Lift Framework example source code file (MappedDateTime.scala)
The Lift Framework MappedDateTime.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mapper import java.sql.{ResultSet, Types} import java.util.Date import java.lang.reflect.Method import net.liftweb._ import util._ import common._ import Helpers._ import http._ import json._ import S._ import js._ import scala.xml.{NodeSeq} abstract class MappedDateTime[T<:Mapper[T]](val fieldOwner: T) extends MappedField[Date, T] { private val data = FatLazy(defaultValue) private val orgData = FatLazy(defaultValue) /** * This method defines the string parsing semantics of this field. Used in setFromAny. * By default uses LiftRules.dateTimeConverter's parseDateTime; override for field-specific behavior */ def parse(s: String): Box[Date] = LiftRules.dateTimeConverter().parseDateTime(s) /** * This method defines the string parsing semantics of this field. Used in toString, _toForm. * By default uses LiftRules.dateTimeConverter's formatDateTime; override for field-specific behavior */ def format(d: Date): String = LiftRules.dateTimeConverter().formatDateTime(d) protected def real_i_set_!(value: Date): Date = { if (value != data.get) { data() = value this.dirty_?( true) } data.get } def dbFieldClass = classOf[Date] def asJsonValue: Box[JsonAST.JValue] = Full(is match { case null => JsonAST.JNull case v => JsonAST.JInt(v.getTime) }) def toLong: Long = is match { case null => 0L case d: Date => d.getTime / 1000L } def asJsExp: JsExp = JE.Num(toLong) /** * Get the JDBC SQL Type for this field */ def targetSQLType = Types.TIMESTAMP def defaultValue: Date = null // private val defaultValue_i = new Date override def writePermission_? = true override def readPermission_? = true protected def i_is_! = data.get protected def i_was_! = orgData.get protected[mapper] def doneWithSave() {orgData.setFrom(data)} protected def i_obscure_!(in : Date) : Date = { new Date(0L) } /** * Create an input field for the item */ override def _toForm: Box[NodeSeq] = S.fmapFunc({s: List[String] => this.setFromAny(s)}){funcName => Full(appendFieldId(<input type={formInputType} name={funcName} value={is match {case null => "" case s => format(s)}}/>)) } override def setFromAny(f: Any): Date = f match { case JsonAST.JNull => this.set(null) case JsonAST.JInt(v) => this.set(new Date(v.longValue)) case n: Number => this.set(new Date(n.longValue)) case "" | null => this.set(null) case s: String => parse(s).map(d => this.set(d)).openOr(this.is) case (s: String) :: _ => parse(s).map(d => this.set(d)).openOr(this.is) case d: Date => this.set(d) case Some(d: Date) => this.set(d) case Full(d: Date) => this.set(d) case None | Empty | Failure(_, _, _) => this.set(null) case _ => this.is } def jdbcFriendly(field : String) : Object = is match { case null => null case d => new java.sql.Timestamp(d.getTime) } def real_convertToJDBCFriendly(value: Date): Object = if (value == null) null else new java.sql.Timestamp(value.getTime) private def st(in: Box[Date]): Unit = in match { case Full(d) => data.set(d); orgData.set(d) case _ => data.set(null); orgData.set(null) } def buildSetActualValue(accessor: Method, v: AnyRef, columnName: String): (T, AnyRef) => Unit = (inst, v) => doField(inst, accessor, {case f: MappedDateTime[T] => f.st(toDate(v))}) def buildSetLongValue(accessor: Method, columnName: String): (T, Long, Boolean) => Unit = (inst, v, isNull) => doField(inst, accessor, {case f: MappedDateTime[T] => f.st(if (isNull) Empty else Full(new Date(v)))}) def buildSetStringValue(accessor: Method, columnName: String): (T, String) => Unit = (inst, v) => doField(inst, accessor, {case f: MappedDateTime[T] => f.st(toDate(v))}) def buildSetDateValue(accessor: Method, columnName: String): (T, Date) => Unit = (inst, v) => doField(inst, accessor, {case f: MappedDateTime[T] => f.st(Full(v))}) def buildSetBooleanValue(accessor: Method, columnName: String): (T, Boolean, Boolean) => Unit = (inst, v, isNull) => doField(inst, accessor, {case f: MappedDateTime[T] => f.st(Empty)}) /** * Given the driver type, return the string required to create the column in the database */ def fieldCreatorString(dbType: DriverType, colName: String): String = colName + " " + dbType.dateTimeColumnType + notNullAppender() def inFuture_? = data.get match { case null => false case d => d.getTime > millis } def inPast_? = data.get match { case null => false case d => d.getTime < millis } override def toString: String = if(is==null) "NULL" else format(is) } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MappedDateTime.scala source code file: |
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