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Lift Framework example source code file (JsonAstSpec.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (JsonAstSpec.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

arbitrary, diff, diff, jfield, jnothing, jnothing, jobject, jobject, jvalue, jvalue, list, nil, remove, specification

The Lift Framework JsonAstSpec.scala source code

 * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package json

import org.specs.{ScalaCheck, Specification}
import org.scalacheck._
import org.scalacheck.Prop.{forAll, forAllNoShrink}

 * System under specification for JSON AST.
object JsonAstSpec extends Specification("JSON AST Specification") with JValueGen with ScalaCheck {
  "Functor identity" in {
    val identityProp = (json: JValue) => json == (json map identity)
    forAll(identityProp) must pass

  "Functor composition" in {
    val compositionProp = (json: JValue, fa: JValue => JValue, fb: JValue => JValue) => == compose fb)

    forAll(compositionProp) must pass

  "Monoid identity" in {
    val identityProp = (json: JValue) => (json ++ JNothing == json) && (JNothing ++ json == json)
    forAll(identityProp) must pass

  "Monoid associativity" in {
    val assocProp = (x: JValue, y: JValue, z: JValue) => x ++ (y ++ z) == (x ++ y) ++ z
    forAll(assocProp) must pass

  "Merge identity" in {
    val identityProp = (json: JValue) => (json merge JNothing) == json && (JNothing merge json) == json
    forAll(identityProp) must pass

  "Merge idempotency" in {
    val idempotencyProp = (x: JValue) => (x merge x) == x
    forAll(idempotencyProp) must pass

  "Diff identity" in {
    val identityProp = (json: JValue) =>
      (json diff JNothing) == Diff(JNothing, JNothing, json) &&
      (JNothing diff json) == Diff(JNothing, json, JNothing)

    forAll(identityProp) must pass

  "Diff with self is empty" in {
    val emptyProp = (x: JValue) => (x diff x) == Diff(JNothing, JNothing, JNothing)
    forAll(emptyProp) must pass

  "Diff is subset of originals" in {
    val subsetProp = (x: JObject, y: JObject) => {
      val Diff(c, a, d) = x diff y
      y == (y merge (c merge a))
    forAll(subsetProp) must pass

  "Diff result is same when fields are reordered" in {
    val reorderProp = (x: JObject) => (x diff reorderFields(x)) == Diff(JNothing, JNothing, JNothing)
    forAll(reorderProp) must pass

  "Remove all" in {
    val removeAllProp = (x: JValue) => (x remove { _ => true }) == JNothing
    forAll(removeAllProp) must pass

  "Remove nothing" in {
    val removeNothingProp = (x: JValue) => (x remove { _ => false }) == x
    forAll(removeNothingProp) must pass

  "Remove removes only matching elements (in case of a field, its value is set to JNothing)" in {
    forAllNoShrink(genJValue, genJValueClass) { (json: JValue, x: Class[_ <: JValue]) => {
      val removed = json remove typePredicate(x)
      val Diff(c, a, d) = json diff removed
      val elemsLeft = removed filter {
        case JField(_, JNothing) => false
        case _ => true
      c == JNothing && a == JNothing && elemsLeft.forall(_.getClass != x)
    }} must pass

  "Replace one" in {
    val anyReplacement = (x: JValue, replacement: JObject) => {
      def findOnePath(jv: JValue, l: List[String]): List[String] = jv match {
        case JField(name, value) => findOnePath(value, name :: l)
        case JObject(fl) => fl match {
          case field :: xs => findOnePath(field, l)
          case Nil => l
        case _ => l

      val path = findOnePath(x, Nil).reverse
      val result = x.replace(path, replacement)

      def replaced(path: List[String], in: JValue): Boolean = {
        path match {
          case Nil => x == in

          case name :: Nil => (in \ name) match {
            case `replacement` => true
            case _ => false

          case name :: xs => (in \ name) match {
            case JNothing => false
            case value => replaced(xs, value)

      replaced(path, result)

    // ensure that we test some JObject instances
    val fieldReplacement = (x: JObject, replacement: JObject) => anyReplacement(x, replacement)

    forAll(fieldReplacement) must pass
    forAll(anyReplacement) must pass

  private def reorderFields(json: JValue) = json map {
    case JObject(xs) => JObject(xs.reverse)
    case x => x

  private def typePredicate(clazz: Class[_])(json: JValue) = json match {
    case x if x.getClass == clazz => true
    case _ => false

  implicit def arbJValue: Arbitrary[JValue] = Arbitrary(genJValue)
  implicit def arbJObject: Arbitrary[JObject] = Arbitrary(genObject)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework JsonAstSpec.scala source code file:

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