor: JConstructor[_]): Traversable[String] = paranamer.lookupParameterNames(constructor) } private[json] def mappingOf(clazz: Type, typeArgs: Seq[Class[_]] = Seq()) (implicit formats: Formats): Mapping = { import Reflection._ def constructors(t: Type, visited: Set[Type], context: Option[Context]) = { Reflection.constructors(t, formats.parameterNameReader, context).map { case (c, args) => DeclaredConstructor(c, args.map { case (name, t) => toArg(unmangleName(name), t, visited, Context(name, c.getDeclaringClass, args)) }) } } def toArg(name: String, genericType: Type, visited: Set[Type], context: Context): Arg = { def mkContainer(t: Type, k: Kind, valueTypeIndex: Int, factory: Mapping => Mapping) = if (typeConstructor_?(t)) { val typeArgs = typeConstructors(t, k)(valueTypeIndex) factory(fieldMapping(typeArgs)._1) } else factory(fieldMapping(typeParameters(t, k, context)(valueTypeIndex))._1) def parameterizedTypeOpt(t: Type) = t match { case x: ParameterizedType => val typeArgs = x.getActualTypeArguments.toList.zipWithIndex .map { case (t, idx) => if (t == classOf[java.lang.Object]) ScalaSigReader.readConstructor(context.argName, context.containingClass, idx, context.allArgs.map(_._1)) else t } Some(mkParameterizedType(x.getRawType, typeArgs)) case _ => None } def mkConstructor(t: Type) = if (visited.contains(t)) (Cycle(t), false) else (Constructor(TypeInfo(rawClassOf(t), parameterizedTypeOpt(t)), constructors(t, visited + t, Some(context))), false) def fieldMapping(t: Type): (Mapping, Boolean) = t match { case pType: ParameterizedType => val raw = rawClassOf(pType) val info = TypeInfo(raw, Some(pType)) if (classOf[Set[_]].isAssignableFrom(raw)) (mkContainer(t, `* -> *`, 0, Col.apply(info, _)), false) else if (raw.isArray) (mkContainer(t, `* -> *`, 0, Col.apply(info, _)), false) else if (classOf[Option[_]].isAssignableFrom(raw)) (mkContainer(t, `* -> *`, 0, identity _), true) else if (classOf[Map[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(raw)) (mkContainer(t, `(*,*) -> *`, 1, Dict.apply _), false) else if (classOf[Seq[_]].isAssignableFrom(raw)) (mkContainer(t, `* -> *`, 0, Col.apply(info, _)), false) else mkConstructor(t) case aType: GenericArrayType => // Couldn't find better way to reconstruct proper array type: val raw = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(rawClassOf(aType.getGenericComponentType), 0: Int).getClass (Col(TypeInfo(raw, None), fieldMapping(aType.getGenericComponentType)._1), false) case raw: Class[_] => if (primitive_?(raw)) (Value(raw), false) else if (raw.isArray) (mkContainer(t, `* -> *`, 0, Col.apply(TypeInfo(raw, None), _)), false) else mkConstructor(t) case x => (Constructor(TypeInfo(classOf[AnyRef], None), Nil), false) } val (mapping, optional) = fieldMapping(genericType) Arg(name, mapping, optional) } if (primitive_?(clazz)) Value(rawClassOf(clazz)) else { mappings.memoize(clazz, t => { val c = rawClassOf(t) val (pt, typeInfo) = if (typeArgs.isEmpty) (t, TypeInfo(c, None)) else { val t = mkParameterizedType(c, typeArgs) (t, TypeInfo(c, Some(t))) } Constructor(typeInfo, constructors(pt, Set(), None)) }) } } private[json] def rawClassOf(t: Type): Class[_] = t match { case c: Class[_] => c case p: ParameterizedType => rawClassOf(p.getRawType) case x => fail("Raw type of " + x + " not known") } private[json] def mkParameterizedType(owner: Type, typeArgs: Seq[Type]) = new ParameterizedType { def getActualTypeArguments = typeArgs.toArray def getOwnerType = owner def getRawType = owner override def toString = getOwnerType + "[" + getActualTypeArguments.mkString(",") + "]" } private[json] def unmangleName(name: String) = unmangledNames.memoize(name, scala.reflect.NameTransformer.decode) private[json] def fail(msg: String, cause: Exception = null) = throw new MappingException(msg, cause) private class Memo[A, R] { private var cache = Map[A, R]() def memoize(x: A, f: A => R): R = synchronized { if (cache contains x) cache(x) else { val ret = f(x) cache += (x -> ret) ret } } } object Reflection { import java.lang.reflect._ import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ sealed abstract class Kind case object `* -> *` extends Kind case object `(*,*) -> *` extends Kind val primitives = Map[Class[_], Unit]() ++ (List[Class[_]]( classOf[String], classOf[Int], classOf[Long], classOf[Double], classOf[Float], classOf[Byte], classOf[BigInt], classOf[Boolean], classOf[Short], classOf[java.lang.Integer], classOf[java.lang.Long], classOf[java.lang.Double], classOf[java.lang.Float], classOf[java.lang.Byte], classOf[java.lang.Boolean], classOf[Number], classOf[java.lang.Short], classOf[Date], classOf[Symbol], classOf[JValue], classOf[JObject], classOf[JArray]).map((_, ()))) def constructors(t: Type, names: ParameterNameReader, context: Option[Context]): List[(JConstructor[_], List[(String, Type)])] = rawClassOf(t).getDeclaredConstructors.map(c => (c, constructorArgs(t, c, names, context))).toList def constructorArgs(t: Type, constructor: JConstructor[_], nameReader: ParameterNameReader, context: Option[Context]): List[(String, Type)] = { def argsInfo(c: JConstructor[_], typeArgs: Map[TypeVariable[_], Type]) = { val Name = """^((?:[^$]|[$][^0-9]+)+)([$][0-9]+)?$"""r def clean(name: String) = name match { case Name(text, junk) => text } try { val names = nameReader.lookupParameterNames(c).map(clean) val types = c.getGenericParameterTypes.toList.zipWithIndex map { case (v: TypeVariable[_], idx) => val arg = typeArgs.getOrElse(v, v) if (arg == classOf[java.lang.Object]) context.map(ctx => ScalaSigReader.readConstructor(ctx.argName, ctx.containingClass, idx, ctx.allArgs.map(_._1))).getOrElse(arg) else arg case (x, _) => x } names.toList.zip(types) } catch { case e: ParameterNamesNotFoundException => Nil } } t match { case c: Class[_] => argsInfo(constructor, Map()) case p: ParameterizedType => val vars = Map() ++ rawClassOf(p).getTypeParameters.toList.map(_.asInstanceOf[TypeVariable[_]]).zip(p.getActualTypeArguments.toList) // FIXME this cast should not be needed argsInfo(constructor, vars) case x => fail("Do not know how query constructor info for " + x) } } def primaryConstructorArgs(c: Class[_])(implicit formats: Formats) = { val ord = Ordering[Int].on[JConstructor[_]](_.getParameterTypes.size) val primary = c.getDeclaredConstructors.max(ord) constructorArgs(c, primary, formats.parameterNameReader, None) } def typeParameters(t: Type, k: Kind, context: Context): List[Class[_]] = { def term(i: Int) = t match { case ptype: ParameterizedType => ptype.getActualTypeArguments()(i) match { case c: Class[_] => if (c == classOf[java.lang.Object]) ScalaSigReader.readConstructor(context.argName, context.containingClass, i, context.allArgs.map(_._1)) else c case p: ParameterizedType => p.getRawType.asInstanceOf[Class[_]] case x => fail("do not know how to get type parameter from " + x) } case clazz: Class[_] if (clazz.isArray) => i match { case 0 => clazz.getComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[_]] case _ => fail("Arrays only have one type parameter") } case clazz: GenericArrayType => i match { case 0 => clazz.getGenericComponentType.asInstanceOf[Class[_]] case _ => fail("Arrays only have one type parameter") } case _ => fail("Unsupported Type: " + t + " (" + t.getClass + ")") } k match { case `* -> *` => List(term(0)) case `(*,*) -> *` => List(term(0), term(1)) } } def typeConstructors(t: Type, k: Kind): List[Type] = { def types(i: Int): Type = { val ptype = t.asInstanceOf[ParameterizedType] ptype.getActualTypeArguments()(i) match { case p: ParameterizedType => p case c: Class[_] => c } } k match { case `* -> *` => List(types(0)) case `(*,*) -> *` => List(types(0), types(1)) } } def primitive_?(t: Type) = t match { case clazz: Class[_] => primitives contains clazz case _ => false } def static_?(f: Field) = Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers) def typeConstructor_?(t: Type) = t match { case p: ParameterizedType => p.getActualTypeArguments.exists(_.isInstanceOf[ParameterizedType]) case _ => false } def array_?(x: Any) = x != null && classOf[scala.Array[_]].isAssignableFrom(x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass) def fields(clazz: Class[_]): List[(String, TypeInfo)] = { val fs = clazz.getDeclaredFields.toList .filterNot(f => Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers) || Modifier.isTransient(f.getModifiers)) .map(f => (f.getName, TypeInfo(f.getType, f.getGenericType match { case p: ParameterizedType => Some(p) case _ => None }))) fs ::: (if (clazz.getSuperclass == null) Nil else fields(clazz.getSuperclass)) } def setField(a: AnyRef, name: String, value: Any) = { val f = findField(a.getClass, name) f.setAccessible(true) f.set(a, value) } def getField(a: AnyRef, name: String) = { val f = findField(a.getClass, name) f.setAccessible(true) f.get(a) } def findField(clazz: Class[_], name: String): Field = try { clazz.getDeclaredField(name) } catch { case e: NoSuchFieldException => if (clazz.getSuperclass == null) throw e else findField(clazz.getSuperclass, name) } def hasDeclaredField(clazz: Class[_], name: String): Boolean = try { clazz.getDeclaredField(name) true } catch { case e: NoSuchFieldException => false } def mkJavaArray(x: Any, componentType: Class[_]) = { val arr = x.asInstanceOf[scala.Array[_]] val a = java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(componentType, arr.size) var i = 0 while (i < arr.size) { java.lang.reflect.Array.set(a, i, arr(i)) i += 1 } a } def primitive2jvalue(a: Any)(implicit formats: Formats) = a match { case x: String => JString(x) case x: Int => JInt(x) case x: Long => JInt(x) case x: Double => JDouble(x) case x: Float => JDouble(x) case x: Byte => JInt(BigInt(x)) case x: BigInt => JInt(x) case x: Boolean => JBool(x) case x: Short => JInt(BigInt(x)) case x: java.lang.Integer => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Int])) case x: java.lang.Long => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Long])) case x: java.lang.Double => JDouble(x.asInstanceOf[Double]) case x: java.lang.Float => JDouble(x.asInstanceOf[Float]) case x: java.lang.Byte => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Byte])) case x: java.lang.Boolean => JBool(x.asInstanceOf[Boolean]) case x: java.lang.Short => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Short])) case x: Date => JString(formats.dateFormat.format(x)) case x: Symbol => JString(x.name) case _ => error("not a primitive " + a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass) } } } case class MappingException(msg: String, cause: Exception) extends Exception(msg, cause) { def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Meta.scala source code file: |
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