Lift Framework example source code file (Schemifier.scala)
The Lift Framework Schemifier.scala source code/* * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.liftweb package mapper import java.sql.{Connection, ResultSet, DatabaseMetaData} import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer} import common.{Full, Box, Loggable} import util.Helpers import Helpers._ /** * Given a list of MetaMappers, make sure the database has the right schema * <ul> * <li>Make sure all the tables exists * <li>Make sure the columns in the tables are correct * <li>Create the indexes * <li>Create the foreign keys * </ul> */ object Schemifier extends Loggable { implicit def superToRegConnection(sc: SuperConnection): Connection = sc.connection /** * Convenience function to be passed to schemify. Will log executed statements at the info level * using Schemifier's logger * */ def infoF(msg: => AnyRef) = logger.info(msg) /** * Convenience function to be passed to schemify. Will not log any executed statements */ def neverF(msg: => AnyRef) = {} def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = schemify(performWrite, logFunc, DefaultConnectionIdentifier, stables :_*) def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = schemify(performWrite, false, logFunc, dbId, stables :_*) def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, structureOnly: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = schemify(performWrite, structureOnly, logFunc, DefaultConnectionIdentifier, stables :_*) private case class Collector(funcs: List[() => Any], cmds: List[String]) { def +(other: Collector) = Collector(funcs ::: other.funcs, cmds ::: other.cmds) } private val EmptyCollector = new Collector(Nil, Nil) private def using[RetType <: Any, VarType <: ResultSet](f: => VarType)(f2: VarType => RetType): RetType = { val theVar = f try { f2(theVar) } finally { theVar.close() } } /** * Modify database specified in dbId so it matches the structure specified in the MetaMappers * * @param performWrite if false, will not write any changes to the database, only collect them * @param structureOnly if true, will only check tables and columns, not indexes and constraints. * Useful if schema is maintained outside Lift, but still needs structure to be in sync * @param logFunc A function that will be called for each statement being executed if performWrite == true * @param dbId The ConnectionIdentifier to be used * @param stables The MetaMapper instances to check * * @return The list of statements needed to bring the database in a consistent state. This list is created even if performWrite=false */ def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, structureOnly: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = { val tables = stables.toList DB.use(dbId) { con => // Some databases (Sybase) don't like doing transactional DDL, so we disable transactions if (con.driverType.schemifierMustAutoCommit_? && !con.connection.getAutoCommit()) { con.connection.commit con.connection.setAutoCommit(true) } logger.debug("Starting schemify. write=%s, structureOnly=%s, dbId=%s, schema=%s, tables=%s".format(performWrite, structureOnly, dbId, getDefaultSchemaName(con), tables.map(_.dbTableName))) val connection = con // SuperConnection(con) val driver = DriverType.calcDriver(connection) val actualTableNames = new HashMap[String, String] if (performWrite) { tables.foreach{t => logger.debug("Running beforeSchemifier on table %s".format(t.dbTableName)) t.beforeSchemifier } } def tableCheck(t: BaseMetaMapper, desc: String, f: => Collector): Collector = { actualTableNames.get(t._dbTableNameLC).map(x => f).getOrElse{ logger.warn("Skipping %s on table '%s' since it doesn't exist".format(desc, t.dbTableName)) EmptyCollector } } val toRun = tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + ensureTable(performWrite, logFunc, t, connection, actualTableNames)) + tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + tableCheck(t, "ensureColumns", ensureColumns(performWrite, logFunc, t, connection, actualTableNames))) + (if (structureOnly) EmptyCollector else (tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + tableCheck(t, "ensureIndexes", ensureIndexes(performWrite, logFunc, t, connection, actualTableNames))) + tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + tableCheck(t, "ensureConstraints", ensureConstraints(performWrite, logFunc, t, dbId, connection, actualTableNames))))) if (performWrite) { logger.debug("Executing DDL statements") toRun.funcs.foreach(f => f()) tables.foreach{t => logger.debug("Running afterSchemifier on table %s".format(t.dbTableName)) t.afterSchemifier } } toRun.cmds } } def destroyTables_!!(logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): Unit = destroyTables_!!(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, logFunc, stables :_*) def destroyTables_!!(dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): Unit = destroyTables_!!(dbId, 0, logFunc, stables.toList) def destroyTables_!!(dbId: ConnectionIdentifier,cnt: Int, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: List[BaseMetaMapper]) { val th = new HashMap[String, String]() (DB.use(dbId) { conn => val sConn = conn // SuperConnection(conn) val tables = stables.toList.filter(t => hasTable_?(t, sConn, th)) tables.foreach{ table => try { val ct = "DROP TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC val st = conn.createStatement st.execute(ct) logFunc(ct) st.close } catch { case e: Exception => // dispose... probably just an SQL Exception } } tables }) match { case t if t.length > 0 && cnt < 1000 => destroyTables_!!(dbId, cnt + 1, logFunc, t) case _ => } } /** * Retrieves schema name where the unqualified db objects are searched. */ def getDefaultSchemaName(connection: SuperConnection): String = (connection.schemaName or connection.driverType.defaultSchemaName or DB.globalDefaultSchemaName).openOr(connection.getMetaData.getUserName) private def hasTable_? (table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Boolean = { val md = connection.getMetaData using(md.getTables(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), null, null)){ rs => def hasTable(rs: ResultSet): Boolean = if (!rs.next) false else rs.getString(3) match { case s if s.toLowerCase == table._dbTableNameLC.toLowerCase => actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC) = s; true case _ => hasTable(rs) } hasTable(rs) } } /** * Creates an SQL command and optionally executes it. * * @param performWrite Whether the SQL command should be executed. * @param logFunc Logger. * @param connection Database connection. * @param makeSql Factory for SQL command. * * @returns SQL command. */ private def maybeWrite(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, connection: SuperConnection) (makeSql: () => String) : String ={ val ct = makeSql() logger.trace("maybeWrite DDL: "+ct) if (performWrite) { logFunc(ct) val st = connection.createStatement st.execute(ct) st.close } ct } private def ensureTable(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = { val hasTable = logger.trace("Does table exist?: "+table.dbTableName, hasTable_?(table, connection, actualTableNames)) val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]() if (!hasTable) { cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) { () => "CREATE TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ("+createColumns(table, connection).mkString(" , ")+") "+connection.createTablePostpend } if (!connection.driverType.pkDefinedByIndexColumn_?) { // Add primary key only when it has not been created by the index field itself. table.mappedFields.filter{f => f.dbPrimaryKey_?}.foreach { pkField => connection.driverType.primaryKeySetup(table._dbTableNameLC, pkField._dbColumnNameLC) foreach { command => cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) { () => command } } } } hasTable_?(table, connection, actualTableNames) Collector(table.dbAddTable.toList, cmds.toList) } else Collector(Nil, cmds.toList) } private def createColumns(table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection): Seq[String] = { table.mappedFields.flatMap(_.fieldCreatorString(connection.driverType)) } private def ensureColumns(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = { val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]() val rc = table.mappedFields.toList.flatMap { field => var hasColumn = 0 var cols: List[String] = Nil val totalColCnt = field.dbColumnCount val md = connection.getMetaData using(md.getColumns(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC), null))(rs => while (hasColumn < totalColCnt && rs.next) { val tableName = rs.getString(3).toLowerCase val columnName = rs.getString(4).toLowerCase if (tableName == table._dbTableNameLC.toLowerCase && field.dbColumnNames(field.name).map(_.toLowerCase).contains(columnName)) { cols = columnName :: cols hasColumn = hasColumn + 1 logger.trace("Column exists: %s.%s ".format(table.dbTableName, columnName)) } }) // FIXME deal with column types (field.dbColumnNames(field.name).filter(f => !cols.map(_.toLowerCase).contains(f.toLowerCase))).foreach {colName => logger.trace("Column does not exist: %s.%s ".format(table.dbTableName, colName)) cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) { () => "ALTER TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" "+connection.driverType.alterAddColumn+" "+field.fieldCreatorString(connection.driverType, colName) } if ((!connection.driverType.pkDefinedByIndexColumn_?) && field.dbPrimaryKey_?) { // Add primary key only when it has not been created by the index field itself. cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) { () => "ALTER TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ADD CONSTRAINT "+table._dbTableNameLC+"_PK PRIMARY KEY("+field._dbColumnNameLC+")" } } } field.dbAddedColumn.toList } Collector(rc, cmds.toList) } private def ensureIndexes(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = { val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]() // val byColumn = new HashMap[String, List[(String, String, Int)]]() val byName = new HashMap[String, List[String]]() val md = connection.getMetaData val q = using(md.getIndexInfo(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC), false, false)) {rs => def quad(rs: ResultSet): List[(String, String, Int)] = { if (!rs.next) Nil else { if (rs.getString(3).equalsIgnoreCase(table._dbTableNameLC)) { // Skip index statistics if (rs.getShort(7) != DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic) { (rs.getString(6).toLowerCase, rs.getString(9).toLowerCase, rs.getInt(8)) :: quad(rs) } else quad(rs) } else Nil } } quad(rs) } // val q = quad(rs) // q.foreach{case (name, col, pos) => byColumn.get(col) match {case Some(li) => byColumn(col) = (name, col, pos) :: li case _ => byColumn(col) = List((name, col, pos))}} q.foreach{case (name, col, pos) => byName.get(name) match {case Some(li) => byName(name) = col :: li case _ => byName(name) = List(col)}} val indexedFields: List[List[String]] = byName.map{case (name, value) => value.sortWith(_ < _)}.toList //rs.close val single = table.mappedFields.filter{f => f.dbIndexed_?}.toList.flatMap { field => if (!indexedFields.contains(List(field._dbColumnNameLC.toLowerCase))) { cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) { () => "CREATE INDEX "+(table._dbTableNameLC+"_"+field._dbColumnNameLC)+" ON "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ( "+field._dbColumnNameLC+" )" } field.dbAddedIndex.toList } else Nil } table.dbIndexes.foreach { index => val columns = index.columns.toList val standardCreationStatement = (table._dbTableNameLC+"_"+columns.map(_.field._dbColumnNameLC).mkString("_"))+" ON "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ( "+columns.map(_.indexDesc).comma+" )" val createStatement = index match { case i: net.liftweb.mapper.Index[_] => "CREATE INDEX " + standardCreationStatement case i: UniqueIndex[_] => "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + standardCreationStatement case GenericIndex(createFunc, _, _) => createFunc(table._dbTableNameLC, columns.map(_.field._dbColumnNameLC)) case _ => logger.error("Invalid index: " + index); "" } val fn = columns.map(_.field._dbColumnNameLC.toLowerCase).sortWith(_ < _) if (!indexedFields.contains(fn)) { cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) { () => createStatement } } } Collector(single, cmds.toList) } private def ensureConstraints(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = { val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]() val ret = if (connection.supportsForeignKeys_? && MapperRules.createForeignKeys_?(dbId)) { table.mappedFields.flatMap{f => f match {case f: BaseMappedField with BaseForeignKey => List(f); case _ => Nil}}.toList.flatMap { field => val other = field.dbKeyToTable val otherTable = actualTableNames(other._dbTableNameLC) val myTable = actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC) val md = connection.getMetaData // val rs = md.getCrossReference(null, null,otherTable , null, null, myTable) var foundIt = false using(md.getImportedKeys(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), myTable))(rs => //val rs = md.getCrossReference(null, null,myTable , null, null, otherTable) while (!foundIt && rs.next) { val pkName = rs.getString(4) val fkName = rs.getString(8) foundIt = (field._dbColumnNameLC.toLowerCase == fkName.toLowerCase && field.dbKeyToColumn._dbColumnNameLC.toLowerCase == pkName.toLowerCase) }) if (!foundIt) { cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) { () => "ALTER TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ADD FOREIGN KEY ( "+field._dbColumnNameLC+" ) REFERENCES "+other._dbTableNameLC+" ( "+field.dbKeyToColumn._dbColumnNameLC+" ) " } field.dbAddedForeignKey.toList } else { Nil } } } else { Nil } Collector(ret, cmds.toList) } } Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Schemifier.scala source code file: |
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