Lift Framework example source code file (DocumentHelpers.scala)
The Lift Framework DocumentHelpers.scala source code/* * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package couchdb import scala.reflect.Manifest import dispatch.{Http, StatusCode} import net.liftweb.common.{Box, Failure, Full} import Box.option2Box import net.liftweb.json.Implicits.string2jvalue import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.{JArray, JDouble, JField, JInt, JObject, JString, JValue} import net.liftweb.util.ControlHelpers.tryo object DocumentHelpers { /** Force a document into the database, clobbering any existing version. Usually good for design documents. */ def forceStore(http: Http, database: Database, doc: JObject): Box[JObject] = tryo(http(database(doc) fetch)) match { case Full(existingDoc) => tryo(http(database store updateIdAndRev(doc, existingDoc._id.open_!, existingDoc._rev.open_!))).flatMap(b => b) case Failure(_, Full(StatusCode(404, _)), _) => tryo(http(database store doc)).flatMap(b => b) case failure => failure.asA[JObject] } /** Strip _id and _rev from an object */ def stripIdAndRev(in: JObject): JObject = JObject(in.obj.filter { case JField("_id"|"_rev", _) => false; case _ => true }) /** Update a JObject with new _id and _rev fields */ def updateIdAndRev(in: JObject, id: String, rev: String): JObject = JObject(JField("_id", id) :: JField("_rev", rev) :: in.obj.filter { case JField("_id"|"_rev", _) => false; case _ => true }) /** Implicitly extend JObjects */ implicit def jobjectToJObjectExtension(obj: JObject): JObjectExtension = new JObjectExtension(obj) /** Extension of JObject that has field accessing functions */ class JObjectExtension(obj: JObject) { /** Full(_id) from the named field _id if present, Empty or Failure if not present */ def _id: Box[String] = get[JString]("_id").map(_.s) /** Full(_rev) from the named field _rev if present, Empty or Failure if not present */ def _rev: Box[String] = get[JString]("_rev").map(_.s) /** Full(type) from the named field type if present, Empty or Failure if not present */ def `type`: Box[String] = get[JString]("type").map(_.s) /** <code>true iff the type field is present and equal to the given predicate value */ def isA(s: String) = `type`.map(_ == s) openOr false /** Retrieve a named field from a JObject of the given (AST) value type */ def get[A <: JValue](name: String)(implicit m: Manifest[A]): Box[A] = for { field <- obj.obj.find((field: JField) => field match { case JField(n, _) if n == name => true case _ => false }) ?~ ("No such field " + name) value <- Full(field.value).asA[A] ?~ ("Field " + field + " is not a " + m) } yield value /** Get a field as a JString and project the inner String out of it */ def getString(name: String): Box[String] = get[JString](name).map(_.s) /** Get a field as a JObject and project the inner list of JFields out of it */ def getObject(name: String): Box[List[JField]] = get[JObject](name).map(_.obj) /** Get a field as a JInt and project the inner BigInt out of it */ def getInt(name: String): Box[BigInt] = get[JInt](name).map(_.num) /** Get a field as a JDouble and project the inner String out of it */ def getDouble(name: String): Box[Double] = get[JDouble](name).map(_.num) /** Get a field as a JArray and project the inner list of JValues out of it */ def getArray(name: String): Box[List[JValue]] = get[JArray](name).map(_.arr) /** Construct a version of the input JObject with the given field removed (if present) */ def remove(field: String): JObject = JObject(obj.obj.filter { case JField(key, _) if key != field => true; case _ => false }) /** Construct a version of the input JObject with all the given fields removed (if present) */ def remove(fields: String*): JObject = JObject(obj.obj.filter { case JField(key, _) if !(fields contains key) => true; case _ => false }) /** Clean out the usual couch fields of "_id", "_rev", and "type", if present. */ def clean: JObject = remove("_id", "_rev", "type") } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework DocumentHelpers.scala source code file: |
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