Lift Framework example source code file (Database.scala)
The Lift Framework Database.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package couchdb import scala.collection.{Map => MapTrait} import scala.collection.immutable.Map import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.reflect.Manifest import dispatch.{:/, Handler, Http, Request, StatusCode} import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Empty, Failure, Full} import net.liftweb.json.{DefaultFormats, Formats} import net.liftweb.json.Extraction.{decompose, extract} import net.liftweb.json.Implicits.string2jvalue import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.{JArray, JBool, JField, JInt, JObject, JString, JValue, render} import net.liftweb.json.JsonDSL.pair2jvalue import net.liftweb.json.Printer.compact import net.liftweb.util.ControlHelpers.tryo import DocumentHelpers.{jobjectToJObjectExtension, updateIdAndRev} import DispatchJSON.requestToJSONRequest /** Helper functions */ private[couchdb] object DatabaseHelpers { /** Handles the JSON result of an update action by parsing out id and rev, updating the given original object with the values and returning it */ def handleUpdateResult(original: JObject)(json: JValue): Box[JObject] = for { obj <- Full(json).asA[JObject] ?~ ("update result is not a JObject: " + json) ok <- Full(json \ "ok" ).asA[JField].map(_.value).asA[JBool].filter(_.value) ?~ ("ok not present in reply or not true: "+json) id <- Full(json \ "id" ).asA[JField].map(_.value).asA[JString].map(_.s) ?~ ("id not present or not a string: " + json) rev <- Full(json \ "rev").asA[JField].map(_.value).asA[JString].map(_.s) ?~ ("rev not present or not a string: " + json) } yield updateIdAndRev(original, id, rev) } import DatabaseHelpers._ /** Single element Map implementation */ object SingleElementMap { /** Implicitly convert a pair to a single element map */ implicit def pairToSingleElementMap[A, B](pair: (A, B)): MapTrait[A, B] = Map(pair) } import SingleElementMap.pairToSingleElementMap /** Trait that adds a "fetch" method for getting a JObject from CouchDB */ trait FetchableAsJObject { self: Request => /** Fetch the document as a JObject */ def fetch: Handler[JObject] = this ># (_.asInstanceOf[JObject]) } /** Trait of requests that represent a document in a Couch database */ trait Document extends Request with FetchableAsJObject { /** Refine to a particular revision of the document. Only GET-style requests should be used with the resulting path */ def at(rev: String): DocumentRevision = new Request(this < ("rev" -> rev)) with DocumentRevision { } /** Alias for at */ def @@ (rev: String): DocumentRevision = at(rev) /** Refine to a particular revision of the document by getting _rev from a given JObject. */ def at(doc: JObject): DocumentRevision = at(doc._rev.open_!) /** Alias for at */ def @@ (doc: JObject): DocumentRevision = at(doc) /** Store a new version of the document, returning the document with _id and _rev updated */ def put(doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] = JSONRequest(this) <<<# doc ># handleUpdateResult(doc) _ /** Alias for put */ def <<<# (doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] = put(doc) } /** Trait of requests that represent a particular document revision in a Couch database */ trait DocumentRevision extends Request with FetchableAsJObject { /** Destroy the document. The document's current revision must be the revision represented by this request */ def delete: Handler[Unit] = DELETE >| } /** Trait of requests that represent a particular design document */ trait Design extends Document { /** Access a particular view by name that can be queried */ def view(name: String): View = new Request(this / "_view" / name) with View { } } /** Trait of requests that represent a view that can be queried */ trait View extends Request with Queryable[View] { protected def newQueryable(req: Request): View = new Request(req) with View { } } /** Trait of requests representing all documents in a Couch database */ trait AllDocs extends Request with Queryable[AllDocs] { protected def newQueryable(req: Request): AllDocs = new Request(req) with AllDocs { } } /** Trait of requests that support CouchDB querying. That is, _all_docs and views */ trait Queryable[SelfType <: Queryable[SelfType]] { self: Request => /** Create a new self-typed instance */ protected def newQueryable(req: Request): SelfType /** Add parameters to the query */ def withParams(params: MapTrait[String, Any]): SelfType = newQueryable(this < params) /** Fetch results of the query */ def query: Handler[Box[QueryResults]] = this ># (QueryResult.read _) /** Query for the given key only */ def key(keyValue: JValue): SelfType = withParams("key" -> compact(render(keyValue))) /** Query for the given set of keys */ def keys(keyValues: JValue*): SelfType = newQueryable(this <<# ("keys" -> JArray(keyValues.toList))) /** Restrict the query to only keys greater than or equal to the given key */ def from(lowValue: JValue): SelfType = withParams("startkey" -> compact(render(lowValue))) /** Restrict the query to only keys greater than or equal to the given key, not including any documents that are earlier in the view than the given docid */ def from(lowValue: JValue, docid: String): SelfType = withParams(Map("startkey" -> compact(render(lowValue)), "startkey_docid" -> docid)) /** Restrict the query to only keys less than or equal to the given key */ def to(highValue: JValue): SelfType = withParams("endkey" -> compact(render(highValue))) /** Restrict the query to only keys less than or equal to the given key, not including any documents that are later in the view than the given docid */ def to(highValue: JValue, docid: String): SelfType = withParams(Map("endkey" -> compact(render(highValue)), "endkey_docid" -> docid)) /** Limit the query to the given number of results */ def limit(i: Int): SelfType = withParams("limit" -> i) /** Specify that stale view data is okay. Used for optimization -- some other query must keep the view fresh. */ def staleOk: SelfType = withParams("stale" -> "ok") /** Specify a descending sort. Note that the reversal is applied before key filtering, so you must reverse your from(...) and to(...) values. */ def descending: SelfType = withParams("descending" -> "true") /** Group results (see http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Introduction_to_CouchDB_views) */ def group: SelfType = withParams("group" -> "true") /** Group results at the given level (see http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Introduction_to_CouchDB_views) */ def group(level: Int): SelfType = withParams(Map("group" -> "true") + ("group_level" -> level)) /** Specify that reduction should not occur */ def dontReduce: SelfType = withParams("reduce" -> "false") /** Include the associated document with each result */ def includeDocs: SelfType = withParams("include_docs" -> "true") /** * Query a range matching the given key prefix. Equivalent to composing from(prefix) and to(prefix with {} appended), * e.g. from=["foobar"]&to=["foobar",{}] */ def arrayRange(prefix: List[JValue]): SelfType = from(JArray(prefix)) to(JArray(prefix ::: (JObject(Nil)::Nil))) } /** Specialization of dispatch's Request that provides Couch specific functionality */ class Database(couch: Request, database: String) extends Request(couch / database) { /** Construct a Database request using host and port */ def this(hostname: String, port: Int, database: String) = this(:/(hostname, port), database) /** Construct a Database request to a default installation of CouchDB on localhost (port 5984) */ def this(database: String) = this("", 5984, database) /** Create the database iff it doesn't already exist */ def createIfNotCreated(http: Http): Unit = try { http(info) () } catch { case StatusCode(404, _) => http(create) } /** Attempt to create the database (PUT) */ def create: Handler[Unit] = this <<< "" >| /** Retrieve information about the database (GET) */ def info: Handler[DatabaseInfo] = { implicit val f: Formats = DefaultFormats this ># (extract[DatabaseInfo] _) } /** Destroy the database (DELETE) */ def delete: Handler[Unit] = DELETE >| /** Access all documents in the database with a queryable interface */ def all: AllDocs = new Request(this / "_all_docs") with AllDocs { } /** Access a particular document in the database by ID. */ def apply(id: String): Document = new Request(this / id) with Document { } /** Access a particular document in the database with _id from a given JObject */ def apply(doc: JObject): Document = this(doc._id.open_!.s) /** Access a series of documents by ID. */ def apply(ids: Seq[String]): AllDocs = all.includeDocs.keys(ids.map(JString): _*) /** Access a particular design document in the database by name */ def design(name: String): Design = new Request(this / "_design" / name) with Design { } /** Store a document in the database, generating a new unique ID for it and returning the document with _id and _rev updated */ def post(doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] = JSONRequest(this) <<# doc ># handleUpdateResult(doc) _ /** Alias for post */ def <<# (doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] = post(doc) /** Inserts or updates a document in the database, using the standard _id field to do so. Returns the updated document. */ def store(doc: JObject): Handler[Box[JObject]] = doc._id match { case Full(id) => this(id.s) <<<# doc case _ => this <<# doc } } /** Case class that holds information about a couch database, as retrieved using GET /database */ case class DatabaseInfo(db_name: String, doc_count: Int, doc_del_count: Int, update_seq: BigInt, compact_running: Boolean, disk_size: BigInt) /** Result of a CouchDB query, possibly containing some summary information (if Couch provided it) such as total rows, and the results themselves */ case class QueryResults(totalRows: Box[BigInt], offset: Box[BigInt], rows: Seq[QueryRow]) /** Single result of a CouchDB query */ case class QueryRow(id: Box[String], key: JValue, value: Box[JValue], doc: Box[JObject], error: Box[JString]) object QueryResult { /** Read JSON into a QueryResults instance that holds the rows along with metadata about the query */ def read(json: JValue): Box[QueryResults] = for { obj <- Full(json).asA[JObject] ?~ ("query JSON is not a JObject: " + json) jsonRows <- obj.get[JArray]("rows").map(_.arr) ?~ ("rows not found or wrong type in " + json) rows <- ((Full(new ArrayBuffer): Box[ArrayBuffer[QueryRow]]) /: jsonRows)((prev, cur) => { prev flatMap { buf => readRow(cur).flatMap { res => buf += res; prev } } }) } yield { QueryResults(obj.get[JInt]("total_rows").map(_.num), obj.get[JInt]("offset").map(_.num), rows) } /** Read JSON into a QueryRow */ private def readRow(json: JValue): Box[QueryRow] = for { obj <- Full(json).asA[JObject] ?~ ("row not a JObject: " + json) key <- obj.get[JValue]("key") ?~ ("key not found or wrong type in " + json) } yield QueryRow(obj.get[JString]("id").map(_.s), key, obj.get[JValue]("value"), obj.get[JObject]("doc"), obj.get[JString]("error")) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Database.scala source code file: |
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