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Lift Framework example source code file (ClassHelpers.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (ClassHelpers.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

anyref, array, box, box, class, class, classhelpers, empty, failure, full, list, list, reflection, string, string

The Lift Framework ClassHelpers.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb 
package util 

import java.lang.reflect.{Method, InvocationTargetException}
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier._
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import common._

object ClassHelpers extends ClassHelpers with ControlHelpers

 * ClassHelpers provide several functions to instantiate a Class object given the class name and one or more package names
trait ClassHelpers { self: ControlHelpers =>

  private val nameModifiers = List[String => String](StringHelpers.camelify _, n => n)

   * This operator transforms its arguments into a List
   * @return the list of arguments passed as varargs
  def ^ [T](i: T*): List[T] = i.toList

   * General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages,
   * a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for
   * (e.g: 'name' is hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld').
   * @parameter name name of the class to find
   * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class
   * @parameter modifiers list of functions that modify the 'name' of the class (e.g., leave it alone, make it camel case, etc.)
   * @parameter targetType optional expected type which the retrieved class should conform to
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findClass[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[Function1[String, String]], targetType: Class[C]): Box[Class[C]] =
  (for (
      place <- where.view;
      mod <- modifiers.view;
      val fullName = place + "." + mod(name);
      val ignore = List(classOf[ClassNotFoundException], classOf[ClassCastException], classOf[NoClassDefFoundError]);
      klass <- tryo(ignore)(Class.forName(fullName).asSubclass(targetType).asInstanceOf[Class[C]])
    ) yield klass).headOption

   * General method to in find a class according to its type, its name, a list of possible
   * packages and a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for
   * (e.g: 'name' is hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld').
   * @parameter C type of the class to find
   * @parameter name name of the class to find
   * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class
   * @parameter modifiers list of functions that modify the 'name' of the class (e.g., leave it alone, make it camel case, etc.)
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findType[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[String => String])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]] =
  findClass(name, where, modifiers, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[C]])

   * General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages and a
   * list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.g: 'name' is
   * hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld').
   * @parameter name name of the class to find
   * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class
   * @parameter modifiers list of functions that modify the 'name' of the class (e.g., leave it alone, make it camel case, etc.)
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findClass(name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[String => String]): Box[Class[AnyRef]] =
  findType[AnyRef](name, where, modifiers)

   * Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to
   * CamelCase if necessary.
   * @parameter name name of the class to find
   * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class
   * @parameter targetType optional expected type which the retrieved class should conform to
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findClass[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], targetType: Class[C]): Box[Class[C]] =
  findClass(name, where, nameModifiers, targetType)

   * Find a class given its type, its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to
   * CamelCase if necessary.
   * @parameter C type of the class to find
   * @parameter name name of the class to find
   * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findType[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]] =
  findType[C](name, where, nameModifiers)

   * Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if
   * necessary.
   * @parameter name name of the class to find
   * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findClass(name: String, where: List[String]): Box[Class[AnyRef]] =
  findClass(name, where, nameModifiers)

   * Find a class given its type, a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning
   * underscored names to CamelCase if necessary
   * @parameter C type of the class to find
   * @parameter where list of pairs (name, package names) which may contain the class
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findType[C <: AnyRef](where: List[(String, List[String])])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]] =
  (for (
      (name, packages) <- where;
      klass <- findType[C](name, packages)
    ) yield klass).headOption

   * Find a class given a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning underscored
   * names to CamelCase if necessary
   * @parameter where list of pairs (name, package names) which may contain the class
   * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can.
  def findClass(where: List[(String, List[String])]): Box[Class[AnyRef]] =

  @deprecated("Use StringHelpers.camelify") def camelCase(name : String): String = StringHelpers.camelify(name)
  @deprecated("Use StringHelpers.camelifyMethod") def camelCaseMethod(name: String): String = StringHelpers.camelifyMethod(name)
  @deprecated("Use StringHelpers.snakify") def unCamelCase(name : String) = StringHelpers.snakify(name)

   * @return true if the method is public and has no parameters
  def callableMethod_?(meth: Method) = {
    meth != null && meth.getParameterTypes.length == 0 && isPublic(meth.getModifiers)

   * Is the clz an instance of (assignable from) any of the classes in the list
   * @param clz the class to test
   * @param toMatch the list of classes to match against
   * @return true if clz is assignable from any of the matching classes
  def containsClass[C](clz: Class[C], toMatch: List[Class[_]]): Boolean =
  if (toMatch eq null) false
  else toMatch.exists(_.isAssignableFrom(clz))

   * Check that the method 'name' is callable for class 'clz'
   * @param clz the class supposed to own the method
   * @param name name of the method to test
   * @return true if the method exists on the class and is callable
  def classHasControllerMethod(clz: Class[_], name: String): Boolean = {
    tryo {
      clz match {
        case null => false
        case _ => callableMethod_?(clz.getDeclaredMethod(name))
    } openOr false

   * Invoke a controller method (parameterless, public) on a class
   * @param clz the class owning the method
   * @param name name of the method to invoke
   * @return the result of the method invocation or throws the root exception causing an error
  def invokeControllerMethod(clz: Class[_], meth: String) = {
    try {
    } catch {
      case c : InvocationTargetException => {
          def findRoot(e : Throwable) { if (e.getCause == null || e.getCause == e) throw e else findRoot(e.getCause) }

   * Invoke the given method for the given class, with no params.
   * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used
   * @param clz class whose method should be invoked
   * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static
   * @param meth method to invoke
   * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method
  def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String): Box[Any] = invokeMethod(clz, inst, meth, Nil.toArray)

   * Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters.
   * Tries the method name, then the method as a CamelCased name and the method as a camelCased name
   * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used
   * @param clz class whose method should be invoked
   * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static
   * @param meth method to invoke
   * @param params parameters to pass to the method
   * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method
  def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef]): Box[Any] = {
    _invokeMethod(clz, inst, meth, params, Empty) or
    _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelify(meth), params, Empty) or
    _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelifyMethod(meth), params, Empty)

   * Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters and their types
   * Tries the method name, then the method as a CamelCased name and the method as a camelCased name
   * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used
   * @param clz class whose method should be invoked
   * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static
   * @param meth method to invoke
   * @param params parameters to pass to the method
   * @param ptypes list of types of the parameters
   * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method
  def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef], ptypes: Array[Class[_]]): Box[Any] = {
    _invokeMethod(clz, inst, meth, params, Full(ptypes)) or
    _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelify(meth), params, Full(ptypes)) or
    _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelifyMethod(meth), params, Full(ptypes))

   * Invoke the given method for the given class, with the given params.
   * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used
   * @param clz class whose method should be invoked
   * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static
   * @param meth method to invoke
   * @param params parameters to pass to the method
   * @param ptypes list of types of the parameters
   * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method
  private def _invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef], ptypes: Box[Array[Class[_]]]): Box[Any] = {
    // try to find a method matching the given parameters
    def possibleMethods: List[Method] = {
       * try to find a method with the same name and the same number of arguments. Doesn't check the types.
       * The reason is that it's hard to know for the programmer what is the class name of a given object/class, because scala
       * add some extra $ for ex.
      def alternateMethods: List[Method] = clz.getDeclaredMethods.toList.filter( m => m.getName.equals(meth) &&
                                                                                isPublic(m.getModifiers) &&
                                                                                m.getParameterTypes.length == params.length) {
        def key = (clz.getName, meth, params.length)
        if (Props.productionMode && methodCache.contains(key)) {
        } else {

          val ret = try {
            val classes: Array[Class[_]] = ptypes openOr
            List(clz.getMethod(meth, classes : _*))
          } catch {
            case e: NullPointerException => Nil
            case e: NoSuchMethodException => alternateMethods
          if (Props.productionMode) {
            methCacheLock.upgrade(methodCache(key) = ret)
     def findFirst[T, U](l: List[T], f: T => U, predicate: U => Boolean): Box[U] = {
     l match {
     case Nil => Empty
     case x :: xs => {
     val result = f(x)
     if (predicate(result)) Full(result) else findFirst(xs, f, predicate)
    possibleMethods.iterator.filter(m => inst != null || isStatic(m.getModifiers)).
    map((m: Method) => tryo{m.invoke(inst, params : _*)}).
    find((x: Box[Any]) => x match {
        case result@Full(_) => true
        case Failure(_, Full(c: IllegalAccessException), _) => false
        case Failure(_, Full(c: IllegalArgumentException), _) => false
        case Failure(_, Full(c), _) => if (c.getCause != null) throw c.getCause else throw c
        case _ => false
      }) match {
      case Some(result@Full(_)) => result
      case _ => Failure("invokeMethod " + meth, Empty, Empty)

  private val methCacheLock = new ConcurrentLock
  private val methodCache: LRU[(String, String, Int), List[Method]] = new LRU(5000)

   * Create a new instance of a class
   * @return a Full can with the instance or a Failure if the instance can't be created
  def instantiate[C](clz: Class[C]): Box[C] = tryo { clz.newInstance }

   * Create a function (the 'invoker') which will trigger any public, parameterless method
   * That function will throw the cause exception if the method can't be invoked
   * @param clz class whose method should be invoked
   * @param on instance whose method must be invoked
   * @return Empty if instance is null or Full(invoker)
  def createInvoker[C <: AnyRef](name: String, on: C): Box[() => Box[Any]] = {
    def controllerMethods(instance: C) = instance.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.filter { m =>
      m.getName == name && isPublic(m.getModifiers) && m.getParameterTypes.isEmpty
    on match {
      case null => Empty
      case instance => {
          controllerMethods(instance).toList match {
            case Nil => Empty
            case x :: xs => Full(() => {
                  try {
                  } catch {
                    case e : InvocationTargetException => throw e.getCause

  def classHierarchy(in: Class[_]): List[Class[_]] = {
    import scala.collection.mutable._
    val ret: ListBuffer[Class[_]] = new ListBuffer
    var c: Class[_] = in
    ret += c
    while (c.getSuperclass != null) {
      val sc = c.getSuperclass
      ret += sc
      c = sc


Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

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