Lift Framework example source code file (AnyVar.scala)
The Lift Framework AnyVar.scala source code/* * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package util import Helpers._ import common._ // This object holds string constants in a central place private[liftweb] object VarConstants { val varPrefix = "_lift_sv_" val initedSuffix = "_inited_?" val lockSuffix="_lock_dude" } trait HasCalcDefaultValue[T] { protected def calcDefaultValue: T } trait MemoizeVar[K, V] { protected def coreVar: AnyVar[LRU[K, Box[V]], _] protected def buildLRU = new LRU[K, Box[V]](cacheSize) /** * The number of entries that will be memoized */ protected def cacheSize: Int = 200 def apply(key: K): Box[V] = get(key) def apply(key: K, dflt: => V): V = get(key, dflt) /** * Use the MemoizeVar in an extractor */ def unapply(key: K): Option[V] = get(key) def get(key: K): Box[V] = coreVar.doSync { coreVar.is.get(key) match { case Full(x) => x case _ => { val ret = defaultFunction(key) coreVar.is.update(key, ret) ret } } } /** * Override this method if there's a default way of calculating * this MemoizedVar (for example, a database lookup) */ protected def defaultFunction(key: K): Box[V] = Empty def get(key: K, dflt: => V): V = coreVar.doSync { get(key) match { case Full(v) => v case _ => val ret = dflt set(key, ret) ret } } protected def __nameSalt: String = "" def set(key: K, value: V): Unit = coreVar.doSync { coreVar.is.update(key, Full(value)) } def update(key: K, value: V): Unit = set(key,value) } abstract class AnyVar[T, MyType <: AnyVar[T, MyType]](dflt: => T) extends AnyVarTrait[T, MyType] { self: MyType => protected def calcDefaultValue: T = dflt } /** * Abstract a request or a session scoped variable. */ trait AnyVarTrait[T, MyType <: AnyVarTrait[T, MyType]] extends PSettableValueHolder[T] with HasCalcDefaultValue[T] { self: MyType => protected lazy val name = VarConstants.varPrefix+getClass.getName+"_"+__nameSalt protected def findFunc(name: String): Box[T] protected def setFunc(name: String, value: T): Unit protected def clearFunc(name: String): Unit protected def wasInitialized(name: String): Boolean protected def calcDefaultValue: T /** * A non-side-effecting test if the value was initialized */ protected def testWasSet(name: String): Boolean protected def __nameSalt = "" /** * Keep track of whether we're currently setting the default value */ private val settingDefault = new ThreadGlobal[Boolean] protected def settingDefault_? : Boolean = settingDefault.box openOr false type CleanUpParam /** * Different Vars require different mechanisms for synchronization. This method implements * the Var specific synchronization mechanism */ def doSync[F](f: => F): F /** * The current value of the variable */ def is: T = doSync { findFunc(name) match { case Full(v) => v case _ => val ret = calcDefaultValue testInitialized settingDefault.doWith(true) { apply(ret) } // Use findFunc so that we clear the "unread" flag findFunc(name) match { case Full(v) => v case _ => ret } } } private def testInitialized: Unit = doSync { if (!wasInitialized(name)) { registerCleanupFunc(_onShutdown _) } } /** * Shadow of the 'is' method */ def get: T = is /** * Shadow of the apply method */ def set(what: T): T = apply(what) /** * Has this Var been set or accessed and had its default value calculated */ def set_? : Boolean = testWasSet(name) /** * Set the Var if it has not been calculated */ def setIsUnset(value: => T): T = doSync { if (!set_?) { set(value) } this.is } /** * Set the session variable * * @param what -- the value to set the session variable to */ def apply(what: T): T = { testInitialized setFunc(name, what) what } /** * Applies the given function to the contents of this * variable and sets the variable to the resulting value. * * @param f -- the function to apply and set the result from. */ def update(f: T => T): T = { apply(f(is)) is } def remove(): Unit = clearFunc(name) //def cleanupFunc: Box[() => Unit] = Empty protected def registerCleanupFunc(in: CleanUpParam => Unit): Unit protected final def registerGlobalCleanupFunc(in: CleanUpParam => Unit) { cuf ::= in } private var cuf: List[CleanUpParam => Unit] = Nil private def _onShutdown(session: CleanUpParam): Unit = { cuf.foreach(f => tryo(f(session))) onShutdown(session) } protected def onShutdown(session: CleanUpParam): Unit = {} override def toString = is.toString /** * Change the value of the Var for the lifespan of the function */ def doWith[F](newVal: T)(f: => F): F = { val old = findFunc(name) setFunc(name, newVal) try { f } finally { old match { case Full(t) => setFunc(name, t) case _ => clearFunc(name) } } } } abstract class NonCleanAnyVar[T](dflt: => T) extends AnyVar[T, NonCleanAnyVar[T]](dflt) { type CleanUpParam = Unit override protected def registerCleanupFunc(in: Unit => Unit): Unit = {} } object AnyVar { implicit def whatVarIs[T](in: AnyVar[T, _]): T = in.is } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework AnyVar.scala source code file: |
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