Lift Framework example source code file (Driver.scala)
The Lift Framework Driver.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package db import java.sql.{Connection,PreparedStatement,ResultSet,Statement} import net.liftweb.common._ /** * JDBC Driver Abstraction base class. New driver types should extend this base * class. New drivers should "register" in the companion object * DriverType.calcDriver method. */ abstract class DriverType(val name : String) { def binaryColumnType: String def clobColumnType: String def varcharColumnType(len : Int) : String = "VARCHAR(%d)".format(len) def booleanColumnType: String def dateTimeColumnType: String def dateColumnType: String def timeColumnType: String def integerColumnType: String def integerIndexColumnType: String def enumColumnType: String def longForeignKeyColumnType: String def longIndexColumnType: String def enumListColumnType: String def longColumnType: String def doubleColumnType: String /** * This specifies that the driver supports FKs in tables. Note that * to enable FK generation in Schemifier, you also need to set * MapperRules.createForeignKeys_? to true before running it. */ def supportsForeignKeys_? : Boolean = false /** * This indicates that Schemifier needs to run with a non-transacted * connection. Certain databases require that gathering information * on tables (which Schemifier uses for updates) run outside of a transaction. */ def schemifierMustAutoCommit_? : Boolean = false def createTablePostpend: String = "" /** * Whether this database supports LIMIT clause in SELECTs. */ def brokenLimit_? : Boolean = false /** * Whether the primary key has been defined by the index column. */ def pkDefinedByIndexColumn_? : Boolean = false /** * Maximum value of the LIMIT clause in SELECT. */ def maxSelectLimit : String = java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE.toString /** * Performs an insert and optionally returns the ResultSet of the generated keys that were inserted. If no keys are * specified, return the number of rows updated. * * @param conn A connection that the method can optionally use if it needs to execute ancillary statements * @param query The prepared query string to use for the insert * @param setter A function that will set the parameters on the prepared statement * @param pkName Zero or more generated column names that need to be returned */ def performInsert [T](conn : SuperConnection, query : String, setter : PreparedStatement => Unit, tableName : String, genKeyNames : List[String])(handler : Either[ResultSet,Int] => T) : T = genKeyNames match { case Nil => DB.prepareStatement(query, conn) { stmt => setter(stmt) handler(Right(stmt.executeUpdate)) } case pk => performInsertWithGenKeys(conn, query, setter, tableName, pk, handler) } /* * Subclasses should override this method if they don't have proper getGeneratedKey support (JDBC3) */ protected def performInsertWithGenKeys [T](conn : SuperConnection, query : String, setter : PreparedStatement => Unit, tableName : String, genKeyNames : List[String], handler : Either[ResultSet,Int] => T) : T = DB.prepareStatement(query, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS, conn) { stmt => setter(stmt) stmt.executeUpdate handler(Left(stmt.getGeneratedKeys)) } /** * Name of the default db schema. If not set, then the schema is assumed to * equal the db user name. */ def defaultSchemaName : Box[String] = Empty type TypeMapFunc = PartialFunction[Int,Int] /** * Allow the driver to do specific remapping of column types for cases * where not all types are supported. Classes that want to do custom type * mapping for columns should override the customColumnTypeMap method. */ def columnTypeMap : TypeMapFunc = customColumnTypeMap orElse { case x => x } /** * Allows the Vendor-specific Driver to do custom type mapping for a particular * column type. */ protected def customColumnTypeMap : TypeMapFunc = new TypeMapFunc { def apply (in : Int) = -1 def isDefinedAt (in : Int) = false } /** * This method can be overriden by DriverType impls to allow for custom setup * of Primary Key Columns (creating sequeneces or special indices, for example). * The List of commands will be executed in order. */ def primaryKeySetup(tableName : String, columnName : String) : List[String] = { List("ALTER TABLE "+tableName+" ADD CONSTRAINT "+tableName+"_PK PRIMARY KEY("+columnName+")") } /** This defines the syntax for adding a column in an alter. This is * used because some DBs (Oracle, for one) use slightly different syntax. */ def alterAddColumn = "ADD COLUMN" } object DriverType { var calcDriver: Connection => DriverType = conn => { val meta = conn.getMetaData (meta.getDatabaseProductName,meta.getDatabaseMajorVersion,meta.getDatabaseMinorVersion) match { case (DerbyDriver.name,_,_) => DerbyDriver case (MySqlDriver.name,_,_) => MySqlDriver case (PostgreSqlDriver.name, major, minor) if ((major == 8 && minor >= 2) || major > 8) => PostgreSqlDriver case (PostgreSqlDriver.name, _, _) => PostgreSqlOldDriver case (H2Driver.name,_,_) => H2Driver case (SqlServerDriver.name,major,_) if major >= 9 => SqlServerDriver case (SqlServerDriver.name,_,_) => SqlServerPre2005Driver case (SybaseSQLAnywhereDriver.name,_,_) => SybaseSQLAnywhereDriver case (SybaseASEDriver.name,_,_) => SybaseASEDriver case (OracleDriver.name,_,_) => OracleDriver case (MaxDbDriver.name,_,_) => MaxDbDriver case (other, _, _) if other.startsWith(DB2Driver.name) => DB2Driver case x => throw new Exception( "Lift mapper does not support JDBC driver %s.\n".format(x) + "See http://wiki.liftweb.net/index.php/Category:Database for a list of supported databases.") } } } object DB2Driver extends DriverType("DB2") { def binaryColumnType = "LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA" def booleanColumnType = "SMALLINT" def clobColumnType = "LONG VARCHAR" def dateTimeColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" def dateColumnType = "DATE" def timeColumnType = "TIME" def integerColumnType = "INT" def integerIndexColumnType = "INTEGER NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY" def enumColumnType = "INT" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "INT" def longIndexColumnType = "BIGINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY" def enumListColumnType = "INT" def longColumnType = "INT" def doubleColumnType = "DOUBLE" override def brokenLimit_? : Boolean = true override def pkDefinedByIndexColumn_? = true // This will let DB2 handle the schema name without case issues override def defaultSchemaName = Full(null) } object DerbyDriver extends DriverType("Apache Derby") { def binaryColumnType = "LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA" def booleanColumnType = "SMALLINT" def clobColumnType = "LONG VARCHAR" def dateTimeColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" def dateColumnType = "DATE" def timeColumnType = "TIME" def integerColumnType = "INTEGER" def integerIndexColumnType = "INTEGER NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY" def enumColumnType = "BIGINT" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "BIGINT" def longIndexColumnType = "BIGINT NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY" def enumListColumnType = "BIGINT" def longColumnType = "BIGINT" def doubleColumnType = "DOUBLE" override def brokenLimit_? : Boolean = true } object MySqlDriver extends DriverType("MySQL") { def binaryColumnType = "MEDIUMBLOB" def clobColumnType = "LONGTEXT" def booleanColumnType = "BOOLEAN" def dateTimeColumnType = "DATETIME" def dateColumnType = "DATE" def timeColumnType = "TIME" def integerColumnType = "INTEGER" def integerIndexColumnType = "INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE" def enumColumnType = "BIGINT" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "BIGINT UNSIGNED" def longIndexColumnType = "BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE KEY" def enumListColumnType = "BIGINT" def longColumnType = "BIGINT" def doubleColumnType = "DOUBLE" override def createTablePostpend: String = " ENGINE = InnoDB " } object H2Driver extends DriverType("H2") { def binaryColumnType = "BINARY" def clobColumnType = "LONGVARCHAR" def booleanColumnType = "BOOLEAN" def dateTimeColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" def dateColumnType = "DATE" def timeColumnType = "TIME" def integerColumnType = "INTEGER" def integerIndexColumnType = "INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT" def enumColumnType = "BIGINT" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "BIGINT" def longIndexColumnType = "BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT" def enumListColumnType = "BIGINT" def longColumnType = "BIGINT" def doubleColumnType = "DOUBLE" /** * Whether the primary key has been defined by the index column. * H2 creates primary key for a table, when AUTO_INCREMENT type * is used. <--- NOT TRUE * I went into the H2 console, created a table with auto_increment * and was able to insert duplicate ids. Then I created it with * AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY and it did not allow it. */ override def pkDefinedByIndexColumn_? : Boolean = false //changed to false by nafg override def supportsForeignKeys_? = true override def maxSelectLimit = "0"; override def defaultSchemaName : Box[String] = Full("PUBLIC") } /** * Provides some base definitions for PostgreSql databases. */ abstract class BasePostgreSQLDriver extends DriverType("PostgreSQL") { def binaryColumnType = "BYTEA" def clobColumnType = "TEXT" def booleanColumnType = "BOOLEAN" def dateTimeColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" def dateColumnType = "DATE" def timeColumnType = "TIME" def integerColumnType = "INTEGER" def integerIndexColumnType = "SERIAL" def enumColumnType = "BIGINT" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "BIGINT" def longIndexColumnType = "BIGSERIAL" def enumListColumnType = "BIGINT" def longColumnType = "BIGINT" def doubleColumnType = "DOUBLE PRECISION" override def maxSelectLimit = "ALL" /** * "$user" schema is searched before "public", but it does not exist by default, * so "public" is our default choice. */ override def defaultSchemaName : Box[String] = Full("public") } /** * PostgreSql driver for versions 8.2 and up. Tested with: * * <ul> * <li>8.3 * </ul> */ object PostgreSqlDriver extends BasePostgreSQLDriver { /* PostgreSQL doesn't support generated keys via the JDBC driver. Instead, we use the RETURNING clause on the insert. * From: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-insert.html */ override def performInsertWithGenKeys [T](conn : SuperConnection, query : String, setter : PreparedStatement => Unit, tableName : String, genKeyNames : List[String], handler : Either[ResultSet,Int] => T) : T = DB.prepareStatement(query + " RETURNING " + genKeyNames.mkString(","), conn) { stmt => setter(stmt) handler(Left(stmt.executeQuery)) } override def supportsForeignKeys_? = true } /** * PostgreSql driver for versions 8.1 and earlier. Tested with * * <ul> * <li>8.1 * <li>8.0 * </ul> * * Successfuly use of earlier versions should be reported to liftweb@googlegroups.com. */ object PostgreSqlOldDriver extends BasePostgreSQLDriver { /* PostgreSQL doesn't support generated keys via the JDBC driver. * Instead, we use the lastval() function to get the last inserted * key from the DB. */ override def performInsertWithGenKeys [T](conn : SuperConnection, query : String, setter : PreparedStatement => Unit, tableName : String, genKeyNames : List[String], handler : Either[ResultSet,Int] => T) : T = { DB.prepareStatement(query, conn) { stmt => setter(stmt) stmt.executeUpdate } val pkValueQuery = genKeyNames.map(String.format("currval('%s_%s_seq')", tableName, _)).mkString(", ") DB.statement(conn) { stmt => handler(Left(stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + pkValueQuery))) } } } abstract class SqlServerBaseDriver extends DriverType("Microsoft SQL Server") { def binaryColumnType = "IMAGE" def booleanColumnType = "BIT" override def varcharColumnType(len : Int) : String = "NVARCHAR(%d)".format(len) def clobColumnType = "NTEXT" def dateTimeColumnType = "DATETIME" def dateColumnType = "DATE" def timeColumnType = "TIME" def integerColumnType = "INT" def integerIndexColumnType = "INT IDENTITY NOT NULL" def enumColumnType = "BIGINT" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "BIGINT" def longIndexColumnType = "BIGINT IDENTITY NOT NULL" def enumListColumnType = "BIGINT" def longColumnType = "BIGINT" def doubleColumnType = "FLOAT" override def supportsForeignKeys_? = true override def defaultSchemaName : Box[String] = Full("dbo") // Microsoft doesn't use "COLUMN" syntax when adding a column to a table override def alterAddColumn = "ADD" } /** * Microsoft SQL Server driver for versions 2000 and below */ object SqlServerPre2005Driver extends SqlServerBaseDriver object SqlServerDriver extends SqlServerBaseDriver { override def binaryColumnType = "VARBINARY(MAX)" override def clobColumnType = "NVARCHAR(MAX)" } /** * Sybase SQL Anywhere Driver. Tested against version 10.0 */ object SybaseSQLAnywhereDriver extends SqlServerBaseDriver { override val name = "SQL Anywhere" // SQL Anywhere prefers the default schema name for metadata calls override val defaultSchemaName = Full(null) } /** * Sybase ASE Driver. Tested with ASE version 15, but should * work with lower versions as well. */ object SybaseASEDriver extends SqlServerBaseDriver { override val name = "ASE" override def binaryColumnType = "VARBINARY(MAX)" override def clobColumnType = "NVARCHAR(MAX)" override def brokenLimit_? = true override def schemifierMustAutoCommit_? = true } /** * Driver for Oracle databases. Tested with: * * <ul> * <li>Oracle XE * <li>Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production * </ul> * * Other working install versions should be reported to liftweb@googlegroups.com. */ object OracleDriver extends DriverType("Oracle") { def binaryColumnType = "LONG RAW" def booleanColumnType = "NUMBER" def clobColumnType = "CLOB" def dateTimeColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" /* * It's unclear whether DATE would suffice here. The PL/SQL ref at * http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/java.102/b14355/apxref.htm * seems to indicate that DATE and TIMESTAMP can both be used * for java.sql.Date and java.sql.Time representations. */ def dateColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" def timeColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" def integerColumnType = "NUMBER" def integerIndexColumnType = "NUMBER NOT NULL" def enumColumnType = "NUMBER" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "NUMBER" def longIndexColumnType = "NUMBER NOT NULL" def enumListColumnType = "NUMBER" def longColumnType = "NUMBER" def doubleColumnType = "NUMBER" /** * Whether this database supports LIMIT clause in SELECTs. */ override def brokenLimit_? : Boolean = true import java.sql.Types override def customColumnTypeMap = { case Types.BOOLEAN => Types.INTEGER } override def primaryKeySetup(tableName : String, columnName : String) : List[String] = { /* * This trigger and sequence setup is taken from http://www.databaseanswers.org/sql_scripts/ora_sequence.htm */ super.primaryKeySetup(tableName, columnName) ::: List("CREATE SEQUENCE " + tableName + "_sequence START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1", "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER " + tableName + "_trigger BEFORE INSERT ON " + tableName + " " + "FOR EACH ROW " + "WHEN (new." + columnName + " is null) " + "BEGIN " + "SELECT " + tableName + "_sequence.nextval INTO :new." + columnName + " FROM DUAL; " + "END;") } // Oracle supports returning generated keys only if we specify the names of the column(s) to return. override def performInsertWithGenKeys [T](conn : SuperConnection, query : String, setter : PreparedStatement => Unit, tableName : String , genKeyNames : List[String], handler : Either[ResultSet,Int] => T) : T = DB.prepareStatement(query, genKeyNames.toArray, conn) { stmt => setter(stmt) stmt.executeUpdate handler(Left(stmt.getGeneratedKeys)) } // Oracle doesn't use "COLUMN" syntax when adding a column to a table override def alterAddColumn = "ADD" override def supportsForeignKeys_? = true } object MaxDbDriver extends DriverType("MaxDB") { def binaryColumnType = "BLOB" def booleanColumnType = "BOOLEAN" def clobColumnType = "CLOB" def dateTimeColumnType = "TIMESTAMP" def dateColumnType = "DATE" def timeColumnType = "TIME" def integerColumnType = "INTEGER" def integerIndexColumnType = "FIXED(10) DEFAULT SERIAL" def enumColumnType = "FIXED(38)" def longForeignKeyColumnType = "FIXED(38)" def longIndexColumnType = "FIXED(38) DEFAULT SERIAL" def enumListColumnType = "FIXED(38)" def longColumnType = "FIXED(38)" def doubleColumnType = "FLOAT(38)" } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Driver.scala source code file: |
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