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Lift Framework example source code file (CssSelectorSpec.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (CssSelectorSpec.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

attrselector, attrselector, classselector, css, cssselector, empty, empty, full, full, idselector, idselector, selector, specification, support

The Lift Framework CssSelectorSpec.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package util

import org.specs.Specification

import common._
import BindHelpers._

 * Systems under specification for CSS Selector.
object CssSelectorSpec extends Specification("CSS Selector Specification")  {

  "CssSelector" should {
    "fail for garbage input" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(" 49234e23") must_== Empty

    "select an id" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo").open_! must_== IdSelector("foo", Empty)

    "a selector with cruft at the end must fail" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo I like yaks").isDefined must_== false

    ":yak must not parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":yak").isDefined must_== false

    ":button must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":button").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "button", Empty)

    ":checkbox must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":checkbox").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "checkbox", Empty)

    ":file must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":file").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "file", Empty)

    ":password must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":password").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "password", Empty)

    ":radio must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":radio").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "radio", Empty)

    ":reset must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":reset").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "reset", Empty)

    ":submit must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":submit").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "submit", Empty)

    ":text must  parse" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(":text").open_! must_== 
      AttrSelector("type", "text", Empty)

    "select an id with attr subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo  *[dog] ").open_! must_== 
      IdSelector("foo", Full(AttrSubNode("dog")))

    "select an id with no star attr subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo  [woof] ").open_! must_== 
      IdSelector("foo", Full(AttrSubNode("woof")))

    "select an id with attr append subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo  *[dog+] ").open_! must_==
      IdSelector("foo", Full(AttrAppendSubNode("dog")))

    "select an id with no star attr append subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo  [woof+] ").open_! must_==
      IdSelector("foo", Full(AttrAppendSubNode("woof")))

    "select an id with attr append subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo  *[dog!] ").open_! must_==
      IdSelector("foo", Full(AttrRemoveSubNode("dog")))

    "select an id with no star attr append subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("#foo  [woof!] ").open_! must_==
      IdSelector("foo", Full(AttrRemoveSubNode("woof")))

    "select attr/val pair" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("frog=dog") must_==
      Full(AttrSelector("frog", "dog", Empty))

    "select attr/val pair single quote" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("frog='dog food' *") must_==
      Full(AttrSelector("frog", "dog food", Full(KidsSubNode())))

    "select attr/val pair double quote" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("frog=\"dog breath\"") must_==
      Full(AttrSelector("frog", "dog breath", Empty))

    "select name/val pair" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("name=dog") must_==
      Full(NameSelector("dog", Empty))

    "select name/val pair" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("@dog") must_==
      Full(NameSelector("dog", Empty))

    "select name/val pair" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("@dog *") must_==
      Full(NameSelector("dog", Full(KidsSubNode())))

    "select name/val pair" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("@dog -*") must_==
      Full(NameSelector("dog", Full(PrependKidsSubNode())))

    "select name/val pair" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("@dog *+") must_==
      Full(NameSelector("dog", Full(AppendKidsSubNode())))

    "select name/val pair single quote" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("name='dog food' *") must_==
      Full(NameSelector("dog food", Full(KidsSubNode())))

    "select name/val pair double quote" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse("name=\"dog breath\"") must_==
      Full(NameSelector("dog breath", Empty))

    "select a class" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(".foo").open_! must_== ClassSelector("foo", Empty)

    "select a class with subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(".foo  * ").open_! must_== 
      ClassSelector("foo", Full(KidsSubNode()))

    "Support selecting this node" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(".foo  ^^ ").open_! must_== 
      ClassSelector("foo", Full(SelectThisNode(false)))

    "Support selecting this node" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(".foo  ^* ").open_! must_== 
      ClassSelector("foo", Full(SelectThisNode(true)))

    "select a class with attr subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(".foo  *[dog] ").open_! must_== 
      ClassSelector("foo", Full(AttrSubNode("dog")))

    "select an id with no star attr subnodes" in {
      CssSelectorParser.parse(".foo  [woof] ").open_! must_== 
      ClassSelector("foo", Full(AttrSubNode("woof")))


Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework CssSelectorSpec.scala source code file:

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