Lift Framework example source code file (TimeHelpersSpec.scala)
The Lift Framework TimeHelpersSpec.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package util import java.util.{Calendar, Date} import org.specs.{ScalaCheck, Specification} import org.specs.util.Products._ import org.scalacheck.Gen._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import common._ import TimeHelpers._ /** * Systems under specification for TimeHelpers. */ object TimeHelpersSpec extends Specification("TimeHelpers Specification") with ScalaCheck with TimeAmountsGen { "A TimeSpan" can { "be created from a number of milliseconds" in { TimeSpan(3000) must_== TimeSpan(3 * 1000) } "be created from a number of seconds" in { 3.seconds must_== TimeSpan(3 * 1000) } "be created from a number of minutes" in { 3.minutes must_== TimeSpan(3 * 60 * 1000) } "be created from a number of hours" in { 3.hours must_== TimeSpan(3 * 60 * 60 * 1000) } "be created from a number of days" in { 3.days must_== TimeSpan(3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) } "be created from a number of weeks" in { 3.weeks must_== TimeSpan(3 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) } "be converted implicitly to a date starting from the epoch time" in { 3.seconds.after(new Date(0)) must beTrue } "be converted to a date starting from the epoch time, using the date method" in { 3.seconds.after(new Date(0)) must beTrue } "be implicitly converted to a Long" in { (3.seconds == 3000L) must_== true } "be compared to an int" in { (3.seconds == 3000) must_== true (3.seconds != 2000) must_== true } "be compared to a long" in { (3.seconds == 3000L) must_== true (3.seconds != 2000L) must_== true } "be compared to another TimeSpan" in { 3.seconds must_== 3.seconds 3.seconds must_!= 2.seconds } "be compared to another object" in { 3.seconds must_!= "string" } } "A TimeSpan" should { "return a new TimeSpan representing the sum of the 2 times when added with another TimeSpan" in { 3.seconds + 3.seconds must_== 6.seconds } "return a new TimeSpan representing the difference of the 2 times when substracted with another TimeSpan" in { 3.seconds - 4.seconds must_== (-1).seconds } "have a later method returning a date relative to now plus the time span" in { 3.seconds.later.getTime must beCloseTo(new Date().getTime + 3.seconds.millis, 500L) } "have an ago method returning a date relative to now minus the time span" in { 3.seconds.ago.getTime must beCloseTo(new Date().getTime - 3.seconds.millis, 500L) } "have a toString method returning the relevant number of weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, millis" in { val conversionIsOk = forAll(timeAmounts)((t: TimeAmounts) => { val (timeSpanToString, timeSpanAmounts) = t timeSpanAmounts forall { case (amount, unit) => amount >= 1 && timeSpanToString.contains(amount.toString) || true } }) val timeSpanStringIsPluralized = forAll(timeAmounts)((t: TimeAmounts) => { val (timeSpanToString, timeSpanAmounts) = t timeSpanAmounts forall { case (amount, unit) => amount > 1 && timeSpanToString.contains(unit + "s") || amount == 1 && timeSpanToString.contains(unit) || amount == 0 && !timeSpanToString.contains(unit) } }) conversionIsOk && timeSpanStringIsPluralized must pass } } "the TimeHelpers" should { "provide a 'seconds' function transforming a number of seconds into millis" in { seconds(3) must_== 3 * 1000 } "provide a 'minutes' function transforming a number of minutes into millis" in { minutes(3) must_== 3 * 60 * 1000 } "provide a 'hours' function transforming a number of hours into milliss" in { hours(3) must_== 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } "provide a 'days' function transforming a number of days into millis" in { days(3) must_== 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } "provide a 'weeks' function transforming a number of weeks into millis" in { weeks(3) must_== 3 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } "provide a noTime function on Date objects to transform a date into a date at the same day but at 00:00" in { hourFormat(timeNow.noTime) must_== "00:00:00" } "provide a day function returning the day of month corresponding to a given date (relative to UTC)" in { day(today.setTimezone(utc).setDay(3).getTime) must_== 3 } "provide a month function returning the month corresponding to a given date" in { month(today.setTimezone(utc).setMonth(4).getTime) must_== 4 } "provide a year function returning the year corresponding to a given date" in { year(today.setTimezone(utc).setYear(2008).getTime) must_== 2008 } "provide a millisToDays function returning the number of days since the epoch time" in { millisToDays(new Date(0).getTime) must_== 0 millisToDays(today.setYear(1970).setMonth(0).setDay(1).getTime.getTime) must_== 0 // the epoch time // on the 3rd day after the epoch time, 2 days are passed millisToDays(today.setTimezone(utc).setYear(1970).setMonth(0).setDay(3).getTime.getTime) must_== 2 } "provide a daysSinceEpoch function returning the number of days since the epoch time" in { daysSinceEpoch must_== millisToDays(now.getTime) } "provide a time function creating a new Date object from a number of millis" in { time(1000) must_== new Date(1000) } "provide a calcTime function returning the time taken to evaluate a block in millis and the block's result" in { val (time, result) = calcTime((1 to 10).reduceLeft[Int](_ + _)) time.toInt must beCloseTo(0, 1000) // it should take less than 1 second! result must_== 55 } "provide a hourFormat function to format the time of a date object" in { hourFormat(Calendar.getInstance(utc).noTime.getTime) must_== "00:00:00" } "provide a formattedDateNow function to format todays date" in { formattedDateNow must beMatching("\\d\\d\\d\\d/\\d\\d/\\d\\d") } "provide a formattedTimeNow function to format now's time with the TimeZone" in { formattedTimeNow must beMatching("\\d\\d:\\d\\d ...(\\+|\\-\\d\\d:00)?") } "provide a parseInternetDate function to parse a string formatted using the internet format" in { parseInternetDate(internetDateFormatter.format(now)).getTime.toLong must beCloseTo(now.getTime.toLong, 1000L) } "provide a parseInternetDate function returning new Date(0) if the input date cant be parsed" in { parseInternetDate("unparsable") must_== new Date(0) } "provide a toInternetDate function formatting a date to the internet format" in { toInternetDate(now) must beMatching("..., \\d* ... \\d\\d\\d\\d \\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d .*") } "provide a toDate returning a Full(date) from many kinds of objects" in { val d = now (null, Nil, None, Failure("", Empty, Empty)).toList forall { toDate(_) must_== Empty } (Full(d), Some(d), d :: d).toList forall { toDate(_) must_== Full(d) } toDate(internetDateFormatter.format(d)).get.getTime.toLong must beCloseTo(d.getTime.toLong, 1000L) } } "The Calendar class" should { "have a setDay method setting the day of month and returning the updated Calendar" in { day(today.setTimezone(utc).setDay(1).getTime) must_== 1 } "have a setMonth method setting the month and returning the updated Calendar" in { month(today.setTimezone(utc).setMonth(0).getTime) must_== 0 } "have a setYear method setting the year and returning the updated Calendar" in { year(today.setTimezone(utc).setYear(2008).getTime) must_== 2008 } "have a setTimezone method to setting the time zone and returning the updated Calendar" in { today.setTimezone(utc).getTimeZone must_== utc } "have a noTime method to setting the time to 00:00:00 and returning the updated Calendar" in { hourFormat(today.noTime.getTime) must_== "00:00:00" } } } trait TimeAmountsGen { type TimeAmounts = Tuple2[String, Tuple6[(Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String), (Int, String)]] val timeAmounts = for { w <- choose(0, 2) d <- choose(0, 6) h <- choose(0, 23) m <- choose(0, 59) s <- choose(0, 59) ml <- choose(0, 999) } yield (TimeSpan(weeks(w) + days(d) + hours(h) + minutes(m) + seconds(s) + ml).toString, ((w, "week"), (d, "day"), (h, "hour"), (m, "minute"), (s, "second"), (ml, "milli"))) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework TimeHelpersSpec.scala source code file: |
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