Lift Framework example source code file (MappedForeignKey.scala)
The Lift Framework MappedForeignKey.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mapper import common._ import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Text, Elem} import http.{js, S, SHtml} import js._ import S.? import json._ import util.FieldError /** * A trait that defines foreign key references */ trait BaseForeignKey extends BaseMappedField { type KeyType type KeyedForeignType <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, KeyedForeignType] type OwnerType <: Mapper[OwnerType] /** * Is the key defined? */ def defined_? : Boolean /** * get the object referred to by this foreign key */ def dbKeyToTable: BaseMetaMapper def dbKeyToColumn: BaseMappedField def findFor(key: KeyType): List[OwnerType] def findFor(key: KeyedForeignType): List[OwnerType] /** * Called when Schemifier adds a foreign key. Return a function that will be called when Schemifier * is done with the schemification. */ def dbAddedForeignKey: Box[() => Unit] } object MappedForeignKey { implicit def getObj[KeyType, MyOwner <: Mapper[MyOwner], Other <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, Other]](in: MappedForeignKey[KeyType, MyOwner, Other]): Box[Other] = in.obj } /** * The Trait that defines a field that is mapped to a foreign key */ trait MappedForeignKey[KeyType, MyOwner <: Mapper[MyOwner], Other <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, Other]] extends MappedField[KeyType, MyOwner] with LifecycleCallbacks { type FieldType <: KeyType // type ForeignType <: KeyedMapper[KeyType, Other] /** * What's the MetaMapper for the foreign key */ def foreignMeta: KeyedMetaMapper[KeyType, Other] /** * Make sure the MetaMapper for the KeyedMapper we're checking * is in fact the same one as we are associated with. Issue #532. */ private def checkTypes(km: KeyedMapper[KeyType, _]): Boolean = km.getSingleton eq foreignMeta override def equals(other: Any) = other match { case km: KeyedMapper[KeyType, Other] if checkTypes(km) => this.is == km.primaryKeyField.is case _ => super.equals(other) } def dbKeyToTable: KeyedMetaMapper[KeyType, Other] def validSelectValues: Box[List[(KeyType, String)]] = Empty def immutableMsg: NodeSeq = Text(?("Can't change")) override def _toForm: Box[Elem] = Full(validSelectValues.flatMap{ case Nil => Empty case xs => Full(SHtml.selectObj(xs, Full(this.is), this.set)) }.openOr(<span>{immutableMsg})) /** * Is the key defined */ def defined_? : Boolean /** * Is the obj field cached */ def cached_? : Boolean = synchronized{ _calcedObj} override protected def dirty_?(b: Boolean) = synchronized { // issue 165 // invalidate if the primary key has changed Issue 370 if (_obj.isEmpty || (_calcedObj && _obj.isDefined && _obj.open_!.primaryKeyField.is != this.i_is_!)) { _obj = Empty _calcedObj = false } super.dirty_?(b) } /** * Some people prefer the name foreign to materialize the * foreign reference. This is a proxy to the obj method. */ def foreign: Box[Other] = obj /** * Load and cache the record that this field references */ def obj: Box[Other] = synchronized { if (!_calcedObj) { _calcedObj = true this._obj = if(defined_?) dbKeyToTable.find(i_is_!) else Empty } _obj } private[mapper] def _primeObj(obj: Box[Any]) = primeObj(obj.asInstanceOf[Box[Other]]) /** * Prime the reference of this FK reference */ def primeObj(obj: Box[Other]) = synchronized { _obj = obj _calcedObj = true } private var _obj: Box[Other] = Empty private var _calcedObj = false /** * Set the value from a possible instance of the foreign mapper class. * v will be cached in obj. * If v is Empty, set the value to defaultValue (-1) * @return the Mapper containing this field */ def apply(v: Box[Other]): MyOwner = { apply(v.dmap(defaultValue)(_.primaryKeyField.is)) primeObj(v) fieldOwner } /** * Set the value from an instance of the foreign mapper class. * obj will be set to Full(v) * @return the Mapper containing this field */ def apply(v: Other): MyOwner = { apply(v.primaryKeyField.is) primeObj(Full(v)) fieldOwner } /** * This method, which gets called when the mapper class is going to be saved, * sets the field's value from obj if it's set to the default (!defined_?). * Overrides LifecycleCallbacks.beforeSave */ override def beforeSave { if(!defined_?) for(o <- obj) set(o.primaryKeyField.is) super.beforeSave } /** * A validation function that checks that obj is nonempty */ val valHasObj = (value: Long) => if (obj.isEmpty) List(FieldError(this, scala.xml.Text("Required field: " + name))) else Nil } @deprecated("Functionality folded into MappedForeignKey, so just use MappedLongForeignKey. Will be removed in 2.5") class LongMappedMapper[T<:Mapper[T], O<:KeyedMapper[Long,O]](theOwner: T, foreign: => KeyedMetaMapper[Long, O]) extends MappedLongForeignKey[T,O](theOwner, foreign) with LongMappedForeignMapper[T,O] @deprecated("Functionality folded into MappedForeignKey, so just use MappedLongForeignKey. Will be removed in 2.5") trait LongMappedForeignMapper[T<:Mapper[T],O<:KeyedMapper[Long,O]] extends MappedLongForeignKey[T,O] abstract class MappedLongForeignKey[T<:Mapper[T],O<:KeyedMapper[Long, O]](theOwner: T, _foreignMeta: => KeyedMetaMapper[Long, O]) extends MappedLong[T](theOwner) with MappedForeignKey[Long,T,O] with BaseForeignKey { def defined_? = i_is_! > 0L def foreignMeta = _foreignMeta @deprecated("Use 'box' instead") def can: Box[Long] = if (defined_?) Full(is) else Empty def box: Box[Long] = if (defined_?) Full(is) else Empty type KeyType = Long type KeyedForeignType = O type OwnerType = T override def jdbcFriendly(field : String) = if (defined_?) new java.lang.Long(i_is_!) else null override def jdbcFriendly = if (defined_?) new java.lang.Long(i_is_!) else null lazy val dbKeyToTable: KeyedMetaMapper[Long, O] = foreignMeta def dbKeyToColumn = dbKeyToTable.primaryKeyField override def dbIndexed_? = true override def dbForeignKey_? = true def asSafeJs(obs: Box[KeyObfuscator]): JsExp = obs.map(o => JE.Str(o.obscure(dbKeyToTable, is))).openOr(JE.Num(is)) override def asJsExp: JsExp = if (defined_?) super.asJsExp else JE.JsNull override def asJsonValue: Box[JsonAST.JValue] = if (defined_?) super.asJsonValue else Full(JsonAST.JNull) override def setFromAny(in: Any): Long = in match { case JsonAST.JNull => this.set(0L) case JsonAST.JInt(bigint) => this.set(bigint.longValue) case o => super.setFromAny(o) } /** * Called when Schemifier adds a foreign key. Return a function that will be called when Schemifier * is done with the schemification. */ def dbAddedForeignKey: Box[() => Unit] = Empty override def toString = if (defined_?) super.toString else "NULL" def findFor(key: KeyType): List[OwnerType] = theOwner.getSingleton.findAll(By(this, key)) def findFor(key: KeyedForeignType): List[OwnerType] = theOwner.getSingleton.findAll(By(this, key)) // def +(in: Long): Long = is + in /** * Given the driver type, return the string required to create the column in the database */ override def fieldCreatorString(dbType: DriverType, colName: String): String = colName + " " + dbType.longForeignKeyColumnType + notNullAppender() } abstract class MappedStringForeignKey[T<:Mapper[T],O<:KeyedMapper[String, O]](override val fieldOwner: T, foreign: => KeyedMetaMapper[String, O],override val maxLen: Int) extends MappedString[T](fieldOwner, maxLen) with MappedForeignKey[String,T,O] with BaseForeignKey { def defined_? = i_is_! ne null type KeyType = String type KeyedForeignType = O type OwnerType = T override def jdbcFriendly(field: String) = i_is_! override def jdbcFriendly = i_is_! def dbKeyToTable: KeyedMetaMapper[String, O] = foreign def dbKeyToColumn = dbKeyToTable.primaryKeyField override def dbIndexed_? = true override def dbForeignKey_? = true def asSafeJs(obs: Box[KeyObfuscator]): JsExp = obs.map(o => JE.Str(o.obscure(dbKeyToTable, is))).openOr(JE.Str(is)) /** * Called when Schemifier adds a foreign key. Return a function that will be called when Schemifier * is done with the schemification. */ def dbAddedForeignKey: Box[() => Unit] = Empty override def toString = if (defined_?) super.toString else "NULL" def set(v: Box[O]): T = { val toSet: String = v match { case Full(i) => i.primaryKeyField.is case _ => null } this(toSet) } def findFor(key: KeyType): List[OwnerType] = fieldOwner.getSingleton.findAll(By(this, key)) def findFor(key: KeyedForeignType): List[OwnerType] = fieldOwner.getSingleton.findAll(By(this, key)) /** * Given the driver type, return the string required to create the column in the database */ // defect 79 override def fieldCreatorString(dbType: DriverType, colName: String): String = colName + " " + dbType.longForeignKeyColumnType } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MappedForeignKey.scala source code file: |
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