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Lift Framework example source code file (Database.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Database.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

alldocs, box, documentrevision, handler, jobject, jobject, jvalue, request, request, selftype, selftype, string, string, view

The Lift Framework Database.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package couchdb

import scala.collection.{Map => MapTrait}
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import dispatch.{:/, Handler, Http, Request, StatusCode}
import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Empty, Failure, Full}
import net.liftweb.json.{DefaultFormats, Formats}
import net.liftweb.json.Extraction.{decompose, extract}
import net.liftweb.json.Implicits.string2jvalue
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.{JArray, JBool, JField, JInt, JObject, JString, JValue, render}
import net.liftweb.json.JsonDSL.pair2jvalue
import net.liftweb.json.Printer.compact
import net.liftweb.util.ControlHelpers.tryo
import DocumentHelpers.{jobjectToJObjectExtension, updateIdAndRev}
import DispatchJSON.requestToJSONRequest

/** Helper functions */
private[couchdb] object DatabaseHelpers {
  /** Handles the JSON result of an update action by parsing out id and rev, updating the given original object with the values and returning it */
  def handleUpdateResult(original: JObject)(json: JValue): Box[JObject] =
    for {
      obj <- Full(json).asA[JObject] ?~ ("update result is not a JObject: " + json)
      ok  <- Full(json \ "ok" ).asA[JField].map(_.value).asA[JBool].filter(_.value) ?~ ("ok not present in reply or not true: "+json)
      id  <- Full(json \ "id" ).asA[JField].map(_.value).asA[JString].map(_.s)    ?~ ("id not present or not a string: " + json)
      rev <- Full(json \ "rev").asA[JField].map(_.value).asA[JString].map(_.s)    ?~ ("rev not present or not a string: " + json)
    } yield updateIdAndRev(original, id, rev)

import DatabaseHelpers._

/** Single element Map implementation */
object SingleElementMap {
  /** Implicitly convert a pair to a single element map */
  implicit def pairToSingleElementMap[A, B](pair: (A, B)): MapTrait[A, B] = Map(pair)

import SingleElementMap.pairToSingleElementMap

/** Trait that adds a "fetch" method for getting a JObject from CouchDB */
trait FetchableAsJObject {
  self: Request =>

  /** Fetch the document as a JObject */
  def fetch: Handler[JObject] = this ># (_.asInstanceOf[JObject])

/** Trait of requests that represent a document in a Couch database */
trait Document extends Request with FetchableAsJObject {
  /** Refine to a particular revision of the document. Only GET-style requests should be used with the resulting path */
  def at(rev: String): DocumentRevision = new Request(this < docid))

  /** Restrict the query to only keys less than or equal to the given key */
  def to(highValue: JValue): SelfType = withParams("endkey" -> compact(render(highValue)))

  /** Restrict the query to only keys less than or equal to the given key, not including any documents that are later in the view than the given docid */
  def to(highValue: JValue, docid: String): SelfType = withParams(Map("endkey" -> compact(render(highValue)), "endkey_docid" -> docid))

  /** Limit the query to the given number of results */
  def limit(i: Int): SelfType = withParams("limit" -> i)

  /** Specify that stale view data is okay. Used for optimization -- some other query must keep the view fresh. */
  def staleOk: SelfType = withParams("stale" -> "ok")

  /** Specify a descending sort. Note that the reversal is applied before key filtering, so you must reverse your from(...) and to(...) values. */
  def descending: SelfType = withParams("descending" -> "true")

  /** Group results (see */
  def group: SelfType = withParams("group" -> "true")

  /** Group results at the given level (see */
  def group(level: Int): SelfType = withParams(Map("group" -> "true") + ("group_level" -> level))

  /** Specify that reduction should not occur */
  def dontReduce: SelfType = withParams("reduce" -> "false")

  /** Include the associated document with each result */
  def includeDocs: SelfType = withParams("include_docs" -> "true")

   * Query a range matching the given key prefix. Equivalent to composing from(prefix) and to(prefix with {} appended),
   * e.g. from=["foobar"]&to=["foobar",{}]
  def arrayRange(prefix: List[JValue]): SelfType = from(JArray(prefix)) to(JArray(prefix ::: (JObject(Nil)::Nil)))

/** Specialization of dispatch's Request that provides Couch specific functionality */
class Database(couch: Request, database: String) extends Request(couch / database) {
  /** Construct a Database request using host and port */
  def this(hostname: String, port: Int, database: String) = this(:/(hostname, port), database)

  /** Construct a Database request to a default installation of CouchDB on localhost (port 5984) */
  def this(database: String) = this("", 5984, database)

  /** Create the database iff it doesn't already exist */
  def createIfNotCreated(http: Http): Unit =
    try {
    } catch {
      case StatusCode(404, _) => http(create)

  /** Attempt to create the database (PUT) */
  def create: Handler[Unit] = this <<< "" >|

  /** Retrieve information about the database (GET) */
  def info: Handler[DatabaseInfo] = {
    implicit val f: Formats = DefaultFormats
    this ># (extract[DatabaseInfo] _)

  /** Destroy the database (DELETE) */
  def delete: Handler[Unit] = DELETE >|

  /** Access all documents in the database with a queryable interface */
  def all: AllDocs = new Request(this / "_all_docs") with AllDocs { }

  /** Access a particular document in the database by ID. */
  def apply(id: String): Document = new Request(this / id) with Document { }
  /** Access a particular document in the database with _id from a given JObject */
  def apply(doc: JObject): Document = this(doc._id.open_!.s)

  /** Access a series of documents by ID. */
  def apply(ids: Seq[String]): AllDocs = all.includeDocs.keys( _*)

  /** Access a particular design document in the database by name */
  def design(name: String): Design = new Request(this / "_design" / name) with Design { }

  /** Store a document in the database, generating a new unique ID for it and returning the document with _id and _rev updated */
  def post(doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] = JSONRequest(this) <<# doc ># handleUpdateResult(doc) _

  /** Alias for post */
  def <<# (doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] = post(doc)

  /** Inserts or updates a document in the database, using the standard _id field to do so. Returns the updated document. */
  def store(doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] =
    doc._id match {
      case Full(id) => this(id.s) <<<# doc
      case _    => this     <<#  doc

/** Case class that holds information about a couch database, as retrieved using GET /database */
case class DatabaseInfo(db_name: String, doc_count: Int, doc_del_count: Int, update_seq: BigInt, compact_running: Boolean, disk_size: BigInt)

/** Result of a CouchDB query, possibly containing some summary information (if Couch provided it) such as total rows, and the results themselves */
case class QueryResults(totalRows: Box[BigInt], offset: Box[BigInt], rows: Seq[QueryRow])

/** Single result of a CouchDB query */
case class QueryRow(id: Box[String], key: JValue, value: Box[JValue], doc: Box[JObject], error: Box[JString])

object QueryResult {
  /** Read JSON into a QueryResults instance that holds the rows along with metadata about the query */
  def read(json: JValue): Box[QueryResults] =
    for {
      obj <- Full(json).asA[JObject] ?~ ("query JSON is not a JObject: " + json)
      jsonRows <- obj.get[JArray]("rows").map(_.arr) ?~ ("rows not found or wrong type in " + json)
      rows <- ((Full(new ArrayBuffer): Box[ArrayBuffer[QueryRow]]) /: jsonRows)((prev, cur) => {
        prev flatMap {
          buf => readRow(cur).flatMap { res => buf += res; prev }
    } yield {
      QueryResults(obj.get[JInt]("total_rows").map(_.num), obj.get[JInt]("offset").map(_.num), rows)

  /** Read JSON into a QueryRow */
  private def readRow(json: JValue): Box[QueryRow] =
    for {
      obj <- Full(json).asA[JObject] ?~ ("row not a JObject: " + json)
      key <- obj.get[JValue]("key") ?~ ("key not found or wrong type in " + json)
    } yield QueryRow(obj.get[JString]("id").map(_.s), key, obj.get[JValue]("value"), obj.get[JObject]("doc"), obj.get[JString]("error"))

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Database.scala source code file:

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