Lift Framework example source code file (ClassHelpers.scala)
The Lift Framework ClassHelpers.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package util import java.lang.reflect.{Method, InvocationTargetException} import java.lang.reflect.Modifier._ import scala.reflect.Manifest import common._ object ClassHelpers extends ClassHelpers with ControlHelpers /** * ClassHelpers provide several functions to instantiate a Class object given the class name and one or more package names */ trait ClassHelpers { self: ControlHelpers => private val nameModifiers = List[String => String](StringHelpers.camelify _, n => n) /** * This operator transforms its arguments into a List * @return the list of arguments passed as varargs */ def ^ [T](i: T*): List[T] = i.toList /** * General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages, * a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for * (e.g: 'name' is hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld'). * * @parameter name name of the class to find * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class * @parameter modifiers list of functions that modify the 'name' of the class (e.g., leave it alone, make it camel case, etc.) * @parameter targetType optional expected type which the retrieved class should conform to * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findClass[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[Function1[String, String]], targetType: Class[C]): Box[Class[C]] = (for ( place <- where.view; mod <- modifiers.view; val fullName = place + "." + mod(name); val ignore = List(classOf[ClassNotFoundException], classOf[ClassCastException], classOf[NoClassDefFoundError]); klass <- tryo(ignore)(Class.forName(fullName).asSubclass(targetType).asInstanceOf[Class[C]]) ) yield klass).headOption /** * General method to in find a class according to its type, its name, a list of possible * packages and a list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for * (e.g: 'name' is hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld'). * * @parameter C type of the class to find * @parameter name name of the class to find * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class * @parameter modifiers list of functions that modify the 'name' of the class (e.g., leave it alone, make it camel case, etc.) * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findType[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[String => String])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]] = findClass(name, where, modifiers, m.erasure.asInstanceOf[Class[C]]) /** * General method to in find a class according to its name, a list of possible packages and a * list of functions modifying the given name create a target name to look for (e.g: 'name' is * hello_world and the target name may be 'HelloWorld'). * * @parameter name name of the class to find * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class * @parameter modifiers list of functions that modify the 'name' of the class (e.g., leave it alone, make it camel case, etc.) * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findClass(name: String, where: List[String], modifiers: List[String => String]): Box[Class[AnyRef]] = findType[AnyRef](name, where, modifiers) /** * Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to * CamelCase if necessary. * * @parameter name name of the class to find * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class * @parameter targetType optional expected type which the retrieved class should conform to * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findClass[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String], targetType: Class[C]): Box[Class[C]] = findClass(name, where, nameModifiers, targetType) /** * Find a class given its type, its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to * CamelCase if necessary. * * @parameter C type of the class to find * @parameter name name of the class to find * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findType[C <: AnyRef](name: String, where: List[String])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]] = findType[C](name, where, nameModifiers) /** * Find a class given its name and a list of packages, turning underscored names to CamelCase if * necessary. * * @parameter name name of the class to find * @parameter where list of package names which may contain the class * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findClass(name: String, where: List[String]): Box[Class[AnyRef]] = findClass(name, where, nameModifiers) /** * Find a class given its type, a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning * underscored names to CamelCase if necessary * * @parameter C type of the class to find * @parameter where list of pairs (name, package names) which may contain the class * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findType[C <: AnyRef](where: List[(String, List[String])])(implicit m: Manifest[C]): Box[Class[C]] = (for ( (name, packages) <- where; klass <- findType[C](name, packages) ) yield klass).headOption /** * Find a class given a list of possible names and corresponding packages, turning underscored * names to CamelCase if necessary * * @parameter where list of pairs (name, package names) which may contain the class * * @return a Box, either containing the found class or an Empty can. */ def findClass(where: List[(String, List[String])]): Box[Class[AnyRef]] = findType[AnyRef](where) @deprecated("Use StringHelpers.camelify") def camelCase(name : String): String = StringHelpers.camelify(name) @deprecated("Use StringHelpers.camelifyMethod") def camelCaseMethod(name: String): String = StringHelpers.camelifyMethod(name) @deprecated("Use StringHelpers.snakify") def unCamelCase(name : String) = StringHelpers.snakify(name) /** * @return true if the method is public and has no parameters */ def callableMethod_?(meth: Method) = { meth != null && meth.getParameterTypes.length == 0 && isPublic(meth.getModifiers) } /** * Is the clz an instance of (assignable from) any of the classes in the list * * @param clz the class to test * @param toMatch the list of classes to match against * * @return true if clz is assignable from any of the matching classes */ def containsClass[C](clz: Class[C], toMatch: List[Class[_]]): Boolean = if (toMatch eq null) false else toMatch.exists(_.isAssignableFrom(clz)) /** * Check that the method 'name' is callable for class 'clz' * * @param clz the class supposed to own the method * @param name name of the method to test * * @return true if the method exists on the class and is callable */ def classHasControllerMethod(clz: Class[_], name: String): Boolean = { tryo { clz match { case null => false case _ => callableMethod_?(clz.getDeclaredMethod(name)) } } openOr false } /** * Invoke a controller method (parameterless, public) on a class * * @param clz the class owning the method * @param name name of the method to invoke * * @return the result of the method invocation or throws the root exception causing an error */ def invokeControllerMethod(clz: Class[_], meth: String) = { try { clz.getMethod(meth).invoke(clz.newInstance) } catch { case c : InvocationTargetException => { def findRoot(e : Throwable) { if (e.getCause == null || e.getCause == e) throw e else findRoot(e.getCause) } findRoot(c) } } } /** * Invoke the given method for the given class, with no params. * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used * * @param clz class whose method should be invoked * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static * @param meth method to invoke * * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method */ def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String): Box[Any] = invokeMethod(clz, inst, meth, Nil.toArray) /** * Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters. * Tries the method name, then the method as a CamelCased name and the method as a camelCased name * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used * * @param clz class whose method should be invoked * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static * @param meth method to invoke * @param params parameters to pass to the method * * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method */ def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef]): Box[Any] = { _invokeMethod(clz, inst, meth, params, Empty) or _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelify(meth), params, Empty) or _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelifyMethod(meth), params, Empty) } /** * Invoke the given method for the given class, with some parameters and their types * Tries the method name, then the method as a CamelCased name and the method as a camelCased name * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used * * @param clz class whose method should be invoked * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static * @param meth method to invoke * @param params parameters to pass to the method * @param ptypes list of types of the parameters * * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method */ def invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef], ptypes: Array[Class[_]]): Box[Any] = { _invokeMethod(clz, inst, meth, params, Full(ptypes)) or _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelify(meth), params, Full(ptypes)) or _invokeMethod(clz, inst, StringHelpers.camelifyMethod(meth), params, Full(ptypes)) } /** * Invoke the given method for the given class, with the given params. * The class is not instanciated if the method is static, otherwise the passed instance is used * * @param clz class whose method should be invoked * @param inst instance of the class who method should be invoked, if the method is not static * @param meth method to invoke * @param params parameters to pass to the method * @param ptypes list of types of the parameters * * @return a Box containing the value returned by the method */ private def _invokeMethod[C](clz: Class[C], inst: AnyRef, meth: String, params: Array[AnyRef], ptypes: Box[Array[Class[_]]]): Box[Any] = { // try to find a method matching the given parameters def possibleMethods: List[Method] = { /* * try to find a method with the same name and the same number of arguments. Doesn't check the types. * The reason is that it's hard to know for the programmer what is the class name of a given object/class, because scala * add some extra $ for ex. */ def alternateMethods: List[Method] = clz.getDeclaredMethods.toList.filter( m => m.getName.equals(meth) && isPublic(m.getModifiers) && m.getParameterTypes.length == params.length) methCacheLock.read { def key = (clz.getName, meth, params.length) if (Props.productionMode && methodCache.contains(key)) { methodCache(key) } else { val ret = try { val classes: Array[Class[_]] = ptypes openOr params.map(_.getClass) List(clz.getMethod(meth, classes : _*)) } catch { case e: NullPointerException => Nil case e: NoSuchMethodException => alternateMethods } if (Props.productionMode) { methCacheLock.upgrade(methodCache(key) = ret) } ret } } } /* def findFirst[T, U](l: List[T], f: T => U, predicate: U => Boolean): Box[U] = { l match { case Nil => Empty case x :: xs => { val result = f(x) if (predicate(result)) Full(result) else findFirst(xs, f, predicate) } } } */ possibleMethods.iterator.filter(m => inst != null || isStatic(m.getModifiers)). map((m: Method) => tryo{m.invoke(inst, params : _*)}). find((x: Box[Any]) => x match { case result@Full(_) => true case Failure(_, Full(c: IllegalAccessException), _) => false case Failure(_, Full(c: IllegalArgumentException), _) => false case Failure(_, Full(c), _) => if (c.getCause != null) throw c.getCause else throw c case _ => false }) match { case Some(result@Full(_)) => result case _ => Failure("invokeMethod " + meth, Empty, Empty) } } private val methCacheLock = new ConcurrentLock private val methodCache: LRU[(String, String, Int), List[Method]] = new LRU(5000) /** * Create a new instance of a class * * @return a Full can with the instance or a Failure if the instance can't be created */ def instantiate[C](clz: Class[C]): Box[C] = tryo { clz.newInstance } /** * Create a function (the 'invoker') which will trigger any public, parameterless method * That function will throw the cause exception if the method can't be invoked * * @param clz class whose method should be invoked * @param on instance whose method must be invoked * * @return Empty if instance is null or Full(invoker) */ def createInvoker[C <: AnyRef](name: String, on: C): Box[() => Box[Any]] = { def controllerMethods(instance: C) = instance.getClass.getDeclaredMethods.filter { m => m.getName == name && isPublic(m.getModifiers) && m.getParameterTypes.isEmpty } on match { case null => Empty case instance => { controllerMethods(instance).toList match { case Nil => Empty case x :: xs => Full(() => { try { Full(x.invoke(instance)) } catch { case e : InvocationTargetException => throw e.getCause } } ) } } } } def classHierarchy(in: Class[_]): List[Class[_]] = { import scala.collection.mutable._ val ret: ListBuffer[Class[_]] = new ListBuffer var c: Class[_] = in ret += c while (c.getSuperclass != null) { val sc = c.getSuperclass ret += sc c = sc } ret.toList } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework ClassHelpers.scala source code file: |
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