Lift Framework example source code file (TimeHelpers.scala)
The Lift Framework TimeHelpers.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package util import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.{TimeZone, Calendar, Date, Locale} import common._ import org.joda.time.{DateTime, Duration, Period, PeriodType} /** * The TimeHelpers object extends the TimeHelpers. It can be imported to access all of the trait functions. */ object TimeHelpers extends TimeHelpers with ControlHelpers with ClassHelpers /** * The TimeHelpers trait provide functions to create TimeSpans (an object representing an amount of time), to manage date formats * or general utility functions (get the date for today, get year/month/day number,...) */ trait TimeHelpers { self: ControlHelpers => // Logger must be lazy, since we cannot instantiate until after boot is complete private lazy val logger = Logger(classOf[TimeHelpers]) /** private variable allowing the access to all TimeHelpers functions from inside the TimeSpan class */ private val outer = this /** transforms a long to a TimeSpanBuilder object. Usage: 3L.seconds returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis */ implicit def longToTimeSpanBuilder(in: Long): TimeSpanBuilder = TimeSpanBuilder(in) /** transforms an int to a TimeSpanBuilder object. Usage: 3.seconds returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis */ implicit def intToTimeSpanBuilder(in: Int): TimeSpanBuilder = TimeSpanBuilder(in) /** transforms a long to a TimeSpan object. Usage: 3000L returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis */ implicit def longToTimeSpan(in: Long): TimeSpan = TimeSpan(in) /** transforms an int to a TimeSpan object. Usage: 3000 returns a TimeSpan of 3000L millis */ implicit def intToTimeSpan(in: Int): TimeSpan = TimeSpan(in) private implicit def durToPeriod(dur: Duration): Period = dur.toPeriod(PeriodType.standard()) /** class building TimeSpans given an amount (len) and a method specify the time unit */ case class TimeSpanBuilder(val len: Long) { def seconds = new TimeSpan(Right((new Period).plusSeconds(len.toInt))) def second = seconds def minutes = new TimeSpan(Right((new Period).plusMinutes(len.toInt))) def minute = minutes def hours = new TimeSpan(Right(Duration.standardHours(len): Period)) def hour = hours def days = new TimeSpan(Right(Duration.standardDays(len): Period)) def day = days def weeks = new TimeSpan(Right(Duration.standardDays(len * 7L): Period)) def week = weeks def months = new TimeSpan(Right((new Period().plusMonths(len.toInt)))) def month = months def years = new TimeSpan(Right((new Period().plusYears(len.toInt)))) def year = years } /* /** * transforms a TimeSpan to a date by converting the TimeSpan expressed as millis and creating * a Date lasting that number of millis from the Epoch time (see the documentation for java.util.Date) */ implicit def timeSpanToDate(in: TimeSpan): Date = in.date /** transforms a TimeSpan to its long value as millis */ implicit def timeSpanToLong(in: TimeSpan): Long = in.millis */ /** * The TimeSpan class represents an amount of time. * It can be translated to a date with the date method. In that case, the number of millis seconds will be used to create a Date * object starting from the Epoch time (see the documentation for java.util.Date) */ class TimeSpan(private val dt: Either[DateTime, Period]) extends ConvertableToDate { /** @return a Date as the amount of time represented by the TimeSpan after the Epoch date */ def this(ms: Long) = this(if (ms < 52L * 7L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) Right(new Period(ms)) else Left(new DateTime(ms))) def date: Date = dt match { case Left(datetime) => new Date(datetime.getMillis()) case _ => new Date(millis) } /** * Convert to a Date */ def toDate: Date = date /** * Convert to a JodaTime DateTime */ def toDateTime = dt match { case Left(datetime) => datetime case _ => new DateTime(millis) } def toMillis = millis def millis = dt match { case Left(datetime) => datetime.getMillis() case Right(duration) => duration.toStandardDuration.getMillis() } /** @return a Date as the amount of time represented by the TimeSpan after now */ def later: TimeSpan = dt match { case Right(duration) => new TimeSpan(Left(new DateTime(outer.millis).plus(duration))) case _ => TimeSpan(millis + outer.millis) } /** @return a Date as the amount of time represented by the TimeSpan before now */ def ago: TimeSpan = dt match { case Right(duration) => new TimeSpan(Left(new DateTime(outer.millis).minus(duration))) case _ => TimeSpan(outer.millis - millis) } def noTime: Date = new DateExtension(this).noTime /** @return a TimeSpan representing the addition of 2 TimeSpans */ def +[B](in: B)(implicit f: B => TimeSpan): TimeSpan = (this.dt, f(in).dt) match { case (Right(p1), Right(p2)) => p1.plus(p2) case (Left(date), Right(duration)) => date.plus(duration) case (Right(duration), Left(date)) => date.plus(duration) case _ => TimeSpan(this.millis + f(in).millis) } /** @return a TimeSpan representing the addition of 2 TimeSpans */ def plus[B](in: B)(implicit f: B => TimeSpan): TimeSpan = this.+(in)(f) /** @return a TimeSpan representing the substraction of 2 TimeSpans */ def -[B](in: B)(implicit f: B => TimeSpan): TimeSpan = (this.dt, f(in).dt) match { case (Right(p1), Right(p2)) => p1.minus(p2) case (Left(date), Right(duration)) => date.minus(duration) case (Right(duration), Left(date)) => date.minus(duration) case _ => TimeSpan(this.millis - f(in).millis) } /** override the equals method so that TimeSpans can be compared to long, int and TimeSpan */ override def equals(cmp: Any) = { cmp match { case lo: Long => lo == this.millis case i: Int => i == this.millis case ti: TimeSpan => ti.dt == this.dt case d: Date => d.getTime() == this.millis case dt: DateTime => Left(dt) == this.dt case dur: Duration => Right(dur: Period) == this.dt case dur: Period => Right(dur) == this.dt case _ => false } } /** override the toString method to display a readable amount of time */ override def toString = dt match { case Left(date) => date.toString case Right(dur) => TimeSpan.format(millis) } } /** * The TimeSpan object provides class represents an amount of time. * It can be translated to a date with the date method. In that case, the number of millis seconds will be used to create a Date * object starting from the Epoch time (see the documentation for java.util.Date) */ object TimeSpan { /** time units and values used when converting a total number of millis to those units (see the format function) */ val scales = List((1000L, "milli"), (60L, "second"), (60L, "minute"), (24L, "hour"), (7L, "day"), (10000L, "week")) /** explicit constructor for a TimeSpan */ def apply(in: Long) = new TimeSpan(in) /** * Formats a number of millis to a string representing the number of weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis */ def format(millis: Long): String = { def divideInUnits(millis: Long) = scales.foldLeft[(Long, List[(Long, String)])]((millis, Nil)){ (total, div) => (total._1 / div._1, (total._1 % div._1, div._2) :: total._2) }._2 def formatAmount(amountUnit: (Long, String)) = amountUnit match { case (amount, unit) if (amount == 1) => amount + " " + unit case (amount, unit) => amount + " " + unit + "s" } divideInUnits(millis).filter(_._1 > 0).map(formatAmount(_)).mkString(", ") } /** * Convert a Date to a TimeSpan */ implicit def dateToTS(in: Date): TimeSpan = new TimeSpan(Left(new DateTime(in.getTime))) /** * Convert a DateTime to a TimeSpan */ implicit def dateTimeToTS(in: DateTime): TimeSpan = new TimeSpan(Left(in)) /** * Convert a Duration to a TimeSpan */ implicit def durationToTS(in: Duration): TimeSpan = new TimeSpan(Right(in: Period)) /** * Convert a Period to a TimeSpan */ implicit def periodToTS(in: Period): TimeSpan = new TimeSpan(Right(in)) } /** @return the current System.nanoTime() */ def nano = System.nanoTime() /** @return the current number of millis: System.currentTimeMillis */ def millis = System.currentTimeMillis /** @return the number of millis corresponding to 'in' seconds */ def seconds(in: Long): Long = in * 1000L /** @return the number of millis corresponding to 'in' minutes */ def minutes(in: Long): Long = seconds(in) * 60L /** @return the number of millis corresponding to 'in' hours */ def hours(in: Long): Long = minutes(in) * 60L /** @return the number of millis corresponding to 'in' days */ def days(in: Long): Long = hours(in) * 24L /** @return the number of millis corresponding to 'in' weeks */ def weeks(in: Long): Long = days(in) * 7L /** implicit def used to add the noTime method to the Date class */ implicit def toDateExtension(d: Date) = new DateExtension(d) /** This class adds a noTime method the Date class, in order to get at Date object starting at 00:00 */ class DateExtension(date: Date) { /** @returns a Date object starting at 00:00 from date */ def noTime = { val calendar = Calendar.getInstance calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0) calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0) calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0) calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0) calendar.getTime } } /** implicit def used to add the setXXX methods to the Calendar class */ implicit def toCalendarExtension(c: Calendar) = new CalendarExtension(c) /** This class adds the setXXX methods to the Calendar class. Each setter returns the updated Calendar */ class CalendarExtension(c: Calendar) { /** set the day of the month (1 based) and return the calendar */ def setDay(d: Int) = { c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, d); c } /** set the month (0 based) and return the calendar */ def setMonth(m: Int) = { c.set(Calendar.MONTH, m); c } /** set the year and return the calendar */ def setYear(y: Int) = { c.set(Calendar.YEAR, y); c } /** set the TimeZone and return the calendar */ def setTimezone(tz: TimeZone) = { c.setTimeZone(tz); c } /** set the time to 00:00:00.000 and return the calendar */ def noTime = { c.setTime(c.getTime.noTime); c } } /** @return the date object for now */ def now = new Date /** @return the Calendar object for today (the TimeZone is the local TimeZone). Its time is 00:00:00.000 */ def today = Calendar.getInstance.noTime /** @return the current year */ def currentYear: Int = Calendar.getInstance.get(Calendar.YEAR) /** * @deprecated use now instead * @return the current time as a Date object */ def timeNow = new Date /** * @deprecated use today instead * @return the current Day as a Date object */ def dayNow: Date = 0.seconds.later.noTime /** alias for new Date(millis) */ def time(when: Long) = new Date(when) /** @return the month corresponding to today (0 based, relative to UTC) */ def month(in: Date): Int = { val cal = Calendar.getInstance(utc) cal.setTimeInMillis(in.getTime) cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) } /** @return the year corresponding to today (relative to UTC) */ def year(in: Date): Int = { val cal = Calendar.getInstance(utc) cal.setTimeInMillis(in.getTime) cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) } /** @return the day of month corresponding to the input date (1 based) */ def day(in: Date): Int = { val cal = Calendar.getInstance(utc) cal.setTimeInMillis(in.getTime) cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) } /** The UTC TimeZone */ val utc = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC") /** @return the number of days since epoch converted from millis */ def millisToDays(millis: Long): Long = millis / (1000L * 60L * 60L * 24L) /** @return the number of days since epoch */ def daysSinceEpoch: Long = millisToDays(millis) /** @return the time taken to evaluate f in millis and the result */ def calcTime[T](f: => T): (Long, T) = { val start = millis val result = f (millis - start, result) } /** * Log a message with the time taken in millis to do something and return the result * @return the result */ def logTime[T](msg: String)(f: => T): T = { val (time, ret) = calcTime(f) logger.info(msg + " took " + time + " Milliseconds") ret } /** * Call f and log the string returned together with the time taken in millis. * @return the second result from f */ def logTime[T](f: => (String,T)): T = { val (time, fret) = calcTime(f) val (msg, ret) = fret logger.info(msg + " took " + time + " Milliseconds") ret } /** * @return a standard format HH:mm:ss */ def hourFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss") /** * @return the formatted time for a given Date */ def hourFormat(in: Date): String = hourFormat.format(in) /** @return a standard format for the date yyyy/MM/dd */ def dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd") /** @return a format for the time which includes the TimeZone: HH:mm zzz*/ def timeFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm zzz") /** @return today's date formatted as yyyy/MM/dd */ def formattedDateNow = dateFormatter.format(now) /** @return now's time formatted as HH:mm zzz */ def formattedTimeNow = timeFormatter.format(now) /** @return a formatter for internet dates (RFC822/1123) including: * the day of week, the month, day of month, time and time zone */ def internetDateFormatter = { val ret = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", Locale.US) ret.setTimeZone(utc) ret } /** @return a date from a string using the internet format. Return the Epoch date if the parse is unsuccesfull */ def boxParseInternetDate(dateString: String): Box[Date] = tryo { internetDateFormatter.parse(dateString) } /** @return a date from a string using the internet format. Return the Epoch date if the parse is unsuccesfull */ def parseInternetDate(dateString: String): Date = tryo { internetDateFormatter.parse(dateString) } openOr new Date(0L) /** @return a date formatted with the internet format */ def toInternetDate(in: Date): String = internetDateFormatter.format(in) /** @return a date formatted with the internet format (from a number of millis) */ def toInternetDate(in: Long): String = internetDateFormatter.format(new Date(in)) /** @return the current time as an internet date */ def nowAsInternetDate: String = toInternetDate(millis) /** @return a Full(date) or a failure if the input couldn't be translated to date (or Empty if the input is null)*/ def toDate(in: Any): Box[Date] = { try { in match { case null => Empty case d: Date => Full(d) case lng: Long => Full(new Date(lng)) case lng: Number => Full(new Date(lng.longValue)) case Nil | Empty | None | Failure(_, _, _) => Empty case Full(v) => toDate(v) case Some(v) => toDate(v) case v :: vs => toDate(v) case s : String => tryo(internetDateFormatter.parse(s)) or tryo(dateFormatter.parse(s)) case o => toDate(o.toString) } } catch { case e => logger.debug("Error parsing date "+in, e); Failure("Bad date: "+in, Full(e), Empty) } } } trait ConvertableToDate { def toDate: Date def toDateTime: DateTime def millis: Long } object ConvertableToDate { implicit def toDate(in: ConvertableToDate): Date = in.toDate implicit def toDateTime(in: ConvertableToDate): DateTime = in.toDateTime implicit def toMillis(in: ConvertableToDate): Long = in.millis } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework TimeHelpers.scala source code file: |
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