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Lift Framework example source code file (Schemifier.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Schemifier.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

anyref, anyref, basemetamapper, boolean, collector, collector, hashmap, jdbc, list, list, nil, sql, string, superconnection, unit, unit

The Lift Framework Schemifier.scala source code

 * Copyright 2006-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package mapper

import java.sql.{Connection, ResultSet, DatabaseMetaData}

import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ListBuffer}

import common.{Full, Box, Loggable}
import util.Helpers
import Helpers._

 * Given a list of MetaMappers, make sure the database has the right schema
 * <ul>
 * <li>Make sure all the tables exists
 * <li>Make sure the columns in the tables are correct
 * <li>Create the indexes
 * <li>Create the foreign keys
 * </ul>
object Schemifier extends Loggable {
  implicit def superToRegConnection(sc: SuperConnection): Connection = sc.connection

   * Convenience function to be passed to schemify. Will log executed statements at the info level
   * using Schemifier's logger
  def infoF(msg: => AnyRef) =
   * Convenience function to be passed to schemify. Will not log any executed statements 
  def neverF(msg: => AnyRef) = {}
  def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = 
    schemify(performWrite,  logFunc, DefaultConnectionIdentifier, stables :_*)
  def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = 
    schemify(performWrite, false, logFunc, dbId, stables :_*)
  def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, structureOnly: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = 
    schemify(performWrite, structureOnly, logFunc, DefaultConnectionIdentifier, stables :_*)
  private case class Collector(funcs: List[() => Any], cmds: List[String]) {
    def +(other: Collector) = Collector(funcs ::: other.funcs, cmds ::: other.cmds)

  private val EmptyCollector = new Collector(Nil, Nil)
  private def using[RetType <: Any, VarType <: ResultSet](f: => VarType)(f2: VarType => RetType): RetType = {
    val theVar = f
    try {
    } finally {

   * Modify database specified in dbId so it matches the structure specified in the MetaMappers
   * @param performWrite if false, will not write any changes to the database, only collect them
   * @param structureOnly if true, will only check tables and columns, not indexes and constraints. 
   *    Useful if schema is maintained outside Lift, but still needs structure to be in sync
   * @param logFunc A function that will be called for each statement being executed if performWrite == true
   * @param dbId The ConnectionIdentifier to be used
   * @param stables The MetaMapper instances to check
   * @return The list of statements needed to bring the database in a consistent state. This list is created even if performWrite=false  
  def schemify(performWrite: Boolean, structureOnly: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): List[String] = {
    val tables = stables.toList
    DB.use(dbId) { con =>
      // Some databases (Sybase) don't like doing transactional DDL, so we disable transactions
      if (con.driverType.schemifierMustAutoCommit_? && !con.connection.getAutoCommit()) {
      logger.debug("Starting schemify. write=%s, structureOnly=%s, dbId=%s, schema=%s, tables=%s".format(performWrite, structureOnly, dbId, getDefaultSchemaName(con),

      val connection = con // SuperConnection(con)
      val driver = DriverType.calcDriver(connection)
      val actualTableNames = new HashMap[String, String]
      if (performWrite) {
        tables.foreach{t =>
          logger.debug("Running beforeSchemifier on table %s".format(t.dbTableName))
      def tableCheck(t: BaseMetaMapper, desc: String, f: => Collector): Collector = {
        actualTableNames.get(t._dbTableNameLC).map(x => f).getOrElse{
          logger.warn("Skipping %s on table '%s' since it doesn't exist".format(desc, t.dbTableName))
      val toRun =
        tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + ensureTable(performWrite, logFunc, t, connection, actualTableNames)) +
        tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + tableCheck(t, "ensureColumns", ensureColumns(performWrite, logFunc, t, connection, actualTableNames))) +
        (if (structureOnly) 
          (tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + tableCheck(t, "ensureIndexes", ensureIndexes(performWrite, logFunc, t, connection, actualTableNames))) +
           tables.foldLeft(EmptyCollector)((b, t) => b + tableCheck(t, "ensureConstraints", ensureConstraints(performWrite, logFunc, t, dbId, connection, actualTableNames)))))

      if (performWrite) {
        logger.debug("Executing DDL statements")
    	toRun.funcs.foreach(f => f())
        tables.foreach{t =>
          logger.debug("Running afterSchemifier on table %s".format(t.dbTableName))


  def destroyTables_!!(logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): Unit = destroyTables_!!(DefaultConnectionIdentifier, logFunc, stables :_*)

  def destroyTables_!!(dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: BaseMetaMapper*): Unit =
  destroyTables_!!(dbId, 0, logFunc,  stables.toList)

  def destroyTables_!!(dbId: ConnectionIdentifier,cnt: Int, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, stables: List[BaseMetaMapper]) {
    val th = new HashMap[String, String]()
    (DB.use(dbId) {
        conn =>
        val sConn = conn // SuperConnection(conn)
        val tables = stables.toList.filter(t => hasTable_?(t, sConn, th))

          table =>
          try {
            val ct = "DROP TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC
            val st = conn.createStatement
          } catch {
            case e: Exception => // dispose... probably just an SQL Exception

      }) match {
      case t if t.length > 0 && cnt < 1000 => destroyTables_!!(dbId, cnt + 1, logFunc, t)
      case _ =>

   * Retrieves schema name where the unqualified db objects are searched.
  def getDefaultSchemaName(connection: SuperConnection): String =
  (connection.schemaName or connection.driverType.defaultSchemaName or DB.globalDefaultSchemaName).openOr(connection.getMetaData.getUserName)

  private def hasTable_? (table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Boolean = {
    val md = connection.getMetaData
    using(md.getTables(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), null, null)){ rs =>
      def hasTable(rs: ResultSet): Boolean =
      if (! false
      else rs.getString(3) match {
        case s if s.toLowerCase == table._dbTableNameLC.toLowerCase => actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC) = s; true
        case _ => hasTable(rs)


   * Creates an SQL command and optionally executes it.
   * @param performWrite Whether the SQL command should be executed.
   * @param logFunc Logger.
   * @param connection Database connection.
   * @param makeSql Factory for SQL command.
   * @returns SQL command.
  private def maybeWrite(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, connection: SuperConnection) (makeSql: () => String) : String ={
    val ct = makeSql()
    logger.trace("maybeWrite DDL: "+ct)
    if (performWrite) {
      val st = connection.createStatement

  private def ensureTable(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = {
    val hasTable = logger.trace("Does table exist?: "+table.dbTableName, hasTable_?(table, connection, actualTableNames))
    val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]()
    if (!hasTable) {
      cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) {
        () => "CREATE TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ("+createColumns(table, connection).mkString(" , ")+") "+connection.createTablePostpend
      if (!connection.driverType.pkDefinedByIndexColumn_?) {
        // Add primary key only when it has not been created by the index field itself.
        table.mappedFields.filter{f => f.dbPrimaryKey_?}.foreach {
          pkField =>
            connection.driverType.primaryKeySetup(table._dbTableNameLC, pkField._dbColumnNameLC) foreach { command =>
              cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) {
                () => command
      hasTable_?(table, connection, actualTableNames)
      Collector(table.dbAddTable.toList, cmds.toList)
    } else Collector(Nil, cmds.toList)

  private def createColumns(table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection): Seq[String] = {

  private def ensureColumns(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = {
    val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]()
    val rc = table.mappedFields.toList.flatMap {
      field =>
      var hasColumn = 0
      var cols: List[String] = Nil
      val totalColCnt = field.dbColumnCount
      val md = connection.getMetaData

      using(md.getColumns(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC), null))(rs =>
        while (hasColumn < totalColCnt && {
          val tableName = rs.getString(3).toLowerCase
          val columnName = rs.getString(4).toLowerCase

          if (tableName == table._dbTableNameLC.toLowerCase && field.dbColumnNames( {
            cols = columnName :: cols
            hasColumn = hasColumn + 1
            logger.trace("Column exists: %s.%s ".format(table.dbTableName, columnName))
      // FIXME deal with column types
      (field.dbColumnNames( => ! {colName =>
        logger.trace("Column does not exist: %s.%s ".format(table.dbTableName, colName))
        cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) {
          () => "ALTER TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" "+connection.driverType.alterAddColumn+" "+field.fieldCreatorString(connection.driverType, colName)
        if ((!connection.driverType.pkDefinedByIndexColumn_?) && field.dbPrimaryKey_?) {
          // Add primary key only when it has not been created by the index field itself.
          cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) {
            () => "ALTER TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ADD CONSTRAINT "+table._dbTableNameLC+"_PK PRIMARY KEY("+field._dbColumnNameLC+")"



    Collector(rc, cmds.toList)


  private def ensureIndexes(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = {
    val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]()
    // val byColumn = new HashMap[String, List[(String, String, Int)]]()
    val byName = new HashMap[String, List[String]]()

    val md = connection.getMetaData
    val q = using(md.getIndexInfo(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC), false, false)) {rs =>
      def quad(rs: ResultSet): List[(String, String, Int)] = {
        if (! Nil else {
          if (rs.getString(3).equalsIgnoreCase(table._dbTableNameLC)) {
            // Skip index statistics
            if (rs.getShort(7) != DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic) {
              (rs.getString(6).toLowerCase, rs.getString(9).toLowerCase, rs.getInt(8)) :: quad(rs)
            else quad(rs)
          else Nil
    // val q = quad(rs)
    // q.foreach{case (name, col, pos) => byColumn.get(col) match {case Some(li) => byColumn(col) = (name, col, pos) :: li case _ => byColumn(col) = List((name, col, pos))}}
    q.foreach{case (name, col, pos) => byName.get(name) match {case Some(li) => byName(name) = col :: li case _ => byName(name) = List(col)}}
    val indexedFields: List[List[String]] ={case (name, value) => value.sortWith(_ < _)}.toList

    val single = table.mappedFields.filter{f => f.dbIndexed_?}.toList.flatMap {
      field =>
      if (!indexedFields.contains(List(field._dbColumnNameLC.toLowerCase))) {
        cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) {
          () => "CREATE INDEX "+(table._dbTableNameLC+"_"+field._dbColumnNameLC)+" ON "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ( "+field._dbColumnNameLC+" )"
      } else Nil

    table.dbIndexes.foreach {
      index =>

      val columns = index.columns.toList

      val standardCreationStatement = (table._dbTableNameLC+"_""_"))+" ON "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ( "" )"

      val createStatement = index match {
        case i: net.liftweb.mapper.Index[_] => "CREATE INDEX " + standardCreationStatement
        case i: UniqueIndex[_] => "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX " + standardCreationStatement
        case GenericIndex(createFunc, _, _) => createFunc(table._dbTableNameLC,
        case _ => logger.error("Invalid index: " + index); ""

      val fn = < _)
      if (!indexedFields.contains(fn)) {
        cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) {
          () => createStatement

    Collector(single, cmds.toList)

  private def ensureConstraints(performWrite: Boolean, logFunc: (=> AnyRef) => Unit, table: BaseMetaMapper, dbId: ConnectionIdentifier, connection: SuperConnection, actualTableNames: HashMap[String, String]): Collector = {
    val cmds = new ListBuffer[String]()
    val ret = if (connection.supportsForeignKeys_? && MapperRules.createForeignKeys_?(dbId)) {
      table.mappedFields.flatMap{f => f match {case f: BaseMappedField with BaseForeignKey => List(f); case _ => Nil}}.toList.flatMap {
        field =>

        val other = field.dbKeyToTable
        val otherTable = actualTableNames(other._dbTableNameLC)
        val myTable = actualTableNames(table._dbTableNameLC)

        val md = connection.getMetaData
        // val rs = md.getCrossReference(null, null,otherTable , null, null, myTable)
        var foundIt = false
        using(md.getImportedKeys(null, getDefaultSchemaName(connection), myTable))(rs =>
          //val rs = md.getCrossReference(null, null,myTable , null, null, otherTable)
          while (!foundIt && {
            val pkName = rs.getString(4)
            val fkName = rs.getString(8)
            foundIt = (field._dbColumnNameLC.toLowerCase == fkName.toLowerCase && field.dbKeyToColumn._dbColumnNameLC.toLowerCase == pkName.toLowerCase)

        if (!foundIt) {
          cmds += maybeWrite(performWrite, logFunc, connection) {
            () => "ALTER TABLE "+table._dbTableNameLC+" ADD FOREIGN KEY ( "+field._dbColumnNameLC+" ) REFERENCES "+other._dbTableNameLC+" ( "+field.dbKeyToColumn._dbColumnNameLC+" ) "
        } else {
    } else {

    Collector(ret, cmds.toList)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Schemifier.scala source code file:

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