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Lift Framework example source code file (SerializationExamples.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (SerializationExamples.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

animal, date, datetime, dog, formats, formats, jobject, jobject, list, list, nil, nil, option, string, util

The Lift Framework SerializationExamples.scala source code

 * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package json

import java.util.Date
import org.specs.Specification

object SerializationExamples extends Specification {
  import Serialization.{read, write => swrite}

  implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints)

  val project = Project("test", new Date, Some(Language("Scala", 2.75)), List(
    Team("QA", List(Employee("John Doe", 5), Employee("Mike", 3))),
    Team("Impl", List(Employee("Mark", 4), Employee("Mary", 5), Employee("Nick Noob", 1)))))

  "Project serialization example" in {
    val ser = swrite(project)
    read[Project](ser) mustEqual project

  case class Project(name: String, startDate: Date, lang: Option[Language], teams: List[Team])
  case class Language(name: String, version: Double)
  case class Team(role: String, members: List[Employee])
  case class Employee(name: String, experience: Int)

  "Null example" in {
    val ser = swrite(Nullable(null))
    read[Nullable](ser) mustEqual Nullable(null)

  case class Nullable(name: String)
  "Lotto serialization example" in {
    import LottoExample.{Lotto, lotto}

    val ser = swrite(lotto)
    read[Lotto](ser) mustEqual lotto

  "Primitive serialization example" in {
    val primitives = Primitives(124, 123L, 126.5, 127.5.floatValue, "128", 's, 125, 129.byteValue, true)
    val ser = swrite(primitives)
    read[Primitives](ser) mustEqual primitives

  "Multidimensional list example" in {
    val ints = Ints(List(List(1, 2), List(3), List(4, 5)))
    val ser = swrite(ints)
    read[Ints](ser) mustEqual ints

  "Map serialization example" in {
    val p = PersonWithAddresses("joe", Map("address1" -> Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki"),
                                           "address2" -> Address("Soho", "London")))
    val ser = swrite(p)
    read[PersonWithAddresses](ser) mustEqual p

  "Recursive type serialization example" in {
    val r1 = Rec(1, Nil)
    val r2 = Rec(2, Nil)
    val r3 = Rec(3, r1 :: r2 :: Nil)

    val ser = swrite(r3)
    read[Rec](ser) mustEqual r3
  "Set serialization example" in {
    val s = SetContainer(Set("foo", "bar"))    
    val ser = swrite(s)
    read[SetContainer](ser) mustEqual s
  "Array serialization example" in {
    val s = ArrayContainer(Array("foo", "bar"))    
    val ser = swrite(s);
    val unser = read[ArrayContainer](ser)    
    s.array.toList mustEqual unser.array.toList
  "Seq serialization example" in {
    val s = SeqContainer(List("foo", "bar"))    
    val ser = swrite(s)
    read[SeqContainer](ser) mustEqual s

  "None Option of tuple serialization example" in {
    // This is a regression test case, failed in lift json
    val s = OptionOfTupleOfDouble(None)    
    val ser = swrite(s)
    read[OptionOfTupleOfDouble](ser) mustEqual s

  "Case class with internal state example" in {
    val m = Members("s", 1)
    val ser = swrite(m)
    ser mustEqual """{"x":"s","y":1}"""
    read[Members](ser) mustEqual m

  "Case class from type constructors example" in {
    val p = ProperType(TypeConstructor(Chicken(10)), (25, Player("joe")))
    val ser = swrite(p)
    read[ProperType](ser) mustEqual p

  case class Ints(x: List[List[Int]])

  case class Rec(n: Int, xs: List[Rec])

  case class Members(x: String, y: Int) {
    val foo1 = "foo"
    lazy val foo2 = "foo"

object ShortTypeHintExamples extends TypeHintExamples {
  implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(ShortTypeHints(classOf[Fish] :: classOf[Dog] :: Nil))

object FullTypeHintExamples extends TypeHintExamples {
  import Serialization.{read, write => swrite}
  implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(FullTypeHints(List[Class[_]](classOf[Animal], classOf[True], classOf[False], classOf[Falcon], classOf[Chicken])))
  "Ambiguous field decomposition example" in {
    val a = Ambiguous(False())
    val ser = swrite(a)    
    read[Ambiguous](ser) mustEqual a
  "Ambiguous parameterized field decomposition example" in {
    val o = AmbiguousP(Chicken(23))
    val ser = swrite(o)    
    read[AmbiguousP](ser) mustEqual o
  "Option of ambiguous field decomposition example" in {
    val o = OptionOfAmbiguous(Some(True()))
    val ser = swrite(o)    
    read[OptionOfAmbiguous](ser) mustEqual o
  "Option of ambiguous parameterized field decomposition example" in {
    val o = OptionOfAmbiguousP(Some(Falcon(200.0)))
    val ser = swrite(o)    
    read[OptionOfAmbiguousP](ser) mustEqual o

object CustomTypeHintFieldNameExample extends TypeHintExamples {
  import Serialization.{read, write => swrite}

  implicit val formats = new Formats {
    val dateFormat = DefaultFormats.lossless.dateFormat
    override val typeHints = ShortTypeHints(classOf[Fish] :: classOf[Dog] :: Nil)
    override val typeHintFieldName = "$type$"

  "Serialized JSON contains configured field name" in {
    val animals = Animals(Dog("pluto") :: Fish(1.2) :: Nil, Dog("pluto"))
    val ser = swrite(animals)
    ser mustEqual """{"animals":[{"$type$":"Dog","name":"pluto"},{"$type$":"Fish","weight":1.2}],"pet":{"$type$":"Dog","name":"pluto"}}"""

trait TypeHintExamples extends Specification {
  import Serialization.{read, write => swrite}

  implicit val formats: Formats

  "Polymorphic List serialization example" in {
    val animals = Animals(Dog("pluto") :: Fish(1.2) :: Dog("devil") :: Nil, Dog("pluto"))
    val ser = swrite(animals)
    read[Animals](ser) mustEqual animals

  "Parameterized type serialization example" in {
    val objs = Objs(Obj(Fish(1.2)) :: Obj(Dog("pluto")) :: Nil)
    val ser = swrite(objs)
    read[Objs](ser) mustEqual objs

  "Tuple serialization example" in {
    val t: (Animal, Animal) = (Fish(1.5), Dog("pluto"))
    val ser = swrite(t)
    read[(Animal, Animal)](ser) mustEqual t

case class Animals(animals: List[Animal], pet: Animal)
trait Animal
case class Dog(name: String) extends Animal
case class Fish(weight: Double) extends Animal

case class Objs(objects: List[Obj[_]])
case class Obj[A](a: A)

object CustomSerializerExamples extends Specification {
  import Serialization.{read, write => swrite}
  import JsonAST._
  import java.util.regex.Pattern

  class IntervalSerializer extends Serializer[Interval] {
    private val IntervalClass = classOf[Interval]

    def deserialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case (TypeInfo(IntervalClass, _), json) => json match {
        case JObject(JField("start", JInt(s)) :: JField("end", JInt(e)) :: Nil) =>
          new Interval(s.longValue, e.longValue)
        case x => throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + x + " to Interval")

    def serialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case x: Interval =>
        JObject(JField("start", JInt(BigInt(x.startTime))) :: 
                JField("end",   JInt(BigInt(x.endTime))) :: Nil)

  class PatternSerializer extends Serializer[Pattern] {
    private val PatternClass = classOf[Pattern]

    def deserialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case (TypeInfo(PatternClass, _), json) => json match {
        case JObject(JField("$pattern", JString(s)) :: Nil) => Pattern.compile(s)
        case x => throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + x + " to Pattern")

    def serialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case x: Pattern => JObject(JField("$pattern", JString(x.pattern)) :: Nil)

  class DateSerializer extends Serializer[Date] {
    private val DateClass = classOf[Date]

    def deserialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case (TypeInfo(DateClass, _), json) => json match {
        case JObject(List(JField("$dt", JString(s)))) =>
          format.dateFormat.parse(s).getOrElse(throw new MappingException("Can't parse "+ s + " to Date"))
        case x => throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + x + " to Date")

    def serialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case x: Date => JObject(JField("$dt", JString(format.dateFormat.format(x))) :: Nil)

  class IndexedSeqSerializer extends Serializer[IndexedSeq[_]] {
    def deserialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case (TypeInfo(clazz, ptype), json) if classOf[IndexedSeq[_]].isAssignableFrom(clazz) => json match {
        case JArray(xs) => 
          val t = ptype.getOrElse(throw new MappingException("parameterized type not known"))
 => Extraction.extract(x, TypeInfo(t.getActualTypeArguments()(0).asInstanceOf[Class[_]], None))).toIndexedSeq
        case x => throw new MappingException("Can't convert " + x + " to IndexedSeq")

    def serialize(implicit format: Formats) = {
      case i: IndexedSeq[_] => JArray(

  implicit val formats =  Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + 
    new IntervalSerializer + new PatternSerializer + new DateSerializer + new IndexedSeqSerializer

  val i = new Interval(1, 4)
  val ser = swrite(i)
  ser mustEqual """{"start":1,"end":4}"""
  val i2 = read[Interval](ser) 
  i2.startTime mustEqual i.startTime
  i2.endTime mustEqual i.endTime

  val p = Pattern.compile("^Curly")
  val pser = swrite(p)
  pser mustEqual """{"$pattern":"^Curly"}"""
  read[Pattern](pser).pattern mustEqual p.pattern

  val d = new Date(0)
  val dser = swrite(d)
  dser mustEqual """{"$dt":"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"}"""
  read[Date](dser) mustEqual d

  val xs = Indexed(Vector("a", "b", "c"))
  val iser = swrite(xs)
  iser mustEqual """{"xs":["a","b","c"]}"""
  read[Indexed](iser).xs.toList mustEqual List("a","b","c") 

case class Indexed(xs: IndexedSeq[String])

class Interval(start: Long, end: Long) {
  val startTime = start
  val endTime = end

object CustomClassWithTypeHintsExamples extends Specification {
  import Serialization.{read, write => swrite}
  import JsonAST._

  val hints = new ShortTypeHints(classOf[DateTime] :: Nil) {
    override def serialize: PartialFunction[Any, JObject] = {
      case t: DateTime => JObject(JField("t", JInt(t.time)) :: Nil)

    override def deserialize: PartialFunction[(String, JObject), Any] = {
      case ("DateTime", JObject(JField("t", JInt(t)) :: Nil)) => new DateTime(t.longValue)
  implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(hints)

  "Custom class serialization using provided serialization and deserialization functions" in {
    val m = Meeting("The place", new DateTime(1256681210802L))
    val ser = swrite(m)
    val m2 = read[Meeting](ser) mustEqual
    m.time.time mustEqual m2.time.time

  "List of custom classes example" in {
    val ts = Times(List(new DateTime(123L), new DateTime(234L)))
    val ser = swrite(ts)
    val ts2 = read[Times](ser)
    ts2.times(0).time mustEqual 123L
    ts2.times(1).time mustEqual 234L
    ts2.times.size mustEqual 2

case class Meeting(place: String, time: DateTime)
class DateTime(val time: Long)

case class Times(times: List[DateTime])

sealed abstract class Bool
case class True() extends Bool
case class False() extends Bool
case class Ambiguous(child: Bool)

trait Bird
case class Falcon(weight: Double) extends Bird
case class Chicken(eggs: Int) extends Bird

case class AmbiguousP(bird: Bird)

case class OptionOfAmbiguous(opt: Option[Bool])

case class OptionOfAmbiguousP(opt: Option[Bird])

case class SetContainer(set: Set[String])

case class ArrayContainer(array: Array[String])

case class SeqContainer(seq: Seq[String])

case class OptionOfTupleOfDouble(position: Option[Tuple2[Double, Double]])

case class Player(name: String)
case class TypeConstructor[A](x: A)
case class ProperType(x: TypeConstructor[Chicken], t: (Int, Player))

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework SerializationExamples.scala source code file:

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