Lift Framework example source code file (JsonAstSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework JsonAstSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package json import org.specs.{ScalaCheck, Specification} import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Prop.{forAll, forAllNoShrink} /** * System under specification for JSON AST. */ object JsonAstSpec extends Specification("JSON AST Specification") with JValueGen with ScalaCheck { "Functor identity" in { val identityProp = (json: JValue) => json == (json map identity) forAll(identityProp) must pass } "Functor composition" in { val compositionProp = (json: JValue, fa: JValue => JValue, fb: JValue => JValue) => json.map(fb).map(fa) == json.map(fa compose fb) forAll(compositionProp) must pass } "Monoid identity" in { val identityProp = (json: JValue) => (json ++ JNothing == json) && (JNothing ++ json == json) forAll(identityProp) must pass } "Monoid associativity" in { val assocProp = (x: JValue, y: JValue, z: JValue) => x ++ (y ++ z) == (x ++ y) ++ z forAll(assocProp) must pass } "Merge identity" in { val identityProp = (json: JValue) => (json merge JNothing) == json && (JNothing merge json) == json forAll(identityProp) must pass } "Merge idempotency" in { val idempotencyProp = (x: JValue) => (x merge x) == x forAll(idempotencyProp) must pass } "Diff identity" in { val identityProp = (json: JValue) => (json diff JNothing) == Diff(JNothing, JNothing, json) && (JNothing diff json) == Diff(JNothing, json, JNothing) forAll(identityProp) must pass } "Diff with self is empty" in { val emptyProp = (x: JValue) => (x diff x) == Diff(JNothing, JNothing, JNothing) forAll(emptyProp) must pass } "Diff is subset of originals" in { val subsetProp = (x: JObject, y: JObject) => { val Diff(c, a, d) = x diff y y == (y merge (c merge a)) } forAll(subsetProp) must pass } "Diff result is same when fields are reordered" in { val reorderProp = (x: JObject) => (x diff reorderFields(x)) == Diff(JNothing, JNothing, JNothing) forAll(reorderProp) must pass } "Remove all" in { val removeAllProp = (x: JValue) => (x remove { _ => true }) == JNothing forAll(removeAllProp) must pass } "Remove nothing" in { val removeNothingProp = (x: JValue) => (x remove { _ => false }) == x forAll(removeNothingProp) must pass } "Remove removes only matching elements (in case of a field, its value is set to JNothing)" in { forAllNoShrink(genJValue, genJValueClass) { (json: JValue, x: Class[_ <: JValue]) => { val removed = json remove typePredicate(x) val Diff(c, a, d) = json diff removed val elemsLeft = removed filter { case JField(_, JNothing) => false case _ => true } c == JNothing && a == JNothing && elemsLeft.forall(_.getClass != x) }} must pass } "Replace one" in { val anyReplacement = (x: JValue, replacement: JObject) => { def findOnePath(jv: JValue, l: List[String]): List[String] = jv match { case JField(name, value) => findOnePath(value, name :: l) case JObject(fl) => fl match { case field :: xs => findOnePath(field, l) case Nil => l } case _ => l } val path = findOnePath(x, Nil).reverse val result = x.replace(path, replacement) def replaced(path: List[String], in: JValue): Boolean = { path match { case Nil => x == in case name :: Nil => (in \ name) match { case `replacement` => true case _ => false } case name :: xs => (in \ name) match { case JNothing => false case value => replaced(xs, value) } } } replaced(path, result) } // ensure that we test some JObject instances val fieldReplacement = (x: JObject, replacement: JObject) => anyReplacement(x, replacement) forAll(fieldReplacement) must pass forAll(anyReplacement) must pass } private def reorderFields(json: JValue) = json map { case JObject(xs) => JObject(xs.reverse) case x => x } private def typePredicate(clazz: Class[_])(json: JValue) = json match { case x if x.getClass == clazz => true case _ => false } implicit def arbJValue: Arbitrary[JValue] = Arbitrary(genJValue) implicit def arbJObject: Arbitrary[JObject] = Arbitrary(genObject) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework JsonAstSpec.scala source code file: |
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