Lift Framework example source code file (FieldFinder.scala)
The Lift Framework FieldFinder.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mapper class FieldFinder[T: ClassManifest](metaMapper: AnyRef, logger: net.liftweb.common.Logger) { import java.lang.reflect._ logger.debug("Created FieldFinder for " + classManifest[T].erasure) def isMagicObject(m: Method) = m.getReturnType.getName.endsWith("$"+m.getName+"$") && m.getParameterTypes.length == 0 def typeFilter: Class[_]=>Boolean = classManifest[T].erasure.isAssignableFrom /** * Find the magic mapper fields on the superclass */ def findMagicFields(onMagic: AnyRef, startingClass: Class[_]): List[Method] = { // If a class name ends in $module, it's a subclass created for scala object instances def deMod(in: String): String = if (in.endsWith("$module")) in.substring(0, in.length - 7) else in // find the magic fields for the given superclass def findForClass(clz: Class[_]): List[Method] = clz match { case null => Nil case c => // get the names of fields that represent the type we want val fields = Map(c.getDeclaredFields. filter{f => val ret = typeFilter(f.getType) logger.trace("typeFilter(" + f.getType + "); T=" + classManifest[T].erasure) ret }. map(f => (deMod(f.getName), f)) :_*) logger.trace("fields: " + fields) // this method will find all the super classes and super-interfaces def getAllSupers(clz: Class[_]): List[Class[_]] = clz match { case null => Nil case c => c :: c.getInterfaces.toList.flatMap(getAllSupers) ::: getAllSupers(c.getSuperclass) } // does the method return an actual instance of an actual class that's // associated with this Mapper class def validActualType(meth: Method): Boolean = { try { // invoke the method meth.invoke(onMagic) match { case null => logger.debug("Not a valid mapped field: %s".format(meth.getName)) false case inst => // do we get a T of some sort back? if (!typeFilter(inst.getClass)) false else { // find out if the class name of the actual thing starts // with the name of this class or some superclass... // basically, is an inner class of this class getAllSupers(clz).find{ c => inst.getClass.getName.startsWith(c.getName)}.isDefined } } } catch { case e => logger.debug("Not a valid mapped field: %s, got exception: %s".format(meth.getName, e)) false } } // find all the declared methods val meths = c.getDeclaredMethods.toList. filter(_.getParameterTypes.length == 0). // that take no parameters filter(m => Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers)). // that are public filter(m => fields.contains(m.getName) && // that are associated with private fields fields(m.getName).getType == m.getReturnType). filter(validActualType) // and have a validated type meths ::: findForClass(clz.getSuperclass) } findForClass(startingClass).distinct } lazy val accessorMethods = findMagicFields(metaMapper, metaMapper.getClass.getSuperclass) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework FieldFinder.scala source code file: |
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