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Lift Framework example source code file (AnyVar.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (AnyVar.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

anyvar, box, cleanupparam, full, k, k, mytype, mytype, string, t, t, unit, unit, v

The Lift Framework AnyVar.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb 
package util 

import Helpers._
import common._

// This object holds string constants in a central place
private[liftweb] object VarConstants {
  val varPrefix = "_lift_sv_"
  val initedSuffix = "_inited_?"
  val lockSuffix="_lock_dude"

trait HasCalcDefaultValue[T] {
  protected def calcDefaultValue: T

trait MemoizeVar[K, V]  {
  protected def coreVar: AnyVar[LRU[K, Box[V]], _]

  protected def buildLRU = new LRU[K, Box[V]](cacheSize)

   * The number of entries that will be memoized
  protected def cacheSize: Int = 200

  def apply(key: K): Box[V] = get(key)

  def apply(key: K, dflt: => V): V = get(key, dflt)

   * Use the MemoizeVar in an extractor
  def unapply(key: K): Option[V] = get(key)

  def get(key: K): Box[V] = coreVar.doSync { match {
      case Full(x) => x
      case _ => {
        val ret = defaultFunction(key), ret)

   * Override this method if there's a default way of calculating
   * this MemoizedVar (for example, a database lookup)
  protected def defaultFunction(key: K): Box[V] = Empty

  def get(key: K, dflt: => V): V = coreVar.doSync {
    get(key) match {
      case Full(v) => v
      case _ =>
        val ret = dflt
        set(key, ret)

  protected def __nameSalt: String = ""

  def set(key: K, value: V): Unit = coreVar.doSync {, Full(value))

  def update(key: K, value: V): Unit = set(key,value)

abstract class AnyVar[T, MyType <: AnyVar[T, MyType]](dflt: => T) extends AnyVarTrait[T, MyType] {
  self: MyType =>

  protected def calcDefaultValue: T = dflt


 * Abstract a request or a session scoped variable.
trait AnyVarTrait[T, MyType <: AnyVarTrait[T, MyType]] extends PSettableValueHolder[T] with HasCalcDefaultValue[T] {
  self: MyType =>
  protected lazy val name = VarConstants.varPrefix+getClass.getName+"_"+__nameSalt
  protected def findFunc(name: String): Box[T]
  protected def setFunc(name: String, value: T): Unit
  protected def clearFunc(name: String): Unit
  protected def wasInitialized(name: String): Boolean

  protected def calcDefaultValue: T

   * A non-side-effecting test if the value was initialized
  protected def testWasSet(name: String): Boolean

  protected def __nameSalt = ""

   * Keep track of whether we're currently setting the default value
  private val settingDefault = new ThreadGlobal[Boolean]

  protected def settingDefault_? : Boolean = openOr false

  type CleanUpParam

   * Different Vars require different mechanisms for synchronization.  This method implements
   * the Var specific synchronization mechanism
  def doSync[F](f: => F): F

   * The current value of the variable
  def is: T = doSync {
    findFunc(name) match {
      case Full(v) => v
      case _ => val ret = calcDefaultValue
      settingDefault.doWith(true) {
        // Use findFunc so that we clear the "unread" flag
        findFunc(name) match {
          case Full(v) => v
          case _ => ret

  private def testInitialized: Unit = doSync {
    if (!wasInitialized(name)) {
      registerCleanupFunc(_onShutdown _)

   * Shadow of the 'is' method
  def get: T = is

   * Shadow of the apply method
  def set(what: T): T = apply(what)

   * Has this Var been set or accessed and had its default value calculated
  def set_? : Boolean = testWasSet(name)

   * Set the Var if it has not been calculated
  def setIsUnset(value: => T): T = doSync {
    if (!set_?) {

   * Set the session variable
   * @param what -- the value to set the session variable to
  def apply(what: T): T = {
    setFunc(name, what)

   * Applies the given function to the contents of this
   * variable and sets the variable to the resulting value.
   * @param f -- the function to apply and set the result from.
  def update(f: T => T): T = {

  def remove(): Unit = clearFunc(name)

  //def cleanupFunc: Box[() => Unit] = Empty

  protected def registerCleanupFunc(in: CleanUpParam => Unit): Unit

  protected final def registerGlobalCleanupFunc(in: CleanUpParam => Unit) {
    cuf ::= in

  private var cuf: List[CleanUpParam => Unit] = Nil

  private def _onShutdown(session: CleanUpParam): Unit = {
    cuf.foreach(f => tryo(f(session)))

  protected def onShutdown(session: CleanUpParam): Unit = {}

  override def toString = is.toString

   * Change the value of the Var for the lifespan of the function
  def doWith[F](newVal: T)(f: => F): F = {
    val old = findFunc(name)
    setFunc(name, newVal)
    try {
    } finally {
      old match {
        case Full(t) => setFunc(name, t)
        case _ => clearFunc(name)

abstract class NonCleanAnyVar[T](dflt: => T) extends AnyVar[T, NonCleanAnyVar[T]](dflt) {
  type CleanUpParam = Unit
  override protected def registerCleanupFunc(in: Unit => Unit): Unit = {}

object AnyVar {
  implicit def whatVarIs[T](in: AnyVar[T, _]): T =

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework AnyVar.scala source code file:

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