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Lift Framework example source code file (TimeHelpersSpec.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (TimeHelpersSpec.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

a, calendar, calendar, date, date, full, int, specification, string, string, timeamounts, timehelpers, timespan, timespan, util

The Lift Framework TimeHelpersSpec.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package util

import java.util.{Calendar, Date}

import org.specs.{ScalaCheck, Specification}
import org.specs.util.Products._
import org.scalacheck.Gen._
import org.scalacheck.Prop._

import common._
import TimeHelpers._

 * Systems under specification for TimeHelpers.
object TimeHelpersSpec extends Specification("TimeHelpers Specification") with ScalaCheck with TimeAmountsGen {

  "A TimeSpan" can {
    "be created from a number of milliseconds" in {
      TimeSpan(3000) must_== TimeSpan(3 * 1000)
    "be created from a number of seconds" in {
      3.seconds must_== TimeSpan(3 * 1000)
    "be created from a number of minutes" in {
      3.minutes must_== TimeSpan(3 * 60 * 1000)
    "be created from a number of hours" in {
      3.hours must_== TimeSpan(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
    "be created from a number of days" in {
      3.days must_== TimeSpan(3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
    "be created from a number of weeks" in {
      3.weeks must_== TimeSpan(3 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
    "be converted implicitly to a date starting from the epoch time" in {
      3.seconds.after(new Date(0)) must beTrue
    "be converted to a date starting from the epoch time, using the date method" in {
      3.seconds.after(new Date(0)) must beTrue
    "be implicitly converted to a Long" in {
      (3.seconds == 3000L) must_== true
    "be compared to an int" in {
      (3.seconds == 3000) must_== true
      (3.seconds != 2000) must_== true
    "be compared to a long" in {
      (3.seconds == 3000L) must_== true
      (3.seconds != 2000L) must_== true
    "be compared to another TimeSpan" in {
      3.seconds must_== 3.seconds
      3.seconds must_!= 2.seconds
    "be compared to another object" in {
      3.seconds must_!= "string"

  "A TimeSpan" should {
    "return a new TimeSpan representing the sum of the 2 times when added with another TimeSpan" in {
      3.seconds + 3.seconds must_== 6.seconds
    "return a new TimeSpan representing the difference of the 2 times when substracted with another TimeSpan" in {
      3.seconds - 4.seconds must_== (-1).seconds
    "have a later method returning a date relative to now plus the time span" in {
      3.seconds.later.getTime must beCloseTo(new Date().getTime + 3.seconds.millis, 500L)
    "have an ago method returning a date relative to now minus the time span" in {
      3.seconds.ago.getTime must beCloseTo(new Date().getTime - 3.seconds.millis, 500L)
    "have a toString method returning the relevant number of weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis" in {
      val conversionIsOk = forAll(timeAmounts)((t: TimeAmounts) => { val (timeSpanToString, timeSpanAmounts) = t
        timeSpanAmounts forall { case (amount, unit) =>
          amount >= 1  &&
          timeSpanToString.contains(amount.toString) || true }
      val timeSpanStringIsPluralized = forAll(timeAmounts)((t: TimeAmounts) => { val (timeSpanToString, timeSpanAmounts) = t
        timeSpanAmounts forall { case (amount, unit) =>
               amount > 1  && timeSpanToString.contains(unit + "s") ||
               amount == 1 && timeSpanToString.contains(unit) ||
               amount == 0 && !timeSpanToString.contains(unit)
      conversionIsOk && timeSpanStringIsPluralized must pass

  "the TimeHelpers" should {
    "provide a 'seconds' function transforming a number of seconds into millis" in {
      seconds(3) must_== 3 * 1000
    "provide a 'minutes' function transforming a number of minutes into millis" in {
      minutes(3) must_== 3 * 60 * 1000
    "provide a 'hours' function transforming a number of hours into milliss" in {
      hours(3) must_== 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000
    "provide a 'days' function transforming a number of days into millis" in {
      days(3) must_== 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
    "provide a 'weeks' function transforming a number of weeks into millis" in {
      weeks(3) must_== 3 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
    "provide a noTime function on Date objects to transform a date into a date at the same day but at 00:00" in {
      hourFormat(timeNow.noTime) must_== "00:00:00"
    "provide a day function returning the day of month corresponding to a given date (relative to UTC)" in {
      day(today.setTimezone(utc).setDay(3).getTime) must_== 3
    "provide a month function returning the month corresponding to a given date" in {
      month(today.setTimezone(utc).setMonth(4).getTime) must_== 4
    "provide a year function returning the year corresponding to a given date" in {
      year(today.setTimezone(utc).setYear(2008).getTime) must_== 2008
    "provide a millisToDays function returning the number of days since the epoch time" in {
      millisToDays(new Date(0).getTime) must_== 0
      millisToDays(today.setYear(1970).setMonth(0).setDay(1).getTime.getTime) must_== 0 // the epoch time
      // on the 3rd day after the epoch time, 2 days are passed
      millisToDays(today.setTimezone(utc).setYear(1970).setMonth(0).setDay(3).getTime.getTime) must_== 2
    "provide a daysSinceEpoch function returning the number of days since the epoch time" in {
      daysSinceEpoch must_== millisToDays(now.getTime)
    "provide a time function creating a new Date object from a number of millis" in {
      time(1000) must_== new Date(1000)
    "provide a calcTime function returning the time taken to evaluate a block in millis and the block's result" in {
      val (time, result) = calcTime((1 to 10).reduceLeft[Int](_ + _))
      time.toInt must beCloseTo(0, 1000)  // it should take less than 1 second!
      result must_== 55

    "provide a hourFormat function to format the time of a date object" in {
      hourFormat(Calendar.getInstance(utc).noTime.getTime) must_== "00:00:00"

    "provide a formattedDateNow function to format todays date" in {
      formattedDateNow must beMatching("\\d\\d\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d")
    "provide a formattedTimeNow function to format now's time with the TimeZone" in {
      formattedTimeNow must beMatching("\\d\\d:\\d\\d ...(\\+|\\-\\d\\d:00)?")

    "provide a parseInternetDate function to parse a string formatted using the internet format" in {
      parseInternetDate(internetDateFormatter.format(now)).getTime.toLong must beCloseTo(now.getTime.toLong, 1000L)
    "provide a parseInternetDate function returning new Date(0) if the input date cant be parsed" in {
      parseInternetDate("unparsable") must_== new Date(0)
    "provide a toInternetDate function formatting a date to the internet format" in {
      toInternetDate(now) must beMatching("..., \\d* ... \\d\\d\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d .*")
    "provide a toDate returning a Full(date) from many kinds of objects" in {
      val d = now
      (null, Nil, None, Failure("", Empty, Empty)).toList forall { toDate(_) must_== Empty }
      (Full(d), Some(d), d :: d).toList forall { toDate(_) must_== Full(d) }
      toDate(internetDateFormatter.format(d)).get.getTime.toLong must beCloseTo(d.getTime.toLong, 1000L)

  "The Calendar class" should {
    "have a setDay method setting the day of month and returning the updated Calendar" in {
      day(today.setTimezone(utc).setDay(1).getTime) must_== 1
    "have a setMonth method setting the month and returning the updated Calendar" in {
      month(today.setTimezone(utc).setMonth(0).getTime) must_== 0
    "have a setYear method setting the year and returning the updated Calendar" in {
      year(today.setTimezone(utc).setYear(2008).getTime) must_== 2008
    "have a setTimezone method to setting the time zone and returning the updated Calendar" in {
      today.setTimezone(utc).getTimeZone must_== utc
    "have a noTime method to setting the time to 00:00:00 and returning the updated Calendar" in {
      hourFormat(today.noTime.getTime) must_== "00:00:00"

trait TimeAmountsGen {

  type TimeAmounts = Tuple2[String, Tuple6[(Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String)]]
  val timeAmounts =
    for {
      w <- choose(0, 2)
      d <- choose(0, 6)
      h <- choose(0, 23)
      m <- choose(0, 59)
      s <- choose(0, 59)
      ml <- choose(0, 999)
    yield (TimeSpan(weeks(w) + days(d) + hours(h) + minutes(m) + seconds(s) + ml).toString,
      ((w, "week"), (d, "day"), (h, "hour"), (m, "minute"), (s, "second"), (ml, "milli")))

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework TimeHelpersSpec.scala source code file:

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